A few more reasons to visit Blidnje..../ Još par razloga za posjet Blidinju....

Time for my second post about motel Hajdučke Vrleti, located in nature park Blidinje ( Bosnia and Herzegovina).  The mountain air always does me good. As I said in my previous post, I quite enjoyed my stay here. Hajdučke Vrleti is one of the major touristic attractions of this nature park, perhaps in part because this place is the centre of so called 'Hajduk republic', founded by the owner of this establishment. They organize cultural manifestations and that sorts of things and it's all great fun. This republic is obviously symbolic but it has its own constitution and laws. If you apply you can get a passport. In fact, you can have your passport made in this motel.

One of the things you might want to know is that there is a ski resort near by. Naturally, it is not opened during the Summer but once the snow falls it gets busy. Hence, during the Winter, you better make sure to book your accommodation in advance. There are five hotels in nature park Blidinje and apartment accommodation is also available. I think we booked our room at Hajducke Vrleti one day in advance or something like that. There were a lot of guests in the motel, but I think they had a few more free rooms. The restaurant was packed at all times, but then it often is because this place is known for its food. 

Vrijeme je za moju drugu objavu o motelu Hajdučke Vrleti koji se nalazi u parku prirode Blidinje ( Bosna i Hercegovina). Planinski zrak mi uvijek odgovara. Kao što sam rekla u mojoj prošloj objavi, bilo mi je lijepo tu.  Hajdučke Vrleti su jedna od glavih turističkih atrakcija ovoga parka prirode, možda dijelom i zato jer je ovo mjesto sjedišnica takozvane Hajdučke republike, koju je osnovao vlasnik ovoga mjesta. Oni organiziraju kulturne manifestacije i takve događaje. Meni je to baš odlično. Ova republika je očito simbolična, ali ima svoj ustav i zakone. Ako se prijavite, možete  dobiti svoju putovnicu, a mogu vam je izraditi  tu u motelu.

 Uz to, možda bi bilo dobro napomenuti da u blizini ima i skijalište. Naravno, ljeti nije otvoreno, ali čim padne snijeg postane veselo. Tako da tijekom zime, bilo bi dobro unaprijed organizirate svoj smještaj. Na Blidinju ima pet hotela, a dostupan je i apartmanski smještaj. Mislim da smo mi rezervirali sobu u Hajdučkim Vrletima dan unaprijed ili tako nešto. Bilo je dosta gostiju u motelu, ali mislim da su imali još nekoliko slobodnih soba. Restoran je bio krcat cijelo vrijeme, ali tako je uvijek jer su poznati po dobroj hrani. 

The tourist guides will tell you that there might be a future for Summer tourism here, but from I saw, that future has already arrived! I was surprised with how many people I saw. This park spans a large area so obviously not all the places are filled with people (most of them aren't), but those that are have a great vibe of obvious and contagious merriment. In those areas where there are houses, hotels and apartments, there were many guests and tourists, young and old, groups of friends, bikers etc. These photographs were all taken in front and in vicinity of this motel. I wore this outfit for a walk later in day. The temperatures were surprisingly high considering that the altitude is more than 1000 meters. I packed warm jackets and coats, but there was no need for them, not even early in the morning, (when we left the following day).

Turistički vodiči će vam reći da postoji budućnost za ljeti turizm u Blidinju, ali moje iskustvo s terena je da je ta budućnost sadašnjost.  Iznenadilo me koliko sam ljudi vidjela. Ovaj park prirode obuhvaća ogromno područje pa očito nema ljudi posvuda i u većini parka je sama priroda, ali u onim djelovima gdje ima  puno ljudi, a to su oni dijelovi gdje ima kuća, hotela i apartmana, tamo ima i  gostiju, turista, obitelji s djecom, grupa prijatelja, motorista itd., sve je puno nekoga osjećaja očiteglednoga i zaraznoga veselja,  Fotografije su uslikane ispred i u blizini ovoga motela. Nosila sam ovu kombinaciju za šetnju kasnije u danu. Temperature su bile iznenađujuće visoke s obzirom na nadmorsku visinu od preko tisuću metara. Spakirala sam tople jakne i kapute, ali nije bilo potrebe za njima, čak ni rano ujutro (kada smo otišli idućega dana).

 Aren't those deer adorable? I love animals and they always seem to return the affection. Today I travelled from Split to Mostar with a dog on my lap. Nothing out of the ordinary, except the fact that the dog wasn't mine. It belonged to a young lady sitting beside me, but it decided that it absolutely must sit on my lap. Not that I mind, but it was pretty funny. Yesterday I met my friend at one cafe in Split and her new dog (she just adopted it from a shelter, yaay for shelter volunteers who drove it all the way from Slavonia to Split) spent a lot of time in my lap as well. I guess animals can sense when you love them.

