Happy November everyone! Today I'm back with a book review. This time I'm reviewing  This Immortal, a novel by Roger Zelanzy that shared Hugo award with  Frank Herbert's Dune in 1966. It was clearly a good year for science fiction. I think both novels were equally deserving of the award. Both Roger Zelanzy and Frank Herbert remain acclaimed writers of science fiction with legions of fans, but Dune is definitely the better known known of the two works that won the Hugo award in 1966. I reviewed many of Frank Herbert's novels on my blog (  Godmakers, Dune, Dune Messiah, Children of Dune,  God Emperor of Dune, Hertics of Dune, Chapterhouse: Dune,  White Plague ) and the same goes for Roger Zelazny. You can read my review of Roger Zelazny's Lord of Light.  I also reviewed his IF AT FAUST YOU DON'T SUCCEED.  Some day I really must put together my reviews of his Amber series, for Amber books is perhaps what Roger Zelazny best known for. If you already haven't, I recommend reading George R.R. Martin's In Memoriam, written after Zelazny died. It is a very touching tribute to this great writer. Despite being familiar with both of these writer for quite some time, I only recently learned about their friendship. 

HR Danas se vraćam s ogledom knjige. Sve poveznice (linkovi) su u gornem dijelu teksta na engleskom (da ih ne ponavljam). Ovaj put pišem o romanu Ovaj besmrtnik (u originalu This Immortal), Rogera Zelanzy-a koji je podijelio nagradu Hugo sa slavnom Dinom Franka Herberta 1966. Bila je to očito dobra godina za znanstvenu fantastiku. Mislim da su oba romana podjednako zaslužila  nagradu.  Roger Zelanzy i Frank Herbert, oboje su jednako priznati pisci znanstvene fantastike s legijama obožavatelja, ali Dina (u originalu Dune) je definitivno poznatija od dva djela koja su osvojila nagradu Hugo 1966. Napisala sam ogled za brojne romane Franka Herberta na svom blogu ( Godmakers, Dune, Dune Messiah, Children of Dune, God Emperor of Dune, Hertics of Dune, Chapterhouse: Dune, White Plague) a isto vrijedi i za Rogera Zelazny-a (koji mi je također jedan od omiljenih pisaca). Možete pročitati moju recenziju Gospodara svjetla Rogera Zelaznyja. Napisala sam ogled i za njegov roman o Faustu. Jednog dana stvarno ću morati sastaviti svoje recenzije njegove serije Kronike Ambera, jer knjige o Amberu su možda ono po čemu je Roger Zelazny najpoznatiji. Ako već niste, preporučam da pročitate In Memoriam Georgea R. R. Martina, napisanu nakon Zelaznyjeve smrti. To je vrlo dirljiva počast ovom velikom piscu. Iako već godinama znam za ova dva pisca, tek sam nedavno saznala  da je između njih postojalo prijateljstvo.


Who was Roger Zelazny?  Born in United States of America (a son of a Polish immigrant Joseph and Irish-American Josephine), Roger Zelazny was an writer of science fiction and fantasy, mostly known for short stories and novels. Roger Zelazny also wrote some poetry, a fact that is relevant for his prose work as well for Zelazny was known to adapt lyrical style of writing. I remember reading somewhere how he (at some point in his early life), abandoned prose, went on to study and write  poetry and then got back to writing  prose again. I always imagined that is how his signature lyrical prose came to be, but naturally you better consult his interviews for more information (for example here , here and here) or specific publications about his work. Zelazny's work was heavily influenced by his interest in mythology and history.  As I already mentioned, he is perhaps best know for The Chronicles of Amber, a series of ten novels, set in alternative reality. In his novels and shorts stories, Zelazny often mixed elements of fantasy and science fiction, sometimes bridging the gap between the two.  During his long career, he won many awards, including 3 Nebula Awards and 6 Hugo Awards. He was nominated 14 times for the Nebula and Hugo Award. 


