Did you know there is a hidden lake in Mostar city? Well, now you do know. What is a point in being an insider if not to share some insider tips, right? Surprisingly, this lovely lake is quite unknown. Calling it a secret wouldn't be going to far. However, finding it is not really that difficult, if you know what you're looking for. I would definitely recommend visiting this gorgeous lake if you ever happen to visit Mostar city. This beautiful lake isn't man made. It wasn't planned or anything like that. It's basically river Neretva coming through old mining canals. There is also some underground water in this area, but this lake is probably composed entirely of Neretva river (it's on about the same level as the river). Many bird families have found their home there. It is a very serene place. Very few people visit it. I often get to enjoy a view of this stunning lake as it happens to be a part of my typical hiking route.

HR Jeste li znali da postoji skriveno jezero u Mostaru? Eto sada znate. Koja je korist od toga što tu živim ako neću sa vama podijeliti ovo mjesto i neke savjete za posjet? Iznenađujuće, ovo divno jezero je poprilično nepoznato. Nazvati ga tajnom ne bi bilo pretjerivanje. No, nije ga teško za pronaći, ako znate što tražite. Svakako bi preporučila posjet ovom prekrasnom jezeru ako ikada posjetite Mostar. Ovo lijepo jezero nije umjetno, nije bilo planirano niti išta slično. To je u stvari rijeka Neretva koja je potekla kroz stare rudarske kanale.  U ovom području ima podzemnih voda, ali ovo jezero je vjerojatno nastalo u potpunosti od rijeke Neretva (na otprilike je istom nivou kao rijeka Neretva). Brojne obitelji ptica tu su pronašle svoj dom. To je jako mirno mjesto. Jako malo ljudi ga posjećuje. Često imam priliku uživati u pogledu na ovo prekrasno jezero jer je ono dio moje tipične šetnjice.

IT Ciao, tutti! Sapevate che c'è un lago nascosto nella città di Mostar? Bene, allora lo sapete. Qual è lo scopo di essere un locale se non per condividere alcuni suggerimenti con miei cari lettori, giusto? Sorprendentemente, questo incantevole lago è piuttosto sconosciuto. Chiamarlo segreto non  è dire troppo. Tuttavia, trovarlo non è poi così difficile, se sappette che cosa state cercando. Io consiglio di visitare questo magnifico lago se mai visitate la città di Mostar. Questo bellissimo lago non è fatto dall'uomo. Non è stato pianificato o qualcosa di simile. In realita, questo lago è fondamentalmente il fiume Neretva che attraversa vecchi canali minerari. C'è anche dell'acqua sotterranea in questa zona, ma questo lago è probabilmente composto interamente dal fiume Neretva (è  allo stesso livello del fiume). Molte famiglie di uccelli hanno trovato la loro casa lì. È un posto molto sereno. Pochissime persone lo visitano. Spesso riesco a godermi la vista di questo splendido lago perche è un parte del mio tipico percorso escursionistico.

My photographs are possibly enough to reveal the location and enable you to find this lake so few know about, but I'll include instructions on how to get here as well. This lake is located on a spot where an old coal mine used to be (it is no longer in function but you can still see the smoke coming out of the earth in some spots). It is hard to believe but only fifty years ago there were motocross races held here. Back then, instead of the lake there was a hill.

 The lake is not hard to find. The easiest way to get to it is to drive to the church of Saint Matthew (Sveti Matej in Croatian) and then take the right turn on the next crossroads. The road leading up to the lake is not cemented (as you can see in the photographs). You'll need to hike for a minute or two to get to the lake, you can't take the car all the way, but almost. The lake is actually really close to the crossroads, you can't miss it. If you feel like it, you can also hike uphill and enjoy a really stunning view of not just the lake, but also of Mostar city itself.

Možda su i moje slike dovoljne da vam otkriju smještaj ovog jezera za koje rijetki znaju, ali ću za svaki slučaj uključiti i upute kako stići tu. Ovo jezero nalazi se na mjestu na kojem je bio stari rudnik (nije više u fuknciji, ali na nekim mjestima još možete vidjeti dim kako izlazi iz zemlje). Teško je vjerovati ali prije samo pedeset godina na ovom mjestu održavale su se motocross utrke. Tada je umjesto jezero ovdje bilo brdo.

Ovo jezero nije teško za pronaći. Najlakši način za doći do njega je voziti se do crkve Svetoj Mateja i onda skrenuti desno na raskrižju. Cesta koja vodi do jezera nije cementirana (kao što možete vidjeti na fotografijima). Trebat ćete malo i prošetati da biste stigli do jezera, ne možete autom doći odmah pored, ali skoro. Jezero je zapravo jako blizu raskrižja, ne možete ga promašiti. Ako vam se da, možete također malo i planinariti, popeti se uzbrdo i uživati u predivnom pogledu ne samo na jezero nego i na sami grad Mostar. 

