Hello readers! How are you doing? I feel like this is going to be a year of rereading for me. That's how things are heading for now anyway. Today I will review A Brief Excursion, a novel by Croatian writer Antun Šoljan. Published in 1964 in magazine 'Forum', A Brief Excursion is Antun's second novel. This novel focuses on a loosely connected group of people (who while visiting Istria in the sixties), decide to embark on an improvised excursion in search for long lost frescoes. They are lead by a charismatic character Roko, known for his restless and wandering spirit. Shortly after publication, this short novel was interpreted as an allegory for life under communistic regime. This caused issues for the author Antun Šoljan who was already on thin ice with the communist government because of the speech he gave at the anniversary of Croatian poet Matoš's death. I reread this novel two days ago and I'm certainly glad I did for I found new meanings in it. Some works of literature are not only timeless, they can be enjoyed over and over again. This novel is available in numerous translations, including English but as you might assume I read it in the original language.
In this post, you'll also have the opportunity to see this DIY faux leather necklace worn again. Besides the necklace, you can see me shopping my closet again for this black blazer (custom made) and A-line LBD. I haven't decided for how long I will wear black yet. The weather continues to be incredible, sunny and warm like the Spring has arrived, quite in contrast to my general mood.
Pozdrav čitateljima! Kako ste? Imam neki osjećaj da će ovo biti godina ponovnog čitanja knjiga za mene. Tako stvari izgledaju za sada. Danas ću recenzirati Kratki izlet, roman hrvatskog književnika Antuna Šoljana. Objavljen 1964. u časopisu 'Forum', Kratki izlet drugi je Antunov roman. Ovaj roman usredotočuje se na labavo povezanu skupinu ljudi (koji tijekom šezdesetih godina prilikom posjeta Istri) odlučuju krenuti na improvizirani izlet u potrazi za izgubljenim freskama. Predvodi ih karizmatični lik Roko, poznat po svom nemirnom duhu i sklonosti lutanju. Ubrzo nakon objavljivanja, ovaj kratki roman protumačen je kao alegorija života u komunističkom režimu. To je izazvalo probleme za pisca Antuna Šoljana koji je već bio u nemilosti komunističke vlasti zbog govora koji je održao na obljetnici smrti hrvatskog pjesnika Matoša. Pročitala sam ovaj roman prije dva dana i svakako mi je drago jer sam u njemu pronašla nova značenja. Neka književna djela ne samo da su bezvremenska, u njima se može i uživati uvijek iznova. Ovaj roman je dostupan u brojnim prijevodima, uključujući engleski, ali sam ga, naravno, pročitala na izvornom jeziku.
U ovom postu također ćete imati ponovo priliku vidjeti ovu ogrlicu od umjetne kože koju sam izradila. Osim ogrlice, možete me vidjeti kako se opet odijevan (kupujem) u svom ormaru te iznova nosim ovaj crni sako (šivan po mjeri) i crnu haljinicu A- kroja (poveznice za ove odjevne predmete su u engleskom dijelu teksta). Nisam još odlučila koliko ću dugo nositi crno. Vrijeme je i dalje nevjerojatno sunčano i toplo kao da je proljeće stiglo, sasvim suprotno mom općem raspoloženju.


Having reread Camus' The Stranger for purposes of teaching it back in December, I was perhaps more sensitive to the existential aspect of this book while rereading it. I also realized that I didn't pay enough attention to it the first time I read it. Mea culpa. Mea maxima culpa. I have sinned against the Gods of literature and failed to see the greatness of this novel. Goodreads informs me that I gave it 4/5 back in 2016. Not that I didn't like this novel the first time I read it, for I did. I enjoyed it very much on the first reading. Still I didn't see it for ALL it was. I feel more than a little bit embarrassed by what I missed. It seems so obvious on the second reading. Let's have a look at my old review before we proceeded to my new review.