Tko je bio Roger Zelazny? Rođen u Sjedinjenim Američkim Državama (sin poljskog imigranta Josepha i Amerikanke irskog podrijetla Josephine), Roger Zelazny bio je pisac znanstvene fantastike i fantazije, uglavnom poznat po kratkim pričama i romanima. Roger Zelazny je također napisao ponešto poezije, činjenica koja je relevantna i za njegovo prozno stvaralaštvo jer je poznato da je Zelazny koristio lirski prozni stil. Sjećam se da sam negdje pročitala kako je (u nekom trenutku u ranom životu), napustio pisanje proze, nastavio studirati i pisati poeziju, a onda se opet vratio pisanju proze. Oduvijek sam zamišljala da je tako nastala njegova prepoznatljiva lirska proza, ali naravno bolje je pogledati njegove intervjue za više informacija (poveznice u engleskom dijelu teksta) ili konkretne publikacije o njegovom radu. Zelazny-ev rad bio je pod jakim utjecajem njegovog zanimanja za mitologiju i povijest. Kao što sam već spomenula, možda je najpoznatiji po Kronikama Ambera ( The Chronicles of Amber), seriji od deset romana, smještenom u alternativnu stvarnost. U svojim romanima i kratkim pričama, Zelazny je često miješao elemente fantazije i znanstvene fantastike, ponekad premošćujući jaz između to dvoje. Tijekom svoje dugogodišnje karijere osvojio je mnoge nagrade, uključujući 3 nagrade Nebula i 6 Hugo nagrada . Bio je 14 puta nominiran za nagradu Nebula i Hugo.


Originally this novel was abridged by Zelazny and published in The Magazine of Science Fiction and Fantasy in October and November 1965 under the title ...And Call me Conrad.  Most cuts made for the version published in installments were restored when it was published as a single novel under the title This Immortal. The author later on went to say that he preferred the original title. The novel is set in the future in which planet Earth numbers only 4 million human inhabitants and is filled with many dangers, such as mutant monsters and animals that often resemble those from Greek mythology. Earth's government is heavily influenced by an advanced alien race known as Vegans who see planet Earth as a tourist attraction.

Izvorno je Zelazny skratio ovaj roman i objavio u  časopisu (The Magazine of Science Fiction and Fantasy) u listopadu i studenom 1965. pod naslovom ...i Zovite me Konrad (....And Call me Conrad). Većina rezova napravljenih za verziju objavljenu u časopisu vraćena je kada je djelo objavljeno kao jedan roman pod naslovom Ovaj Besmrrtnik ( This Immortal). Autor je kasnije rekao da mu je draži originalni naslov. Radnja romana smještena je u budućnost u kojoj planeta Zemlja broji samo 4 milijuna ljudskih stanovnika i puna je brojnih opasnosti, poput mutantnih čudovišta i životinja koje često podsjećaju na one iz grčke mitologije. Zemljina vlada je pod jakim utjecajem napredne vanzemaljske rase poznate kao Vegani koji planet Zemlju vide kao turističku atrakciju.

“And then the night wind, cool through arches of the years, came hounding after me.”

“Far below, the ocean was a bluegray rug being pulled out from beneath us.”
― Roger Zelazny, This Immortal



This Immortal (aka ...And Call me Conrad) is a science fiction novel that manages to be subtly philosophical, delightfully funny and wonderfully poetical.  It's really a gem of a novel that gives an interest spin on classical science fiction theme of the first contact and the future of humanity. The mythological elements of the novel create an interesting link with human history and culture. Written from the protagonist's a point of view, this novel is set in the future in which the human race is dominated by aliens known as Vegans, a fact that obviously raises many questions. How should human react to Vegans? Should they be grateful for an introduction to this advanced life for or should they resent the power Vegans hold over them? Should they adapt to their rule or should they fight back? As the novel opens and progresses, it becomes obvious that there are opposing views on what the future should look like for planet Earth. However, I'm jumping a bit ahead. It is important to note that this novel is focused on the protagonist who is also a narrator. It is through Conrad's eyes that we see this future Earth. Only as the novel progresses, do we learn more and more about planet Earth and different groups (pro and anti-Vegan if you will). The narrator is someone who wants to see Earth free from Vegan rule, but he is also wise enough to see that things are rarely black and white. 



