Red and orange / Crvena i narančasta
Sometimes staying warm has to be a priority. This red puffer is extremely warm so I save it for the coldest of days. I've decided to pair this puffer with orange jeans. On a rainy day, I opt for colours to lift my spirits up. Well, you know me. Colours are my thing. There are a lot of layers in this look (perhaps too much) and I may look like a human version of a bear, but I kept warm and that is all that matters.
Ponekad toplina mora biti na prvom mjestu. Ova crvena jakna je jako topla, pa je čuvam za najhladnije dane. Odlučila sam ju nositi s narančastim samtericama. Kada kiša pada, odabirem boje koje podižu moje raspoloženje. Znate mene, volim boje. Ima puno slojeva u ovoj kombinaciji, možda previše i možda izgledam kao ljudska verzija medvjeda, ali bilo mi je toplo i samo mi je to važno.
MORE WAYS TO STYLE THIS RED PUFFER HOW TO STYLE RED CLOTHING ITEMS FOR COLD WEATHER?I wrote about red accessories for winter but I also wanted to write about red clothing items you can wear this time of year. In fact, I was planning to write a big post about wearing red in winter but I realized that I need to split it in two because it was too long. Apparently, I have a lot to say about why wearing red in winter is a good idea. So, today I'll basically post the part two of my red in winter fashion musings. Red is a bold, energetic and dramatic colour. If you ask me, wearing red is a great way to invoke good luck in our new year. You can pair red with neutral colours to tone it down or with vibrant ones to make your outfits even more noticeable. Lunar Year festivities are a perfect time to embrace the red clothing items. Moreover, Valentine's Day is not too far off either. If you're looking for some winter red outfit inspiration, this blog is a good place as any to find some fashion inspiration. If you ask me, winter is the perfect season to get out Red Riding Hood vibe on. Today's topic is: How to style a red puffer jacket in a feminine way? I do love puffer jackets, but it is not always easy to style them in a feminine way. An easy to solution is to buy a puffer jacket that has a more feminine cut and design, but you don't really need to buy a new jacket, you just need to get a bit creative. For example, you can always belt the puffer jacket. By putting accent on the smallest part of your waist, you'll automatically create a more feminine silhouette. This particular puffer is not exactly feminine in its cut and design, which is a small wonder since it was bought at men's department. My husband bought it, but it was too small for him so I ended up wearing it. It is really warm and I love red, so this puffer made its way into my closet. Plus, it looks brand new. I wore it first time on this blog back in 2013 which makes it one of the first outfit I posted (you can see that old post here). To make it more feminine, I like to pair this puffer with skirts. If you want more tips, you can check out this post about my favourite winter outwear where I wrote a bit about wearing puffers. |
red, in physics, the longest wavelength of light discernible to the human eye. It falls in the range of 620–750 nanometres in the visible spectrum. In art, red is a colour on the conventional colour wheel, located between violet and orange and opposite green, its complementary colour.
Red was the first basic colour term added to languages after black and white. The word red derives from Sanskrit rudhira and Proto-Germanic rauthaz. One of the first written records of the term is from an Old English translation (897 ce) of Pope St. Gregory the Great’s Pastoral Care: “On thæs sacerdes hrægle sceoldœn hangian bellan & ongemong thæm bellum reade apla” (“On the priest’s robes should hang bells and among the bells red pomegranates”).
Pigments for red come from madder, red lead, red ochre, cinnabar, and artificial chemical compounds. The red pigment used for the figures’ robes in Titian’s altarpiece The Assumption (1516–18) is vermilion, which is derived from ground cinnabar.
In addition to the colour wheel, various other colour systems have been used to classify red. Before the invention of colour photography, Werner’s Nomenclature of Colour (1814) was frequently used by scientists attempting to accurately describe colours observed in nature. In that book the so-called tint “Scarlet Red” is compared to the “Scarlet Ibis or Curlew,” the “Large red Oriental Poppy,” and “Light red Cinnaber.” In the Munsell colour system—adopted in the early 20th century to standardize colour, usually for industry—one of the many variations of red is identified as 7.5R 4/20.

