Asymmetrical bob (hairstyle illustration) / Asimetrični bob (ilustracija frizure)

EN Besides illustrating clothes,  there is something else I enjoy illustrating and that something else would be- hairstyles. Why not? You know what they say. Hair is one of the first things people notice about us (apart from our faces). Women have a special bond with their hair. Perhaps they always have had. Most old European societies believed that female hair is magical, hence it was expected of a married women to bound her hair. Walking around with one's hair loose was something that simply wasn't done if you were an adult of feminine gender. Today we can wear whatever hairstyle we want. Or can we? Well, in our free time we can wear whatever hairstyle we want, but some work places have strict rules about grooming and allow only certain hairstyles. However, it is not like someone is going to accuse us of witchcraft if we let our hair loose. So, we're pretty much free to do what we want with our hair- in our free time at least.

HR Osim ilustriranja odjeće, volim ilustrirati i frizure. Zašto ne? Znate što kažu. Kosa je jedna od prvih stvari koje ljudi primijete na nama (osim našim lica). Žene imaju posebnu povezanost sa svojom kosom. Možda je uvijek bilo tako. Većina staroeuropskih društava vjerovala je da je ženska kosa čarobna, zato se očekivalo od udatih žena da svežu kosu. Hodati uokolo s puštenom kosom nije bilo uobičajeno i odrasle žene to jednostavno nisu činile. Danas možemo nositi bilo koju frizuru koju želimo. Je li doista tako? Pa djelomično jest. U slobodno vrijeme možemo nositi kakvu god frizuru želimo, ali neka radnja mjesta imaju stroga pravila o uređivanju i dopuštaju samo određene frizure. No, nije da će nas neko optužiti da smo vračare ako raspustimo kosu. Tako da doista imamo popriličnu slobodu oko toga što želimo napraviti sa svojom kosom- barem u slobodno vrijeme. 

#watercolour #modaodaradosti #hairstyle

 I've  always loved experimenting with hairstyles. You know what they say. If you can't change anything, change your hairstyle. There is another known saying and one goes something like this-  when a woman decides to change her hairstyle, she is about to change her life. That one isn't always true, because women change their hair a lot. It doesn't mean they change their life every time. Anyway, change of hairstyle can be so much fun. Moreover, change is healthy. Not that changing our hairstyle is the only thing that we should be thinking about. There are more important changes than that one. In addition, some women are quite happy with the hairstyle they have. Many iconic women (both in fashion world and out of it) were and are known for a certain hairstyle. So, there is nothing wrong in sticking with what works for you. As long as you're happy with it, that's all that matters. 

Uvijek sam voljela eksperimentirati s frizurama. Znate kako kažu. Ako ne možeš promijeniti ništa drugo, promijeni svoju frizuru. Ima još jedna poznata izreka koja kaže da se žena koja promijeni frizuru sprema promijeniti život. Ova nije uvijek istinita, ali promjena frizure može biti jako zabavna. Nadalje, promjena je zdrava. Ne da je promjena frizure jedino o čemu treba misliti. Ima puno važnijih promjena. Neke žene su i jako zadovoljne svojom frizurom. Brojne žene koje su prave ikone, u modnom svijetu i izvan njega, bile su i jesu poznate po određenoj frizuri. Tako da nema ništa loše u tome da se držimo onoga što za nas djeluje. Dok ste vi sretni s time, to je sve što je bitno.

#hairstyleillustration #illustratinghairstyles


The hairstyle that I decided to paint and share with you today is an asymmetrical bob with bangs. Do you like this hairstyle?  I do. Will I get it? I'm not so sure. I do feel like changing my hairstyle, but I want to keep the length of my hair. I might opt for bangs some time in the future. Anyhow, I do like this hairstyle but I'm not sure is it the right one for me. How do you like this watercolour painting? I'm still figuring out watercolours. In my last post, I've talked about the difficult part of painting. Some paintings are so frustrating. You work and work on them and you're never quite sure are you doing everything right.  Perhaps it could be said that there are difficult painting and easy ones. Some paintings just happen. With no plan. With almost no effort. This one was one of those paintings. In a way, it is not more than a sketch. It is way too simple. Still, I like it. 

