Throwback to last Summer....DIY necklace and embroidery (outfit post, ethno village Herceg) / Prošloga ljeta....ogrlica koju sam izradila i vez( odjevna kombinacija i etno selo Herceg)

Welcome to sunny Herzegovina! Lately I've been thinking about taking up embroidery again. Seeing this dress made me realize that I miss it. Embroidery has always had a special attraction to me, both as a craft and as a form of art. Not only do I love embroided clothing items, I like making them. However, I must admit that I don't find embroidery easy. It is very hard work, but maybe that is what makes it so special. It's been a while since I created a new necklace as well. Sometimes life just doesn't leave us space for our hobbies and we must wait patiently for that window of opportunity that will allow us to take up our old hobies.

 Once again, the location for my shooting is ethno village Herceg (here). These photographs were taken last year, but  because this place was featured on my blog a number of times, I wasn't in a hurry to post them. I try not to repeat locations too frequently, but naturally they are bound to be limited because I don't travel for a living. As I must have mentioned on this blog and as you could have seen many times, the weather in Herzegovina is predominately sunny. Today not so much. The storm is upon us. A windy and rainy day it is. 

It seems appropriate that the weather is gloomy, for who of us is not saddned by the recent tragic events in Nice? A sad day not just for France, but for humanity. I really don't know what to say. We must continue with our daily lives, but it is impossible not to be deeply shaken up when childrens are being killed with intention and malice. Shadow is upon us, upon Europe and there is no easy way of shaking it off. There are no words that can take the pain away, but where there is love, there is also hope. Make sure that you show love to those you love on daily basis, because you never know when it might be their or your own last day. 

Dobrodošli u sunčanu Hercegovinu! U zadnje vrijeme razmišljam o tome da se opet uhvatim vezenja. Sada kada vidim ovu haljinu shvaćam da mi vez (pa i zlatovez) nedostaje. Vez je uvijek za mene imao neku posebnu privlačnost, kao zanat i kao umjetnost. Ne samo da volim izvezene odjevne komade, volim ih i sama praviti. No, moram priznati da vezenje nije lako. To je jako težak posao, ali možda je baš to ono što ga čini posebnim. Dugo već nisam napravila neku novu ogrlicu. Ponekad nam život jednostavno ne ostavi prostora za hobije i moramo čekati pažljivo tu novu priliku da im se opet posvetimo.

Još jednom, mjesto snimanja je etno selo Herceg (here). Ove fotografije su uslikane prošle godine, ali nisam bila u žurbi da ih objavim, jer je ovo mjesto bilo na blogu nekoliko puta. Nastojim da lokacije snimanja budu raznovrsne koliko je moguće, ali pošto mi posao nije putovanje, lokacije snimanja su ipak ograničene. Kao što sam sigurno spomenula na blogu i kao što ste mogli vidjeti česti, vrijeme u Hercegovini je većinom sunčano. Ne i danas. Oluja se nadvila nad nas, a dan je kišovit i vjetrovit. 

Čini mi se prikladnim da je vrijeme sumorno, jer tko od nas nije rastužen tragedijom u Nici? Tužan dan ne samo za Francusku, nego i za svijet. Doista ne znam što reći. Svi mi moramo nastaviti s životom, ali nije moguće ne biti duboko potresen kada s namjerom i zlobom ubijaju djecu i nevine ljude. Nadvila se sjena nad nas, nad Europu i nećemo je moći lako otjerati. Nema riječi koje mogu otjerati tugu, ali gdje ima ljubavi ima i nade. Svaki dan pokažite onima koje volite da ih volite, jer nikad ne znate kada će biti njihov ili vaš zadnji dan. 

chocolate / čokolada: Braco i seka , brand Zvečevo 
dress/ haljina: no name+ diy embroidery / nije markirana, a vez je moj rad
bag/torba: no name, nije markirana
necklace/ ogrlica: my creation / moja kreacija
sneakers/ tenisice: Startas


  1. You should definitely continue to do it! I love embroidery but I've never actually done it myself. My mom has and she's very good at it.

    This dress looks beautiful on you <3

    xo Azu

  2. Great pis!

    I like your outfit!

    xoxo Jacqueline

  3. Super je haljina i sviđa mi se vez (jel to zlatovez? ne znam što je zlatovez :) ) Odlično ti stoji i slaže se s ogrlicom.
    I sviđa mi se lokacija.
    Kad sam bila mala, morala sam učiti kako se veze, ali nikad mi se nije primilo, čak ni kad su sve curke oko mene išle u male vezilje :D s druge strane, našla sam se u pletenju ;)
    Uživaj u vikendu!

