Darkness and Light / Tama i svijetlo

'The Nellie, a cruising yawl, swung to her anchor without a flutter of the sails, and was at rest. The flood had made, the wind was nearly calm, and being bound down the river, the only thing for it was to come to and wait for the turn of the tide. The sea–reach of the Thames stretched before us like the beginning of an interminable waterway. In the offing the sea and the sky were welded together without a joint, and in the luminous space the tanned sails of the barges drifting up with the tide seemed to stand still in red clusters of canvas sharply peaked, with gleams of varnished sprits. A haze rested on the low shores that ran out to sea in vanishing flatness. The air was dark above Gravesend, and farther back still seemed condensed into a mournful gloom, brooding motionless over the biggest, and the greatest, town on earth.'
                                                                     Joseph Conrad, Heart of Darkness 

Do you tend to remember the opening paragraph of your favourite novel? I do. I think many of us do remember it, especially those who make it a habit to reread their favourite novels. Have you ever noticed how when you see a certain film (taken that it is any good) for the second time, you notice some things you haven't noticed before? If the film is a masterpiece, you may even notice something new everytime you see it. Moreover, some movies are truly timeless classics and you can watch them a number of times without ever getting bored of them. It is the same case with books, if they are really good you can reread them countless times and always discover something new. Sometimes it feels like listenting to your favourite song. In that sense, reading the openining paragraph is like listening the beggining of a song you really love...and sometimes it makes your heart skip a beat. 

Imate li sklonost pamtiti uvodne riječi vašeg omiljenog romana. Ja imam i mislim da puno nas pamti taj uvod, pogotovo oni koji imaju naviku ponovo čitati njihove omiljene romane. Jeste li ikad primijetili kako kada gledate određeni film (pod uvjetom da je dobar) po drugi put, primijetite neke stvari koje niste prije primijetili? Ako je pak film remekdjelo, onda možete primijetiti nešto novo svaki put kada ga pogledate. Štoviše, neki su filmovi zaista bezvremenski klasici koje možete gledati puno puta bez da vam ikada dosade. Ista je stvar s knjigama, ako su zaista dobre možete ih pročitati bezbroj puta i uvijek otkriti nešto novo. Ponekad je to kao slušanje svoje omiljene pjesme. U tom smislu, čitati uvodne riječi romana je kao slušati početak svoje omiljene pjesme....i ponekad vam od toga poskoči srce.

Outfit /odjevna kombinacija :
leather jacket/ kožna jakna: vintage (similar here / slična ovdje)
turtleneck/ dolčevita: Mana (similar here/ slična ovdje)
bag/torba: dresslink (same here/ ista ovdje)
skirt/ suknja: Modna kuća Edi  (similar here/ slična ovdje)
tights/ najlonke: no name (similar here / slične ovdje
shoes/cipele: no name (similar here/ slične ovdje)

As I was (re)reading the opening pages of Heart of Darkness while I was having coffee on this blissfully sunny and warm day in Mostar, I felt like my heart has skipped a beat. I remembered so clearly how this book made me feel every time I read it...it was a flashback into past...and I have read this novel at least a  dozen times. Every reading was different, every reading revealed something new to me. Sometimes this book would make me feel furious and angry, at times it made me feel heartbroken and sad but there was never a time when it didn't evoke a whole storms of emotions within me. I do believe that if I were to read this book everyday, it would still continue to move me on everyday basis. Furthemore,  I realized that over the years, it did more than that. I responded on it on many different levels, emotional being just one of them. This short novel influenced the way I think. I only now realized that it shaped many questions that still bother me today, that sometimes keep me up at night. I still wonder whether we really live in a postcolonial world or is our world still a colonial one? 