Nakon što ponovno pročitah Camusovog Stranca u svrhu podučavanja još u prosincu, bijah osjetljivija na egzistencijalni aspekt ove knjige prikikom ponovnom čitanja. Također sam shvatio da Kratkom izletu nisam posvetila dovoljno pažnje prvi put kad sam ga pročitao. Mea culpa. Mea maxima culpa. Zgriješio sam protiv bogova književnosti i nisam uspio vidjeti veličinu ovog romana. Goodreads me obavještava da sam mu dala 4/5 još 2016. Nije da mi se ovaj roman nije svidio kad sam ga prvi put pročitao, jer jesam. Jako sam uživao u prvom čitanju. Ipak, nisam to vidio za SVE što je bilo. Osjećam se više nego malo posramljeno zbog onoga što sam propustio. Čini se tako očitim u drugom čitanju. Pogledajmo moju staru recenziju prije nego što pređemo na moju novu recenziju.
At first glance, this novel is an easy read and a short one (as the title itself reveals). The simple sentences of short length (unlike those endless sentences by Krleža) and narrative that doesn't pose a challenge to follow makes it easy to follow. Moreover, the characters seem simple enough themselves, they do not get lost on the horizon of exaggerated descriptions and meditations. However, the book gains in depth as we make our way through humor, then tragicomic situations that ultimately lead to something more serious, questions and lost hopes of one generation.
Finding finally a story about something that is not an excursion, but a search, a search for meaning, an odyssey for lost hopes, we must conclude- this novel is richer in content than it seems at first glance. I liked it, maybe for a simple reason. It was, as I would say, "painless" to read, easy to follow, something you can laugh at, and yet I don't feel like I read something trivial.
Na prvi pogled lagano štivo, kratko kao što i sam naslov kaže, jednostavne rečenice nekrležanske duljine i narativnost koja ne postavlja izazov, kao ni likovi koji se ne gube na obzorju pretjeranih opisa i mediteacija. Međutim, knjiga dobiva na dubini kako se probijamo kroz humor, pa tragikomične situacije koje naposljetku vode do nečeg ozbiljnijeg, pitanja i izgubljene nade jedne generacije.
Nalazeći konačno priču o nečemu što nije izlet, već potraga, traženje pitanja smisla, odiseja za izgubljenim nadama, rekla bi kako je knjiga bogatija sadržajem nego što se na prvi pogled čini. Meni se svidjela, možda iz jednostavnog razloga, bila je kako bi to rekla " bezbolna" za pročitati, laka za pratiti, nešto uz što se možeš nasmijati, a opet nemam osjećaj kako sam pročitala nešto trivijalno.
This short novel is a masterpiece of existentialist prose. I have only fully realized what a masterpiece it was on rereading. Not that I was completely off on the first reading for I identified this novel as quality literature, as a book that is richer in meaning than it seems at the first glance. When I read A Brief Excursion for the first time (and possibly the second time) I was more focused on the allegorical and symbolic aspect of this short novel. Albeit rich in symbolism and meaning, this novel is much more than an allegorical story about communism. It was only when I reread it again yesterday, that I have fully understood the depth of the author's despair and pain. The inner cry of the generation that survived the horrors of WW2 and looked at the future without a hope. Perhaps this is a novel you can only hope to comprehend once you've lost the idealism and hopes of your youth, once you can understand what it is like to look at the future with a mixture of despair and indifference.
I read this novel as a University student (possibly for the second time because I might have read in in high school too) but it was only now (when I read it again) that I realized that I haven’t “read” between the lines or understood all of its many layers. The deeper level of this novel can be understood perhaps only once you taste the disappointments of life yourself, once you lose the ideals and hopes of your youth, once you realize how cruel and meaningless life can be. Yesterday, when I read A Brief Excursion again, I couldn't help but marvel at my own deafness to the inner pain of the narrator himself, to the depths of his hopelessness and loss. In previous readings, I saw A Brief Excursion as a brilliant allegory for communism, as a simply written but brilliant work. However, I completely missed the depth of its author’s despair, his inner outcry and pain. Now the allegorical part of this novel (although excellently written) actually seems secondary to me. At the moment, the existential aspect of this novel seems to me much more interesting, complex and deeper than any allegory and symbolism, that, although enriching this novel, are by no means its only purpose. Indeed, this short novel is much richer in meaning than it seems at first glance. Its short format hides the cry of one soul. It captures the despair of a generation that survived the horrors of World War II and looked to the future without hope, accepting communism indifferently and without finding hope in it. It is only now that I realize that my first reading was intellectual, rational and cold. I did not really open my heart and imagination to this story, to understand all its depth. That is why I failed as a reader. Sometimes we really need to read a book more than once to understand it.
