Summer in Split city ( where to have a cup of coffee? an outfit post and brand highlight) / Ljeto u Splitu ( gdje popiti kavu? odjevna kombinacija i priča o domaćim markama)

Hi there! Today I'm going to talk a bit about one newcomer in Split and that is Dvor. It is a lovely restaurant and caffe bar in Split city but so far I only tried the caffe bar aspect of it. Not having really tested out the restaurant part, I can't very well make a restaurant recommendation, can I? I take my restaurant recommendations seriously and I would only recommend places I'm absolutely certain of. I can, however, recommend Dvor as a place to have a drink, be it a cup of coffee, juice or a glass of wine (depending on your preferance). Usually when I'm there I just order know me, a coffee addict if there ever was one.  There was this one time when I ordered tiramisu and it was really yummy. So, I guess I can recomemnd their desserts as well!

Zdravo svima! Danas ću malo pričati o jednom novom mjestu u Splitu, a radi se o restoranu i kafiću Dvor. Još vam ne mogu dati preporuku u smislu restorana jer tamo još nisam jela, a ja shvaćam svoje preporuke ozbiljno i ne bi nikad preporučila neko mjesto za koje nisam sigurna da ima odličnu hranu. No, što se tiče mjesta za popiti piće, u tom smislu ga mogu preporučiti. Idealno mjesto za popiti kavu, sok ili času vina (ovisno o tome što vam je draže). Obično kada sam tamo naručim kavu, znate meni i moj odnos s kavom.. Jednom sam bila naručila tiramisu ovdje i bio je izvrstan, tako da mogu preporučiti da naručite i desert.

Location, setting and the atmosphere of this place are quite charming....and when it is not crowded, it can feel truly enchanting. What draws me here the most is the view. Watching the sun set from this place is glorious. You'll have a chance to see what I'm talking about very soon if you just scroll down. Plus, it is a very serene place even when there are pleanty of people in there.  Perfect place to chill out, and relax a little while enjoying the view of the islands. I would give you a link to their site if they had one. I'm sort of annoyed how many people think that having a facebook page is enough.  Anyway, this isn't a collaboration post, I just liked this place and wanted to share my impressions. 

Mjesto, smještaj i atmosfera Dvora su jako šarmantni, a kada nije gužva zna tamo biti doista čarobno. Ono što me najviše privlači je sam pogled. Gledati kako sunce zalazi s ovoga mjesta je fantastično. Uskoro ćete vidjeti o čemu pričam to jest čim pogledate slike ispod. Uz to, riječ je o jako mirnom mjestu, čak i kada je unutra dosta ljudi. Savršeno mjesto za opuštanje i uživanje u prekrasnom pogledu na otoke. Dala bi vam link to njihove stranice kada bi imali jednu. Pomalo me živcira što ima toliko ljudi koji misle da je imati facebook stranicu dovoljno. Uglavnom, ovo nije suradnička objava, samo bi se svidjelo ovo mjesto i htjela sam to podijeliti.

God, I love Summer. These people you can see in the background, the ones enjoying their time on beach Firule seem to share my sentiment about Summer. I could talk about Summer forever. Instead, I'm going to talk about one summer outfit and that one happens to be the one I wore yesterday evening. Moreover, I'll say something about two iconic Croatian brands: Borovo and Galeb. Borovo is a brand from Vukovar known for making quality shoewear. You  may not realize it, but you have already had the chance to familiarize yourself with one of their star products on my blog because I wear their startas sneakers vey often.  Im this outfit, I'm wearing boromina, the fashion shoe.  Those who know something about this  brand know they are basically a reincarnation of borosana. My judgement? Long shorty short, they're anatomical and  cute. Resistence is futile.

Bože, kako volim ljeto. Ovi ljudi u pozadini, da ovi koji uživaju u vremenu provedenom na plaži Firule izgleda dijele moje osjećaju prema njemu. Mogla bi zauvijek pričati o ljetu. Umjesto toga, reći ću nešto o jednoj odjevnoj kombinaciji ( onoj koju sam jučer navečer nosila), ali i nešto o dvije legendarne hrvatske marke, Borovu i Galebu. Borovo je poznata visoko kvalitetna marka obuće iz Vukovara koju ste već viđali na mome blogu (često nosim njihove slavne startasice). U ovoj odjevnoj kombinaciji, nosim boromine....i stvarno su jako udobne za hodanje. Oni kojima je poznata povijest ove tvrke znaju da se radi o reinkarnaciji borosane. Moj sud? Ukratko... Anatomske su i slatke, stvarno im je teško odoljeti.

