Hello! In this post I'll review Foundation and Empire, a novel by Isaac Asimov. Regular readers of my blog will know that I'm quite fond of this author. The Foundation by Isaac Asimov is possibly one of the best known book series in science fiction and was awarded multiple awards (including a special Hugo Award for Best All time Series in 1966). It has recently been adapted as a TV series. So far this 2021 adaptation has met with positive reviews. However, I won't talk about the adaptation (because I haven't seen it yet) but about one of the original books. Besides, books are more my area of expertise. 

Not that I would mind posting a movie or a series review now and then. If you're interested in that kind of stuff, let me know. Anyhow, I read this novel (the second book in the Foundation series) about a month ago. It was back in October, while I was still in Split (Croatia). I borrowed a copy from Split's city library. I actually read most of this in the main city library. Do you ever read in libraries? Where do you read? Do you have a reading spot? Obviously, I often read at home. Libraries are another obvious choice but sometimes I like to take my books with me while I'm out and about so I can read whenever an opportunity presents itself (like waiting for a bus, a waiter or whatever). 

Prvo da kažem da nisam sigurna kako prevesti Asimov serijal knjiga na hrvatski budući da sam sve Asimove knjige čitala na engleskom. Koliko sam uspjela pronaći na netu, Foundation se na hrvatski prevodi Fondacija (na wikipediju piše da je ispravnije Zaklada, ali koliko vidim to nije službeni prijevod nego nečije osobno mišljenje). Neću sada ulaziti u sve prijevode i izdanja, nisam uopće sigurna jesu li sva djela ovog književnog serijala prevedena na hrvatski,  previše je toga da bih sada istraživala sve to. Koliko sam vidjela, nakladnik Znanje je izdalo ovu knjigu u hrvatskom prijevodu pod naslovom Fondacija i Carstvo, pa ću i ja koristiti taj naslov za ogled koji ću danas podijeliti. 

Stalni čitatelji bloga znaju da mi je Asimov veoma drag pisac. Fondacija (Foundation) Isaaca Asimova vjerojatno je jedan od najpoznatijih serijala knjiga u znanstvenoj fantastici i nagrađen je višestrukim nagradama (uključujući posebnu nagradu Hugo za najbolji književni serijal svih vremena 1966.). Nedavno je Fondacija adaptirana kao TV serija. Do sada je ova adaptacija iz 2021. naišla na pozitivne kritike. No, neću govoriti o televizijskom serijalu (jer ga još nisam pogledala) nego o jednoj od originalnih knjiga. Osim toga, knjige su više moje područje nego filmovi i serije. Nije da  ne bih mogla s vremena na vrijeme objaviti  recenziju filma ili serije. Ako vas takve stvari zanimaju, javite mi.

 Uglavnom, pročitala sam ovaj roman (drugu knjigu serijala Fondacija) prije otprilike mjesec dana. Bilo je to još u listopadu, dok sam još bila u Splitu. Posudila sam primjerak iz gradske knjižnice. Zapravo sam većinu romana pročitala u središnici gradske knjižnice. Čitate li ikada u knjižnicama? Gdje čitate? Imate li mjesto za čitanje? Očito, često čitam kod kuće. Knjižnice su još jedan očiti izbor, ali ponekad volim ponijeti knjige sa sobom dok sam vani kako bih mogla čitati kad god mi se ukaže prilika (kao što je čekanje autobusa, konobara ili bilo što).


 As for the  outfits I'll share today, they are all about floral pattern and cute pointy heels. I like to sneak floral pattern into my autumn outfits. Why not? Pointy shoes are another old favourite. You'll find links for these outfits (showing different ways I wore them) under the outfit photographs. I don't usually link up my items to stores where you can buy them because most of stuff I wear is vintage, second hand or just old. Instead I link them to other outfit posts, showing you multiple ways to wear something. You know, trying to promote sustainable fashion and stuff. 

