Hello dear readers! How are you doing? Today I'm taking you to town Umag. This charming little town is located only 10 kilometers from the Croatian border with Slovenia. Therefore, it is only a couple of hours drive from Austria and Italy. Umag is a popular tourist destination. There's a lot to see and do in Umag. You can try anything from fine dinning to more adventurous activities. If you are looking for a nice and relaxing getaway, this is the city for you. It boasts with beautiful beaches, pristine clear sea and a charming old town centre. Moreover, Umag is the perfect destination for lovers of tennis and other sports. Numerous hotels offer different sportive activities. The sport centers, playgrounds and the tennis courts are everywhere. Umag is a very green city that offer great opportunities for walking, hiking and cycling. If you enjoy greenary and the vicinity of the sea, then Umag is your ideal destination.
Pozdrav dragi čitatelji! Kako ste? Danas vas vodim u grad Umag. Ovaj šarmantni gradić nalazi se samo 10 kilometara od hrvatske granice sa Slovenijom. Stoga je od Austrije i Italije udaljen svega par sati vožnje. Umag je popularno turističko odredište. U Umagu se ima što za vidjeti i raditi. Možete probati bilo što, od nečeg mirnijeg kao iskušavanje bogate gastronomske ponude do avanturističkijih aktivnosti. Ako tražite lijep i opuštajući odmor, ovo je grad za vas. Može se pohvaliti prekrasnim plažama, netaknutim čistim morem i šarmantnom starom jezgrom grada. Štoviše, Umag je savršeno odredište za ljubitelje tenisa i drugih sportova. Brojni hoteli nude različite sportske aktivnosti. Sportski centri, igrališta i teniski tereni su posvuda. Umag je vrlo zelen grad koji nudi velike mogućnosti za šetnju, planinarenje i vožnju biciklom. Ako volite zelenilo i blizinu mora, onda je Umag vaša idealna destinacija.

In Umag you can visit the beautiful church of Blessed Virgin Mary and saint Pelegrine.
U Umagu možete posjetiti prekrasnu crkvu Uznesenja Blažene Djevice Marija i svetog Pelegrina.
Pisano vrelo o župi potječe iz 929. godine. Nažalost, nije nam poznata godina utemeljenja župe. Župa Umag u početku je bila u skolpu Tršćanske biskupije, zatim neko vrijeme Novigradske, te opet Tršćanske. Nakon Drugoga svjetskoga rata bila je u sastavu Apostolske administrature Pazin, da bi danas pridala Porečkoj i Pulskoj biskupiji u čiji je sastav ušla 1977. godine ujedinjenjem cjelokupne Crkve u hrvatskoj Istri. Stara župna Crkva, koja je bila također posvećena Uznesenju Blažene Djevice Marije na nebo i svetom Peregrinu đakonu i mučeniku, nalazila se na mjestu gdje se i danas uzdiže istoimena crkva. Prijašnja crkva bila je okrenuta u smjeru istok – zapad. Prvo njezino spominjanje seže do u 14. st. Zatim se spominje 1426. godine, kada ovamo dolazi tršćanski biskup Marino de Cernotti zbog neprilika u Trstu. Tu je i neko vrijeme boravio.
Za vrijeme nevremena 1651. godine crkva je bila jako oštećena i u 18. stoljeću odlučilo se da se postojeća crkva sruši do temelja i da se na istom mjestu sagradi veća i ljepša. Projekt je izgradio arhitekt Filippo Dongetti, a gradili su je Aurelio Alessandri i Antionio Centenari.
Crkva je iz temelja izgrađena 1757. godine, a posvetio ju je biskup Petazzi 1760. godine, iako pročelje crkve nije bilo dovršeno.
Crkva je u gradu najznačajnija građevina i zajedno sa svojim odvojenim zvonikom venecijanskog stila iz XV. stoljeća, a obnovljenim 1691. godine (visok 33m), čini središte grada (kao što je i u prošlosti bila). Vrlo lijepa unutrašnjost crkve zadivljuje svakog posjetitelja. Crkva je jednobrodna sa 6 udubina – kapela u kojima su smješteni oltari. Svi su mramorni iz vremena gradnje crkve, baroknog stila, osim novog mramornog u svetištu, okrenutog prema narodu iz 1994. godine. Vrlo lijep glavni oltar sa svetohraništem, tronetom i kamenim kipovima sv. Peregrina, zaštitnika župe i sv. Nicefora, pićanskog biskupa, suzaštitnika župe. Kipove je izradio kipar Antonio Bossa (1780 – 1845). * Citirano sa https://zupaumag.com/o-zupi/ 11.6.