Dok sam ponovo čitala uvodne riječi Srca tame dok sam pila kavu toga blaženo sunčanoga i toploga dana u Mostaru, osjetila sam da mi je srce poskočilo. Sjetila sam se tako jasno kako sam se osjećala svaki puta kada bi čitala ovu knjigu...bio je to povratak u prošlost, a ovaj roman sam pročitala barem desetak puta. Nekad bi se čitajući ovu knjigu osjećala gnjevno i bijesno, a ponekad bi osjećala tugu i onaj osjećaj da će vam se srce prelomiti. Kakogod sam se osjećala, uvijek je tu bila cijela oluja osjećaja, nikada nisam osjetila ravnodušnost i mislim da ovu knjigu čitam svaki dan, da bi me opet iznova dirnula. Nadalje, shvatila sam da je tijekom godina ova knjiga učinila i više od toga da me dirnula jer sam na nju reagirala na više razina, a emocionalna je samo jedna od njih. Ovaj kratki roman utjecao je na način na koji razmišljam. Tek sam sada shvatila da je oblikovao brojna pitanja koja me i danas muče i koja me ponekad drže budnom noću. Još uvijek se pitam živimo li doista u vremenu nakon kolonijalizma ili je svijet u kojem živimo još uvijek onaj u kojem vladaju kolonijalne sile? 

Outfit /odjevna kombinacija :
leather jacket/ kožna jakna: vintage (similar here / slična ovdje)
turtleneck/ dolčevita: Mana (similar here/ slična ovdje)
bag/torba: dresslink (same here/ ista ovdje)
skirt/ suknja: Modna kuća Edi  (similar here/ slična ovdje)
tights/ najlonke: no name (similar here / slične ovdje)
shoes/cipele: no name (similar here/ slične ovdje)

One of the things I admire about Conrad is how he introduces the question of colonialism right from the start of the novel. Upon first reading, you may not even notice it, but the more times you read this novel, the more you realize the evils of colonialism and just how pointless all justifications for it really are...and pointing that out from the start seems important for this novel. His famous character Marlow, the narrator of the story in question, starts off his tale with reminder that for Romans, this 'biggest and greatest' city in the world was a place of darkness. What is darkness after all? What is light? I believe that there is always a choice and it is up to us to stand by the light or by the darkness, to choose good or evil.  Darkness exists in every corner of this world. Those nations and countries that call themselves great do not escape it.  On the contrary, often the civilized places are the cruelest to live in. The expression urban jungle has its sinister meaning as well. Or do you think that an average homeless person has it easy? Believe me, a homeless person endures what no beasts can, because he has to both struggle for survival and be judged by the society who despises him for his poorness. What is civilization after all? Is it as one writer said, just an art of living in cities? What service are we doing to the world by living in cities and what gives us the right to look upon those who don't? Those so called 'undeveloped nations' (one of those expressions I personally hate) are often more developed in matter of humanism and have the right to look down on more developed nations, if for nothing else, to return the favour and because they (so called developed nations) happen to be the ones that pollute this world the most. Know this, if you have ever looked down upon anyone it is not because they stand lower than you, it is because you want them to stand lower. Believing something doesn’t make it true and there is always a price to pay for trying to make others seem less significant than what they are.