Što se tiče  odjevnih kombinacija koje ću danas podijeliti,  pamtim ih po cvjetnom uzorku i slatkim štiklama na špic. Volim uključiti cvjetni uzorak u svoje jesenske outfite. Zašto ne? Cipele na špic (takozvane špicoke) su mi još jedan stari favorit. Ispod fotografija ćete pronaći linkove za ove odjevne predmete(koji pokazuju različite načine na koje sam ih nosila). Obično ne povezujem svoje artikle s mjestima gdje ih možete kupiti jer većina stvari koje nosim su vintage, rabljene ili samo stare. Umjesto toga, povezujem ih s drugim objavama odjeće, pokazujući vam više načina da nešto odjenete. Promoviranje održive mode i tako to. 

LILAC DRESS (designer Stanka Zovko), FLORAL SKIRT (Kiko), METALLIC HEELS (old) 

OUTFIT DETAILS: LILAC SWEATER (mana), PRINTED YELLOW JUMPSUIT (old), BLUE TIGHTS (can't remember where I bought them) & PINK HEELS (old)


Asimov was neither the first, nor the last writer to create a series of book set in the same future. Many science fiction writers planned centuries and millennium into the future, creating a series of stories and novels set into a determined future- what is nowadays called a future history. Sometimes writers write timeliness for their future histories, sometimes they don't. Some future histories are more loose and don't go into specifics of when or why something happened, some are very detailed and mention concrete dates and events. Robert A. Heinlein was one of the first writers to write future histories. When he started writing a series of stories set in the same future world, he lead to the invention of the term 'future history'. I have a copy of Heinlein's short stories somewhere at home and I distinctly remember reading about how he wrote a very precise timeline of future history and used it when writing. Since then, many writers wrote and continue to write future histories. Ursula K. Le Guin did the same thing with her Hainish Cycle. What perhaps sets Asimov apart from the other writers of future histories is the concept of pyschohistory and the amount of detail Asimov put into this series. Now, it is possible to read any of the books in the Foundation series on its own, but it is good to know a bit about the series. Basically, The Foundation series follows the development of mankind as predicted by a scientist Hari Seldon, the man who invented psychohistory.  Seldon predicts the fall of the galactic Empire and ensures the survival of mankind by creating Foundations. Basically, Seldon populates two planets on the opposite sides of galaxy with scientists and engineers devoted to his cause- and leaves them with precise instructions that will last them centuries. Seldon calls these two planets Foundation and the rest is (future) history.  For more detailed information about what that exactly means, you may read this excerpt from Wikipedia: "The premise of the stories is that, in the waning days of a future Galactic Empire, the mathematician Hari Seldon spends his life developing a theory of psychohistory, a new and effective mathematical sociology. Using statistical laws of mass action, it can predict the future of large populations. Seldon foresees the imminent fall of the Empire, which encompasses the entire Milky Way, and a Dark Age lasting 30,000 years before a second empire arises. Although the momentum of the Empire's fall is too great to stop, Seldon devises a plan by which "the onrushing mass of events must be deflected just a little" to eventually limit this interregnum to just one thousand years. To implement his plan, Seldon creates the Foundations—two groups of scientists and engineers settled at opposite ends of the galaxy—to preserve the spirit of science and civilization, and thus become the cornerstones of the new galactic empire. One key feature of Seldon's theory, which has proved influential in real-world social science,[3] is the uncertainty principle of sociology: if a population gains knowledge of its predicted behavior, its self-aware collective actions become unpredictable." * source HERE

