EN This hairstyle was inspired by traditional Croatian folklore hairstyles. I found a really cute hairstyle picture on Pinterest and wanted to replicate it but had no idea how to do it. I'm from Croatia, but there are so many different Croatian traditional hairstyle depending on the region. I'm from region known as Dalmatia and I know how to braid my hair in a Dalmatian way but the hairstyle I wanted to is from another region, so I was clueless about how to go about it. In the end, I just improvised. You probably wouldn't believe me when I tell you how many traditional hairstyles exist within Croatian folklore  and other European nations have amazing and unique folklore hairstyles as well. If we expect our point of view globally, there there is no end to diversity in traditional and ethnic hair styles. I always say that folklore is definitely a great place to look for inspiration! What do you think? 

IT La mia ispirazione per questa acconciatura sono state le tradizionali acconciature folcloristiche croate. Ho trovato un'immagine con le trecce davvero carina su Pinterest e volevo replicarla ma non sapevo come farlo. Sono dalla Croazia, ma ci sono così tante acconciature tradizionali croate diverse, perche dipendono della regione. Vengo dalla regione  Dalmazia e so come intrecciare i miei capelli in modo 'dalmata', ma l'acconciatura che volevo proviene viene da un'altra regione, quindi non avevo idea di come procedere. Alla fine, ho improvvisato. Probabilmente non mi credete quando vi dico quante acconciature tradizionali esistono nel folklore croato. Inoltre, altre nazioni europee hanno anche acconciature folcloristiche sorprendenti e uniche. Se ci aspettiamo il nostro punto di vista a livello globale, non c'è fine alla diversità negli stili di capelli tradizionali ed etnici. Dico sempre che il folklore è sicuramente un ottimo posto dove cercare ispirazione! Che pensate?

EN The photography in this post is, as always, by my talented husband Gordan. Thank you for taking these lovely artistic shots dear! Most of traditional Croatian hairstyles are variations of braids but some are based on particular curls and unique hair shapes. As I already said, folklore is a great place to look for inspiration and you can learn some history that way as well. European folklore is actually extremely rich in hairstyles but somehow many Europeans don't know much about it. 

Let's get back to this particular hairstyle. Long story short, I just braided my entire hair and used some bobby pins to secure the braids. It took me about an hour to fully braid my hair, I listened to an audio version of The Art of War (a book I ready many times but love to reread).  Disclaimer: Do not wear this hairstyle if you don't have naturally strong, thick and healthy hair as tiny braids, worn over a long periods of time, can cause hair loss for people with fine hair. They won't do any damage to my hair because it is super thick (as you can see, I was able to do this hairstyle without any hair extensions). I was blessed with some great hair genes. I was and still am on medication that causes hair loss but my hair is so thick it doesn't even matter, no matter how much falls off, I'll still have enough hair for two people. I ended up sweating under my own hair so in the future I probably won't wear this hairstyle that often or I'll have to moderate it. 

HR  Za fotografiju u ovom postu, kao i uvijek, zaslužan je moj nadareni suprug Gordan. Hvala ti što si snimio ove drage umjetničke fotografije.  Većina tradicionalnih hrvatskih frizura su zapravo varijacije pletenica, ali neke se temelje na određenim uvojcima i jedinstvenim oblicima kose. Kao što sam rekla, foklor je odlično mjesto za pronaći nadahnuća, a možete naučiti nešto i o povijesti. Europski folklor zapravo je izuzetno bogat frizurama, ali nekako mnogi Europljani o tome ne znaju puno. 

No, vratimo se na temu ove frizure. Ukratko, samo sam isplela cijelu kosu i koristila neke obične ukosnice za učvršćivanje pletenica. Trebalo mi je otprilike sat vremena da u potpunosti ispletem kosu, preslušala sam audio verziju Umjetnosti rata (knjiga koju sam čitala puno puta, ali volim ju ponovno čitati). Izjava o odricanju odgovornosti: Ne nosite ovu frizuru ako nemate prirodno jaku, gustu i zdravu kosu, jer sitne pletenice, nošene dulje vrijeme, mogu prouzročiti gubitak kose osobama s finom i taknom kosom. Neće oštetiti moju kosu jer je super gusta (kao što vidite, uspjela sam napraviti ovu frizuru bez ikakvih nadogradnji). Blagoslovljena sam sjajnim genima što se kose tiče. Bila sam i još uvijek sam na lijekovima koji uzrokuju gubitak kose, ali kosa mi je toliko gusta da nije ni važno, koliko god otpalo, i dalje ću imati dovoljno kose za dvije osobe. Na kraju sam se znojila pod vlastitom kosom, tako da u budućnosti vjerojatno neću često nositi ovu frizuru ili ću je morati moderirati.