I hike here pretty often, so I'd have to say yes.  I featured this area on the blog a couple of times in the past (for example here). This year you already had the chance of seeing this area in this outdoorsy post, but today I'll show you how this area looks like in spring. As you might know, Mostar is surrounded by hills and mountains (that trap the hot air within, making a city one of the hottest one in the region, so spring is a better time to visit it than summer). While I was there last, the day wasn't terribly warm, so I wasn't hot. May in general has been rainy and fresh, we haven't had a lot of sunny days, and even on those days when we would get sun, there still would be some rain (and that means one thing- high humidity). Still, you can easily forget about all that, because on a sunny day, both Mostar and the surrounding area look magnificent.

Ja ovdje često šetam, tako da bi rekla da jesu. Ovo sam mjesto nekoliko puta pokazivala na blogu (možete pronaći poveznice u engleskom dijelu teksta), a danas ću vam pokazati kako ovo mjesto izgleda u proljeće. Kao što možda znate Mostar je okružen brdima i planinama (koje zapravo čine da se topli zrak zadržava unutra te je ovaj grad najtopliji u regiji tako da je proljeće bolje vrijeme za posjet nego ljeto). Kada sam bila ovdje prošli put, dan nije bio jako topao, tako da mi nije bilo vruće. Svibanj je bio kišovit i prohladan, nismo imali puno sunčani dana, a čak i kada bi sunce ugrijalo, uvijek bi bilo kiše, a to znači visoku vlažnost zraka. Svejedno, lako je zaboraviti na sve to, jer za sunčanog dana, Mostar i okolica oboje izgledaju veličanstveno.

My favourite thing about clothes is their ability to tell stories. That's one thing I don't like about consumerism and fast fashion. It doesn't allow us to create memories with our clothes or to get attached to certain items. I think there is nothing wrong with being a bit sentimental about what we wear. To me personally, clothes that tell stories are always more interesting. So, let's see what the story of this hiking outfit looks like.

I bought this t-shirt as an adolescent with money I made picking figs (a summer job obviously). Back when I was an adolescent, fast fashion wasn't really a thing, there wasn't such a thing as cheap clothes really. Plus, there weren't that many stores. If you wanted a cotton t-shirt, you had to pay for it. So, I had to work for it, you could say. Not that I don't have to work for everything nowadays as well, but I can't help wondering did we not appreciate clothes more when they were not so easily available, when we had to save up and work hard for every clothing item? Do you know what I mean? Anyway, I fell in love with this t-shirt as soon as I saw it. I had actually made similar art (even back then I loved to paint horses) so I was really happy when I saw this gorgeous horse print with a moon in the background ( I still love the design). I made this t-shirt fresh again by applying some textile paints to it, but most of the horse design is original, I just added some quick strokes. I do love this graphic tee. It's super comfortable and I think it was a good choice with this outfit. A blue cotton t-shirt is an obvious choice with the denim skirt and the brown horse matches the brown belt nicely. This whole look was actually about the belt but I'll get to that in a second.

This belt was actually gifted to me by a family friend. She made it herself back in the eighties and she gifted it to me in the nineties. It is a thing of beauty, isn't it? I think she still works with leather, a very creative and talented lady that she is. Anyhow, when I got this belt I took an instant liking to it and I've been wearing it ever since. Trends come and go, but when you really like something, then that item is a keeper. I wore this belt regardless of whether or not it was trendy. Why not wear what you like, right? Have you ever composed a whole outfit around an accessory? Because that's what I did here. I started with the belt and added all the items to match it.

This straw hat isn't very old, but it isn't new either. I have a few straw hats and I wear them often. They are such a great accessory and they provide some protection against the sun as well, and you have to love that! I actually like to accessorize my straw hats. I often tie a scarf around my straw hats. As you have witnessed on my blog,  I wear them often in spring and summer.

I wrote about this Amadeus denim skirt recently here, so not to repeat myself, I'm just going to say that a denim skirt is a great item to have in one's closet. If you want to see another outfit featuring this denim skirt and this straw hat, you can do so here

I had this pair of faux leather sneakers for a long time. The reason why I don't wear them more often is because they're not well made and hence they aren't comfortable. They may look nice, but they aren't quality sneakers and that's why I don't like to wear them. That's one purchase I regret and a reminder why I should stay away from fast fashion in the future. One thing I like about them is the DIY element I added myself. I painted these sneakers with textile paints and thus made them more unique. 