Asimov nije bio ni prvi ni posljednji pisac koji je stvorio serial  knjiga koje se odvijaju u istoj budućnosti. Mnogi pisci znanstvene fantastike planirali su stoljeća i tisućljeća u budućnost, stvarajući niz priča i romana smještenih u određenu budućnost – ono što se danas naziva budućom poviješću (future history na engleskom). Ponekad pisci pišu vremenske mape za svoje buduće povijesti, ponekad ne. Neke buduće povijesti su labavije i ne ulaze u pojedinosti kada i zašto se nešto dogodilo, neke su vrlo detaljne i spominju konkretne datume i događaje. Robert A. Heinlein bio je jedan od prvih pisaca koji je pisao buduće povijesti. Kada je počeo pisati niz priča smještenih u isti budući svijet, doveo je do izuma pojma 'buduća povijest'. Imam primjerak Heinleinovih kratkih priča negdje kod kuće i jasno se sjećam čitanja o tome kako je napisao vrlo precizan vremenski okvir buduće povijesti i koristio ga pri pisanju. Od tada su mnogi pisci pisali i nastavljaju pisati buduće povijesti. Ursula K. Le Guin učinila je istu stvar sa svojim Hainish ciklusom. Ono što Asimova možda izdvaja od ostalih pisaca budućih historija je koncept psihopovijesti i količina detalja koje je Asimov unio u ovaj srijal knjiga. Naravno da je moguće samostalno čitati bilo koju knjigu iz serijala Foundacija Foundation), ali dobro je znati nešto o seriji. U osnovi, serijal The Foundation prati razvoj čovječanstva kako je predvidio znanstvenik Hari Seldon, čovjek koji je izumio psihohistoriju. Seldon predviđa pad galaktičkog Carstva i osigurava opstanak čovječanstva stvaranjem  Fondacija (Zaklada). U osnovi, Seldon naseljava dva planeta na suprotnim stranama galaksije znanstvenicima i inženjerima koji su predani njegovom cilju - i ostavlja im precizne upute koje će im trebati kroz bujna stoljeća. Seldon ova dva planeta naziva Foundacijama, a ostalo je (buduća) povijest.


Foundation and Empire felt like two novels in one. I mean I loved both parts of the novel so I have no complaints, but these two parts really did feel like two separate novels. Both parts of the novel are set in the same Universe but the characters are different in the first and the second part of the book. Moreover, there is a time gap between them- that is about a century long. The first part of the novel is about the conflict between Foundation and Empire and the second one about the war between Foundation/Traders and the mysterious Mule character. I believe parts of this novel were even published as different stories under different titles in various science-fiction magazines. Well, I'm happy to have read them in one book. The more Foundation stories, the merrier. Someday I will reread all the Foundation books in perfect order, but since I didn't start with the first one, I don't see the point in insisting on any particular order to reading them. 


Fondacija i Carstvo činio mi se kao dva romana u jednom. Mislim da su mi se svidjela oba romana, tako da nemam nikakvih zamjerki, ali ova dva dijela su se doista činila kao dva odvojena romana. Oba dijela romana smještena su u isti svemir, ali su likovi u prvom i drugom dijelu knjige različiti. Štoviše, postoji vremenski razmak između njih - to je otprilike jedno stoljeće. Prvi dio romana govori o sukobu Fondacije i Carstva, a drugi o ratu između Fondacije/Tradera i tajanstvenog lika Mazge (Mule). Vjerujem da su dijelovi ovog romana čak objavljeni kao različite priče pod različitim naslovima u raznim znanstveno-fantastičnim časopisima. Pa, sretan sam što sam ih pročitao u jednoj knjizi. Što više priča iz serijala Fondacija pročitala, to bolje. Jednog ću dana ponovno pročitati sve ove knjige u savršenom redu, ali budući da nisam počeo s prvom, ne vidim smisla inzistirati na nekom posebnom redoslijedu čitanja.

The first half of the book opens with a strong character- General Bel Riose of the Galactic Empire. There are many amiable qualities about him that make you root for him, even if you know that psycho-history dictates that Foundation will overcome the Empire. Technically speaking, Bel Riose is on the side of the bad guys, isn't he? However, he is quite likable, extremely capable and has a big role to play. Bel Riose is intelligent, considering and brave. He is completely devoted to the Empire and never acts in his own self-interest. His men seem to adore him and one hardly wonders at that. 

Bel Riose holds Barr (a patrician from a captured world) a prisoner, holding his family hostage. The two often have interesting discussions. Bel Riose presents tempting arguments about the Empire, stressing how without it there was anarchy. As the novel enfolds, Bel Riose starts to explore Foundation more and more. Bel Riouse visits it and cannot grasp how its people can be so assured of themselves and their victory. Bel Riose senses danger and plans an attack while the Empire is so strong in resources. He is aware that with time, the Empire might grown weaker because nobody knows how to build proper spaceships anymore. Barr, still his prisoner, maintains that psycho-history proves that Foundation will win over the Empire. Bel Riose argues that it is completely senseless that such at tiny enemy should defeat the Galactic Empire, but he is wise enough to prepare for it. He captures a Trader Devers (a Foundation man) whom he treats as well as his other prisoner the patrician Barr but remains suspicious of them both. Finally, the general decides to launch an attack on Foundation. Is the Foundation ready for it? Will they hold? Will Bel Riose convenience the Emperor himself to support his attack on Foundation with all its might? 


