A necklace that I gave away.....Ogrlica koju sam poklonila....

Mostar city. There is always something new to discover in this city. Some area, neighbourhood or a view that I haven't found out about yet. While I'm making those discoveries, I like to carry a book with me because, if you ask me, it is always a good time for reading. Today I would like to recommend to you a novel by Thomas Mann. Its original title (in German ) is Der Erwählte. If I'm correct (or better to say, if wikipedia is correct) in English it is translated as The Holy Sinner. It is a really fascinating novel. Its postmodernist irony and intertextuality mixes suprisingly well with its spiritual theme.

Grad Mostar. Tu se uvijek može otkriti nešto novo. Neko područje, susjedstvo ili pogled koji još nisam otkrila. Dok se bavim otkrivanjem, volim ponijeti s sobom neku knjigu, zato jer ako mene pitate, uvijek je dobro vrijeme za čitanje. Danas bih vam preporučila doista zanimljiv roman Izabranik Thomasa Manna. Iznenađujuće je koliko se dobro njegova postmodernistička ironija i intelektualnost slaže s duhovnom temom. Uživala sam čitajući ga i to je najbolja preporuka koju mogu dati. Svakako imajte na umu ovaj roman preveden kao Izabranik ( u orginalu je Der Erwählte.) 

Necklace/ogrlica: my creation, moja kreacija
pants/hlače: borrowed from husband, posuđene od muža
shoes/cipele: Peko
rest/ostalo: no name, nije markirano
DIY necklace/ ogrlica moj ručni rad

 Have you read anything by Thomas Mann? If you answer is yes....What novels by Thomas Mann have you read so far? I only read one of his novels, the infamous Death in Venice but I surely plan to read more of his works.

Jeste li  čitali Thomasa Manna i ako jeste, što ste  od njega čitali? Začudo, ja sam dosada pročitala samo Smrt u Veneciji, ali uskoro se bacam i na druga djela.  

 I immenesly enjoyed reading it and that is the best book recommendation I can give. I really don't have to say anything about the author, he is quite famous, isn't he? Sometimes I think it is actually not a good thing for a writer to achieve that status of a legend, because it makes people read them in a different way....When something, any art piece really,  is proclaimed to be a masterfiece, we often stop reacting on it on an intimate level. On some level,  we're so anxious to concur to society options that we don't reallly open our heart to art anymore. I sometimes wonder whether some isolated tribe member from Amazona would not better be able to comprehend Mona Lisa than your average person who has been bombared by the images of Mona Lisa so often it had became a sort of background noise, something akin to brand logo, something we take for granted. The power of brands lies precisely on our human weakness to take things for granted and believe we know something if we can name it. This weakness of ours allows brands to influence our subconsciousness. This human need to know things by naming them is not always a bag thing, this world is a complex place and our brain need shortcuts to keep us from going mad, but it is exactly this creation of mental shortcuts that is catastrofic for understanding of art.

O piscu ne moram ništa posebno reći, svi znaju za njega, zar ne? Mislim da je za pisce nekada i nedostatak kada dostignu taj status legende jer ih onda ljudi ne čitaju na isti način. Kad nešto, bilo kakvo umjetničko djelo, doživi status remek djela , često ih prestajemo doživljavati na intimni način. Na nekoj razini, toliko smo u potrebi da se složimo s mišljenjem društva da ne otvaramo svoje srce umjetnosti. Ponekad se pitam ne bi li neki izolirani član Amazonskoga plemena mogao bolje razumjeti Mona Lisu nego prosječna osoba koja je toliko bombardirana slikama Mona Lise da ona postaje buka u pozadini,  nešto kao znakovi marki, nešto za što podrazumijevamo. Na našoj ljudskoj slabosti pretpostavljanja da nešto znamo ako možemo povezati sliku s nekom riječju u našim glavama počiva snaga marki i njihov snažan utjecaj na našu podsvijest. Nije to uvijek loše, svijet je složeno mjesto i naš mozak treba prečice da ne bismo poludjeli, ali upravo je to stvaranje mentalnih prečaca katastrofalno za shvaćanje umjetnost. 