Ovaj Besmrtnik (This Immortal aka ...And Call me Conrad) je znanstvenofantastični roman koji uspijeva biti suptilno filozofski, divno smiješan i prekrasno poetičan. To je zaista dragulj od romana koji obrađuje temu, možda i klasičnu za znanstvenu fantastiku, ali opet zanimljivu, temu o prvom kontaktu i budućnosti čovječanstva. Mitološki elementi romana stvaraju zanimljivu poveznicu s ljudskom poviješću i kulturom. Napisan iz gledišta protagonista, ovaj je roman smješten u budućnost u kojoj ljudskom rasom dominiraju vanzemaljci poznati kao Vegani, što očito postavlja mnoga pitanja. Kako bi čovjek trebao reagirati na Vegane? Trebaju li ljudi biti zahvalni za upoznavanje s ovim naprednim oblikom života ili bi trebali zamjerati moć koju Vegani imaju nad njima? Trebaju li se prilagoditi svojoj vladavini ili bi trebali uzvratiti? Kako se roman otvara i napreduje, postaje očito da postoje suprotni pogledi na to kako bi budućnost planeta Zemlje trebala izgledati. Ipak, skačem malo previše naprijed. Važno je napomenuti da je ovaj roman fokusiran na protagonista koji je ujedno i pripovjedač. Konradovim očima vidimo ovu buduću Zemlju. Tek kako roman napreduje, saznajemo sve više i više o planeti Zemlji i različitim skupinama (za i protiv Vegana i suradnje sa njima ako hoćete). Narator je netko tko želi vidjeti Zemlju oslobođenu veganske vladavine, ali je također dovoljno mudar da uvidi da su stvari rijetko crno-bijele.

“So feathers or lead?” I asked him. “Pardon?” “It is the riddle of the kallikanzaros. Pick one.” “Feathers?” “You’re wrong.” “If I had said lead’ . . .?” “Uh-uh. You only have one chance. The correct answer is whatever the kallikanzaros wants it to be. You lose.” “That sounds a bit arbitrary.” “Kallikanzaroi are that way. It’s Greek, rather than Oriental subtlety. Less inscrutable, too. Because your life often depends on the answer, and the kallikanzaros generally wants you to lose.”


The protagonist/narrator is Conrad, a man who has lived for a very long time and is immortal for reasons unknown. Conrad's long life isn't fully explained, it might be a consequence of a mutation, something supernatural or just a mystery. There is also a possibility, hinted in the novel, that Conrad is the Greek god Pan. Like many of Zelazny's protagonist, Conrad poses super human abilities. In many ways, Conrad reminded me of Corwin from the Amber chronicles in that he is a reluctant sort of Byronic hero. Conrad is sometimes a bit wild and unpredictable, but he follows his own code of honour. Moreover, Conrad leaves the impression of inner strength from which he draws his strong charisma. All in all, a sort of narrator this interesting novel needs. 


Protagonist/pripovjedač je Conrad, čovjek koji je živio jako dugo i besmrtan je iz nepoznatih razloga. Conradov dug život nije u potpunosti objašnjen, može biti posljedica mutacije, nečeg nadnaravnog ili samo misterija. Postoji i mogućnost, nagoviještena u romanu, da je Conrad grčki bog Pan. Poput mnogih Zelaznyjevih protagonista, Conrad predstavlja super ljudske sposobnosti. Conrad me na mnogo načina podsjetio na Corwina iz Amber kronika jer je on nevoljna vrsta Byronskog heroja. Conrad je ponekad pomalo divlji i nepredvidiv, ali slijedi vlastiti kodeks časti. Štoviše, Conrad ostavlja dojam unutarnje snage iz koje crpi svoju snažnu karizmu. Sve u svemu, svojevrsni pripovjedač treba ovom zanimljivom romanu. Usput rečeno, nisam pročitala roman na hrvatskom nego samo u orginalu pa nisam sigurna je li ime glavnom lika napisano Conrad ili prilagođeno hrvatskom izgovoru Konrad. 