Prva polovica knjige počinje  upoznavanjem sa  snažnim likom - generalom Bel Rioseom iz Galaktičkog Carstva. On ima hvale vrijedne osobine koje vas tjeraju da navijate za njega, čak i ako znate da psiho-povijest nalaže da će Fondacija pobijediti Carstvo. Tehnički gledano, Bel Riose je na strani loših momaka, zar ne? Međutim, prilično je simpatičan, iznimno sposoban i ima veliku ulogu za odigrati. Bel Riose je inteligentna, obzirna i hrabra osoba.  Potpuno je odan Carstvu i nikada ne djeluje u vlastitom interesu. Čini se da ga njegovi ljudi obožavaju i to se nekako podrazumljeva. 

Bel Riose drži Barra (patricija s osvojene planete) kao zatvorenika, a njegovu obitelj kao taoce. Njih dvoje često vode zanimljive rasprave. Bel Riose iznosi primamljive argumente o Carstvu, naglašavajući kako bi bez njega bilo anarhije. Kako se roman razvija, Bel Riose počinje sve više istraživati ​​Fondaciju. Bel Riouse posjećuje taj planet i ne može shvatiti kako njegovi ljudi mogu biti tako sigurni u sebe i svoju pobjedu kada su neznatni u usporedbi sa Carstvom. Bel Riose osjeća opasnost i planira napad dok je Carstvo toliko jako u resursima. Svjestan je da bi s vremenom Carstvo moglo oslabiti jer više nitko ne zna graditi prave svemirske brodove. Barr, koji je još uvijek njegov zarobljenik, tvrdi da psiho-povijest dokazuje da će Fondacija pobijediti Carstvo. Bel Riose tvrdi da je potpuno besmisleno da takav mali neprijatelj porazi Galaktičko Carstvo, ali on je dovoljno mudar da se za to pripremi. On zarobi Deversa (čovjeka iz Fondacije) s kojim postupa kao i sa svojim drugim zatvorenikom, patricijem Barrom, ali ostaje sumnjičav prema njima obojici. Konačno, general odlučuje pokrenuti napad na Fondaciju. Je li Fondacija spremna za to? Hoće li izdržati? Hoće li Bel Riose doprijeti do samog Cara  i nagovoriti ga da svom snagom podrži njegov napad na Fondaciju?

The story only really starts there. I won't reveal what happens with Devers and Berr but I will say they are wonderfully crafted characters. The characters of the Emperor and his first counsel are wonderfully developed as well. Even some minor characters are quite vividly painted. The pacing is perfect, the construction of the plot is excellent and the story itself interesting and imaginative. Nothing to complain of here! Some great social-political observations, debates and analysis. Plus, I enjoyed how psycho-history always came up victorious. I love the whole Foundation concept. So far, I really loved all the Foundation novels I have read...and that brings me to the second part of this novel.

Priča tu zapravo tek počinje. Neću otkriti što se događa s Deversom i Berrom, ali ću reći da su to divno osmišljeni likovi. Likovi cara i njegovog prvog savjetnika također su divno razvijeni. Čak su i neki manji likovi prilično živopisno oslikani. Tempo je savršen, konstrukcija radnje izvrsna, a sama priča zanimljiva i maštovita. Ovdje se nema što zamjeriti! Neka sjajna društveno-politička zapažanja, rasprave i analize. Osim toga, uživah u tome kako je psiho-povijest uvijek bila pobjednička. Sviđa mi se cijeli koncept Fondacije. Do sada su mi se veoma svidjeli svi romani Fondacije koje sam pročitala...i to me dovodi do drugog dijela ovog romana.



The second part of the novel takes place about the century after the first one. It's a bit hard to write about it without spoilers but I shall do my best. As the novel opens, we learn that the Foundation leadership has become tyrannical causing the Trading planets to rebel against it. However, this is not all. The Mule that is mentioned in the title of the novel is a nickname of a powerful character. This mysterious man who is rumored to a mutant causes an even more serious threat to Foundation.