DIY necklace

We are instructed to respect the artistic achievements of human kind. However, how can you truly respect them if you have never questioned them? How can we respect something that we have never really thought about? If we have never formed our own opinion about something, just copied pasted that of the society, than how can we possibly talk about respecting something? It is better to honestly admit to not understanding something. I think the worst we can do to any art work is to take it for granted. The fact is that you might have seen Mona Lisa a thousand times but you have never REALLY seen it....and isn't that just the saddest thing? This doesn't have to mean that you have to be into painting, art or anything of the sort. What I'm trying to say is that the ability to think is something that needs to be developed. It seems to me that too often we're too busy surviving and adopting ourselves to this chaotic life than we forgot how important is to think with our own head.

Uče nas da poštujemo umjetničke dosege ljudskog društva. Međutim, kako ih možemo doista poštovati ako nismo nikada doista razmislili o njima? Kako možemo poštovati nešto o čemu nismo doista promišljali? Ukoliko nikada nismo oblikovali svoje mišljenje o nečemu, nego samo kopirali mišljenje društva, kako možemo doista poštovati nešto? Bolje je jednostavno priznati da nešto ne razumijemo. Mislim da je najgore što možemo učiniti nekom umjetničkog djelu je uzeti ga za gotovo. Činjenica je da ste možda vidjeli Mona Lisu tisuću puta, ali je niste nikada DOISTA vidjeli...i zar to nije nešto najtužnije? Ne mora vas uopće zanimati slikarstvo, umjetnost ili išta slično....Što pokušavam reći je da se sposobnost mišljenja mora razvijati.  Čini mi se da smo prečesto previše zauzeti preživljavanjem i prilagođavanjem kaotičnom životu da često zaboravljamo kako je važno misliti svojom glavom. 

Dodaj naslov

necklace/ogrlica: my creation, moja kreacija
pants/hlače: borrowed from husband, posuđene od muža
shoes/cipele: Peko
rest/ostalo: no name, nije markirano

necklace/ogrlica: my creation, moja kreacija
pants/hlače: borrowed from husband, posuđene od muža
shoes/cipele: Peko
rest/ostalo: no name, nije markirano


  1. Lovely place and great weather :) An extra touch with the Red bag.


  2. Ne bih mogla više da se složim sa svime što si rekla. Ja čak možda donekle i bežim od remek dela, od pisaca, knjiga, pa čak i mesta koje su toliko otišla daleko na toj lestvici da si prosto primoran da misliš na to kao o remek delu iako, kao što si rekla, ni ne stigneš da promisliš svojom glavom. A ako to uradiš i ne osteiš to isto što su mnogi pre tebe, onda kao da nešto sa tobom nije u redu. Ne znam, meni se to desilo sa Firencom npr. očekuješ toliko toga jer si tako čuo i naučio, i onda dođem tamo i lepo je, ali ne mogu sad da padnem u nesvest i nešto jer su mi neka možda manja i daleko nepoznatija mesta ostavila jači utisak, baš zbog toga, jer sam na miiru i sama došla do zaključka da li mi se sviđa ili ne (daleko od toga da mi se Firenca nije svidela, ali razumeš šta hoću da kažem). E pa isti slučaj je i sa knjigama...
    Moram priznati da me Mostar iznova izneneašuje, i sama vidim da je uvek neki drugi deo grada u pitanju, a ovaj danas je prelep. Mislim da imamo taj identičan simptom o otkirvanju iznova i iznova gradova u kojima živimo s tim što ja nikako ne mogu da čitam tako negde, već kod kuće :)
    Izgledaš predivno i opet si postigla tako originalnu kombinaciju. Pantalone tvog muža su pun pogodak, a mešavina crvene i maslinasto zelene mi je izuzetno draga. Ogrlica je šlag na torti! :)
    Divan, divan i tako kompletan post, baš za uživanje i razmišljanje ;) <3

    1. da, ja sam isto takva....neko vrijeme sam čak i bježala od bilo čega razvikanog ili poznatog, pa se s vremenom opet vraćam klasicima, ali često mi se na primjer dogodi da se pronađem u nekoj slici koja nije toliko poznata ili u nekoj knjizi koja nije priznata...to sam i mislila reći, nekad je lakše uspostaviti vezu s nekim mjestom koje nije poznato....

      da, mislim da imamo isti običaj otkrivanja grada u kojem živimo.