The Vegans, an alien race, as represented as being fundamentally different from human beings, not only in their psychical appearance (blue skin, different build) but in the way they perceive the world around them. Vegans see colours that humans don't and vice versa. Where we see a white flower, they see a variety of colours. Their cities, art, social structures and culture are nothing like our own. This diversity that makes the human and Vegan relationships complicated even difficult in this sense feels realistic and authentic. The author doesn't go into great detail when he describes the Vegans and their society. Zelazny hints at some aspects of Vegan society rather than create a complete picture of the Vegan world and society. Like Hemingway, Zelazny sometimes believed that less is more and that a story can be told with omissions. In this novel, one gets a feeling that Vegans are different from humans and that is enough for this novel. The Vegans are mostly represented by one Vegan that Conrad escorts around Earth and that is supposedly a key of Earth's future. The relationship between this Vegan and Conrad is interesting, especially as Conrad acts as his unwilling protector. There is a scene when Conrad gets into the mind of the Vegan because of his telepathic abilities and I found this scene to be well written indeed. As for human characters, expect for Cassandra who appears at the beginning and then reappears towards the end, most characters escort Conrad at his journey with the Vegan. There is a professional hit man (an assassin) Hasan who seems to be on friendly terms with Conrad even when they find themselves on the opposing sides. There is also an ex-lover of Conrad who used to be his comrade in fight against Vegan rule. She is motivated mostly by her hate for Vegans and when she shares more of her life story, it is easy to see why and even be tempted to see things her way.  Conrad tries to keep a cold head because he realizes something important will take place soon. The Vegans are contrasted with human characters and vice versa. They are not exactly villains, for they are interested in Earth and its history. Nevertheless, it is obvious why humans resent seeing planet Earth turned into a Vegan vacation spot, no matter how advanced their society might be. 


Vegani, u ovom romanu izvanzemaljska rasa, predstavljeni su kao fundamentalno različiti od ljudskih bića, ne samo po svom psihičkom izgledu (plava koža, različite građe), već i po načinu na koji percipiraju svijet oko sebe. Vegani vide boje koje ljudi ne vide i obrnuto. Gdje mi vidimo bijeli cvijet, oni vide razne boje. Njihovi gradovi, umjetnost, društvene strukture i kultura nisu ništa poput naših. Ova raznolikost koja čini međuljudske i veganske odnose kompliciranima čak i teškim u tom smislu djeluje realistično i autentično. Autor ne ulazi u detalje kada opisuje vegane i njihovo društvo. Zelazny nagovještava neke aspekte veganskog društva, a ne stvara potpunu sliku veganskog svijeta i društva. Poput Hemingwaya, Zelazny je ponekad vjerovao da je manje više i da se priča može ispričati uz izostavljanje. U ovom romanu se stječe osjećaj da su vegani drugačiji od ljudi i to je dovoljno za ovaj roman. Vegane uglavnom predstavlja jedan Vegan kojeg Conrad prati po Zemlji i koji je navodno ključ Zemljine budućnosti. Zanimljiv je odnos ovog Vegana i Conrada, pogotovo jer se Conrad ponaša kao njegov nevoljni zaštitnik. Postoji scena kada Conrad ulazi u um Vegana zbog svojih telepatskih sposobnosti. Čini mi se da je ova scena doista dobro napisana. Što se tiče ljudskih likova, osim Kasandre koja se pojavljuje na početku, a zatim se ponovno pojavljuje pred kraj, većina bitnih likova prati Conrada na njegovom putovanju s Veganom. Tu je profesionalni ubojica (ubojica) Hasan koji se čini u prijateljskim odnosima s Conradom čak i kada se nađu na suprotstavljenim stranama. Tu je i bivša Conradova ljubav koji mu je bila suborac u borbi protiv veganske vladavine. Ponajviše je motivirana mržnjom prema veganima, a kada ispriča više o svojoj životnoj priči, lako je shvatiti zašto, pa čak i doći u iskušenje da se vidi stvari na njezin način. Conrad pokušava zadržati hladnu glavu jer shvaća da će se uskoro dogoditi nešto važno. Vegani su u suprotnosti s ljudskim karakterima i obrnuto. Nisu baš zlikovci, jer ih zanima Zemlja i njezina povijest. Ipak, očito je zašto ljudi ne žele vidjeti planetu Zemlju kako se pretvara u vegansko mjesto za odmor, bez obzira koliko napredno njihovo društvo moglo biti.


This Immortal is not a long novel so in that sense it is quite eventful, even if the plot is pretty simple. I enjoyed the pacing of the novel, but I imagine that it could seem slow to some. There are digressions and pauses in the narrative that are not directly related to the plot, but that enable us to learn more of the protagonist/narrator. I believe this is important for the novel as the whole, because it is the narrator that carries the entire story. 

This Immortal is the kind of novel where you have to pay attention to both the story and the wording. There are many references to Greek mythology and they are all relevant for the story. The plot follows the narrator Conrad as he is forced to show an influential Vegan around planet Earth. Novel opens with Conrad being reluctant to talk abut his past with his love interest Cassandra. Conrad is then sent (by his superiors) on the Earth trip accompanying with this Vegan that claims he is writing a book on Earth history. Cassandra, like her Greek equivalent, predicts great danger and would rather keep her Conrad with her at their home. However, what must be done, must be done and Conrad realizes this. As the novel progresses, we learn more about him. 