So. my choice of footwear is from one Croatian iconic brand and the dress I'm wearing is from another. Galeb is a brand I love because of their ecological and ethical approach to fashion. This brand is primarly known as a manufactor of high quality underwear, but in recent times they've expanded their production and now they offer a lovely selection of diffent clothing items.  Most of them  happen to be in navy style which together with their oganic cotton policy makes them a great choice for the Summer. Speaking of Summer, isn't yellow a great colour for this time of year? I seem to have a bit of tan going on already (despite the fact that I  have only been to the beach twice this year), so yellow is my new colour of choice. Like I need an excuse to wear the most positive of all colours:).

Dakle, Borovo je bio moj izbor obuće, a druga poznata hrvatska marka je zaslužna za haljinu koju nosim. Galeb je marka koja mi je draga zbog etičkoga i ekološkoga pristupa modi. Ova marka je najviše poznata kao proizvođač kvalitetnoga donjega rublja, ali u zadnje vrijeme su proširili proizvodnju i sada nude lijep izbor različitih odjevnih komada, većina kojih je u mornarskom stilu, što ih kao i njihova politika korištenja organskoga pamuka čini idealnim izborom za ljeto. Govoreći o ljetu, zar nije žuta idealan izbor za ovo vrijeme godine. Čini se da sam već dobila malo boje (iako sam na plaži bila samo dvaput), tako da je žuta moj novi izbor. Kao da mi treba izgovor da bi nosila najpozitivniju od svih boja.

Dress/ Haljina: Galeb (  similar/ slična: ovdje/ here)
Shoes/ cipele: Borovo ( available/ dostupne:  here/ ovdje


  1. Lovely outfit!! That dress looks amazing on you :)

    New post on GIRL ABOUT TOWN BLOG

  2. Nice foto :) Beautiful yellow dress :)

  3. You look really nice in that dress, and lovely location! xx

  4. That view is gorgeous! It looks like the perfect place to relax and drink some coffee :) You look lovely in yellow :) xx

    1. it is indeed:) such a lovely place!

      thank you.

  5. I like that you are wearing Croatian brands, dear Ivanna, this is really good! Your shoes are lovely and I loved the dress as well - some years ago, I didn't like yellow, but now I love that! I also liked that you recommended Dvor as a cafe, but I am curious to know whether as a restaurant it is good as well. I also don't like when people think that just a facebook page is enough. I would have visited their page even not being there, because I like to see different places! You look very beautiful! Hope you have a lovely week!

  6. Que bien te sienta el amarillo guapa..

  7. Summer in Split is looking very beautiful so far and the picture you took down by the beach are lovely. Your dress is like a spot of sunshine. I can't recall you wearing much yellow before and it's a great color on you. Dvor looks like it would be a nice place to hang out just by the looks of the charming exterior.

    1. thank you dear. I don't know why I don't wear yellow more often, I really like this colour.

  8. Great coffee, THAT view over water AND a fabulous, yellow, ethically produced dress. What a trilogy!

  9. Lovely setting and cute dress! An amazing place to chill in


  10. That is such a gorgeous dress! Love the cut and the cheerful colour is perfect for summer :) Nice outfit for a coffee date.

    Away From The Blue Blog

  11. Lovely dress Ivana...and that's my favorite color. Love your hairdo too!!
    Amazing clicks.

    Recently Posted:

  12. You are so right about the view, tres stunning. And you are so adorable in your bright little dress. Such a cutie :) xoxo

    All Things Bright and Lovely

  13. Beautiful views, landscape and your yellowish dress, which is awesome<3

  14. Sei splendida in giallo Ivana e questo posto è incantevole!!!
    Kisses, Paola.


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  15. What a wonderful place Ivana, so calming and relaxing ideally located by the sea... I would love to unwind there after a busy day! You look so beautiful and I love the iconic brand shoes! Great dress as well! Thanks for sharing and I hope you had a lovely time!

    1. yes, it is the perfect place to calm down after a busy day.

  16. mi piace molto questo vestito giallo

  17. Divno mesto, bas kao stvoreno za miran odmor i uzivanje. Preslatka si mi u zutoj haljinici i slatkim Borovo sandalama. Slazem se sa tobom da je zuta idealna boja za leto, pa jos kad malo pocrnimo (ti vec jesi :-) milina! Uvek nosim pamucne krpice leti, prosto mi je nezamislivo drugacije, a jos uz izbor udobne obuce poput tvoje, mogu dugo setati i sanjariti uz pogled na neki zalazak sunca :-)
    Veliki pozdrav

  18. I love those little cute and cozy Croatian towns! The place looks so lovely & romantic + it's not a tourist trap which is the best part. You look so lovely, hon <3 Yellow looks amazing on you - so bright and summer'y!
    xox Nadia

    1. thanks Nadia:)
      I love cozy Croatian cities too.