  3. Thank you so much for your book recommendation, dear Ivana! I love Thomas Mann a lot and read "Der Zauberberg", "Die Bekenntnisse des Hochstaplers Felix Krull" and - of course - "Tod in Venedig". His literay language is amazing.

    You look again fantastic! What a surprise, that this georgeous trousers are from your husband. Maybe I should take a look at my second closet, if there is a trouser that I can wear as Nadine too ...

    Have a lovely day,
    kisses Nadine


  4. Such a beautiful place, wow! :) I love the architecture. <3 You look stunning as always, dear, that handbag is so gorgeous! :)


  5. Such a lovely place and beautiful outfit. I love the color combo of this outfit and the touch of the red is really pretty<3 Kisses <3

  6. It's no nice to descover new placese and yes, it's always time for a good book :)


  7. Very cool, as always :)


  8. What a stunning place!! :) You look gorgeous I am obsessing over those pants!


  9. Postavila si uistinu neka zanimljiva pitanja... Ja sam se često pitala zašto su neka umjetnička djela na tolikoj cijeni i tko su ti koji to određuju, kao i cijena samih... Jednom sam čak i profesoru na fakultetu postavila pitanje (inače, čovjek je svojvremeno bio Ministar kulture te jedan od ključnih ljudi po pitanju kulture i njenog ekonomskog aspekta i dan danas u Hr i Europi te ga kao takvog iznimno cijenim) kolika je prava cijena nekog umjetničkog djela. Odgovorio je : "Onoliko koliko je budala spremna platiti." Uvijek se toga sjetim kada vidim da je neko umjetničko djelo doseglo neku ludu vrijednost na izložbama. Ma to je tema o kojoj bi mogla diskutirati u nedogled pa bolje da prestanem. :)

    Ti si lijepa i trendy kao i obično. Najviše mi se sviđa tvoj gard na fotkama, baš si mi prava coolerica :*

    1. jako zanimljivo....da, možda je to upravo pravi odgovor. Većina umjetničkih djela, npr. slike velemajstora su samo investicija za one koji ih kupuju...stave ih u sef i prodaju kada im skoči cijena...samo matematika.

  10. I haven't read any novels for ages. I'm more into documentary books lately :)
    Beautiful outfit, dear. Very chic and elegant!!

    Lu | www.balgarka.co.uk

  11. Great Outfit post!
    Kisses from germany, Sophie♥

  12. Your post made me think about a lot of things Ivana! Thanks for taking your time and writing it!
    Loving your style here, perfect for fall!


  13. You look really nice:) I love the photos <3
    kisses from Poland!


  14. Loving that fringe bag dear. This outfit is so pretty I really like the wide legged pants :)


  15. I never was reading any book of Thomas Mann, I will try to find this book :-) You look so beautiful today and very relaxed..I love your pants :-)

  16. You look so great!


  17. It must be fun to constantly discover new things about where you live. I feel the same about NYC and it really keeps things interesting :) I've heard of Thomas Mann but I've never read any of his work. I've only heard of Death in Venice and The Magic Mountain. It sounds like his writing gives one alot to think about.

    Rowena @ rolala loves

  18. You look stunning in this post xo

  19. Sei sempre piu bella:) un bacio


  20. I love the photos)) You look so beautiful today)

  21. Such a lovely relaxed, casual look Ivana! kisses

  22. Lovely photos and cute outfit! I love seeing your creations, you're so talented! :) xx

  23. Must say that I have never read anything from Thomas Mann and neither have I heard of his name before but that could be because I don't read his genre. Thank you for the recommendation, Ivana, I'll check his work.