 The plot is neither terribly developed, nor there are many subplots but what can you expect in a novel of this size? The plot is perhaps sometimes a bit predictable, but the novel is none the less interesting for it. There is an element of a mystery to the novel when attempts on the life of an influential Vegan are made. Conrad sees that there might be good  reasons why this Vegan should  be killed, but he doesn't want to allow it until he sees the bigger picture. The mystery is only revealed towards the end of the novel, up to that point, the reader mostly follows Conrad as he tries to stop assassination attempts on Vegan's life and make light of the situation. As they travel planet Earth, we as readers see more of what future holds for our planet. The future seems pretty bleak as planet Earth is in a bad shape, full of dangerous radiation spots and hardly populated at all. As pessimistic as this future view of Earth is, there are also elements of optimism in this work that hint at author's faith in the braveness of the human spirit and our ability to overcome complex difficulties. 


Ovaj besmrtnik nije dugačak roman pa je u tom smislu prilično bogat događajima, čak i ako je radnja i rasplet iste prilično jednostavan. Osobno sam uživala u tempu i ritmu romana, ali mislim da bi se nekima mogao učiniti sporim. U samoj naraciji ima digresija i stanki koje nisu izravno povezane s radnjom, ali nam omogućuju da saznamo više o protagonisti/pripovjedaču. Vjerujem da je to važno za roman kao cjelinu, jer je pripovjedač taj koji nosi cijelu priču. No, to ispak usporava jednostavnu radnju, što bi nekima moglo smetati. 

Ovaj besmrtnik je vrsta romana u kojoj morate obratiti pažnju i na priču i na tekst. Postoji mnogo referenci na grčku mitologiju i sve su relevantne za priču. Radnja prati pripovjedača Conrada koji je prisiljen pratiti utjecajnog izvanzemaljca (Vegana) na ragledavanju planeta Zemlje. Roman počinje tako što Conrad nerado govori o svojoj prošlosti sa svojom ljubavlju Kasandrom, pa joj tako teškom mukom otkriva svoje godine (iako je moguće da je još stariji nego što se prikazuje) Conrada zatim  njegovi nadređeni šalju na putovanje Zemlje kao pratnju  Veganu koji tvrdi da piše knjigu o povijesti Zemlje. Njegova djevojka Kasandra, kao i njezin grčki ekvivalent, predviđa veliku opasnost i radije bi zadržala svog Conrada sa sobom u njihovu domu. Međutim, ono što se mora učiniti, mora se učiniti i Conrad to shvaća. Kako roman napreduje, saznajemo sve više o njemu.

 Radnja nije ni strašno razvijena, niti ima mnogo zapleta, ali što možete očekivati ​​u romanu ove veličine? Radnja je možda ponekad pomalo predvidljiva, ali roman je  ipak zanimljiv. U romanu postoji element misterije koji postaje očit kada se pokušava ubiti utjecajnog Vegana kojeg Conrad prati. Conrad vidi da bi mogli postojati dobri razlozi zašto bi ovog Vegana trebalo ubiti, ali ne želi to dopustiti dok ne sagleda širu sliku. Misterij se otkriva tek pred kraj romana, do tada čitatelj uglavnom prati Conrada dok pokušava zaustaviti pokušaje atentata na Veganov život i rasvijetliti situaciju. Dok putuju planetom Zemljom, mi kao čitatelji vidimo što budućnost donosi za naš planet. Budućnost se čini prilično mračnom jer je planet Zemlja u lošem stanju, puna opasnih radijacijskih točaka i gotovo uopće nije naseljen osim na nekim mjestima. Koliko god ovaj pogled na budućnost Zemlje bio pesimističan, u ovom djelu ima i elemenata optimizma koji nagovještavaju autorovu vjeru u hrabrost ljudskog duha i našu sposobnost prevladavanja složenih poteškoća.

The mythological elements do play an important part. They enable for double reading and add complexity to this novel. Moreover, there is something of a tragic note in this work, something readers and lovers of old Greek literature will appreciate. For a reader who appreciates old Greek literature and myth, this novel with be extremely enjoyable. However, for those who care neither about Greek literature or myth, the whole mythological element might not be as interesting, taking away from reading pleasure. 