  4. Super post, divna si

    Vildana from Living Like V

  5. Il colore del tuo abito è davvero molto delicato il ricamo e un'arte nobile non va assolutamente trascurata per quello che è successo non ci sono parole anzi una parola c'è... amore
    Un abbraccio

  6. The dress is so beautiful! And you look so classy! xx

  7. Lovely neutral Summer look, love the dress!


  8. Yes, let us keep the focus on the sweet, the beautiful things in life! And what better way to do that than with pictures of lovely you, dear. Keep shining inside and out, always so gorgeous. xoxo

    All Things Bright and Lovely

  9. I am yet to pick up my jaw from the horrid incident that occurred in Nice. Hate and violence are threatening to take over the world and it's very sad. I was telling my friend that it's almost like 4 days or so don't go by without the words 'breaking news' flashing on the tv screen and it's almost always bad news. No where is safe anymore. My heart goes out to the us all, the citizens of the world and I pray God restores peace, the kind that only Him can give, Amen.

    I cant believe these pictures are one year old. I find that when I don't use pictures soon after they're taken, i start to not like them anymore. Then they live in my camera or laptop permanently, never to see the light of day haha.

    The dress looks amazing on you Ivana. The color is great against your skin and the cut is just perfect. The location too, very beautiful. *swoon!

    I am clueless about embroidery. There are special sewing machines for that, yeah? You should definitely go back to it when you find time. I can only imagine that it'd be hard work, but then again nothing good comes easy. You are truly gifted in a lot of areas.

    I do know how to crochet and toyed with the idea of picking up yarn and knitting something to keep busy. Then again it's back to school in 5weeks so I better rest up.

    Have a lovely weekend. Oh and cute bag btw, :)).

    1. I feel pretty bad about it too, but let's hope for the best.

      What happens when I browse old pics is that I'm more selective. I usually include less photographs, which isn't bad...somehome time makes it easier for me to select pics that I want to post.

      yes, they have special machines for embroidery, I think that nowadays computers control them and one can have anykind of logo or whatever embroided in a matter of minutes...which is great, but traditional embroidery is usually more artistic, it makes a lot of effort, but the results are usually more impressive.

      Thank you!

  10. Beautiful post my dear! NEW POST

  11. I love embroidery but too lazy to do it!!

  12. Ciò che sta accadendo nel mondo è davvero terribile e disumano. Solo il pensiero fa venire i brividi.
    Ma per parlare di cose belle adoro il vestito che indossi, davvero bellissima ! un bacione xx


  13. Oh my! i miss you and your blog so much dear! so happy that I can visit here again!!! ahh feels so good! you look lovely in your outfit dear! and everytime you post a wonderful place in your country, it makes me wanna visit there more and more! I really hope so!
    I hope you are doing fine dear and have a wonderful day always!!!

    love lots,

    1. I'm happy that you can visit too..and now I'm going to visit you:)

  14. Yes I think embroidery of an art form too and though I have never done it myself, I've seen demonstrations and it definitely doesn't look easy especially to do it well. Hope you find the time to practice again.

    Recent events have been troubling and sad for sure and you're right that it doesn't just affect one country but all of humanity and we can only hope that it will bring people together and magnify peace, love and hope.

  15. You are wonderful ! This dress is perfect. Kisses beauty :)

  16. Ne znam baš ništa na temu veza, ali verujem da nikako nije lako, mada je opet verovatno i u tome njegova čar. Divno si osvežila tu haljinicu koja je i ovako divna, ali kao i uvek, ti si udahnula neki novi život i tvoju ličnu notu što se meni mnogo dopada :) Da nije tvoje frizure, ne bih pomislila da su slike od ranije, ali što da ne? Uvek kažem, makar ovde imamo potpuno slobodu da objavljujemo šta god i kad god poželimo ;)
    Što se Nice tiče, tuga jedna :( Baš se nadvilo neko zlo ali želim da se i dalje nadam da će mu se nazreti kraj u neko skorije vreme...

  17. Hand embroidery can tell a story, so precious!
    About all these tragedies... I don't have words only prayers.
    You look so beautiful next to the roses!

  18. Super ti stoji ova kombinacija i lokacija je predivna :)


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