Ovaj kratki roman remek je djelo egzistencijalističke proze. Tek sam nakon ponovnog čitanja u potpunosti shvatio kakvo je to remek-djelo. Nije da sam bio potpuno zalutao pri prvom čitanju jer sam ovaj roman identificirao kao kvalitetnu literaturu, kao knjigu koja je bogatija smislom nego što se na prvi pogled čini. Kad sam prvi put (a možda i drugi put) pročitao Kratak izlet, više sam se usredotočio na alegorijski i simbolički aspekt ovog kratkog romana. Iako bogat simbolikom i značenjem, ovaj roman je puno više od alegorijske priče o komunizmu. Tek kad sam je jučer ponovno pročitao, u potpunosti sam shvatio dubinu autorovog očaja i boli. Unutarnji vapaj generacije koja je preživjela strahote Drugog svjetskog rata i bez nade gledala u budućnost. Možda je ovo roman kojem se možete nadati da ćete shvatiti tek kada izgubite idealizam i nade svoje mladosti, kada shvatite kako je to gledati u budućnost s mješavinom očaja i ravnodušnosti.
Pročitala sam ovaj roman kao studentica (moguće i po drugi put) ali tek sada (kada sam ga ponovo pročitala) shvaćam da ga nisam u potpunosti "isčitala". Dublji nivo ovog romana može se shvatiti možda tek kada i sam okusiš razočarenja života ili kada izgubiš ideale i nade mladosti, kada shvatiš koliko okrutan i besmislen život može biti. Jučer kada sam ponovo čitala Kratki izlet nisam se mogla načuditi sebi kako sam ostala gluha na unutarnju bol samog pripovjedača, na dubinu njegovog beznađa i izgubljenosti. U prijašnjim čitanjima doživjela sam Kratki izlet kao briliatnu alegoriju za komunizam, kao jednostavno napisano i zgodno djelo, a posve mi je promakla dubina očaja njezina autora, njegov krik i bol. Sada mi se alegorijski dio ovog romana (iako izvrsno napisan) zapravo čini sporednim. Egzistencijanlni aspekt ovoga romana sada mi se čini puno zanimljiviji, složeniji i dublji od ikakve alegorije i simbolizma, koji iako obogaćuju ovaj roman, nisu mu nikako jednina svrha. Ovaj roman je doista puno bogatiji značenjem nego što se čini na prvi pogled. Kratki format koji krije krik jedne duše. U njemu je uhvaćen očaj jedne generacije koja je preživjela strahote Drugog svjetskog rata i gledala u budućnost bez nade prihvaćajući komunizam ravnodušno, ali ne pronalazeći nadu u njemu. Tek sada shvaćam da je moje prvo čitanje bilo intelektualno hladno, nisam ovoj priči doista otvorila srce i maštu, kako bih shvatila svu njezinu dubinu. Zato nisam bila dobra čitateljica kada sam ju prvi put pročitala. Nekad zaista treba neku knjigu pročitati više puta kako bismo je shvatili.

How does the novel open? The novel opens with the description of mysterious Roko. Considered a living legend because be survived mass execution in World War II (in part due to his clumsiness), Roko is described as being charismatic but clumsy individual who is always on the move (often compelling other people to join him on his travels and excursions). Nobody really seems to love Roko, but everyone is drawn to him. Roko is the one who drives the plot forward. He drives people away from the obvious pleasures of coast life to direct them into 'adventurous exploration' of all kinds.
What kind of novel is A Brief Excursion? It is an existential novel rich in allegory and symbolism.
