The Magic of Nature Park Hutovo Blato: Must See Places in Herzegovina

I've been living as an expat in Bosnia and Herzegovina for almost a decade now. During this rather long period of time, I've discovered many wonderful places that I learned to treasure and appreciate. I wrote about most of them here in this little place I can my own. Still, some places are more special than others. It is hard to say why. Some reasons remain mysterious of the heart. Maybe life is more interesting that way. We don't always have to know everything. Sometimes we fall in love with places just the way we fall in love with people.

All I can say is that Hutovo Blato is one of those special places. I've fallen in love with it during my first visit. Maybe it's the sea child in me that's feeling (and missing) the Adriatic? After all, the Adriatic is not far from here. That's what I felt on my first visit: a fascination with how familiar this place felt. Since then, I've been a pretty regular visitor. In many ways this nature park feels absolutely Mediterranean. It is certainly blessed with wonderful climate, but it is also very unique. Not a long time ago, I wrote about What To See and Do in Hutovo Blato. I would definitely put nature park on the list of must see places in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Besides the obvious attraction, the stunning nature itself, this wetland is also a home to hundreds of migratory and resident bird species. 

Today it is time for another visit. With a mixture of my art and photography, I invite you to visit this place with me once more!

Jumpsuit: Zaful (here)
Sandals: bought at retro shoes store in Mostar

As I said, nature park Hutovo Blato is one of my happy places and we've got a whole history documented here on my blog. My last visit was recent, but seeing these photographs you probably couldn't guess that it's autumn already. Well, it is. After a bit of colder weather, we've been blessed with tons of sunshine.  We're currently experiencing something resembling a heatwave, temperatures much higher than they should be this time of year. All that basically means you can visit this park in  your summer attire. Just in case you're anywhere near. In case you want to learn more about this place or see my previous visits to this part, you can check them out in the links bellow:
1. here and here (Winter 2017)  and here (Autumn 2017) (Summer 2016)
4. here (Spring 2015)
5. here  and here (Summer 2015)
6. here (Summer 2013) and here (Winter 2013) (photographs taken during Summer 2012 but published during Winter 2013)

Now, it's time for a fashion talk. My outfit proposal of the day is all about styling this vibrant yellow jumpsuit (available here). In case you haven't noticed, I'm a big fan of yellow. This colour makes me think of summer (but also autumn) and good vibes. It reminds me of the sun, of the energy of life and basically of all things lovely. Possibly, yellow colour is also a flattering for my olive complexion (I'm a bit paler than usual due to extreme anemia but my natural complexion is typically a bit on the darker side). Moreover, I think yellow is such a statement colour to wear. I remember when the canary yellow trend first appeared. It was so much fun seeing all those beautiful canary yellow gowns on the red carpet. It was such a breath of fresh air! Last spring, we saw a lot of yellow in fashion collections for this autumn/winter season. Personally, I can't wait for yellow to become super trendy. Yes, I definitely love this colour. I even wrote a few posts about it. Remember my post about 3 Ways To Style A Yellow Checkered Skirt?  (or my post that revolved mostly about layering a yellow dress that I'm particularly fond of?).

 So, how did I style this printed yellow jumpsuit? Well, styling it for warm weather wasn't really a challenge. The real challenge will be styling it for colder autumn weather ( I already have some ideas). For my visit to nature park, I wore it with a long vest and a pair of brown leather sandals. In fact, every time I had worn this yellow jumpsuit so far I had paired it with an olive long vest because I liked how these two items look together. The only time I took the olive vest of was on this particular day because it was really too hot. I think I prefer this yellow jumpsuit in a layered look, especially for everyday. I can imagine it being worn on its own, though. In fact, I think that by pairing it with a classy pair of high heeled sandals and a nice clutch, I might even get a winning outfit for weddings and special occasions. What do you think? BTW I got this jumpsuit from Zaful. It was a part of my last order, but I had to wait for it for a bit longer because it was located someplace else. It was such a nice surprise. I almost forgot about it when it arrived. All is well that ends well, right? Funny how many things can influence and improve our mood. Places, food, climate, clothes....all these things can influence how we feel.

Revisiting Hutovo Blato often puts me into a meditative mood. I suppose this place makes me feel a bit philosophical. In one of my older posts, I wrote the following lines (and with those thoughts I leave you):

What makes some place special to us? Memories? If yes, what kind of memories?  When makes us motivated to revisit some place? Is it when we have visited that place only once? Or is it continuous visit that make it special? I know it all depends, but still I wonder. Why do we return to some places? To revive a certain experience? Sometimes people return to places of sadness, so that they can come to terms with something that happened. In that case, that experience is a kind of catharsis.  Sometimes people return to places that remind them of some failure just to remind themselves that past holds no power over them. Are good memories as potent as bad ones? What holds more power? Or does it depend on our current mood?  The older I get, the more I doubt that we really control our memories. In a way, we all do for we all have a selective memory. We interpret events as we see fit and remember them accordingly to our present system of thought (or belief). That being said, sometimes memories have a mind of their own. They come and go, without us invoking them. Have you ever experiences this? Remembering something you wanted to forget in detail and not being able to remember something you want. Have you ever struggled to bring back some old passion or desire? Have you ever seen a ghost of past love? Memories are a curious subject, so let’s examine an association, a  distant cousin of the memory. Associations? Do they make us revisit places? We might be linking positive things with a certain places, even without the help of memories. What does it all really comes down to? Personal preferences? What makes us like anything? Is it a positive prejudice, belief, experience, a sum of personal opinions….Do these things determine whether or not we shall like something?