There is a written source about the parish that dates to year 929. Unfortunately, we do not know the exact year the parish was founded. The parish of Umag was initially part of the diocese of Trieste, then for some time of Novigrad, and again of Trieste. After the Second World War, it was part of the Apostolic Administration of Pazin, and today it is part of the Dioceses of Poreč and Pula, which it joined in 1977 by uniting the entire Church in Croatian Istria.
The old parish church, which was also dedicated to the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary and St. Peregrine was located on the site where the church of the same name still stands today. The former church was facing east-west. It was first mentioned in the 14th century and then again in the 15th century (in 1426), when the Bishop of Trieste Marino de Cernotti arrived here because of troubles in Trieste. The Bishop also stayed in Umag for a while.
During the storm in year 1651, the church was badly damaged. In the 18th century a decision was made to demolish the existing church to the ground and to build a larger and more beautiful one on the same site. The project was done by architect Filippo Dongetti. The church was built under Aurelio Alessandri and Antionio Centenari.
The church was built from the ground up in 1757 and consecrated by Bishop Petazzi in 1760, although the facade of the church had not been completed yet at that stage. The church is the most important building in the city. Together with its separate Venetian-style bell tower from the XV. century, and renovated in 1691 (33m high), the church dominates the center of the city (and it was the centre of events in was in the past). The absolutely beautiful interior of the church amazes every visitor. The church is single-nave with 6 recesses - chapels in which the altars are located. All are marble from the time the church was built, Baroque style (except the new marble in the sanctuary, facing the people that dates back to 1994).The stunning main altar with sanctuary, throne and stone statues of St. Peregrine, patron saint of the parish and St. Nicephorus, Bishop of Pizza, co-patron of the parish captures the eye. The statues were made by the sculptor Antonio Bossa (1780 - 1845). * translated by me, text taken from the parish's official site (link above).

I really enjoyed walking through the town centre. The Mediterranean architecture charmed me. Moreover, the town has a relaxed energy.
Uživala sam šetati kroz centar grada. Svidjela mi se mediteranska arhitektura. Uz to, gradić ima neku lijepu i opuštenu enegriju.
Umag is a town and a harbour located at the west of Istria. An old city centre dating back to middle ages is located on a low pennisula. Parts of the medieval walls are still preserved. Umag has a long and interesting history. During one period, Umag was under jurisdiction of Republic of Venice. In modern times it is one of the most notable tourist centres in Istria (Croatia).
Umag (talijanski Umago), grad i luka na sjeverozapadnoj obali Istre, 13 km sjeverozapadno od Buja; 7093 st. (2011). Srednjovjekovna gradska jezgra na niskom poluotoku; sačuvani dijelovi zida. Barokna jednobrodna župna crkva Uznesenja Blažene Djevice Marije i sv. Pelegrina iz 1757., s venecijanskim zvonikom iz 1691., zavjetna crkvica sv. Roka iz 1514. Galerija »Dante-Marino Cettina«. Turizam; marina. Industrija (proizvodnja brodskih boja, konzerviranje ribe i povrća). U okolici uzgoj voća i povrća, krmnoga bilja, pšenice i vinove loze (veliki vinski podrum). – Naselje se razvilo u doba antike. U izvorima je prvi put zabilježen u VI. st. (Humagum); nastanku i razvoju naselja pogodovao je povoljan smještaj na putu iz Akvileje prema jugu. U srednjem vijeku na mjestu današnjega grada nalazila se utvrda Sipar (Siparies). Godine 876. naselje je razorio hrvatski knez Domagoj, a tijekom idućih stoljeća izgubilo je na važnosti. Godine 1150. grad je prisegnuo na vjernost Veneciji, a 1269. priznao njezinu vlast, nakon čega je uprava u gradu bila organizirana po uzoru na druge mletačke komune u Istri. U kasnijim razdobljima često je stradavao u razaranjima (u sukobima između akvilejskoga patrijarha, Mlečana i Genove), ali i od posljedica epidemija kuge i malarije. Radi demografskog i gospodarskoga podizanja naselja, Mlečani su u Umagu u XVI. i XVII. st. planski naseljavali skupine Hrvata iz Dalmacije i Bosne, kao i manje skupine Albanaca i Grka. Od 1797. nalazio se u sastavu Habsburške Monarhije, od 1918. pod talijanskom vlašću (u doba fašističkog terora velik dio hrvatskoga stanovništva bio je prisiljen na iseljavanje na područje Kraljevine Jugoslavije), a nakon Tršćanske krize, 1954. pripao je Hrvatskoj. U suvremeno doba jedno je od najznačajnijih istarskih (ali i hrvatskih u cjelini) turističkih središta.
