It took me approximately +20  hours spanned over the course of three days to finish this painting of mountain church of saint Elias. Yes, I didn't get much sleep in the last three days and I'm not feeling so great as a consequence but that's fine, I rarely enjoy the painting process itself and I've been suffering from insomnia anyway. The original painting was made and gifted but art prints (and prints on various products) are available in my redbubble shop (link).

THE STORY OF THE PAINTING- THE MOUNTAIN CHURCH OF SAINT ELIAS- I sure didn't enjoy painting this one. I wanted to make the painting more realistic and lifelike so I opted for a fine brush and many many strokes on the details. It took me good eight hours just to finish the road leading to the church and the stone house in the foreground. I felt like curling into a ball and crying later that evening. Yes, painting isn't always enjoyable. It is more the finished product that I'm after. I paint because I like to own and gift art. This time I was after the details and you know what? The recipients of this painting loved it because of how detailed it was. Who enjoys painting this kind of detailed painting anyway? It's hard on the hands, I had to ice them before every 4-6 hours painting session.  Anyhow, the reason why I hurried to finish this particular painting was because I wanted to make it a gift and I did earlier in the day. So, it all worked out in the end!

A HOUSE WARMING GIFT FOR A COUPLE THAT GOT MARRIED IN THIS CHURCH!- So, this painting was actually a house warming gift. A married couple (obviously someone we know) recently moved into their new home and I wanted to gift them a painting. Originally I was thinking of the Boats in the Night painting of mine but then I thought- what painting would be better that the painting of a church they got married in? So, that I was I was working on for the last three days. I finished the painting yesterday at midnight and I gave them to them today. 

THE STORY OF MY OUTFIT- I wore this black coat over this today, as sunny at it was, it was also cold. All the items in this outfit are old. Once again, I was shopping my closet. The scarf- worn here, the blazer- worn here, the grey dress- here and the heels- here.  My hairstyle was inspired by Croatian folklore and I styled my hair myself- as I always do. 
Nature park Blidinje is worth a visit. You are more than welcomed to have a look at my previous posts if this subject is of interest to you. Naturally travel isn't an option right now but at least we can travel virtually: 

THE MOUNTAIN CHURCH OF SAINT ELIAS - AN OASIS IN GREEN- since I already shared photographs of this place and wrote about them in detail in my older posts, this time I'll leave you with just two photographs. If you want to see and read more, you can read about this mountain church of saint Elias in this old post of mine. 

HOW TO WRAP A PAINTING? How to wrap a painting is always an interesting question. This time I decided to recycle the Christmas decor I already had at home and just use some Christmas cord, a faux flower and a dried autumn leaf I painted gold some time ago. I think it came out alright. What do you think? How do you wrap paintings? How do you wrap gifts?  I think that an individual touch is always nice. If you cannot put in the hours to make something yourself, you can always personalize a gift by writing a nice thoughtful card with it or something of the sort. 

Thank you for reading and visiting. Have a lovely day!


  1. Now you know how Van Gogh felt! Awesome job. I love the little details you put into this. Wonderful hard work, indeed. Lovely adventure you've been on in this creation! All the best!

    1. Yes, but he must have felt even worse because he did it all the time!

  2. how so beautiful, you and your art, your painting so beautiful. i like it

  3. Sei davvero elegantissima IVana! E adoro il tuo dipinto, sei troppo brava ma lo sai!
    Don't Call Me Fashion Blogger

  4. This painting is beautiful dear. This place on pictures looks amazing- I hope I will be have a chance to visit them one day. Have a lovely week dear xx

  5. What a wunderful church Ivana. I love your painting.

    xoxo Sabine

  6. What a lovely gift idea! I can see why this took a while to complete - it is very detailed! But so worth it, it looks lovely! You're such a talented painter :)

    Hope that you had a fun weekend :) Despite the very wild and wet weather here we managed to get to a couple of Christmas parties which was lovely.

    Away From The Blue | Handbag Gift Guide

  7. What a nice gift that will bring them back good memories.


  8. Sembra così reale il tuo dipinto, sei davvero brava Ivana... bellissima la chiesetta!

    Kisses, Paola.