Frizura koju sam danas odlučila naslikati i podijeliti sa vama je asimetrični bob sa šiškama? Kako vam se sviđa ova frizura? Meni je divna. Želim li ju? Nisam sigurna. Imam volje za promjenu frizure, ali želim zadržati dužinu kose. Možda se odlučim za šiške nekad u budućnosti. Svakako mi se ove frizura sviđa, samo nisam sigurna je li za mene. Kako vam se sviđa ovaj akvarel? Još uvijek učim slikati vodenim bojama. U zadnjoj objavi, govorila sam o težoj strani slikanja. Neke slike su frustrirajuće. Radite i radite na načemu i nikad niste sigurni jeste li sve dobro napravili. Možda se može reći da postoje teške i lake slike. Neke se slike jednostavno dogode. Bez plana. Skoro bez truda. Ovo je bila jedna od takvih. Na neki način, nije više od skice. Previše je jednostavna. Ipak, sviđa mi se. 




  1. Nice drawing!

    Great post!
    I would really love for you to check out my latest post featuring this great Metisu Coat
    Keep in touch~
    Kaiyo Aino Blog > New Post is Up!

  2. What a wonderful illustration, and I think that this hairstyle would suit you quite well, my lovely! :) <3 Personally, I have pretty much had the same hairstyle for the past decade or more, lol. I enjoy looking after my hair but I don't like styling it. I use straighteners every day because my hair is naturally very curly, and I can't stand it that way! I haven't cut it in a while either, mostly because I just don't trust any hairdressers, haha. Lovely post, hun! Hope you're well. <3 xoxo


    1. thank you Kay. I do enjoy styling by hair- most of the time anyway.

      I didn't know you have curly hair.

  3. Hello dear Ivana, how are you ? This illustration is very pretty. Kisses :)

  4. I am the kind of women who change their hair styles a lot. I changed it from being sooooo tall to shoulder length without even regretting the decision for a single time and every one around me was going like how and why and I was like, I got bored of my old hair style.
    I really love this hair style, I might get it, but I will leave the bangs out of it, because short bangs are so cute, the longer they get the more they turn to be such a pain and I will not go through it.
    Thanks for sharing.

    1. I know what you mean, short bangs are cute but hard to maintain!

  5. I ja sam uvijek voljela eksperimentirati s kosom - od različitih boja do dužina i uvijek sam vodila onim - to je samo kosa, narasti će :) Prije par godina mi je to sve dosadilo i nekako sam se zaželjela 'obične' duže plave kose iako me svako malo pukne želja za nekom novom bojom, ali već sam naučila prepoznati da to uglavnom znači da me nešto muči u životu pa se želim iskaliti na kosi (u većini slučajeva) pa onda dvaput promislim prije nego uđem u DM :D Sviđa mi se ilustracija i super su mi ove asimetrične frizure, uvijek baš efektno izgledaju!

    1. da, jako su zanimljive, meni se isto sviđaju. Ja se isto stalno nešto mislim oko boje kose, ali teško mi se odlučiti na promjenu jer nisam sigurna što točno želim :)

  6. That is such a cool haircut! But I get what you mean, I love my long hair and don't know if I'd be comfortable cutting it so short :P

    Lipstick and Mocha

  7. I've only tried an asymmetrical style once before and didn't like it much, was glad when it grew out! :)

    I tend to grow my hair long, get annoyed and cut it short again, then grow it out until I get annoyed and cut it short again, haha! My friend just donated her hair though so I am going to do that! Makes sense to let it go to a good cause (wigs for kids with cancer) instead of just cutting it off! It took her 2 years to grow it enough so I'll see how long mine takes.

    Hope you are having a wonderful weekend :)

    Away From The Blue Blog

    1. thank you Mica. That's a very noble thing to do. :)

  8. Hair style is part of fashion si why not? Great illustration my lovely! ❤️
    Happy Sunday sweetie! xxx

  9. Che bello quel taglio di capelli, mi piacerebbe provare qualcosa di nuovo, ma non ho il coraggio!
    Kisses, Paola.
    My Instagram

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  11. Da, kosa je uvek bila neki simbol lepote i moći žene. Eto ja često dobijam komplimente na račun kose, a retko kad sam i sama zadovoljna istom. Žene... :D Lično sam ljubitelj duge kose, a što se kraćih frizura tiče, bob je jedini izuzetak koji mi se jako dopada. Da sam hrabrija, verujem da bih završila sa tako nekom frizurom, što je i bio čest slučaj kad sam bila dete i tinejdžer. Baš je fora to što je asimetričan. Nekako razbija uniformisanost, a opet mislim da je jako nosiva i održiva frizura :) Još jedna fenomenalna ilustracija!

  12. Gorgeous illustration Ivana! Hair is definitely an important extension of a woman.


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