I liked the second part of the novel (perhaps even more than the first one) because there was an element of mystery there. It reminded me of Asimov's detective Robot novels (also part of The Foundation series). The story itself was so packed with action and information that I had to reread many a passage again. It really is quite clever. Sometimes I would miss a piece of information and I had to reread some parts again to be able to follow the story. There is an emotional touch to this part of the novel and there's a strong female lead that takes matters into her own hands. The ending is simply brilliant! Highly recommended!


Drugi dio romana odvija se otprilike stoljeće nakon prvog. Malo je teško pisati o tome bez spojlera, ali dat ću sve od sebe. Kako se roman otvara, saznajemo da je vodstvo Fondacije postalo tiransko zbog čega su se trgovački planeti pobunili protiv njega. Međutim, to nije sve. Mazga koja se spominje u naslovu romana nadimak je moćnog lika. Taj tajanstveni čovjek za kojeg se priča da mutant izaziva još ozbiljniju prijetnju Fondaciji.

Svidio mi se drugi dio romana (možda čak i više od prvog) jer je tu bio element misterije. Podsjetilo me na Asimovljeve detektivske romane o robotima (također dio serijala Fondacije/ The Foundation). Sama priča bila je toliko puna akcije i informacija da sam brojne odlomke morala ponovno čitati. Stvarno je dosta pametno napisana. Ponekad bi mi nedostajala informacija i morao sam ponovno čitati neke dijelove da bih mogla pratiti priču. Ovaj dio romana ima emocionalni dio, a posebno mi se svidjela  i snažna junakinja djela koja uzima stvari u svoje ruke. Kraj je jednostavno briljantan! Preporučujem.


To conclude, I loved both parts of this novel. What I loved the most about the first one was the mature discussion of social and political matters (still relevant today). What I loved the most about the second one was how the mystery element blended perfectly with the story itself. All in all, I immensely enjoyed this novel!


Da zaključim, svidjela su mi se oba dijela ovog romana. Ono što mi se najviše svidjelo u prvom je zrela rasprava o društvenim i političkim pitanjima (i danas relevantna). Kod drugog mi se najviše svidjelo kako se tajanstveni element savršeno uklopio u samu priču. Sve u svemu, neizmjerno sam uživala u ovom romanu.

As always, thank you for reading and visiting. Take care.


  1. Love the floral skirt worn over the lilac dress, the pieces work so well together! It's good you enjoyed this novel! :)

    I've been finding that I have been reading a lot more books this year since visiting the library. I put any books that sound interesting on my hold list, sometimes there ate over 30 people in front of me waiting for the book, sometimes I get it almost right away. It means I might have a week I get no books or one week I get 3 books, haha! I only read 22 books last year (and that was a lot compared to what I was able to read when the kids were little, I'm aiming for 100 this year!)

    Hope that your week is off to a good start :)

    Away From The Blue | Handbag Gift Guide

    1. 22 is very good score, more than most people read a year.

  2. Lindo look es una genial novela. Gracias por la reseña. Te mando un beso

  3. It's been years since I read the Foundation Trilogy, but I recall enjoying them. I adore Heinlein (although he had some odd ideas) and Ray Bradbury for his sheer poetry in how he writes.

    Love your sneaky fall florals, and be still, my heart, I am a pointy-heels gal at heart! I love the blue tights with the pink heels. Fabulous, Ivana!

    I buy most of my books secondhand, and pass them along. I haven't been in a library in so long, but I used to love my library as a kid.

    1. I adore Heinlein and Bradbury too. I agree that Heinlein had some odd ideas. The quality of his work varies, some of his novels are more than a bit strange, but when he gets it right, he really gets it right. I sometimes buy books second hand too.

  4. Your book reviews are nothing short of riveting. Thank you for the depth that you into and the passion that you bring to the table - or would the be the reading nook? :)

    Grey and purple are such an underappreciated colour combo. You're reminding us all of just how stylish, elegant, and classic - yet also fresh feeling at the same time - they can be. Many thanks as well for that, lovely lady.