Jedna od stvari zbog kojih se divim Conradu je kako uvodi pitanje kolonijalizma od samoga početka romana. Kada ga prvi put čitate, možda to i ne primijetite, ali što više čitate ovaj roman, shvaćate svo zlo kolonijalizma i koliko su besmislena  opravdanja istoga, a ukazivanje na to od početka je veoma važno za ovaj roman. Njegov poznati lik Marlow, koji priča ovu priču, počinje s posjetnikom da je stare Rimljane  'taj najveći i  veličanstven grad ' (u engleskom great se ne odnosi samo na veličinu u fizičkom smislu) nekada bio mjesto tame. Što je na kraju krajeva tama? Što je svijetlo? Vjerujem da uvijek postoji izbor i mi sami biramo hoćemo li izabrati tamu ili svijetlo. No, tama se krije u svakom kutku svijeta. Ne bježe njoj one nacije i zemlje koje se diče veličinom. Naprotiv, često su civilizirana mjesta okrutna za život pa i taj izraz gradska džungla nije bez razloga i ima strašno značenje. Vjerujte, jednom beskućniku nije nimalo lakše nego divljoj zvijeri, zapravo mu je i teže jer mu često okolina oduzima dostojanstvo i prebacuje siromaštvo. Što je na kraju krajeva civilizacija? Je li to kao što je jedan pisac rekao, umijeće življenja u gradovima? Kakvu uslugu činimo svijetu živeći  u gradovima i odakle nam pravo da na one koji ne žive tako gledamo s visoka? One zemlje koje se nazivaju nerazvijenima (mada osobno mrzim taj izraz ovdje ga namjerno koristim) su često više razvijene u pitanjima ljudskosti i imaju pravo gledati s visoka na razvijene zemlje, ako zbog ničega drugoga onda zbog toga da vrate uslugu i jer su one ( takozvane razvijene zemlje) najveći zagađivači svijeta. Znajte i to da ako ste na nekoga nekad gledali s visine, to nije stoga jer su oni zaista niže od vas, nego jer biste vi željeli da budu. Vjerovanje  u nešto ne čini to istinom i uvijek se plaća cijena za to da pokušamo druge učiniti  izgledom manje značajnima nego što jesu.

' No one took the trouble to grunt even; and presently he said, very slow—“I was thinking of very old times, when the Romans first came here, nineteen hundred years ago—the other day. . . . Light came out of this river since—you say Knights? Yes; but it is like a running blaze on a plain, like a flash of lightning in the clouds. We live in the flicker—may it last as long as the old earth keeps rolling! But darkness was here yesterday. Imagine the feelings of a commander of a fine—what d’ye call ’em?—trireme in the Mediterranean, ordered suddenly to the north; run overland across the Gauls in a hurry; put in charge of one of these craft the legionaries—a wonderful lot of handy men they must have been, too—used to build, apparently by the hundred, in a month or two, if we may believe what we read. Imagine him here—the very end of the world, a sea the colour of lead, a sky the colour of smoke, a kind of ship about as rigid as a concertina—and going up this river with stores, or orders, or what you like. Sand–banks, marshes, forests, savages,—precious little to eat fit for a civilized man, nothing but Thames water to drink. No Falernian wine here, no going ashore. Here and there a military camp lost in a wilderness, like a needle in a bundle of hay—cold, fog, tempests, disease, exile, and death—death skulking in the air, in the water, in the bush. They must have been dying like flies here. Oh, yes—he did it. Did it very well, too, no doubt, and without thinking much about it either, except afterwards to brag of what he had gone through in his time, perhaps. They were men enough to face the darkness. And perhaps he was cheered by keeping his eye on a chance of promotion to the fleet at Ravenna by and by, if he had good friends in Rome and survived the awful climate. Or think of a decent young citizen in a toga—perhaps too much dice, you know—coming out here in the train of some prefect, or tax–gatherer, or trader even, to mend his fortunes. Land in a swamp, march through the woods, and in some inland post feel the savagery, the utter savagery, had closed round him—all that mysterious life of the wilderness that stirs in the forest, in the jungles, in the hearts of wild men. There’s no initiation either into such mysteries. He has to live in the midst of the incomprehensible, which is also detestable. And it has a fascination, too, that goes to work upon him. The fascination of the abomination—you know, imagine the growing regrets, the longing to escape, the powerless disgust, the surrender, the hate.'
                                                               Joseph Conrad, Heart of Darkness

