In this post, I will show you a DIY statement necklace I (re)made. Made from recycled faux leather, a satin cord and sewing rhinestones, this statement necklace is a great example of upcyling and sustainability. There's much talk of sustainability in fashion these days. What is more sustainable than upcycling and recycling? DIY accessories have the added benefit of being unique. When you design something and make it with your own hands, you can be sure it is 'one of a kind' item. Recently I have (re)made and made a few necklaces like this one. If you look around your home, you'll probably find some materials that can be used to make recycled accessories. Why not try making your own accessories from recycled materials? Why not make your own unique necklaces, brooches, earrings and so on?
My history of making necklaces goes way back to my early teenage years and to some extent even to my childhood, but today we shall speak only of faux leather necklaces. Honestly, I would probably need a book sized post if I were to talk of all the ways I have made necklaces over the years, so let's limit the subject somewhat for the sake of brevity. I started making necklaces from recycled leather back in 2014 and documented it on my blog a number of times. What I have been using to make these faux leather necklaces hasn't changed ever since- I got all the material I needed from a second hand faux leather coat! In fact, you had the chance to see me wear it back in 2013. This faux leather coat was second hand so it was sustainable to start with. Actually, the coat was one of the pieces left over after a clothes fundraising charity thing I organized with friends back in 2011. Anyhow, I wore this coat until it was all worn out- and then I made tons of necklaces from it. What is more, I only used the bottom of the coat and I might convert the top into a cropped jacket some day- if I manage to find. I misplaced the top of the coat at some point in time, but I digress.
You could say this faux leather coat was recycled to perfection. I cannot believe how many necklaces, belts and brooches I was able to make from it over the years. One of the benefits of having a fashion blog is to able to keep track of these things. I tend to forgot these little DIY projects of mine. When I browsed my archives, I was truly surprised not just by how many necklaces I have been able to made from this coat over the years but how durable they were. I have made alterations on some of them recently (like this one). The alterations were made either because the sewing elastics I used were worn out (because they were probably super old when I used them in the first place) or because I wanted to upgrade the design. This necklace being an example of both, I'm really happy to show you how this alternation turned out.
HR U ovom postu ću vam pokazati upečatljivu ogrlicu koju sam prepravila (naglašavam prepravila jer sam ju davno napravila). Izrađena od reciklirane umjetne kože, satenske trake i kristala za šivanje, ova ogrlica izvrstan je primjer pronalaženja nove (bolje) namjene za nešto što smo već imali te održivosti. Danas se mnogo govori o održivosti u modi. Što je održivije od recikliranja i prenamjene predmeta u nove svrhe? Dodatna prednost ručno rađenih predmeta je što su jedinstveni to jest unikatni. Kada nešto dizajnirate i izradite vlastitim rukama, možete biti sigurni da je to pravi unikat, zaista jedinstveni predmet. Nedavno sam (pre)radila i napravila nekoliko ovakvih ogrlica. Ako pogledate po svom domu, vjerojatno ćete pronaći neke materijale koji se mogu koristiti za izradu recikliranog nakita i modnih dodataka. Zašto ne biste pokušali izraditi vlastite modne dodatke od recikliranih materijala? Zašto ne biste sami napravili unikatne ogrlice, broševe, naušnice i tako dalje?
Moja povijest izrade ogrlica seže još u rane tinejdžerske godine, a donekle čak i u djetinjstvo, no danas ćemo govoriti samo o ogrlicama od umjetne kože. Iskreno, vjerojatno bi mi trebao post veličine knjige kada bih pisala o svim načinima na koje sam izrađivala ogrlice tijekom godina, pa ćemo malo ograničiti temu radi kratkoće. Počela sam izrađivati ogrlice od reciklirane eko kože još 2014. godine. i to nekoliko puta dokumentirala na svom blogu. Ono što sam koristila za izradu ovih ogrlica od umjetne kože nije se od tada promijenilo - sav materijal koji mi je trebao nabavila sam od rabljenog kaputa od umjetne kože! Zapravo, imali ste priliku vidjeti me kako ga nosim još 2013. (poveznica u engleskom dijelu teksta). Dakle, ovaj kaput od umjetne kože bio je rabljeni pa je za već u startu bio održiv. Zapravo, kaput je bio jedan od komada koji je ostao nakon dobrotvorne akcije prikupljanja sredstava za odjeću koju sam organizirala s prijateljicama još 2011. U svakom slučaju, nosila sam ovaj kaput dok se nije sav izlizao - a onda sam od njega napravio veliki broj ogrlica. Štoviše, koristila sam samo donji dio kaputa, a možda ću gornji dio jednog dana pretvoriti u skraćenu jaknu - ako uspijem pronaći. Negdje sam zagubila taj gornij dio kaputa nekad, ali skrećem s teme.