Jumpsuit: Zaful (here)/ Sandals: bought at retro shoes store in Mostar/ Vest: old

Jumpsuit: Zaful (here)
Location: Nature park Hutovo blato 

Tell me, what is your happy place? Do some places make you feel inspired? Where do you look for inspiration? What is your favourite colour? Do you plan to wear summer items in autumn as well? What are your tricks for styling summer pieces in autumn? 

Thank you for reading and visiting. Have a fantastic day!


  1. First of all that jumpsuit on you is super dreamy. I like the vibrant yellow mellow and the print. You look good! Sounds like this place is everything to you. My happy place is my home, but I do love walking. Makes me happy for some reason. Ha!! Yes I plan on wearing my summer pieces in autumn. Layering the heck outta them. Lol!

    1. Walking is a great way to relax, I love to relax at home too.

  2. Hi Ivana! I recognised this park from one of your previous, older post and I'm glad to see that it doesn't change at all - it's still as much beautiful as I've seen it on your blog from the very first sight. I totally understand why Hutovo Blato is just magical and special place - personally I also like to spend my spare time nearby nature - it helps me when I'm stressed/ angry/ fullfield with negative vibes and emotions - nature is like free therapy, which always works. What's more, I love your jumpsuit, which btw has terrific prints and colors :) Moreover, I also really like yellow - it's vivid, eye-catching and such a positive color, perfect for summer and autumn as well. :)
    Take care, my dear Ivana! :)

    1. Thank you, it's a beautiful place indeed. Nature has the same effect on me. It really helps me to relax.

  3. I adore the yellow jumpsuit, Ivana! In fact, I almost bought one this summer, but I didn't. Now I'm regretting it!!
    And being inspired by the places you go is wonderful. I love it when that happens!!

  4. Hutovo Blato looks like a great place to visit! Love your outfit Ivana! You look gorgeous!

  5. Che posto meraviglioso, davvero incantevole. Voglio tornare in Bosnia Erzegovina perché ho visto solo Sarajevo .
    Splendida anche la tua tuta Ivana!

  6. That is a wonderful place. I would love to visit it. My happy place is the music camp I go to- it is so beautiful there and cut off from the world in general. I always feel inspired there.
    Your yellow jumpsuit is really pretty- I like it very much and it suits your colouring- sorry to hear that you are particularly anaemic at the moment- hope that your help is improving or at least stable, not getting worse.
    Your thoughts on why we visit places were beautiful!

  7. I love your jumpsuit, it looks amazing on you! These photos are stunning! It is so nice to have a place that you have just to yourself! Thanks for sharing, babe!

  8. I wish I could be there with you! It just looks so amazing and nature is so calming! Lovin it!


  9. Oh I really love this color, and u look perfect in it!

  10. bellissimi scatti!la natura è stupenda.
    jumpsuit molto bella.

  11. Hello, thanks for the information. Great photos and amazing place! xx

  12. I want to say those drawing are really cool but that jumpsuit on you is dope. I will the nature park, I was have a favorite place to visit in my city. I will be sharing if I get a chance to take my photographer there.
    New post

  13. Il giallo è un colore che amo indossare frequentemente e questa tuta è fantastica!!!! Inoltre la stampa floreale molto tenue è stupenda!

  14. Hello, I really love this color and you looks perfect in it!
    Great post


  15. This outfit is lovely, the yellow is gorgeous! So nice!

    Raindrops of Sapphire

  16. What a magical place Ivana, wish I was there right now! You are so adorable, totally love ur jumpsuit! xo

  17. It's great you can enjoy the warmer summer-like weather a little longer! Our cold winter seems to be hanging around, but they say we will get a break in the cold and the rain soon! You look lovely in your yellow jumpsuit - it's such a cheerful colour to wear!

    Hope that you are having a good week :)

    Away From The Blue Blog

  18. It's obvious you have a special place in your heart for Hutovo Blatoand and the way you have creatively presented it is lovely. That jumpsuit with it's sunny yellow color and floral print are giving me summer vibes and you have styled it perfectly for autumn.