What is the setting for this novel? The novel is set in Istria, but in two different parts of it. It is worth noting that the coastal part of Istria and inland Istria can be two different worlds and they are in this novel. Once the characters abandon the more touristic coastal part of Istria, they find them in the rocky wilderness. The rocky Mediterranean terrains, seemingly so hospitable and green, can swiftly reveal themselves to be rocky desserts. If you find yourself far from civilization and without necessary supplies, there is tangible danger. This was even more true when the novel took place, that is the sixties.
What is the plot of this novel like? The plot of this novel is simple enough. A group of young people, most of whom are students, ventures into inland Istria in search of long lost frescoes. They are lead by charismatic individual named Roko who keeps encouraging them to continue their search even when they want to give up.
What kind of narration does this novel employs? This book is written using first person narration. The novel is written as it this excursion was something that really happened to the writer and the prologue confirms it. The narrator is, therefore, never named. Naturally, this doesn't mean that this novel is a genuine travelogue, rather that the author applied the postmodernist self-reflexivity in writing it.
Who is the protagonist of this novel? The narrator of the novel is also its protagonist.
What is the characterization like? Only the narrator and Roko are explored in depth. The other characters are mostly there as symbols so they are not portrayed in detail.
What is the ending of A Brief Excursion like? I have personally found the ending to be absolutely brilliant and very touching. However, I think some find it depressive and pessimistic.
Kako roman počinje? Roman počinje opisom tajanstvenog Roka. Smataju ga živom legendom jer je preživio masovno strijeljanje u Drugom svjetskom ratu (djelomično zbog svoje nespretnosti jer je tražio naočale). Roko je opisan kao karizmatičan, ali nespretan pojedinac koji je uvijek u pokretu (često navodi druge ljude da mu se pridruže na njegovim putovanjima i izletima ). Čini se da Roka zapravo nitko ne voli, ali on privlači ljude sebi nekm silom. Roko je taj koji tjera radnju naprijed. On tjera ljude da odustanu od očitih užitaka boravka na moru kako bi ih usmjerio na 'pustolovna istraživanja' svih vrsta.
Kakav je roman Kratki izlet? Riječ je o egzistencijalnom romanu bogatom alegorijom i simbolikom.
Kakvo je okruženje za ovaj roman? Radnja romana smještena je u Istru, ali u dva različita dijela. Vrijedi napomenuti da obalni dio Istre i unutrašnjost Istre mogu biti dva različita svijeta i oni to i jesu u ovom romanu. Nakon što likovi napuste turistički i obalni dio Istre, nađu se u negostoljubivom kamenjaru. Stjenoviti mediteranski tereni, naizgled tako gostoljubivi i zeleni, vrlo brzo se mogu pokazati kao stjenovita pustinja. Ako se nađete daleko od civilizacije i bez potrebnih zaliha, postoji opipljiva opasnost. To je još više važilo za vrijeme u koje se roman odvija to jest, šezdesetih godina prošlog stoljeća.
Kakva je radnja ovog romana? Radnja ovog romana je jednostavna. Grupa mladih ljudi, od kojih su većina studenti, odlazi u unutrašnjost Istre u potrazi za davno izgubljenim freskama. Predvodi ih karizmatični pojedinac po imenu Roko koji ih neprestano potiče da nastave potragu čak i kada žele odustati.
Kakvu naraciju koristi ovaj roman? Ova knjiga je napisana korištenjem pripovijedanja u prvom licu. Roman je napisan kao da je ovaj izlet bio nešto što se piscu doista dogodilo i prolog to potvrđuje. Pripovjedač, dakle, nikada nije imenovan. Naravno, to ne znači da je ovaj roman pravi putopis, nego da je autor u pisanju primijenio postmodernističku autorefleksivnost.
Tko je protagonist ovog romana? Pripovjedač romana ujedno je i njegov protagonist.
Kakva je karakterizacija likova? Dubinski su portretirani samo pripovjedač i Roko. Ostali likovi su uglavnom tu kao simboli pa nisu detaljno opisani.
Kakav je završetak Kratkog izleta? Osobno sam mišljena da je kraj romana apsolutno briljantan i vrlo dirljiv. No, mislim da će se nekima činiti depresivnim i pesimističnim.