This time I'm sharing an illustration of an outfit I actually wore. This fashion illustration wasn't without dilemmas. I sketched it with watercolour pencils and added water like I usually do, but it looked too plain so I added some finishing touches with acrylic paints. In the end, it turned out alright. I would probably change some things if I were to do it again. I didn't really settle for one photograph as a reference but did a looser impression of the outfit. If I were to paint this outfit again, I would probably choose one photograph and stick with it. Anyhow, I revamped the illustration for my redbubble art shop by editing it with some of my rose art and titled it A Girl Lost in Roses. Not really related to my hiking trip but I've been doing a lot of floral designs for my redbubble shop so I wanted to keep up the rose theme.
turtleneck/ dolčevita: Mana, striped cardi/ prugasti kardigan: ovdje/ here pants/hlače: piazza Italia, rest: not branded/ nije markirano |
turtleneck/ dolčevita: Mana, striped cardi/ prugasti kardigan: old collab/hlače: piazza Italia, rest: not branded/ nije markirano |
A key to shopping one's closet perhaps lies is knowing one closet. Think about it this way. If you love a certain clothing item, it might be because you have already learned how to wear it. Today I want to talk a bit about striped items in my closet. These are some of the pieces that I often reach for, so I thought it would be good to do some outfit proposals and ideas with stripes. If we often wear something, it might be for two reasons: we really like it & we're tight with time. There is nothing wrong in relying on trusted pieces, especially when you're on the go. Similarly, there is nothing wrong with falling in love with a certain clothing item, cut, print or whatever. Stripes have a way of making any outfit feel more chic, and that might be one reason why I like them.
Like your hairstyle :)
Maria V.
You look amazing. Love the mix of textures :D
ReplyDeleteNEW GET THE LOOK POST | Ladies in Grey
Instagram ∫ Facebook Oficial Page ∫ Miguel Gouveia / Blog Pieces Of Me :D
thank you Miguel
DeleteThese photos are gorgeous. I love the ambience in the background and how the clouds seem to move. The outfit is beautiful! I love the red and the orange combination, and the mix of stripes. And you hair style is gorgeous too.
thank you dear Lili.
DeleteWhere is this, Ivana? You look great on that red puffer!
ReplyDeleteLooks like it's very comfortable to use and very warm :)
Steph xx
this is in Mostar, BIH.
DeleteHihihi, razumem te skroz. Kada mi je hladno, moram biti ususkana u vise slojeva i takodje volim da na sebe nabacim jarke boje kako bih razbila sivi dan. Jaknica ti je super i neobičan mix crvene i orandz čini ovaj outfit mladalačkim i atraktivnim.
hvala ti draga:) I ja volim biti ušuškana:)
DeleteAmazing photos :)
DeleteYou look so classy. Love the combination of outfit! xx
DeleteJakna mi je super ;)
DeleteUvijek udobnost i toplina trebaju da budu na prvom mjestu, ali tebe to ne sprečava da izgledaš super i ovaj put! Odličan post! :)x
ReplyDeleteNEW POST --->
DeleteI love your choice to mix two very-close colours with each other, the outcome is unusual and interesting! I hope you're having a lovely weekend so far :)
ReplyDeleteGabrielle | A Glass Of Ice
thank you:)
DeleteThe puffer is great for excursions to the mountain, I love it in red! :)
DeleteDear Ivana, we definitely share the love for colours! And despite the cold you are very stylish with your look - I'm relieved to read that your puffed jacket is that warm. Love also your hair style, you are such a beauty!
ReplyDeletexx from Bavaria/Germany, Rena
thank you Rena:)
DeleteNice look I love your jacket
ReplyDeleteOh, I see that the weather is the same as in Poland now and I really like your idea to wear colorful clothes during rainy and cold days! Red is totally your color, Ivana and I'm jealous of your hairstyle, because personally I can't do the same braid as you have :)
yes it is still rainy and cloudy.
DeleteThe bright colours against the backdrop of the grey towers looks especially striking. And you look soooo cosy in that jacket.
ReplyDeletethank you dear Rosalind
DeleteI think you have effectively stayed warm and made your own sunshine by pairing these two vibrant colors together. And the stripes underneath look fun too :)
ReplyDeletethanks Rowena
DeleteYou look lovely. Love the mix of colors, and love those pants. I love colors too- when it comes to my outfit:)
ReplyDeleteLove your hairstyle.
New Post:
DeleteLove how you belted your striped cardi under your jacket! :)
ReplyDeleteBeing cosy and comfortable is definitely the most important thing - no matter how many layers you need!
Away From The Blue Blog
thank you<3
DeleteYOu look comfortable but at the same time you still look stylish dear! I love it!
ReplyDeletelove lots,
DeleteWhile I prefer bare girls to bear girls you look darn cute and comfy in these shots. Still loving that gorgeous hair too!
ReplyDeleteAll Things Bright and Lovely
thanks Shamu
DeleteGreat look, love the entire outfit. xoxo
DeleteThis red jacket looks so cozy! Great urban shots :)
DeleteBello questo look, caldo, comodo e coloratissimo!!!