ENJOY A LOVELY WALK BY THE SEASIDE! Another thing you must do in Umag is to enjoy a nice walk by the sea.
UŽIVAJTE U ŠETNJI UZ MORE! Još jedna stvar koju morate napraviti u Umagu je uživati u lijepoj šetnji uz more.
MORE WAYS TO STYLE THIS CHERRY PRINT DRESS- You know that I like to promote sustainable fashion. One of the best ways to be sustainable in the fashion sense is to wear your clothes often i.e. shop your closet. I've worn this cherry print dress more than 30 times.
VIŠE NAČINA ZA NOSITI OVU HALJINU S UZORKOM TREŠNJE- Znate kako volim govoriti o održivoj modi. Jedan od najboljih načina da budemo održivi po pitanju mode je da nosimo svoju odjeću često to jest da kupujemo iz svog ormara. Ja sam ovu haljinu s uzorkom trešnje nosila više od 30 puta.
I hope you have enjoyed taking this virtual walk with me! Thank you for visiting.
Nadam se da ste uživali u ovoj virtualnoj šetnji sa mnom! Hvala vam na posjeti.
Great post dear! Photos are amazing !
ReplyDeleteWhat a nice places:) thanks for your sharing...
ReplyDeleteGorgeous photos. Looks like an amazing place :-D
ReplyDeleteTvoje putopisne priče me uvijek oduševio i nadahnu da naučim nešto novo :) Ti si prekrasna kao i uvijek!
ReplyDeleteBeautiful location. Love the boats. So inspiring. Thanks for the tour! Wonderful Cherry print dress too❤️
ReplyDeleteFantastic outing! Such a great history. Beautiful streets and church. Love this traveling outfit of yours too! Happy Weekend!
ReplyDeleteOh very cute photos darling
ReplyDeleteGorgeous photos and great place, wish you happy weekend
ReplyDeleteLindo lugares , bello look. Te mando un beso.
ReplyDeleteIt looks like such a beautiful place to visit, and I love your dress! I think the photos you took of the boats on the water are beautiful - I hope you use them as inspiration for another of your stunning artworks! :)
ReplyDeleteHope you had a good weekend! It was a fun one here with a birthday party each day!
Away From The Blue
I look forward to each of your new posts, thank you for always learning a lot of new things! You look beautiful as always, and Croatia is the most beautiful country in the world :)
ReplyDeleteThank you for taking us along to beautiful Umag! It was just what I needed in the hectic run-up to my holiday! Oh, and I'm loving your cherry dress, which reminds me I should dig out mine! xxx
ReplyDeleteUmag looks very much like Chania in places, it must be because of the Venetians! The weather looks gorgeous, too (unlike here!) xxx
ReplyDeleteAmazing blue-sky and an amazing outfit Dear friend! Presentation is pergect. Dress fits you very well. I loved all photos you shared here.
ReplyDeleteUmag is beautiful. I’d love to visit. Regine
Beautiful photos, dear Ivana!
ReplyDeleteI was in Umag with my parents when I was a kid, but that was half a century ago and a lot of things in the city have of course changed a lot... although the beautiful old stone buildings have remained the same. I can't really remember Umag, maybe I'll come to this city again? Because you're right, it's not far from Austria...
I also find your cherry dress wonderful and very versatile. I like the colors a lot!
All the best
Wow, what a gorgeous place! I would go there in a heartbeat! Thank you so much for the pictures, Ivana. Love that cherry dress - it's one of my favourites!
ReplyDeleteWhat a gorgeous place! I love the old buildings and the church. Beautiful!!
ReplyDeleteHello! :)
ReplyDeleteBeautiful photos :) The place really looks magical, I like it! Maybe one day I will be able to visit them :) I would like to travel more :)
Greetings from Poland!
Umag mi je veoma drag grad, posjetio sam ga jednom kao dijete i to mi je nilo najbolje ljetovanje ikada. Pamtit ću Umag i po festivalu koji se odvijao kada sam bio, i po bazenu Ladinom Gaju. Nadam se da ću imati priliku ponovo posjetiti jednom. :)
ReplyDeleteThe vibes of this place is so stunning.
ReplyDeleteLove: Mariann Yip
What a beautiful place! and architecture! I feel like that I traveled with you, Ivana!!
