Fashion illustration of the day (green coat) / Modna ilustracija dana (zeleni kaput)

moja modna ilustracija/ my fashion illustration

I've been getting a lot of questions lately about my fashion illustrations. How do you I manage to be so productive? What brand of watercolours I use?...etc. Well, I'm not sure there is a trick to being productive. There are some methods we can employ, but they're pretty personal, by that I mean they are something we develop on our own, so I'm not sure how helpful will my advice be to somebody. I think it is like with food, the more you draw or paint, the more you feel like drawing or painting, the more you need it (ok, now it sounds a bit more like drugs than food but you know what I'm getting at. Besides, metaphors are never perfect). I might share some tricks that personally work for me (like sketching a lot) in the future but being productive is a relative term. Some illustrations might take a lot of time, so even if you make just one per day or month, you're still being productive. Do you know what I mean? Productivity is one of those words that needs a context to be understood. It will all depend on what level you're working on and for what purpuse, that is, what is your goal. This applies to all creative work, not just to drawing. You are probably the one who can judge the best if you're being productive or not. Maybe it is all a matter of work ethics. I said many times I personally don't believe in waiting for inspiration. If you have a creative job or hobby of any kind and you're waiting for that perfect day when everything is alright and you have a few hours to yourself, that day will probably never come and you won't get any work done. You must do what matters to you even when you're having a bad day,  when you have fever, when you have a headache and even when you don't feel like doing it in the first place. Sure, there are times when you do need your rest but if you leave your creative work only for those times when everything is perfect, the chances are that day may never come. Now, I will answer another frequently asked question and that is the one about my drawing style. When it comes to my fashion illustrations, I don't follow any rules. I don't think there is anything wrong with exploring new styles. In addition, I personally find it boring when all fashion illustrations start to look the same. Sometimes the proportions of a body are not realistic at all. They don't have to be...and sometimes they are if I want them to be. If you are a professional fashion illustrator and you're working on a comission, then you will have to talk with your client and see what they want. If you are making that fashion illustration for yourself or your friend, then other rules apply. It all depends for what purpuse you're making that fashion illustration in the first place. There are many different methods and styles you might opt for if you want to make a fashion illustration. I might elaborate on that some other time. Finally, let's talk about watercolour brands. I'm a pretty honest person. There isn't a particular brand of watercolours that I use, I usually just buy the cheapest sort. There are some paintings that do require special watercolours, but the kind I'm working on right now can be done with the worst type. That's my opinion anyway. If you have any other questions, feel free to send me an email or leave the questions in the comments.

Dobivam puno pitanja u zadnje vrijeme o svojim modnim ilustracijama. Kako to da sam tako produktivna? Koju marku vodenih boja koristim? ...i tako dalje. Prvo, mislim da ne postoji neki trik kojim postajemo produktivni. Postoje neki načini koji nam mogu pomoći, ali oni su dosta osobni i ne znam koliko bi moj savjet u tom smislu mogao biti nekome koristan.  Mislim da je to kao s hranom, što više crtate ili slikate, to više imate želju za crtanjem ili slikanjem i to vam postaje zapravo potrebno (sada to već zvuči kao droga, a ne hrana, ali što ja mogu, nijedna metafora nije savršena). Znate li na što mislim? Produktivnost je jedna od onih riječi kojima je potreban kontekst da ih razumijemo. Sve ovisi o tome na čemu radite i za koju svrhu, te koji je vaš krajni cilj. Ovo se može primijeniti na kreativan rad bilo koje vrste, ne samo na crtanje. Vi ste vjerovatno onaj ili ona koji može  prosuditi jeste li produktivni ili ne. Možda je u pitanju samo radna etika. Rekla sam puno puta da osobno ne vjerujem u čekanje nadahnuća. Imate li bilo kakav kreativni posao ili hobi i čekate taj nekakav savršen dan kada ćete imati nekoliko sati samo za sebe, vjerovatno ga nikad nećete ni dočekati i nećete ništa napraviti. Morate raditi ono do čega vam je stalo čak i kada imate loš dan, kada imate temperaturu, kada vas boli glava i kada vam se ništa ne radi. Naravno, nekad se morate i odmoriti, ali čekate li nekakav savršen dan za kreativni dan, on vjerovatno nikad neće doći. Sada ću odgovoriti i na još jedno često pitanje, a to je ono koje se tiče moga stila crtanja. Ne slijedim nikakva pravila kada su u pitanju moje modne ilustracije. Ne mislim da ima išta loše u istraživanju novih stilova i meni osobno je dosadno kada modne ilustracije sve izgledaju isto. Ponekad su proporcije tijela koje crtam potpuno nerealne i to je u redu, a nekad su realnije jer mi je to namjera. Ukoliko ste profesionalni modni ilustrator i radite na nekoj narudžbi, onda ćete se savjetovati s klijentom da vidite što su oni imali na umu. Radite li modnu ilustraciju za sebe ili za prijatelje, onda vrijede druga pravila. Sve ovisi o tome u koju svrhu ste počeli stvarati tu modnu ilustraciju. Postoje različite metode i stilovi među kojima možete birati ako želite napraviti modnu ilustraciju. Možda i o tome jednom  nešto napišem. Konačno, reći ću nešto i o markama vodenih boja. Ja sam poprilično iskrena osoba pa ću odmah reći da nema neka određena marka koju koristim, obično koristim obične jeftine vodene boje koje se mogu kupiti u svakom dućanu za nekoliko kuna i mislim da mi zasada ne treba ništa drugo. Istina je, da za određeni tip akvarela doista treba kupiti bolje i kvalitetnije boje, ali za ovo na čemu trenutno radim, moje je mišljenje da i nije potrebno. To bi bilo sve, ako imate još kojih pitanja, slobodno pitajte preko epošte ili ovdje u komentarima. 