Moglo bi se reći da je ovaj kaput od umjetne kože recikliran do savršenstva. Ne mogu vjerovati koliko sam ogrlica, remena i broševa uspjela napraviti od njega tijekom godina. Jedna od prednosti modnog bloga je mogućnost praćenja ovih stvari. Sklona sam zaboraviti ove svoje male 'napravi sam' projekte. Kad sam pregledavala svoju arhivu, bila sam uistinu iznenađena ne samo koliko sam ogrlica uspjela napraviti od ovog kaputa tijekom godina, već i koliko su bile (i ostale) izdržljive. Nedavno sam napravio izmjene na nekima od njih (kao što je ova). Izmjene su napravljene ili zato što su elastike za šivanje koje sam koristila bile istrošene (jer su vjerojatno bile vrle stare i kad sam ih prvi put koristila) ili zato što sam željela nadograditi ili popraviti dizajn. Ova ogrlica je primjer i jednog i drugog, jako mi je drago pokazati kako je ispala ova nadogradnja.
A necklace like this one is quite easy to make. In fact, I first made this necklace years ago. Initially it was pyramid shaped (see here or in the collage below, the first image on the left). The pyramid design completed with the sewing elastic worked great with turtlenecks, but wasn't that wearable without them. I already mentioned that the sewing elastics I originally used were probably old I'm always on lookout for things I can recycle in my home. Sometimes this backfires because I use a thread that's ancient and it falls apart while I'm sewing, but on the other hand the sewing threads they sell these days aren't always quality made, so they tend to break as well. When you'e using the old ones, at least you're using what you already have- ( I'm not sure does it count as recycling, though?). The elastic I used to secure this necklace years ago was becoming worn out, so I decided to replace it off with a satin cord. I actually upcycled this satin cord from one of the floral boutiques my husband gave me this year, see it
WHAT EXACTLY DID I ALTER ON THIS NECKLACE AND WHY? Besides, replacing the sewing elastic with a satin cord, I changed the shape of the necklace from a classical triage shape to something that will sit more comfortable on the neck. All I needed to do that was to cut out a triangle shaped piece of the faux leather on top. I didn't change the bottom in any way. The next thing I did was to add rhinestones. As always, I used sewing rhinestones because I think sewing is better for the environment that glueing. Besides, sewing is more reliable that glueing, even if it is more time consumingand labour intensive, it's worth it.
HR Ovakvu ogrlicu prilično je jednostavno napraviti. Zapravo, prvi put sam napravila ovu ogrlicu prije mnogo godina. U početku je bio trokutastog tj. piramidalnog oblika (vidi preko poveznice u engleskom dijelu teksta ili u kolažu ispod, prva slika lijevo). Piramidalni dizajn upotpunjen gumicom za šivanje izvrsno je funkcionirao s dolčevinama, ali bez njih nije bio tako nosiv. Već sam spomenula da su elastike za šivanje koje sam prvobitno koristila vjerojatno stare. Uvijek sam u potrazi za stvarima koje mogu reciklirati u svom domu. Ponekad se to izjalovi jer koristim prastari konac i raspadne se dok šivam, ali s druge strane, konac za šivanje koje danas prodaju nisu uvijek kvalitetno izrađeni, pa se i pokidaju. Kada koristite stare, barem koristite ono što već imate - (ali nisam sigurna je li se to računa kao recikliranje?). Elastična traka za šivanje s kojom sam pričvrstila ovu ogrlicu prije nekoliko godina bila je iznošena pa sam je odlučila zamijeniti satenskom vrpcom. Zapravo sam uzela ovu satensku traku iz jednog od cvjetnih buketa koje mi je moj muž poklonio ove godine, možete pogledati kojeg preko poveznice u engleskom dijelu tekstu).