Šoljan, Antun, hrvatski književnik i prevoditelj (Beograd, 1. XII. 1932 – Zagreb, 9. VII. 1993). Studirao anglistiku i romanistiku na Filozofskom fakultetu u Zagrebu. Djelovao je kao profesionalni pisac i prevoditelj. Bio je urednik časopisa Međutim, Krugovi i Književnik te predsjednik hrvatskog centra PEN-a (1971–73). Uz Ivana Slamniga jedan od najistaknutijih predstavnika krugovaškoga naraštaja. Autor je raznovrsna književnog opusa – okušao se u gotovo svim žanrovima i vrstama. Prve pjesničke zbirke (Na rubu svijeta, 1956; Izvan fokusa, 1957) pisane su u dijalogu s hrvatskom tradicijom, ali i engleskim i američkim pjesnicima. Istodobno je započeo pisati feljtone i pjesme programatskoga karaktera u kojima iskazuje interes za egzistencijalno iskustvo, ponajprije temu otuđenosti u duhu Alberta Camusa (antologijska pjesma Bacač kamena). Nakon zbirke Gazele i druge pjesme (1970) započela je druga pjesnička faza, koju odlikuje raznovrsnija tematika, korištenje povijesnih motiva i ironizacija egzistencijalne teme. Te su pjesme pisane u različitim formama – od poslanica, dosjetki i anegdota, preko putopisne lirike, do onih klasicističkih i postmodernističkih. Posljednja zbirka Prigovori (1993) svojevrstan je testament u kojem se mnogobrojnim aluzijama vraća mediteranskomu zavičaju. Njegova ranija proza (zbirka novela Specijalni izaslanici, 1957) žanrovski pripada tzv. prozi u trapericama – u pričama prati »klapu«, homogenu mikrozajednicu koja dolazi u sukob sa svijetom odraslih, ne samo u društvenom nego i književnom smislu. Vanjski svijet klapa shvaća kao izvor represije nad vlastitim identitetom. Ironija, kao reakcija lika ili pripovjedača, Šoljanovu prozu vodi prema društvenoj tematici. Roman Izdajice (1961), u kojem je postignuta samostalnost pojedinačnih poglavlja i spoj romana i eseja, tako u početku uspostavlja arkadijski ugođaj i avanturizam klape, ali na kraju utvrđuje kako je smisao klape iscrpljen pa klapa kao skupina postaje izdajicom vlastitoga naraštajnoga načela. Narativno je koherentniji roman Kratki izlet (1965), s fabulom o potrazi za identitetom i smislom koju provodi skupina studenata na ekskurziji u Istri. Riječ je o dinamičnoj egzistencijalnoj prozi, svojevrsnom romanu o odustajanju i alegorijskoj priči o naraštaju koji je izgubio iluzije. *
Citirano sa stranica Hrvatske enciplopedije*
As always, thank you for reading and visiting. Kao i uvijek, hvala na posjeti i čitanju.
It's interesting to see you in all this black (thank goodness for your lovely jeweled necklace). I read more at this time of year too.
ReplyDeleteI know, right? I haven't gotten used to seeing myself in all black outfits either.
DeleteIt sounds a nice novel bcz its written in the sixties era when many young people
ReplyDeletelike to venture to make new discoveries.. You look sweet as always
Yes, that's true. Sixties were all about the new discoveries.
DeleteGracias por la reseña. Me gusta tu separador. Te mando un beso
DeleteNice outfit and love the necklace.
ReplyDeleteNice review and rereading really good books is great.
Thank you Ann.
DeleteHello, I follow your blog and leave a comment on the post. Follow back and leave comment on last post. ❤️ Than you! ❤️
DeleteI don't know this book. Great outfit :-D
DeleteOh, I like what you said how a novel needs to be read a second time. Sometimes, as individuals we need to mature to understand it more, as well. It has such an intriguing beginning, and the narrator does sound as if he's been through so much that is different from the other 'young' people. Thanks so much for bring us this review. Lovely collages too!
ReplyDeleteYes, that is so true. Sometimes we just aren't mature enough to understand something.