  19. I think I'll wear summer pieces in Autumn as well as it is difficult for me to say goodbye to my summer dresses and skirts :) The yellow suit suits you really - even as you are more pale at the moment than usual. Hopefully you feel much better! And yes, for sure I know magic places - and I agree, Hutovo Blato is a magic place. Maybe you are really fascinated because it touches your Adriatic inner child ... I really can imagin this is true! I get inspiration from nearly everything and for me our complete region in Bavaria is a magic place!
    xx Rena

    1. yes, it is difficult to say goodbye to our summer favs....and why should we?

  20. Che posto incantevole, si capisce dalle foto perchè sia tanto speciale per te! NAnche io amo i posti immersi nella natura!
    E che bella la tua tuta, stai davvero bene in giallo! :)

  21. You look lovely in your jumpsuit. Yellow nails are in for autumn. My happy place is the beach, even though I don't live near one. If I did I'd be there everyday. I find inspiration in anything. What makes a place special to me, are the memories I make. Even if it is just passing through with a hot chocolate lol. My fave colour for A/W are dark berries, reds, blues and green, burnt orange, browns and black, so quite a few there lol. Your drawings are lovely, I love how you paired them with your photos. I love your 70's style retro shoes too. Thank you for sharing Ivana : ) xo

    1. thank you Juanita. Those are some really great colour choices.

  22. Thanks a lot :D

    you look fantastic my dear :)

    InstagramFacebook Official PageMiguel Gouveia / Blog Pieces Of Me :D

  23. Buongiorno mi ha intenerito Ivana il il po il posto è fantastico 💟

  24. Gosh the jumpsuit is so amazing!
    The yellow tone suits you perfectly. Is it just me or does anybody else gets happy seeing these colors?
    Lovely post and outfit :)

    take a look at my BLOG and my INSTAGRAM

  25. You look amazing, the Pics are lovely :)

    Happy Weekend!

  26. Wow! Seems like such a beautiful place. Also, that jumpsuit looks amazing on you. Yellow is your color!

  27. Sono passata in Bosnia una volta sola, qualche anno fa, durante il viaggio per andare a casa in Albania. Non so dove si trovi questo parco, ma sembra un luogo così pieno di pace e tranquillità.... Bella la jumpsuit. Ti sta molto bene ed il colore è fantastico!!! Le foto sembrano davvero in estate!!!
    Un bacio e grazie per la tua visita,

    Eniwhere Fashion
    Polka dot's dress

  28. I've always loved discovering and learning places through you and this is another lovely post to read, Ivana.
    ps: Have you lost a lot of weight or is the jumpsuit very sliming? I hope your Chron is better. xx

    Shireen⎜Reflection of Sanity

    1. Thank you Shireen, discovering new places is always fun. I did lose weight again because of the Chron disease:(

  29. What a beautiful nature park! You look gorgeous in yellow and in this jumpsuit, Ivana, and I absolutely adore your collages with your art and photography!
    My happy places are usually nature - beaches, trails... some cozy small towns, or even particular little shops or restaurants that immediately lift up my spirit. But I have to say that above all, my most happy place is my home, where I enjoy spending time on my own on my hobbies, and spending time with my loved ones.
    Sending you a warm hug and much love, my friend!

    1. yes, our hope should always be our happy place and a place where we can truly relax.

  30. Bellissima la fantasia della tua tuta e che paesaggi meravigliosi!
    Kisses, Paola.


  31. Buon fine settimana, cara Ivana!
    Kisses, Paola.


  32. WOW, dearest Ivana - this is really a place to fall in love with! The place with the old wooden boat and the water lilies seems a bit magical. Your artful collages are a perfect match for this impression. And you look great in your yellow jumpsuit - a beautiful and special piece of clothing!
    Hugs and happy weekend!

  33. My happy place is definitely in Mumbai, near my college :)
    You look great in that jumpsuit.

    Thank you so much for your wonderful comment on my last post.

    Maybe you can find time to read my new post: 6 Gorgeous Dresses Every Woman Must Own

    Much Love
    Fictitious Fashion

  34. I love your jumpsuit dear! Such a cute and chic color on you.

    Jessica |

  35. LOVE LOVE the yellow jumper! You look so pretty, dear!
    Happy Monday, babe!
    xoxo, Vanessa

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    Bed Sheet

  37. How lovely you're experiencing higher temperatures over there than normal! This place looks truly beautiful and I love your yellow outfit Ivana; a vision of summer (or at least... nice weather, as it's not summer anymore haha) :) x

  38. Yellow is such a happy color. You are right. I love the way the jumpsuit looks on you. Super feminine, playful with a touch of bohemian! I read the paragraph from a previous entry you wrote. I absolutely love when you get philosophical. For me revisiting a place usually in my case is a garden because I love walking and taking a stroll. Some memories of the place may come up but like you said, memories come and they go. I just be present. Feel the Life coursing through the moment and enjoy it. I definitely do not visit places that do not inspire good feelings. But I like what you said about it being a catharsis because that is healthy :) xoxo

    1. what a lovely comment, thank you! Feeling present is so important. The older I get, the more I realize how important is it to live in a moment.


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