Zar nisu ovi jeleni preslatki? Volim životinje, a i one nekako uzvraćaju osjećaje ili se tako čini. Danas sam putovala iz Splita do Mostara sa psom u krilu. Ništa neobično, osim činjenice da pas nije moj. Pripadao je djevojci koja je sjedila do mene, ali odlučio je da baš mora sjediti u mome krilu. Ne da mi je smetalo, ali bilo je smiješno. Jučer sam se našla s prijateljicom u jednom kafiću  i njen novi pas ( upravo ga je uzela iz prihvatilišta, bravo za volontere prihvatilišta koji su ga dovezli čak iz Slavonije) je proveo dosta vremena kod mene u krilu. Izgleda da životinje stvarno osjete tko ih voli.

Let's connect!


  1. The ski resort nearby sounds amazing for when it's Winter, but I like it when you visited too, you got to see deer!

    Raindrops of Sapphire

  2. I can see why it's a popular destination or is already a pretty popular destination, what a stunning place. I can only imagine how busy it is during Winter.

    Shireen | Reflection of Sanity

  3. Finally I get the time to catch up with your blog and what do I find? Cute animals and gorgeous legs! I am in the right place :)

    All Things Bright and Lovely

  4. Thank you my dear :D

    Sounds an amazing place to visit. Love it :D

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  5. Ti pa Bambi pa ti pa Bambi...ne znam tko mi je slađi! Mjesto stvarno izgleda kao iz bajke i ne sumnjam da ste uživali! Visoke temperature su me iznenadile, ali tko će ga znati...opet je ljepše što se nisi morala umotavati u puste kapute i jakne! :)

    1. istina, nisam se bunila:)...ma lijepo je bilo, jakom suncu unatoč može se osjetiti taj posebni planinski zrak, to izgleda najmanje ima vremena s temperaturom.

  6. Dearest Ivana,
    hihi, I think you need a dog ;o)) [But may be you have the same reason to have NO dog like I have - not enough time because of your job and all the other things that make you busy... So we have two cats because they are a bit more "independent"... They can walk through the garden and get into the house without our help, they just need someone to feed and to pet them, and when we are on holidays my sweet neighbour-friend does ;o))] Beautiful impressions of the nature park Blidinje and of the sweet deer-babies...

    Thank you for your valuable comment on my water-post, too!
    To your question because of the Split-thriller: There is apparently a new TV crime series under the title "The Croatia-Crime". And the first part was called: "The devil of Split"...
    Lots of hugs, Traude

    1. the reason why I don't have a dog is because my last dog was poisoned and I'm afraid that could happen again.

  7. I like animals. Animals must live in the wild.

  8. This place looks so cute! x

  9. The deer look so cute! That seems like such a scenic place to visit too. You always see the greatest countryside! :)

    Hope you're having a great week :)

    Away From The Blue Blog

  10. I found the story of the dog that wanted to sit on your lap the cutest thing. Animals are the best <3


  11. You are making me want to go there as well! It looks like a beautiful spot. Those deer are super cute, I just love seeing wildlife :)


  12. Dear Ivana, it is again easy to see that you are so happy there! Your eyes shine and you look beautiful. I think it is cool you can even skiing there in winter and maybe it is a pity that tourists already discovered this region. For sure the deer is cute! Thanks for this beautiful post.
    xx from Bavaria/Germany, Rena

  13. Amazing impressions! It looks like a wonderful place to visit. Nature parks are always worth a visit in my opinion. And the Bambis are very cute!
    Christina ♥ https://caliope-couture.com

  14. Oh the deer! How cute! You seem to be ahead of the curve when it comes to tourism ;)

  15. Joj, lane istopila sam se od slatkoce :-) Ovo mesto bi se meni bas svidelo, oaza mira i uzivanja! Svidja mi se i tvoj outfit, posebno ta haljinica-tunika.

    1. hvala:) ova haljinica tunika je jako praktična, nosila sam je valjda sto puta do sada.

  16. Moje prvo prezime je Jelenković pa mi je uvek bilo slatko što imam ličnu asocijaciju na jelene koje jako volim. Uopšte, veliki sam ljubitelj životinja pa sam se istopila kad sam videla slike sa njima :)
    Ja bih otišla tamo ovog trena. Ne sumnjam da bih uživala. Planine su nešto posebno i čini mi se da ih sve više i više volim. Pre nekoliko nedelja smo bili kod sestre mog muža koja živi na Pirinejima i takođe je bilo jako toplo, što me je baš iznenadilo. Delovalo mi je rizično da nosim samo letnju odeću ali nisam uopšte pogrešila. Verujem da je hrana odlična tamo kao i da je uopšte sve vredno posete. Divne su slike gde sediš pored prozora, a sunce dopire do tebe. I kombinacija je preslatka i uvek me iznenadiš kombinovanjem različitih dezena. Uvek ispadne ni premalo, ni previše, nego baš taman :) Baš sam uživala u ovim objavama :)

    1. ja jako volim taj miks dezena, ali isto nastojim ne pretjerati ha ha ha.
      Blidinje su super za posjetiti, ima ponešto za svakoga, a sigurna sam da su i Pirineji poseban doživljaj.

  17. it is a wonderful place to visit. Thank you!

  18. Lovely post dear!Have a great Friday! xx

  19. This place is beautiful. I really love your photos :)


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