    My Instagram

  9. I remember this church from your past visits to Nature Park Blidinje, and I love the detail you put into that painting, even if you weren't enjoying the process so much. I'm glad to hear the recipients of your present were delighted with it! It is certainly very atmospheric! xxx

    1. Thank you. I'm not completely happy with the painting but the important thing is that the recipients liked it.

  10. Great artwork! I like it very much! :)

  11. Gosh, I'm sorry you hadn't been sleeping well. At least you have this creative outlet to immerse yourself in Ivana. You've outdone yourself with this one.

  12. Io trovo che i tuoi dipinti di panorami siano le tue opere migliori, Ivana: sono veramente stupendi!
    magari questo dipinto ti è costato un sacco di lavoro e fatica, ma il risultato, secondo me, ricompensa in pieno tutto: è una meraviglia!
    E poi l'idea di regalare ad una coppia di sposini un dipinto della chiesa in cui si sono sposati la trovo un'idea così dolce e carina!!! Sei un vero tesoro!

  13. You are very talented Ivana. I'll bet the married couple will absolutely love it! That is a lot of dedicated hours, well done to you : ) xo


  14. I feel your pain from all that detail! My hands also ache after hours of working on anything. However, it's well worth it - that is a beautiful painting, Ivana. I'm so glad that the couple you gave it to appreciated all the detail you put into it! I can see every blade of grass.

    I love your creative wrapping - so pretty!

    1. Thank you. I always enjoy the wrapping part when it comes to gifting. I think it gives such a personal touch.

  15. So beautiful paint <3 lovely post dear, so much talented


  16. Ivana, you are a very talented girl. Your new painting is beautiful.

  17. Beautiful paint...
    love it

    greeting from Indonesia

  18. I love this painting for so many reasons. It does have a lot of details and it looks realistic and gorgeous, but the fact that it was a gift for someone who got married there makes it even better. It's wonderful and you should be so proud. xx

  19. Congrats on your newest piece, babe! It's gorgeous!

    Le Stylo Rouge

  20. I can see why this painting too you so long! It looks amazing! And it makes such a special and personal gift.

    Ekaterina | Polar Bear Style

  21. Wow, this is the most beautiful place! You are so lucky to be able to go stunning places like this - I'm so jealous!

    Amy x wandering-everywhere.com

    1. Also I am so jealous of your travels at this time! This is probably the longest that I have ever stayed still for and it was driving me nuts, but I've come back to your blog after months of not visiting (I'm sorry, it's been a hard couple months), and I am so glad to be back. It feels so familiar to be back on your blog, and I can live vicariously through your tales and photographs.

      I hope you are doing well, and it is good to be back on your blog !! <3

    2. Thank you Amy. I'm happy you enjoyed it. Virtual travel is not a perfect substitute for real travel but it can be a pretty good option too.

  22. Dear Ivana, your painting turned out super perfect - it was it definitely worth your spend all these hours to paint it! Wow, I'm very impressed. And I like you in your very elegant look <3
    xx from Bavaria/Germany, Rena

  23. So beautiful painting, you are such an artist!!



  24. The first thing I thought when I saw the painting, other than it is beautiful, is that it is a little different than your usual style. And then I read about your process. Wow that was time intensive but the result is worth it and I'm sure the couple that you gifted this to will surely appreciate the work and thought you put into it. Well done as always!

  25. What a wonderful present Ivana! I would be SO touched if someone painted the church I got married in! It really is beautiful and the detailed work is exquisite! It was worth the effort!


  26. The traditional Nigerian Yoruba head wrap is named a gele. they are available during a wide selection of gele styles, from elaborate designs to simple head wrapping. the design and appearance of the gele depends traditionally on the world of origin and therefore the status of the lady who wears it. More often gele was worn by married women. A more elaborate design shows a better social station of the one who wear the gele. A gele is are often made from different fabrics, like Brocarde, Damask, or Aso Oke with African prints, plain or bold patterns. Geles are complementing African women attires and are one among the foremost popular clothing accessories in Africa.
    african fashion

  27. I love your painting! Especially the detailing on the buiding, pathway and greenery. I'm such a fan of the layered detailed look and it made me smile just looking at your work of art! I think that's so lovely and thoughtful of you to create an art as a gift to your newly-wedded friends. And, I'm also a fan of your hairdo! Your outfits look chic as always and I hope you will continue to express your artistic nature and perhaps, enjoy the process too :) xoxo


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