Mitološki elementi igraju važnu ulogu. Omogućuju dvostruko čitanje i dodaju kompleksnost ovom romanu. Štoviše, u ovom djelu ima nešto tragične note, što će čitatelji i ljubitelji stare grčke književnosti cijeniti. Za čitatelja koji cijeni staru grčku književnost i mit, ovaj će roman biti iznimno ugodan. Međutim, za one koji ne mare ni za grčku književnost ni mit, cijeli mitološki element možda neće biti toliko zanimljiv, oduzimajući užitak čitanja.


This Immortal shared 1966 Hugo award with Dune by Frank Herbert. Dune went on to become the best selling science fiction novel and This Immortal seems to have remained in its shadow. It's a shame for it really is a fine novel. Undoubtedly, This Immortal is quite a different novel from Dune. So much different, one cannot find noticeable similarities. When comparing the two, we can noticed that This Immortal is much shorter than Dune and consequently the plot is not as developed. Moreover, the world building is not nearly as complex. However, this novel has a lot to offer to its reader. The cast of  characters is neither as large nor are they very developed as those in Dune.  On the other hand, this shorter novel has other advantages. This Immortal is a novel that can be read both as fantasy based on Greek mythology and science fiction (if you prefer to rationally explain the super powers and monsters with radiation and mutation). 


Ovaj besmrtnik je 1966. podijelio nagradu Hugo s Dinom Franka Herberta. Dina (Dune) je postao najprodavaniji znanstvenofantastični roman, a čini se da je Ovaj besmrtnik ostao u njegovoj sjeni. Šteta jer je to stvarno dobar roman. Bez sumnje, Ovaj besmrtnik je sasvim drugačiji roman od Dine. Toliko različiti da se ne mogu pronaći uočljive sličnosti. Uspoređujući to dvoje, možemo primijetiti da je ovaj roman puno kraći od Dine, pa samim time i radnja nije toliko razvijena. Štoviše, izgradnja svijeta nije ni približno tako složena. Međutim, ovaj roman ima puno toga za ponuditi svom čitatelju. Likovi nisu niti tako brojni niti su jako razvijeni kao oni u Dini. S druge strane, ovaj kraći roman ima i druge prednosti. Ovaj besmrtnik je roman koji se može čitati i kao fantazija zasnovana na grčkoj mitologiji i kao roman koji pripada znanstvenoj fantastici (ako više volite racionalno objasniti supermoći i čudovišta zračenjem i mutacijom).


I already mentioned that this novel is told through a perspective of its protagonist/narrator. Therefore, the portrayal of his character is very important. I would say that Zelazny did a great job with the narrator. Conrad remains shrouded in mystery, but the reader gets to experience enough of his emotional and intellectual life to develop a connection with him. Like the mythological Greek gods and semi-gods, the narrator is both human and superhuman, approachable in his humanity and fascinating when he invokes his special powers. The protagonist Conrad is a charming and eloquent narrator, a rogue protagonist with an old soul, the type Zelazny will develop more fully in his other works and novels. In addition, there is a philosophical aspect to this novel. Like many great science fiction novels, This Immortal questions what it is to be human. Contrasted with an alien life form, our narrator has an opportunity to comment on humanity. Who is better suited to fight for humanity and reflect on it than a man who is centuries (if not more) old?

...“I’ve always been impulsive. My thinking is usually pretty good, but I always seem to do it after I do my talking—by which time I’ve generally destroyed all basis for further conversation.”


Već sam spomenula  da je ovaj roman ispričan u prvom licu to jest  kroz perspektivu protagonista/pripovjedača. Stoga je prikaz njegovog lika vrlo važan. Rekla bih da je Zelazny sjajno odradio posao s pripovjedačem. Conrad ostaje obavijen velom misterije, ali čitatelj može doživjeti dovoljno njegovog emocionalnog i intelektualnog stanja da razvije vezu s njim. Poput mitoloških grčkih bogova i polu-bogova, pripovjedač je i čovjek i nadčovjek, pristupačan u svojoj ljudskosti i fascinantan kada prizove svoje posebne moći. Protagonist Conrad šarmantan je i elokventan pripovjedač, skitnički protagonist sa starom dušom, tip koji će ovaj pisac potpunije razviti u svojim drugim djelima i romanima. Osim toga, ovaj roman ima i filozofski aspekt. Poput mnogih velikih znanstvenofantastičnih romana, Ovaj besmrtni propituje što je to biti čovjek. U kontrastu s izvanzemaljskom oblikom života, naš pripovjedač ima priliku komentirati čovječanstvo. Tko je više prikladan boriti se za čovječanstvo i za razmišljanje o njemu od čovjeka koji je stoljećima (ako ne i više) star?