“Mind,” he began again, lifting one arm from the elbow, the palm of the hand outwards, so that, with his legs folded before him, he had the pose of a Buddha preaching in European clothes and without a lotus–flower—“Mind, none of us would feel exactly like this. What saves us is efficiency—the devotion to efficiency. But these chaps were not much account, really. They were no colonists; their administration was merely a squeeze, and nothing more, I suspect. They were conquerors, and for that you want only brute force—nothing to boast of, when you have it, since your strength is just an accident arising from the weakness of others. They grabbed what they could get for the sake of what was to be got. It was just robbery with violence, aggravated murder on a great scale, and men going at it blind—as is very proper for those who tackle a darkness. The conquest of the earth, which mostly means the taking it away from those who have a different complexion or slightly flatter noses than ourselves, is not a pretty thing when you look into it too much. What redeems it is the idea only. An idea at the back of it; not a sentimental pretence but an idea; and an unselfish belief in the idea—something you can set up, and bow down before, and offer a sacrifice to. . . .”
                                                      Joseph Conrad, Heart of Darkness

 Outfit/ Odjevna kombinacija
leather jacket/ kožna jakna: vintage (similar here / slična ovdje)
turtleneck/ dolčevita: Mana (similar here/ slična ovdje)
bag/torba: dresslink (same here/ ista ovdje)
skirt/ suknja: Modna kuća Edi  (similar here/ slična ovdje)
tights/ najlonke: (similar here / slične ovdje) no name
shoes/cipele: no name (similar here/ slične ovdje)

Outfit /odjevna kombinacija :
leather jacket/ kožna jakna: vintage (similar here / slična ovdje)
turtleneck/ dolčevita: Mana (similar here/ slična ovdje)
bag/torba: dresslink (same here/ ista ovdje)
skirt/ suknja: Modna kuća Edi  (similar here/ slična ovdje)
tights/ najlonke: (similar here / slične ovdje) no name
shoes/cipele: no name (similar here/ slične ovdje)

Outfit /odjevna kombinacija :
leather jacket/ kožna jakna: vintage (similar here / slična ovdje)
turtleneck/ dolčevita: Mana (similar here/ slična ovdje)
bag/torba: dresslink (same here/ ista ovdje)
skirt/ suknja: Modna kuća Edi  (similar here/ slična ovdje)
tights/ najlonke: (similar here / slične ovdje) no name
shoes/cipele: no name (similar here/ slične ovdje)

mr.photographer/ gospodin fotograf

a.k.a mr. husband/ poznat i kao gospodin muž :)

Outfit /odjevna kombinacija :

book/ knjiga: here/ ovdje
leather jacket/ kožna jakna: vintage (similar here / slična ovdje)
turtleneck/ dolčevita: Mana (similar here/ slična ovdje)
bag/torba: dresslink (same here/ ista ovdje)
skirt/ suknja: Modna kuća Edi  (similar here/ slična ovdje)
tights/ najlonke: (similar here / slične ovdje) no name
shoes/cipele: no name (similar here/ slične ovdje)

I do admire how brave Conrad was at calling European colonialism what it really was, an explotation of natural resourcess, a ruthless run for the profit, a merciless bussiness of getting the money, a genocide upon the African population...No wonder this novel wasn't praised when it was originally published! I suspect that among critics there were those who didn't understand it but also those who understand it perfectly. I'm sure there were those for whom the truth was too much to handle and critized this novel for that very reason..... and yet even it todays world, the facts are not being faced, the history is being rewritten. However, one can't escape the truth. Deep inside we always know when something we do is wrong.

Doista se divim Conradovoj hrabrosti da nazove europski kolonijalizam pravim imenom, eksploatacijom prirodnih resursa, nemilosrdnom trkom za novcem, okrutnim poslom dobivanja novaca pod svaku cijenu i genocidom nad Afričkom populacijom. Nije ni čudo što ovaj roman nije bio hvaljen kada je tek izdan! Imam osjećaj da je među kritičarima bilo i onih koji ga nisu kritizirali zato što ga nisu razumjeli, već upravo zato što su ga posve shvatili i jer je istina za njih bila previše..a opet u današnjem svijetu, činjenice se zanemaruju, povijest se iznova piše. No, istini se ne može pobjeći. Duboko u sebi uvijek znamo kada griješimo.