  19. These images are so beautiful and the dress is amazing on you.

  20. Tako mi vedro i preporođeno izgledaš na ovim fotkama, baš nekako zračiš pozitivom! Štekat je stvarno idealan za opuštanje uz zalazak sunca, naprosto nema ljepšeg od uživanje uz more u to doba dana. Meni nažalost Boromine ne pašu jer imam preusko stopalo, ali mi se hrpa modela baš dopada i tebi odlično pristaju! A žuta boja na preplanulu kož bijelu naprosto nema bolje kombinacije! :)

    1. hvala, bila sam poprilično dobro raspoložena iako umorna:)

      slažem se da bijelu i žutu...savršene ljeti, pogotovo kad se malo pocrni.

  21. Bellissimo il vestito è un colore che adoro!

  22. The restaurant looks private and romantic. Nice yellow dress!

  23. Ma che bello quesl ristorante Ivana!!!
    La vista è spettacolare! E se dici che è anche un posto tranquillo e curato direi che è perfetto!
    Tu sei deliziosa in giallo, stai davvero bene con quel genre di abiti! :D

  24. Lovely post dear <3

  25. Bellissime immagini, complimenti :)

  26. beautiful photos

  27. Such an amazing pictures! You look great.


  28. Hello dear Ivana, how good yellow is now the colour of your choice as this colour suits you definitely fantastic! How wonderful not only your beautiful dress is from a Croatian brand but also the very cool shoes. I directly can feel through the words you wrote how much you love summer and your text is absolutely touching me. You shared also again wonderful pictures and now I wanted really to be in this new Cafe you recommend. Enjoy further the summer, hopefully you will have some more time to visit the beach!
    xx Rena

    1. thank you....yes, I do love Summer.
      Happy to hear you would love to visit this cafe.

  29. Looks like you've lost some weight, Ivana or maybe it's just the dress making you look very slim. Hope all is well with you and you're adjusting well with the new job.

    Shireen | Reflection of Sanity

    1. yes, I lost a lot of weight but I'm in process of getting it back:)

  30. Your look and the landscapes are fantastic, such a pleasure to look at!

  31. Na mailu vidim slikicu žute haljine, neko mi je poznata i mislim si jel' iz Galeba, kad ono zbilja je. :D Baš je super, prava ljetna. :) Boromine ne bih osobno nosila, makar mi super na drugima izgledaju, čak sam na prvu mislila da imaš neke obične sandale jer su crne, do sad sam samo šarene viđala.

    1. da, iz Galeba...a boromine sam kupila crne radi posla, mada su me više privlačile šarene, ali sad mi je drago jer skoro nikoga još nisam u crnima vidjela.

  32. Il sindaco di Split dovrebbe darti un'onorificenza per la promozione al turismo con queste bellissime foto. Stai meglio tesoro? Il giallo ti dona molto! Baci, Valeria - Coco et La vie en rose NEW POST

  33. Perfect summer dress! I love your simple style!
    Greetings and inspiration from

  34. Arrasou belas imagens arrasou

  35. I've heard so much about Split & I need to fly over soon! You look so good in yellow, dear! xoxo

  36. Thank you sweetie :D
    This ywllow dress look so cool on you :D Love all photos :D

    NEW OUTFIT POST | Overall Distressed Jeans.
    InstagramFacebook Oficial PageMiguel Gouveia / Blog Pieces Of Me :D

  37. Amazing place to visit <3 you are looking so cute <3 <3


  38. Beautiful pictures hun! Your dress is so cute!

  39. Amazing pics !
    perfect summer dress <3

  40. you look lovely! This place is super pretty!!!

  41. thank you Alisa, I'm happy to hear you like my hometown...reading blogs can be a great way to improve our language skills, for example with your blog I can practice Spanish:)

  42. I'd love to have a cup of coffee in Split)) Very beautiful city! And I'm in love with your outfit. You look really pretty Ivana!

    1. I hope we can have a cup of coffee together some day.

  43. Ivana con queste immagini mi fai sognare il tramonto è davvero romantico sono scorci che a me mancano molto.. Il nuovo locale è interessante e tu dolcemente splendida
    Un bacio

  44. Wow questo abito giallo ti sta benissimo:) un bacio

  45. Such marvellous photos, and what a view! I enjoy having coffee, when we travel I usually try to find cafes, every location is different. You look great in the yellow dress! :)
    Country Inspired Decor

    1. thank you darling!!!! I'm always on lookout for cafes too:)

  46. Young and pretty as usual! Yellow-golden princess.)))

  47. This seems to be an nice place, dearest Ivana! And you look stunning in your sunny-yellow dress!
    Hugs and happy summer-days,
    Traude (who is coffee-addicted, too ;o)))


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