On overall, I immensely enjoyed this novel even if the plot was somewhat predictable. This Immortal would be worth reading for humour alone, even if for nothing else. It is abundant in clever lines worthy of Oscar Wilde. Nevertheless, the humour is hardly its only quality. There is a subtle tragedy to this work that reminded me of both Shakespearean tragedies and old Greek myths. The fun word puns don't take away from the seriousness of this work. As the best of science fiction, this novel questions what is essentially means to be human.  Perhaps it is  not as amazing as Zelazny's Lord of Light or The Chronicles of Amber, but then again what book is? Quite frankly, I'm amazed at how much content Zelazny managed to put in such a short work. There is mythology, psychology and action enough to keep a reader interested. A five star read for sure. A perfect choice if you're short on time, but in mood for vintage science fiction. In that sense, you cannot go wrong with this one. I definitely recommend this novel! 


Sve u svemu, neizmjerno sam uživala u ovom romanu iako je radnja bila donekle predvidljiva. Ovaj besmrtnik vrijedilo bi pročitati samo zbog humora, čak ni zbog čega drugog. Obiluje pametnim rečenicama dostojnim Oscara Wildea. Ipak, humor nije njegova jedina kvaliteta. Ovo djelo ima suptilnu tragediju koja me podsjetila i na Shakespeareove tragedije i na stare grčke mitove. Zabavne riječi igre riječi ne umanjuju ozbiljnost ovog djela. Kao najbolja znanstvena fantastika, ovaj roman propituje što u biti znači biti čovjek. Možda ova knjiga nije tako nevjerojatna kao Zelazny-ev Gospodar svjetla ili Kronike Ambera, ali opet koja se knjiga može usporediti sa njima? Iskreno govoreći, začuđena sam koliko je sadržaja Zelazny uspio ubaciti u tako kratko djelo. Mitologije, psihologije i akcije ima dovoljno da zainteresira čitatelja. Roman od pet zvjezdica sigurno. Savršen izbor ako nemate vremena, ali ste raspoloženi za vintage znanstvenu fantastiku. U tom smislu, s ovim ne možete pogriješiti. Svakako preporučam ovaj roman!

As always, thank you for reading and commenting! Kao i uvijek, hvala vam na komentarima i čitanju.


  1. Sounds like a really interesting book, thanks for sharing.

  2. Been Thinking About You Two Kids - Happy November - Sending Positive Vibes My Friend


  3. Hello Ivana, how you doing?! Hope everything is going better and I am so happy to see you back on the blog :D

    First of all I love how you styled this blog post, with many covers of the novel and with your looks matching with the background and with quotes or with artworks of the book.

    I heard about The Immortals a few years ago back in a book club but never had the chance to pick a copy, maybe I could get one soon since this genre, science fiction is really appealing to me.... specially nowadays when you can find a lot of parallelism with many of the things we're living. The character of Conrad is also intriguind, specially for the fact that he has been on earth for many years.

    And I am even more excited after seeing your review of 5 stars!

    Take care and have a lovely autumn season!


  4. Wow you liked this book enough to rate it five stars. Sci-fi is not really my favorite genre but my interested is piqued by the witty humor and mythological references. I hope you had a good rest and are feeling much better now. Happy month of November Ivana!

  5. I'm not a science fiction fan and I haven't heard of this author before but it's good it's witty and humorous book and you really enjoyed it, to give it such a high rating and review :)

    Hope that your week is going well :)

    Away From The Blue

  6. Oh, it does sound like a journey to read, but you read it well, indeed. Thanks so much for the review. So great to see so many fashion outfits too. Hope you are doing well. Happy November!

    1. thank you. I'm still struggling but I'm doing a bit better.