    Shireen | Reflection of Sanity

  24. Hello dear Ivana! Firsty, I totally agree with you and support your wise words - when it comes to the art something undiscovered sometimes is more precious than something from "well-known" brand or famous. What's more I think the same about seeing Mona Lisa many times, but have never really seen it, dear Ivana. Btw, I have a chance is see this masterpiece on my own eyes, in Luwr Museum in Paris many years ago and honestly, it wasn't amazed me as much as I thought to :) Moreover, I love your husband's striped trousers, they look great on you :)


  25. Che bella questa borsetta! Lucy www.tpinkcarpet.com

  26. wonderful place to visit, to read, to relax... like your pants and 70's vibe.

  27. Beautiful scenery. Interesting article. I so agree with what you are saying. Humans have become conditioned to mindlessly follow the leaders and not think thoroughly anymore. I will have to read the book you recommending by Thomas Mann. Your outfit is pretty and your husbands pants look great on you. :)


    1. yes, that is so true...we have it in our nature to follow the leaders.

  28. I very much enjoyed reading your reflections on really looking, forming ones own opinions and responses and being open to ones own experiences of the world and of art and literature - rather than following or repeating the opinions of others who appear 'high status'.

  29. It is so difficult not to become numb to the great art we encounter in life, and even moreso with the great art that is life. Our brain does sort of protect us from realizing how every word we speak, evey time we inhale, every time we can sleep, that these are fantastic, amazing, wonderful things. But with so much of humanity addicted to "busy" the brain has worked overtime to create a numbing buffer to keep anything from every really staying there. People get captivated for a time with something, and then in a while the next thing and the first one fades. To go even deeper, I truly question whether there are any more relationships or marriages that are truly based on love for that very reason. If there are, they are older and most rare. Very thought provoking stuff.

    All Things Bright and Lovely

    1. so true...it is difficult not to become numb.

      I do think there are many relationships that are based on love, but sometimes they're not easy to spot.

  30. Love your bag

    New post :

  31. What a stunning place! I'm in love with your bag!

  32. That book sounds interesting.
    You really love reading.
    Btw, i love this look on you and that bag is so cool

    The Bandwagon Chic | Instagram | Bloglovin | Snapchat: bandwagonchic

  33. molto bello questo look ,mi piace il pantalone

  34. Love your outfit and the pictures are incredible beautiful :)
    lots of kisses, dear xx

    following you!


  35. Your blog is so cute. Would you like to follow each other?
    Follow me and I follow you :)

  36. Looking so lovely, Ivana :)
    I've never read anything by Thomas Mann but will be looking into it. Always so nice to learn new things.
    xox Nadia

  37. Such warm weather in your place now! That's really cool!
    Amazing pictures! Love your stylish outfit. The pants are very cute. As always you look very pretty, Ivana!


  38. Ogrlica ti je famozna, a styling veoma originalan! Volim sto si sve upotpunila, muzevim pantalonama! Sjajno! Preporuka je savrsena. Moracu i ja da pocnem da ga citam, jer na zalost jos uvek nisam...Puse :*

    1. mislim da će ti se svidjeti, baš je složen.

  39. There is always a right time and place to read a book, I do it everywhere, and most often in a bus or train, although recently less travel. My daughter laughs at me, with'm taking a book out of the house, because I always have one in my purse.
    I once read a book by this author, but quite a long time. the one about which you write seems siębyćbardzo interesting, and for that spiritual message and a deep rethink this lubięnajbardziej in books of this type.
    Beautifully you present yourself against these wonderful views, great place.
    Your outfit today is different from the previous, and very highlights your character and personality. You are a wonderful, beautiful and very smart girl, my dear. Beautiful pants, they look lovely.
    I kiss you and have a nice weekend !!!

    1. I agree with you, it is always a good time for reading.
      thank you very much for your compliments:)

  40. Great place and views, you look beautiful, I love your outfit, specially the handbag :)

  41. I love how your necklace matches with your bag dear! Thomas Mann is a good writer. I'll check on his work as soon as I have enough time with me. These days, I am often running out of time. ehhehe

    love lots,


  42. Love everything about this look!! Have a lovely day :-)


  43. wowzers! you look absolutely amazing! love your outfit!

  44. I love your striped pants Ivana! Beautiful pictures!

  45. Marvelous landscape ! Your pants are amazing ! Cute top too :)


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