Now that I've said what I had about this hiking outfit, I'm curious to hear what do you think about this hidden lake. Is it a location you would be interested in visiting? Do you enjoy hiking? Have you discovered any interesting places in your vicinity? Are you an outdoorsy person? Do you like to explore the area you live in? I'm a big proponent of being a tourist in one's own city (and area). By walking more and exploring the area we live in on foot, we are helping to keep this planet a green place. Just like fast fashion and compulsive shopping, 'fast' tourism and travelling just for sake of trends are also activities that can have a negative imprint on our environment. We can all be more green in our choices, and it can start with something as simple as walking more. There are also the added health bonuses of spending time outdoors, but I spoke about that many times so I won't repeat myself. I hope you have enjoyed today's post. Let me know what you think about it in the comments. 

Thank you for reading and visiting. Have a lovely week ahead.


  1. What a beautiful spot with a view! It looks like an amazing place to get some exercise. A denim skirt is a perfect hiking bottom. Shorts can be uncomfortable so I like this alternative. The t-shirt is so cute. I love that you have had it for a long time so it has memories. The belt works so well with it!

    1. thanks. It's a great place to get some exercise at indeed.

  2. Lovely view from where you are! I love how unique and vintage your belt is. It really completes your outfit perfectly.

    xo, Maria

  3. Wow i miss hiking.
    I hope to do it soon

    Much Love,

  4. What lovely photos! A secret lake? That's like something from a book.
    Completely get where you're coming from by working an outfit around a favourite accessory. That belt is gorgeous and coming from a town world famous for its leatherwork I can totally appreciate your relative's talent.
    The skirt is perfect for a walk and the story behind your tee shirt is lovely. When clothes are fiercely saved for and carefully considered it's highly unlikely we'll fall out of love with them. Clothes buying shouldn't be like fast food, something purchased in haste to satisfy a craving.
    I've learnt my lesson with cheap shoes, too. xxx

    1. thank you for your comment. I'm a shoe lover so I'm often tempted to buy shoes just for design, but I definitely see advantages of buying only quality shoes. That is what I plan to do in the future.

  5. What a lovely hidden lake. I hope, I'll see it one day :) I love your skirt and shirt.

    Many greetings Sabine

  6. Oh wow, the views are gorgeous! Thanks for sharing, lovely! x

    Maria @ clumsyagenda.com

  7. Wow, secret lake? That's exciting!
    i.b. | http://soundslikeidil.blogspot.com

  8. Amazing landscapes! I love everything from your outfit. xoxo

  9. What a lovely place for a hike, it's nice there is a hidden lake you can enjoy! :)

    I like your outfit too, the tee is so nice with the denim and the vintage belt!

    Hope that your week is off to a good start! So cold here, winter has definitely arrived!

    Away From Blue

    1. thank you for your comment, with us it is the other way around, summer is about to start.

  10. What a marvelous place, Id like to be there right now! You look adorable Ivana, I'm in love with your hat! Kisses! xo

  11. Theres a similar lake near me, I did a photo session there and showed in the blog.
    your look has a great story behind each garment. I like that because I also love telling stories with outfits!! Your belt is amazing!! Maybe you visit my lake and I'll visit yours ah!!


    1. so great to learn about that lake as well. I hope we can visit each other lakes in the future, that would be fun.

  12. So beautiful- love that you found this hidden gem!

    Le Stylo Rouge

  13. What a stunning place, Ivana! The lake has quite an uncanny shade of greenish blue, and the view from uphill across the lake and the city of Mostar is truly magnificent. I'm a bit envious as it's all rather flat where I live. Your outfit - apart from the not so comfortable sneakers! - is just perfect for hiking. I love that you're still treasuring - and rocking - the t-shirt you worked so hard for as a student, and the belt is a fabulous vintage piece, made even more special as it was made by a family friend! Hope you're having a great week, Ivana! xxx

    1. thank you dear. The belt is a fab vintage piece indeed, I'm so happy to have it.

  14. Oh wow - love that you found this place! Looks like you had a wonderful time. Great post!

    Khanak x

  15. Such a beautiful place and as always you look wonderful!

  16. Thank you for letting us in on this secret lake. The surrounding area as well as the lake are beautiful and I can see why it is ideal for a hike. Your outfits are always so well thought out for whatever activity you have planned. Bummer about the sneakers not being so comfortable but your DIY detail is very cool.