ŠTO SAM TOČNO IZMIJENILA NA OVOJ OGRLICI I ZAŠTO? Osim što sam zamijenila elastičnu traku za šivanje satenskom vrpcom, promijenila sam oblik ogrlice iz klasičnog trokutastog oblika u nešto što će ugodnije stajati na vratu. Sve što sam trebao učiniti je izrezati komad umjetne kože u obliku trokuta na vrhu. Nisam ni na koji način mijenjala donji dio ogrlice. Sljedeće što sam učinila je dodala kristale za šivanje. Kao i uvijek, koristila sam kristale za šivanje jer mislim da je šivanje bolje za okoliš od lijepljenja. Osim toga, šivanje je i pouzdanije od lijepljenja pa iako oduzima više vremena i truda, vrijedno je dodatnog truda i vremena.
If you decide to make a similar necklace, why not try using the stuff you have at home? I think most people have an old faux leather bag (if not a coat) they can recycle. Plus, you can use any kind of thicker textile for this, it doesn't have to be faux leather per se.
- And obviously you'll need a NEEDLE AND A THREAD (almost forgot to write that, though!)
Step no.1:
-cut out as much faux leather as you will need
Step no.2:
-sew the decoration of your choice (sewing beads, rhinestones, crystals- whatever suits your fancy)
Step no.3 :
-sew the satin cord making sure it is the right length for your neck....and it's really as easy as that!
Prvi korak:
- izrežite onoliko eko kože koliko će vam biti potrebno za ogrlicu
Drugi korak:
- ušijte dekoraciju po izboru (perlice, kamenčići, kristalići za šivanje- što god želite)
Treći korak:
- prišijte satensku traku pazeći da je duljina odgovarajuća za vas...i zaista je tako lagano!
EN When I design necklaces, I like to make sure they can be worn multiple ways. Why not make something that can be worn as a belt? If you forget to leave enough satin cord to be able to wear this kind of necklace as a belt, you can always cheat and add elastics or something like that. Always remember to improvise and change things up!
Kada dizajniram ogrlice, volim se pobrinuti da se mogu nositi na više načina. Zašto ne napraviti nešto što se može nositi kao remen? Ako zaboravite ostaviti dovoljno satenske vrpce da ovu vrstu ogrlice možete nositi kao remen, uvijek možete improvizirati i dodati elastičke trake ili nešto slično. Ne zaboravite da možete uvijek improvizirati i promijeniti stvari!
This statement necklace can also be worn as a headpiece as demonstrated on the photographs bellow. I actually quite like how it looks worn as a headpiece. I did always like hair accessories. Who knows, maybe I will work out more ways to wear it on my head. I can already think of another way to do it- by wrapping it around my hats and perhaps even beanies. The possibilities are endless when you're not afraid to be creative in your fashion choices. As I might continue to wear black for a little while, I feel an increased need to accessorize.
Ova upečatljiva ogrlica se također može nositi kao traka ili ukras za kosu kao što je prikazano na fotografijama ispod. Zapravo mi se jako sviđa kako izgleda nošena kao ukras za kosu Uvijek sam voljela modne dodatke za glavu ili kosu. Tko zna, možda ću smisliti više načina da ju nosim na glavi. Već se mogu sjetiti drugog načina da to učinim - omotavajući ovu ogrlicu ga oko šešira, a možda čak i kapa. Mogućnosti su beskrajne kada se ne bojite biti kreativni u svojim modnim odabirima. Budući da bih još neko vrijeme mogla nastaviti nositi crno, osjećam povećanu potrebu za modnim dodacima.
The fun neither started nor it shall end with this post (not if it's up to me). You may check my old posts for more inspiration and I promise to bring you more faux leather necklace themed posts in the future.
I browsed my archives to find 33 posts focused on faux leather necklaces (that I often wear as head pieces or belts as well). I could have probably found a few more, but I felt 33 posts is enough. For those of you who want to have a better idea of what these DIY faux leather necklaces look like, 33 posts will be introduction enough. I still have most of these necklaces. Some of them I gifted away, but most of them are still getting worn.
Zabava s ovim postom nije niti počela niti će završiti (ako se mene pita). Možete pogledati moje stare postove za više inspiracije, a obećavam da ću vam u budućnosti donijeti još postova na temu ogrlica od umjetne kože.
Pregledala sam svoju arhivu i pronašla 33 posta usredotočena na ogrlice od umjetne kože (koje često nosim i kao komade za glavu ili remenje). Mogao sam vjerojatno pronaći još nekoliko, ali smatrala sam da su 33 posta dovoljna. Za one od vas koji žele bolje predočiti kako izgledaju ove DIY ogrlice od umjetne kože, 33 objave će biti dovoljan uvod. Još uvijek imam većinu ovih ogrlica. Neke od njih sam poklonila, ali većina još uvijek nosim.
