
Showing posts from August, 2016

First Communion

Today I will talk about  first communion dresses .  Traditions that accompany first communion may vary across the globe, but in most cases the children receiving their first communion wear white garments to symbolize innocence. The event itself is usually followed by a celebration of some kind as many families use this occasion to spend some quality time together. There is a widespread tradition of young ladies wearing  white communion dresses.    First communion is a very special and important ceremony in many Christian traditions.  There are slight theological differences between different Christian traditions when it comes to the question of the presence of Christ during Eucharist (Orthodox Christians believe that Christ turns into water and bread and call it a mystery while Catholics believe the same thing but call it transubstantiation. Luther was of the opinion that what is important is that Christ is present at Eucharist and he didn't place impo...

Fashion Drawing of the Day / Modni Crtež dana (denim skirt)

Here is my fashion illustration of the day. The medium is coloured pencils on paper. As you might have noticed, I started using coloured pencils more often. You can see the outfit that inspired this illustration  here . This outfit was the first one I posted this August, so it seems appropriate that I post it as this month is coming to its end. Evo modne ilustracija dana. Medij su bojice na papiru. Kao što ste mogli primijetiti, u zadnje vrijeme češće koristim bojice.  Možete vidjeti odjevnu kombinaciju koju sam ilustrirala ovdje . S ovom odjevnom kombinacijom sam otvorila ovaj mjesec pa je prikladno da se tu nađe na samom kraju mjeseca. POST UPDATE 2025 INSPIRED BY MICA, SHEILA AND BLAIR  2020 INSPIRED BY VIX, LOVELY AND AKIKO (WATERCOLOUR PENCILS)  2020 INSPIRED BY AKIKO, LOVELY AND VIX (COLOURED PENCILS)   2020 INSPIRED BY ANN AND SHEILA (COLOURED PENCILS)  2020 INSPIRED BY VIX ( COLOURED PENCILS) 2020 INSPIRED BY SHANAZ AND MARISA (2020) INS...

Summertime in Mostar (black and white dress) / Ljeto u Mostaru (crno bijela haljina)

Sunny summer days in Mostar city. Simple pleasures in life. The smell of pine trees in the air. (They have a special scent during the Summer. Have you ever noticed that?) Strolling around the city with my significant other.  A cup of coffee enjoyed in good company. Simply daily rituals that can be so meaningful. Admiring street air. Finding a reason to smile because as Claudio Baglioni sings life is know (youtube link  here ) . Black and white dress worn with colourful sandals (wedges) because as you all know I'm addicted to colours. A simple summer outfit for a simple summer day. A bit of simplicity and putting our mind to rest. Sometimes it is all we need.  La vita è adesso. Sunčani ljetni dani u Mostaru. Jednostavni životni užici. Miris borova u zraku. ( Imaju poseban miris ljeti. Jeste li to ikad primijetili?) Šetnja gradom sa drugom polovicom. Šalica kave u dobrom društvu.  Jednostavni dnevni ritualni koji mogu biti tako značajni. Divljenje uličnoj umjet...

Fashion illustration of the day ( pencil skirt) / Modna ilustracija dana (suknja olovka kroja)

Thank you for all your lovely comments on my last post. I'm a bit late with my replies, but it is not my fault, I have had a terrible headache, better to say migrane that lasted for a whole week. It had been a difficult week and I hope I will manage to get some rest this weekend. Speaking of my last post, some of you misunderstood what I wrote about that painting of church and the school. I wrote that it was a gift FOR a friend, not FROM a friend. I painted that oil painting myself two years ago, back in 2014 and I gave it to a family friend, not the other way around. In fact, I posted about that painting earlier here , but I decided to repost it because it was relevant to the location I wrote about in my last post. Today I'm only going to share only one fashion illustration with you. The medium is coloured pencils on paper.  This illustration is an Autumn one. Indeed, I don't think it is to early to start talking about Autumn. Today I have one clothing item in mind....

The painting and the outfit of the day / Slika i odjevna kombinacija dana (Gdinj, Hvar)

I think I have already shared this oil painting with you. This canvas was a gift for a family friend of mine. It depicts the new church in my grandmother's village Gdinj (in this   post   you can find all the links to my previous posts about this village). This new church is actually quite old, but I will talk about that some other time. The other building you can see used to be a school. Gdinj doesn't have a school anymore because there aren’t any children left. You know how it is. The state is interested in getting the money from the islands, not in investing in them or finding the ways to keep the people there. Fortunately, islands are resourceful people. They always find a way for themselves if there is a way to be found. Let's hope for the best. They have always known how to take the good with the bad. I have loved all Croatian islands that I have visited so far. I didn’t visit all 1000 of them, but I visited many. However, there is one that has a special...

Painting with make up ( Red Swan) / Slikanje sa šminkom (Crveni labud)

What do we have here today? Another painting and this one is mixed media, more precisely make up and coloured pencils on paper. The painting depicts a ballerina (in case you couldn’t tell) and I named it red swan. Is there such a thing as a red swan? Well, we all know of white and black swans, both in animal kingdom and ballet world, where Swan lake has a legendary status. A red swan is yet to be created, both in biological and dance world. Similarly, the red swan never appeared in the famous ballet Swan Lake, but it did show up in my imagination. Who knows? Perhaps someday, there will be a new ballet with this character, a reinterpretation of some sort. In that case the red swan could have a change to dance. Speaking of red swans, in Native American lore there is a lovely story featuring a red swan. Look it up and you'll find it suprisingly similar to the famous ballet. Perhaps not so surprisingly if you know that the balet was inspired by a Russial folk tale. Remember what I tol...