    1. Thank you Rowena. I always love to add a DIY detail, I feel it can make such a difference.

  17. hai talmente tanti posti belli vicino a te Ivana che un po' ti invidio sai? Lago stupendo e tu sei vestita fashion anche per un'escursione!
    Don't Call Me Fashion Blogger

  18. Such a beautiful place and as always you look wonderful!
    Thanks for sharing


  19. What a fabulous idea to add some paint to the t-shirt Ivana. That's so creative and a great way to keep it looking wonderful.
    I just love exploring our areas like this. And it almost looks like a secret place since there aren't other people around.

    1. Thank you Jodie. Yes, it's a lot of fun exploring our own area.

  20. A secret lake? That sounds SO dreamy and like something from a film haha! I love the sunhat you're wearing in this post Ivana; it creates such a storybook vibe :)

    aglassofice.com x

    1. Thank you Gabrielle. I love to wear straw hats, they are so comfy.

  21. I always love your pics Ivana <3

    Serene XO


  22. The pics are really amazing, I'd love to go there! Seems a beautiful and quiet place ^^

  23. That is such a fantastic place dear! I would love to be there. I tend to gravitate myself towards nature lately with all the stress etc. This is such a helpful post as well. I love hiking though I only hike near our house. I'll keep in mind the things that you shared to us here. It's quite rare for us to have lakes nearby so I would really love to go to this lake. I think I've only been to a lake once. hehe

    love lots,


    1. Thank you dear. It would be great if you could visit this lake some day!

  24. Dear Ivana, thanks for sharing this hidden lake in Mostar. I see it is really a beautiful place and even more interesting after you wrote more about the history of this lake.
    You look very cool and stylish in your hiking look. Although it is a pity the sneakers are not comfortable I think they match well with the rest of the look and I like it that you shared the story of each garment you show here. Especially what you told about the horse shirt touched me and I'm impressed you still own this beautiful shirt.
    xx from Bavaria/Germany, Rena

  25. Невероятно красивые фото! Очень красивая природа! И твой образ тоже ))

  26. You did find a little gem there!! how rewarding it must have felt?! Beautiful photos xx
    Much Love,
    Elegant Duchess xx

  27. What a beautiful city and view!

  28. This looks like such an amazing place, with amazing views, and I love your cute outfit too!
    Raindrops of Sapphire

  29. Ivana, i love these secret and hidden places. This like is amazing and your look is perfect.
    Inventando com a Mamãe / Instagram  / Facebook

  30. The hidden lake and your photos of it are beautiful. What a gem!

    I also really love your outfit. It's wonderful that you have such wonderful stories attached to the tee and belt. I've also sometimes found myself creating an outfit around an accessory if I felt like it was enough to really make the look special.

    Kathrin | Polar Bear Style

  31. Thank you very much for sharing the beautiful lake!
    Seeing your interests in outdoor activities, let us know if you like our rock-climbing inspired bracelets to match with your outfit :)

    For collab, please feel free to find us at info@topologie.com

  32. Odličan post Ivana, prelepo! :)
    Novi post - www.minniearts.com

  33. Such amazing place to visit! Wonderful photos and interesting post dear!

  34. I did not know that there was a hidden lake in Mostar - in fact, I don't know an awful lot about Mostar full-stop. It looks like a beautiful area though, and I would love to visit. Recently, I haven't been spending much time outdoors admiring and taking in nature, and I feel as though that isn't a great way to live. If I am able to, I would like to explore more hidden places like you, and finally spend some real time with the great outdoors.

    Love the post, and hope you have a great weekend :)
    Amy x Wandering Everywhere

    1. Thank you Amy. It's a beautiful area indeed.

  35. Wow this looks amazing babe.
    Love the adventure

    Much Love,

  36. This location is my type of place I spend a lot of time in places like this Love it I also love the way your outfit hold memories Thanks for the tour xoxo Cris

  37. Wow ma che posto meraviglioso! è sempre bello poter passegiare e scoprire qualcosa dei posti in cui viviamo o vicino a noi :)

    Baci xx


  38. I LOVE that there is a secret lake! One of my life's ambitions is to find a secret passage!!! Thank you for sharing it! We recently went to a place near us called Cherry Orchard way and found an amazing walk of around 7miles that we can do from our house. It was SUCH a hidden gem including an unexpected little lake and the river too! I was SO happy to find it!
    Your stories of your tshirt and belt particularly appealed to me. I love the stories of garments. I remember a black top I had as a teenager with electric blue edging like that! I LOVED that top!

    1. A secret passage to the secret garden is my dream as well. I just love that book! So amazing to found that 7 miles walk.
      The stories of garments can be a lot of fun!


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