P.S. I've just clicked on this cool video about sustainable fashion by Zoe Hung and it is great, so I'm linking that up. I don't follow a lot of fashion YouTube channels (just a few belonging to fellow bloggers), but I really like her channel because it's quite educational.
Thank you for visiting. Have a nice day. /Hvala na posjeti. Želim vam ugodan dan.
A Gorgeous Multicultural Piece There My Friend - A Very Dynamic Pose On The Noodle As Well - Stay Creative And Smile Often - You So Rock
Thank you. Have a nice day.
DeleteGorgeous and what a great idea to upcycle leather like that. I use to work at a thrift store and wish I'd bought some leather items that were generally unsellable. It looks really comfortable to wear too.
ReplyDeleteThank you. It is very comfortable to wear.
DeleteSuch a good idea! I save all the ribbons that come on bouquets of flowers, or are tied around boxes - and this is a great idea to re-use them! I also save the little packets of "extras" (sequins, buttons, gemstones) that come with some new-with-tag items that I find - those would also be great for a project like this.
ReplyDeleteI love that you got your craft on, Ivana - these all look amazing!
Thank you. I always do the same, I save all the ribbons. They always come in handy. I sometimes use them for DIY projects and sometimes to wrap presents.
DeleteThis statement necklace is stunning and it's great that it can also be worn as a belt and head piece/hair band. Repurposing your faux leather coat by using the leather to create jewelry is such an amazing way to upcycle and be more sustainable.
DeleteThat looks amazing. I love how you are wearing it different ways too :-D
ReplyDeleteThank you Ananka.
DeleteBeautiful artwork!
DeleteFantastic recycling and really versitile, too. Like Sheila, I save bits of ribbon and all manner of scraps. Our town even has a leather museum with a box of free offcuts visitors can help themselves to. Brilliant and inspiring post! x
ReplyDeleteWhat a brilliant idea! I need to visit that museum.
DeleteFab necklace / belt / headpiece Ivana! Such a good idea to recycle an old faux leather coat. You look very glamorous modelling it too xXx
ReplyDeleteThank you Lulu.
DeleteThat's an absolutely stunning necklace! I wish I was that gifted to make stuff with my own hands - it's so difficult for me to actually keep up with a recipe or some simple steps to create jewelry, and I have tried! This necklace suits you very well, and it looks a bit like Marie Antoinette's French style!
ReplyDeleteThank you so much! I'm glad you liked it.
Deleteso beautiful great work
DeleteOh, it's always great to keep memories going. Love the idea for this project. Very cool and so many ways to wear it too. You always amaze me. I'm glad to meet someone who likes to upcycle too ❤
ReplyDelete<3<3<3 I'm happy to hear you enjoy upcycling too. It's fun, isn't it?
DeleteLove this! Such an artist you are! Love how you put this together. And to wear it as a belt and and headband..WOW.
ReplyDeletep.s..I'll be posting tomorrow. Thank you so much for reading my blog and your comments too. All the best to your creativity!
I'm glad to hear of it.
DeleteI love the fact that you have an amazing handcraft..... This was beautiful to read through... I will try out a diy soon.
ReplyDeleteGlowyshoe's blog
Thank you. :)
Deletelindo collar te mando un beso
DeleteThis is a great idea. The necklace is a beautiful and these are lovely ways to wear them!
DeleteYou are right, it's unique. I like that you can use it in different ways too. Well done for creating something so lovely. xx
DeleteWhat a fun upcycling project, Ivana! That necklace is an absolute gem - pun intended - and you are looking very glam wearing it as a headpiece! xxx
ReplyDeleteThank you.
DeleteL'hai realizzata tu? Ma è bellissima, complimenti!
ReplyDeleteKisses, Paola.
My Instagram
si:) Grazie:)
DeleteIt's such a pretty embellished necklace - such a great statement piece! It's lovely you were able to refresh it and change it up yet again so you get multiple necklaces from one! :)
ReplyDeleteHope that your week is going well :)
Away From The Blue
Thanks Mica
DeleteYou look so great with the necklace as headpiece, I really love that! <3 I like the idea and the necklace turned out very beautiful. Plus, it`s an upcycling DIY - which is also a good idea!
ReplyDeletexxx Maren
Thank you!!!