  1. che bella questa illustrazione!

  2. Que máximo essa ilustração amei.
    Video Novo:

  3. Slažem se s tobom. što više radiš nešto ili se nečim baviš, to više će ti dolaziti postoji savršen dan niti savršen trenutak za početak.

  4. Productivity is one of those things that can be so subjective since everyone had different work habits and pace of working. Thanks for sharing your process and another great illustration.

  5. Amazing <3

  6. Your fashion illustrations have a charm that comes from your uniqueness and I agree that often they can all start to look alike. It's as though fashion illustration is a style itself like Manga. I agree with your ideas about productivity and creativity. Basically, I am sorry to say, but Nike ads got it right: Just Do It. I also think it's important to recognise that what you do from day to day may not look exactly the same.
    I have learned to see input as something at least almost equal to output. Sometimes I am gathering ideas and inspiration and reflecting on them as well as or instead of drawing, painting or writing. Sometimes my writing is scribbled notes and my drawing is more doodling, but it's all part of the process and I consider it all a form of the work.
    Happy New Year, lovely Ivana. xoxo

    1. Sometimes it is like the ad says: just to do it! I do agree with you that the input is as important as the output. We need time to gather ideas and sort them out.

  7. Beautiful illustration:) You are very talented girl:)

  8. Totally agree with you that we should do creative work any time and we don't have to wait for a perfect moment, great illustration, dear, this lady reminds me you, Ivana :)

  9. This looks amazing, always impressed.

  10. An interesting essay on the craft and a lovely example. I like the little garden path.

    All Things Bright and Lovely

  11. This is marvellous my dear, always enjoy seeing these!! Keep on doing them. Happy weekend xx

  12. Ohn dear, thanks a lot :D I'm very glad to read your oppinon :D you're fabulous :D

    I really love this green coat :o

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  13. That illustration is super cute!

  14. Such a stylish illustration, I really like it! And agree that creativity should be exercise at all times and just waiting for it to happen is not very useful! Thanks for sharing!


    1. thank you dear:) waiting for it to happen is not very useful indeed.

  15. Hello dear,
    what a beautiful illustration, you are very talented!
    I followed you back on GFC & bloglovin!
    Hugs & Kisses

    1. thank you, I will follow you back if I already haven't.

  16. Baš mi je bilo zaniljivo da pročitam nešto više na tu temu. Pozpuni sam laik kad je sve to u pitanju ali makar mogu da složim sa tim da savršeni dan ne postoji i da što više čekamo, manje su šanse da ćemo nešto i uraditi. Ne volim kad me nešto mrzi pa odugovlačim mada je valjda normalno da imamo i bolje i lošije dane i da produktivnost varira. Ja nekako uvek tražim ravnotežu u svemu, pa i u tome :)

  17. this is absolutely my fav combo in colours.
    New Post on my blog, do drop by soon ,<3

  18. Che bel mix di colori hai creato... fantastico il cappottino!!!!
    Kisses, Paola.


    My Facebook

  19. Amazing color combos. and love your writing too!

  20. another great picture drawned by you - love it

  21. Hi Ivana.. this post is so lovely xx

  22. I like hearing your thoughts. I had a friend who was a musician. By week, he would work as a pianist accompanying at the Opera house but he made himself spend the morning on Sundays composing so he kept in practice and exercised his creativity. I like that idea. I wish I spent more time composing!

    1. that sounds like a good plan...Composing on weekend! Creative work is very draining so it is important to find balance and not overdo it.

  23. Wish I could draw like you, Ivana. Can't recall when was the last time I ever drew. Hahaha! xoxo

  24. I really love your fashion illustrations, dear, you have some real talent! :) They always look so effortless, creative and colourful. <3



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All your comments mean a lot to me, even the criticism. Naravno da mi puno znači što ste uzeli vrijeme da nešto napišete, pa makar to bila i kritika. Per me le vostre parole sono sempre preziose anche quando si tratta di critiche.

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