    Happy wintertime reading!
    Autumn Zenith 🧡 Witchcrafted Life

    1. Thank you Autumn for your lovely comment. I like to mix and match colours with grey.

  5. I have never heard before about this book, thanks for the review, it looks like a book I will enjoy reading. I need to check in my local library if they have it available. All the outfits are great but I'm in love with the floral skirt from Kiko
    By the way, I've just discovered your blog and it`s so cool, I will check your future blog posts :)
    Kisses from

  6. Always beautiful <3

  7. The author has a way of creating such epic worlds. Thanks for bringing us such a hearty review. Lovely Autumn looks too! Looking cozy in your space. Wonderful Post. So Fabulous! Hope your week is going well.

  8. He is the best of the best. A true classic of his genre! You have some lovely outfits too. Awesome what you have put together! Thanks so much for your insight. Wonderful post!

  9. Although I've always loved reading, I am currently struggling a bit as I simply do not seem to find the time for reading. I do love snuggling up on the sofa with a good book on bad weather days, but my go-to place for reading is in bed :-)
    Loving your colourful outfits, and in particular the yellow floral jumpsuit worn with the lilac jumper, sky blue tights and pink shoes! xxx

  10. Hello
    Well, I don't like sci-fi, with your books reviews I'm tempted to read, such is your talent for "intoxicating" us with your wonderful explanations! I have a lot to learn from you ahahh!!
    As for your look, I notice that you are in the mood for lilac, which is a beautiful color! You look very elegant in both looks!

  11. Sempre interessanti i tuoi suggerimenti in fatto di lettura, bellissimi i tuoi look pastello!
    Kisses, Paola.


    My Instagram

  12. I love your purple top with these cute sleeves. I also enjoy reading at home the most.

  13. Such pretty colours in your outfits, that shade of lilac is lovely with your hair.
    I'm at my most active reading-wise lying on a deserted beach in 30°C heat - I'm a solat powered reader! At home I always read in bed and if I have a spare hour I'll lie on the chaise in the lounge with a book. xxx

  14. Hello Ivana, I hope you're having a nice week and feeling a little bit better :)

    I liked the way you approached to this masterpiece! I have a few titles by Isaac Asimov in my library but this one is not there, but as you know there's always space to include more titles in the collection and this one sounds like a bomb! I really liked the way you explained us the plot and the main topics but leaving a bit of intrigue in case we want to get the book! I will search for it, and the good news is that this author is easy to find at secondbook stores :) Right now I am not commited to any novel, but I am currently reading Los Angeles book by Taschen, a book that tells the story of the city and adds beautiful stunning pictures, my next one is The Baskerville Hound.

    And I loved your fashion proposals, you're lately wearing a lot of lilac right? I bet that color is powerful enough to add motivation but a little bit of calm to these autumn months. And many people maybe think that combining it could be hard, but it looks really well in all of your proposals!


  15. The books sound interesting! Never heard of them before but one particular quote stood out for me:

    "....if a population gains knowledge of its predicted behavior, its self-aware collective actions become unpredictable."

    Your outfits are both fun and vibrant. I'm always amazed at how you wear the heels so effortlessly. I call them Barbie heels and my feet never warmed up to them. LOL. Love the editing on the images for this post. You look very lovely and comfortable in your living space :) xoxo

    1. I love Barbie heels, but naturally I don't wear them all the time, that would be bad for health reasons.

  16. LOvely look :)

  17. He was an interesting writer. I love these outift. OMG I love the blue tights with the pink shoes - great idea :-D

    1. Thank you Ananka. I must wear this combo again.

  18. Sadly I find I do not read as much as I use to, all my downtime on the train I do social media and than after working all day I am on the computer and then I eat and go to bed I find I have so little time for reading now, it is kind of sad. All these books sound really good though. And this lavender shade looks SO good on you! I am loving all these looks.

    Allie of

  19. Hello Ivana, that sounds like an interesting book for my husband again!
    Your outfits are great - this lilac tone suits you so well and all the colors you have combined look incredibly fresh!
    Warm greetings from the new grandma 👵🏻🥰👶🏼 Traude

  20. Dear friend! This book sounds good. I havent read it before. All clothes photos you shared here are beautiful and lovely. All fit you very well. Thanks for the review.

  21. Like Le Guin, Asimov is one of those authors I really SHOULD read but haven't done!
    I bet my Brother in Law has them- he is into sci-fi!
    I love the lilac in your outfits, so, so pretty! I really like the blazer and floral skirt look -so pretty! I would totally wear that outfit!


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