ReplyDeleteI am big fan of your cherry print dress, and the photo collage is cool and lovely<3
Wow that church has been through a lot. The pictures are beautiful and taken on such a great day too. I love the cherry dress so cute on you Ivana. I hope you have a great weekend : )
Amo tu estilo ! Y que bellos lugares !
ReplyDeleteUmag looks beautiful and you look amazing in this dress.
This is really a "sea and sky" scene, so refreshing!
ReplyDeleteIf you are interested in wigs, you are welcome to browse my blog at any time, thank you~
skunk stripe hair
Grad je prelijep. 😍 Nisam ga posjetila, ali vjerujem da bih sigurno uživala u njemu. Odlično si predstavila ovo mjesto putem teksta, fotografija, interesantnih informacija... Takođe mi se dopada haljina, koju si obukla. Divan post. 🥰
ReplyDeleteDear Ivana, after ages I finally get in touch with you again. Sorry for my long absence but I just needed a blog break. Now I am back and very excited about your post from Umag, which I know very well and was often there. Especially when sailing we are often moored in Umag. When I saw your cute dress, I immediately thought to myself that I already know it. It still looks gorgeous on you and you look adorable!
ReplyDeleteLove, Nadine
Thank you for sharing. Have a lovely day! ♡
ReplyDeleteShoot for the stars | ☆ ☆ ☆ | Facebook page | ☆ ☆ ☆ | Instagram
Umag looks like a lovely town and it is certainly scenic especially the seaside. I can definitely see why it is a popular tourist spot. It looks like you had spectacular weather when you visited. Thanks for showing us around Ivana! Your cherry print dress is still as fabulous as when you first debuted it here.
ReplyDeleteWhat a wonderful place Ivana. I love your cherry dress. 💕
Very beautiful my dear! Have a great week! 🌞🌞🌞
ReplyDeleteHello dear Ivana, how you doing? I hope this spring-summer season is going well and I am always excited when I come to your site and see something new.
ReplyDeleteI imagine there are a lot of hidden gems in Croatia and Umag seems like a perfect place for a summer getaway, especially for all those landscapes and the possibility to see that magical places reflected on the water :) I loved to see that there a lot of curiosities and historical facts about these places in the city. The cherry dress is also the perfect option for a relaxed spring day, and I liked that you added those shiny shoes for a touch of glam :)
It's beautiful there! And I love your dress and the whole look. Take care dear.
It's so beautiful there! And I love your dress! Take care travelling, dear
Io ci sono stata ad Umag, tanti anni fa, quando sono andata per la prima volta in vacanza in Croazia!
ReplyDeleteRicordo che era strapiena di gente e di barche, infatti l'abbiamo visitata molto velocemente!
Sei fortunata ad abitare così vicino a posti tanto belli ed a poterteli godere in qualunque momento senza troppi turisti!
Infatti hai scattato delle foto stupende! Che mare meraviglioso! *_*
E sempre carinissima tu! Scelta perfetta l'abito con le ciliegie! :)
Just to wish you a lovely weekend ahead :)
ReplyDeleteThanks for your latest comments on my site!
Looks like a beautiful place and a wonderful time! And I absolutely adore your cherry print dress and all the creative ways you styled it. :)
ReplyDeleteA beautiful place and the vicinity of water just in time for the current heat.
ReplyDeleteSo gorgeous outfit. Look so stunning.
ReplyDeleteLove: Mariann Yip
Umag je predivan grad. Ja jako volim tu arhitzekturu i uske uličice, zvuk mora i plaže. Hvala puno što si nas provela njegovim ulicama i priredila nam ovaj mali travel guide.
ReplyDeleteHvala tebi
DeleteVery picturesque. I've heard that Croatia is beautiful
ReplyDeleteThank you for taking me into Umag with your pictures. Gosh, what a beauty! I've never been to such a place and I can only imagine the wonder and beauty in every little scene and greenery. You looked like you had a good time. Thank you for sharing that picture with the huge tree! It's so beautiful, an ancient beauty. I am absolutely amazed by Umag and hope you will continue sharing your travels to these localities. It's how I travel now, with my eyes! Heheh :)x
ReplyDeleteThank you ❤️❤️❤️❤️
DeleteJeszcze nie byłam w Chorwacji! Dziękuję za wspaniałą wycieczkę! :)
DeleteNigdy nie byłam w Chorwacji! Dziękuję za niesamowitą foto-wycieczkę. :) Super!
ReplyDeleteDearest Ivana,
ReplyDeleteI hope you are fine!
All the best and have a good time