Rezultati prijevodaFotografiju u ovom postu, kao i uvijek, snima moj nadareni suprug Gordan. Hvala vam što ste ove drage umjetničke fotografije snimili! Većina tradicionalnih hrvatskih frizura varijacije su pletenica, ali neke se temelje na određenim uvojcima i jedinstvenim oblicima kose. Europski folklor zapravo je izuzetno bogat frizurama, ali nekako mnogi Europljani o tome ne znaju puno. Ukratko, samo sam isplela cijelu kosu i koristila neke bobby igle za učvršćivanje pletenica. Trebalo mi je otprilike sat vremena da u potpunosti ispletem kosu, preslušao sam audio verziju Umjetnosti rata (knjiga koju sam spremio mnogo puta, ali volim ponovno čitati). Izjava o odricanju odgovornosti: Ne nosite ovu frizuru ako nemate prirodno jaku, gustu i zdravu kosu, jer sitne pletenice, nošene dulje vrijeme, mogu prouzročiti gubitak kose osobama s finom kosom. Neće oštetiti moju kosu jer je super gusta (kao što vidite, uspjela sam napraviti ovu frizuru bez ikakvih nadogradnji). Bila sam blagoslovljena sjajnim genima za kosu. Bila sam i još uvijek sam na lijekovima koji uzrokuju gubitak kose, ali kosa mi je toliko gusta da nije ni važno, koliko god otpalo, i dalje ću imati dovoljno kose za dvije osobe. Na kraju sam se znojio pod vlastitom kosom, tako da u budućnosti vjerojatno neću često nositi ovu frizuru ili ću je morati moderiratiTHE STORY OF MY OUTFIT- As usual, this out

THE STORY OF MY OUTFIT- Once again I was shopping my closet, nothing is new here.

THE CORD FLARE JEANS- worn here. THE YELLOW SCARF- worn here. THE BIKER BOOTS- worn here. THE GREY BLAZER- worn here. THE BIRCH TREE HAIR ACCESSORY- see up close here. THE BIKER BOOTS- worn here. THE GREY COAT (actually B&W coat but because of the pattern it looks like grey)- worn here.

MY PREVIOUS VISITS TO POTOCI, BIJELO POLJE, BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA BELLOW- I have visited this place a couple of times already, I even illustrated it once. 





LOCATION: POTOCI, A VILLAGE IN VICNITY OF MOSTAR- Located in vicinity of Mostar city, Bijelo Polje (literally translated White Field) is an area composing of several villages. There are also fields there (as the name would imply). Surrounded by mountains, this lovely plain is like a green oasis. It's absolutely beautiful Besides river Neretva and lake Mostar, you can see many streams.  Potoci (literally translated it means Streams) is a village we visited. You can notice the catholic church of The Most Holy Heart of Jesus behind me in some of the shots. It's so beautiful! I think its alpine architecture really fits this place. The area surrounding Mostar city is so gorgeous. There are so many picturesque villages and recreational zones to explore in vicinity.  This village in vicinity of Mostar is a regular stop for a lot of cyclists but we went there by car. Bellow you can find links to my old posts about it:

I'm joining the Friday Fancy Link up hosted by Nancy. I added the google translator and some other useful stuff to my blog - look for it on the left side of the blog. Thank you for reading and visiting!


  1. That's so interesting, I had no idea there were traditional hairstyles! The photos are lovely, well done Gordon!

    Corinne x

    1. Thank you:). Yes, there are tons of interesting traditional hairstyles.

  2. Wow that is amazing hair and love the setting for the photos. Your husband has a great eye for photos :-D Does he do other photography as well as taking your photos? I always enjoy photography blogs too :-D

    1. He sometimes does some photography, for example wedding photography for friends but he doesn't have social media or a blog of his own.

  3. Awesome braids! It makes me think of a Chinese hairstyle I saw recently in a C-drama. I wasn't sure if it was a hat or her hair, because sometimes, she actually put twigs in her hair for a hat too, like a bird's nest. I'm impressed with many of the male hairstyles too. Especially, in this C- crime drama because the main character was a swimmer and he wore braids. His job was to find things in the river. The drama is on Netflix - Tientsin Mystic (2017).

    So how long can you wear your hair like that?

    1. I usually wear it for about a week, then I detangle the braids. I haven't seen that drama but I saw some interesting hairstyles in Ruyi's Love in Royal Palace (a Chinese historical drama I came across on YouTube, I only saw some parts of it, I don't have Netflix) . One of the girls in the Ruyi's Love series wore tiny braids and I believe she was from Han clan, but I wasn't able to find any historical references when I looked up it online. It would be interesting to learn more about it. I looked up Tiensin Mystic, it looks interesting. Shame that I don't have Netflix.