DeleteThis indeed must be a classic and to be from an author from where you live. It must have a certain enlightenment, especially to know how the seaside was then compared to now. This looks like a great history to absorb so casually. Thanks so much for this brilliant review. I really am glad to read it. I'm glad you read this novel again.
ReplyDeleteThank you.
DeleteThat book sounds cool ❤
ReplyDelete<3<3 It is pretty cool.
DeleteTrovo questa rubrica super utile perchè proponi sempre titoli interessanti che generalmente non conosco ma che alla fine mi incuriosiscono!
ReplyDeleteLe tue review sono sempre così prescise e puntuali che mi permettono di armi un'idea abbastanza precisa di cosa aspettarmi dal libro, cosa che ritengo fondamentale al momento della scelta!
Molto bello anche il tuo look, di classe ed elegante!
Grazie Silvia
DeleteInteresting to read. Thanks for your detailed review! :)
ReplyDeleteYou look great dear.
DeleteYou really do suit black, Ivana.
ReplyDeleteThank you for the introduction to this existentialist novel by an author which is unknown to me. I do think it's interesting that you can re-read a book and find a deeper meaning altogether. I'm sure that is what would happen if I re-read any of the books I read in high school or university. xxx
Yes, sometimes a reread really adds to the reading experience.
DeleteYou look fabulousin your black outfit, very sophisticated! The me-made necklace is just right.
ReplyDeleteI've just finished a 749 page historical novel, I need a trashy thriller as a palette cleaner next! xxx
I know what you mean, sometimes we do need a palette cleaner.
DeleteI'm all for rereading books especially if you really enjoyed them before. It can be wonderful to revisit an old favorite and get something totally new from it which you didn't notice before like you have with this novel.
ReplyDeleteHello Ivana, thank you for introducing me to the work of this Croatian writer. It is interesting that you say it may be best read when the idealism and hope of youth starts to wear off. I believe there is a right time in each of our lives to read certain books. I have dismissed some in the past, only to feel like I 'get them' years later, upon a second reading, and I'm sure they'll be many more.
ReplyDeleteI mentioned that Monty Don (UK TV garden presenter/ writer) traveled down the Croatian Coast in his latest series. Well, what an utterly fascinating and beautiful place it looks to be! I saw the islands you mentioned, that have to buy water from the fire brigade. There was the opinion that Croatians predominately fill their gardens with edibles (fruit & vegetables), as the necessity of it is an overhang from communist rule. The people interviewed mentioned that this all happened on the back end of WW2. Very interesting.
You look super chic in black :) Lulu xXx
I believe the same thing- sometimes timing just isn't right for some book.
DeleteI think the edibles garden thing was always a thing in the islands, even before the WWII, just because (on most islands) there weren't any natural water sources (and collecting rain just for flowers is too much work). I think the only people who had impressive elaborative gardens with a variety flowers were the nobles families....but we're talking Renaissance gardens here. Dalmatian coastal cities and islands were (like Italian ones) at the height of their economical power in Renaissance times.
I love how you will read a book again and find things you hadn't picked up the first time.
DeleteThis leather necklace is so fun and chic! What a lovely piece!
Le Stylo Rouge
DeleteThis book looks so nice and looks like a must read. And you are looking so pretty! Have a great day!
ReplyDeleteRampdiary | Fineartandyou | Beautyandfashionfreaks
I find it fascinating that upon re-reading a book after a few years we can see more. This is why I am considering reading the books I once had to read in high-school, as I'm sure I would have a very different view now, with life experience.
ReplyDeleteYes, with some life experience one experiences things differently.
DeleteI don't really like romance novels, but this one looks really interesting!
ReplyDeleteVery cool!!
This is not a romance novel, there's absolutely no romance it it.
DeleteIt sounds like well written books- I have never heard about this writer before - I have to check if this book was translated here in my country cause I will read them with pleasure.
ReplyDeleteHave a lovely day Ivana xx
Yes, it is translated to Polish. You can read more about it here.
by reading your well written review that the book is interesting....
ReplyDeleteI wish to read it...