  7. Such a spectacular review! Sounds like it might be something to come full circle. So glad you did this post. Lovely photos ❤

    Thank you so much for all your comments. I hope work and health are doing OK. Thank you for the lovely seascape moment too in the post. All the best to your creativity and adventures.

  8. You always give such thorough reviews Ivana. I would definitely read this because I like the books with some humor.

  9. These books sound wonderful and I love your detailed review!

  10. Gracias por recomendación se ve un buen libro. Lindo look . Te mando un beso

  11. I loved the book recommendation, looks great!
    I haven't read anything for a while...
    Happy November to all of us! ❤


  12. Although his name sounds familiar, I'm afraid I'm not familiar with Roger Zelanzy's oeuvre. This Immortal sounds like an interesting and intriguing read. Thank you for sharing another of your in-depth reviews. I do hope you are well, Ivana. Thinking of you! xxx

    1. Thanks, I like him but he is not everyone's cup of tea.

  13. love how you do the styling and how it matches the book cover

  14. Le tue review sono sempre così dettagliate e ben fatte, mi piacerebbe leggere questo libro!
    Kisses, Paola.


    My Instagram

  15. Generalmente non sono una grande fan del genere fantascienza, ma da come hai descritto questo libro, ora lo voglio assolutamente leggere!
    Mi intriga soprattutto il modo in cui è scritto, sembra una prosa molto poetica e raffinata e questo è un aspetto che apprezzo sempre molto nei libri ma raramente rieco a trovare!
    Ottima review e bellissime foto, mi piacciono da morire soprattutto quegli orecchini chandelier, ti stanno benissimo! :D

  16. I read Dune. Even a whole series. But I don't know this title.

  17. Science fiction is not a genre I read often, but this book sounds really intriguing. I love the quotes you shared too. Thank you for the wonderful thorough review.

    Ekaterina | Polar Bear Style

  18. I have read the first book in the Amber series, many, many years ago, and it didn't really grab me, but I loved Dune. I will keep an eye out for Zelazny, though!

    Happy to see you, honey! Lovely outfits and agog as always over your painting. Hugs.

  19. Interesting books, thanks for the recommendations))

  20. I am not a fan of SF books but among during this genre I can find something for me like famous Diune that I really like. I have never heard about Zelazny before and reading here about his books despite the fact that I am not SF fan I think maybe I can like it cause it has something deeper inside :-)

    Thank you for your unique recommendation dear
    Have a nice weekend xx

  21. Hope you feeling better and better every day, just by reading this 5 stars post I bet you are feeling okay now! That genre of reading is not my cup of tea but you give it 5 stars so the reading must be really good! About your outfit I loved the navy details of your tunic, you look beautiful!


  22. I enjoyed reading this. I hope you’re feeling better.

  23. wow Ivana, the amount of work you did for this review is amazing. The book sounds great and these quotes powerful. Thanks for sharing and keep up your fantastic work. http://6pinsinashoe.com/

  24. Dear Ivana,
    that sounds like a very interesting book. I found it a bit strange that the aliens are called "vegans" - nowadays a term for people who live vegan, i.e. forego animal products ... But when Zelazny wrote the book, there was still no talk of veganism on earth. I asked my husband if he knew the book, but he said no. So I recommended it to him because he loves good science fiction.
    Your outfit photos are great again!
    I hope your health is better again!
    All the best

    1. yes, I found it strange too, but Zelanzy's Vegans are pronounced differently that vegans so that made it a bit easier- and I listened to an audioversion.

  25. Thank you for this book review, dear Ivana! I'm not a big fan of science fiction, but "The Immortal" sounds really interesting. Your outfit is very cool with the colorful patterned dress over the white trousers. You look so chic in it!
    xxxxx Nadine

    1. Thank you Nadine. I like this combo too. Pairing dresses with pants is always fun.

  26. Thanks for sharing this detailed description of the novel 😉.

  27. Your book review posts are such a delightful pleasure. If I've not yet read a title you cover, it feels like I'm doing so via your words and if I have, it's like catching up again with an old friend.

    Thank you so much for sharing your passion for the written word with us, sweet soul.

    Autumn Zenith 🧡 Witchcrafted Life

  28. That book seems so great! I would love to read it although I have still been reading Dune.
    I would love to a lot know about Conrad and Vegans! Your book reviews always give me great knowledge and your beautiful thought! Love all of your outfits, and I am big fan of your yellow bag with ribbon<3



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