  4. Very cool. Love the photos! Awesome outfits too!

  5. what a beautiful hairstyle! You look pretty in it!

  6. Very cool hair, perfect outfitt too. Thanks for sharing

    Christmas Costumes Fashion

  7. I've seen similar traditional European hairstyles. Love the ones with the braids. Beautiful Ivana!

  8. I thought little braids are african folklore!
    My sister used to something similar on my hair a lot in my childhood. Once I had free hair and around 10 tiny braids and my friend wanted to make hairstyle for me. But my braids were to tight and she cutted them. I even didn't notice when she did it. Our parents were shook haha. My hair grew back fast anyways so it's okay.
    PS I guess you have mistake in word folklore in the title


    1. All braiding styles originated from Africa, Ethiopians were definitely the first do it, that was proven. Human life originated in Africa so that is where the first hairstyles were developed. Thank you. I'll fix the typo asap.

  9. that's really unique, probably can be viral if some celebrities use it

    1. then it is good they don't because I have it all for myself.

  10. Well Done Brother Gordon - Excellent Captures For Sure - Happy Holidays You Two - Sending Positive Vibes


  11. What a lovely traditional hairstyle. It's nice that you were able to listen to an audio book while you were braiding your hair. And your husband did a great job with the photos. The juxtaposition of light and shadow on your face came out really cool.

    1. Audiobooks are perfect for sth like that. Thank you.

  12. Io adoro le acconciature con le trecce, ma purtroppo da una parte ho i capelli mossi/ricci, dall'altra non sono tanto brava, alla fine conosco si e no 4 o 5 acconciature (semplici) da fare.
    Tu invece sei bravissima: la tua acconciatura è uo spettacolo!!!! Non avrei mai detto che fosse un'acconciatura tradizionale!

  13. La tua acconciatura è strepitosa tesoro, sembra che indossi un cappellino! Ballissima in rosso e nero!!
    Kisses, Paola.


    My Instagram

  14. This traditional braided hairstyle looks amazing on you, Ivana! I'm sure it must have been a labour of love doing all those braids! Congratulations too to your husband on his photography. He is very talented indeed. I love it that like me you have your own photographer in your husband :-) xxx

    1. It is a great advantage having a husband who loves photography. We're blessed in this sense!

  15. Ti si jako lijepa i svaka frizura ti savršeno stoji. Ova s pletenicama je predivna kao i sve tvoje fotografije. Ja sam napravila YouTube kanal i značilo bi mi puno ukoliko bi ga pogledala i možda se pretplatila.

    New Post -
    YouTube - Le Parfum de Marija -

  16. Accidenti, molto particolare questa acconciatura e anche molto elaborata!
    Don't Call Me Fashion Blogger

  17. That is an amazing hairstyle! What a fun way to nod to your country's traditional styles and to express yourself in a creative way, Ivana. Great pictures, but I'd really love to see just one pic where we can really clearly see it in brighter light, please. :)

    You live in such a beautiful place!

    1. I'm need to recheck the photos we took, perhaps there is a lighter one somewhere.

  18. Gosh, you are so lucky to have great hair genes, Ivana. And braiding is such an interesting way to change up a look. I love that you listened to a book while doing about multi tasking, LOL

  19. I absolutely love your hair braided like that and am very impressed that it only took you an hour to do. I'd love to see more traditional Croatian costumes and hairdos. The English don't have any traditional clothing and those from other countries fascinate me.
    Great photos! Well done, Gordon! xxx

  20. Your hair looks great! I love the inspiration for it too. It makes it even more special.

    Ekaterina | Polar Bear Style

  21. Dear Ivana, you look gorgeous with your folklore inspired hairstyle! The flared jeans also fit you perfectly. This is a very cool outfit.
    xxxxx Nadine

  22. My only previous knowledge was from you on folklore hairstyles though in lots of traditional tales from Europe, often the illustrations have interesting hair styles.
    The hair looks very cool- I confess that I would have liked to see more close up photos of the hair, back and front and from the side- it's kind of hard to see in the beautiful artistic shots- the leaves make it harder to look at, even though they are gorgeous images.

    1. I think I have some wefies of the two of us where the haircut is more visible, I'll look for them.

  23. That's such an intricate braided hairdo! I don't know how you had the patience to do it all over your head. WOW! I can see how healthy your hair looks from the pictures. So shiny and strong! Mine is fine and brittle lately so I'm learning how to keep it strong. You look beautiful and your smile is so warm! The scenery to accompany the outfits is simply dazzling! I just love the greenery there as it looks so vibrant. I hope you are keeping yourself well, healthy and fit! :) xoxo


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