ReplyDeleteHappy Friday bellissima!
xo Paola
My Facebook
I know everyone in the comments has said this already, but your hairstyle is so gorgeous, darling! It's really classy and it suits you so well. :) The jacket looks super warm and comfy, and I think that it works really well with the coloured trousers! <3 You look stunning as always, and also, I really like the bright pink lipstick! x
thanks, my husband loves this hairstyle.
DeleteCool pictures!!
ReplyDeleteHave a lovely weekend :)
Rosanna x
Rose's Rooftop
DeleteMa kakav medved ;) Mada znam taj osećaj koji ove godine još uvek nisam imala, mada se ne žalim uopšte :) Crvena i narandžasta su baš dobra kombinacija i mislim da narandžasta ne dobija svu pažnju koju zaslušuje. Kao da je neke boje teško naći iz nekog razloga. Frizura je preslatka i baš si sva kao bombonica :)
ReplyDeleteda, nekako se na narančastu često zaboravi.
DeleteUn outfit caldo e comodo! ^-^
ReplyDeleteAdoro la tua acconciatura cara! *-*
Un bacione :*
DeleteGreat casual look !
DeleteMa nisi ni blizu medvjeda, da vidiš tek mene haha :) Zimi su toplina i udobnost apsolutno na prvom mjestu, a sva ostala eksperimentiranja mogu čekati još malo do proljeća...srce me zaboli kad vidim cure koje na minusima šetaju okolo u sandalama ili haljinicama na gole noge, to niti mi je lijepo niti privlačno.
ReplyDeleteZima je za ovakve kombinacije i potpisujem prkošenje hladnoći žarkim bojama! :)
hvala...da ne volim ni ja vidjeti gole noge kad je prehladno. Hladnoća snižava imunitet i nitko ne može biti imun na nju, koliko god neki tvrdili da im nije hladno, ipak se treba utopliti.
DeleteHi, dear Ivana! Here I am again, I can say that I would like to come here more often, but once a week is the best I can do - but believe me, I do it gladly! It's the rush of life, so I had to decide for weekly posts (mine) and weekly blog visits :) I have to say that you are so right, warmth is what matters! You won't see me taking coats off to photograph a particular outfit, noooo! During my trip in Dec/Jan, all my photos were with a closed coat and that was Ok with me! So I loved the coat now, it seems cozy and warm and I love vibrant colors! The sweater is also vibrant and I liked your pants, too! You look beautiful and sweet! I liked your hair style! Hope you have a lovely weekend!
thank you Denise, don't worry about commenting...whenever you have time it's fine by me.
DeleteYou actually look really lovely in colours, Ivana and I'm glad that your husband is making more appearances in your posts, you both make such a lovely couple. xx
ReplyDeleteShireen | Reflection of Sanity
thank you...I love having him here on my blog and he says it is ok as long as it is not more than one photo.
DeleteI'm in love with your hair style! *-* Kisses! :*
DeleteI ja pohvaljujem frizuru, ali i boje u jednom malo više sivom danu
DeleteMeni su crvena i narancasta super skupa a jos i ona jako roza... san snova... divan color block :) Ja sam isto odusevljena frizom... iako sam se jucer opet osisala i jako sam zadovoljna uvijek mali dio mene pozeli dugu kosu za kreativne frizure :)
ReplyDeleteI nisi kao medo :) Meni je bio super moj stariji sin kada sam ga nedavno odvukla u Mango da probam jednu bundu koja mi se jako svidjala a bila je snizena. Odmah kada sam je obukla, nije mi sjela ali sam se ipak okrenula prema njemu na sto me pogledao ispod oka i rekao tuzno : " Maaaama, izgledas kao kauc!" Umrla sam od smijeha i vratila bundu na mjesto. Pametno moje! :)
hvala draga, baš si me nasmijala...djeca i njihova brutalna iskrenost, uvijek me nasmiju:) kao kauč...koja usporedba:)
Deleteodlično ti stoji kraća kosa...a mogu se ove pletenice i s kraćom napraviti. Ja sam obećala mužu da ću češće nositi ovu frizuru, tako da je sada stalno u opticaju.
Bel post :) anch'io cerco di essere vestita sempre bene ma senza rinunciare al caldo e alla comodità !! xx
per fortuna, possiamo essere stilose anche infagottate:)
ReplyDeleteI'm with you! Warmth, warmth, warmth- I FROZE on Friday!x
ReplyDeleteI'm happy we agree:)
DeleteYour coat looks very comfortable, I love it :)
ReplyDeleteSuch a COOL location to shoot, Ivana! I totally can imagine how windy there was, no?
ReplyDeletexoxo Ira
looks like cold weather. i think your coat keeps you warm...;-)