book/ knjiga: hereovdje
leather jacket/ kožna jakna: vintage (similar here / slična ovdje)
turtleneck/ dolčevita: Mana (similar here/ slična ovdje)
bag/torba: dresslink (same here/ ista ovdje)
skirt/ suknja: Modna kuća Edi  (similar here/ slična ovdje)
tights/ najlonke: no name (similar here / slične ovdje
shoes/cipele: no name (similar here/ slične ovdje)


  1. Da, da, da i da! :) I dan danas mi odzvanjaju te neke uvodne reči knjiga i filmova. U pravu si, u svakom narednom gledanju i čitanju se naiđe na nešto novo. Uglavnom kad se vratim nečemu već pročitanom i viđenom imam napad nostalgije, a nekad baš volim da znam da je to nešto i dalje tu i da mogu da mu se vratim kad god poželim. Onda me to samo iščekivanje raduje.
    Ni ja ne volim pojam razvijenih i nerazvijenih zemalja. Pa to je tako relativno. Uopšte mi je mrzak sam pojam država, granica i svega sličnog. Kao da je neko kriv jer se rodio tamo gde ne treba. Isto tako verujem da je tamo neki siromašni pastir srećniji od njujorškog brokera npr.
    Divan je post kao i tvoja kombinacija, a i gospodin fotograf se uklopio u celu priču :) Ne znam da li mi je lepša ta sunkja ili jakna :)
    Uživaj u vikendu :)

    1. točno tako, kada knjige volimo onda im se i vraćamo, a i to je jedan poseban užitak.

      Tako je, sve zemlje imaju jednaki omjer loših i dobrih ljudi, pa ako po ničem drugom, po tome su jednake. Ja imam osjećaj da bi bila spremna dati sve povlastice modernoga života i ići skupljati jutarnju rosu za piće samo da ne moram gledati i slušati neke ljude, ali i to je život, pa i to uči toleranciji.

      hvala ti puno...suknju sam kupila prije dvije, tri godine, ali baš je posebna i uvijek joj se rado vraćam, a jakni ima oko trideset godina, a još je kao nova. Baš su mi draga ta dva komada odjeće pa je bio red i da ih spojim.

  2. You are definitely an amazing writer...superb!

  3. i like your outfit...your skirt is very nice

  4. You look so classy Ivana. Love the bag! Have a great weekend! xx

  5. really nice post my dear!!
    Check out my latest outfit post “Teddy Coat + Winter Layers”

  6. Hai ragione, i libri o i film che amiamo non stancano mai! Anzi, ogni volta che li rileggiamo o li rivediamo troviamo qualcosa di nuovo!
    Sai che non conoscevo quella novella? Ma se ti è piaciuta tanto mi piacerebbe leggerla, la cercherò sicuramente!
    Bellissime foto, stai davvero bene con quella luce!
    Adoro le tue scarpe! :)

  7. nice!


  8. I agree that when a book really resonates like this one has with you, I think every time you read it, new gems will be revealed. It's nice how this outfit combines a little edge and femininity.

    1. yes, I always enjoy feminine outfits with a touch of rock chic.

  9. Gorgeous look and I like how natural and beautiful you're in front of the camera, Ivana xx

  10. The only book that I've ever reread was Lord of the Rings, I truly love it and would read it again if I have time. Must admit that I am more of a visual person which means I can rematch the same movie again and again and will still be equally enthralled by it just as the first time.

    Shireen | Reflection of Sanity

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. Molto belle le tue foto!! Mi piace la tua gonna!

  12. sviđa mi se kombinacija, sviđa mi se svijetl asuknja na tamnu jaknu i grilonke.
    I cipele su super!
    Ne usuđujem se čitati knjige opet, postoji ogromna šansa da će neka, koja me se jako dojmila, ispasti bezveze, jer ja sam se promijenila..tako da ih ostavljam netaknute, u sjećanju.

    1. ja imam takav osjećaj kada je jedan roman u pitanju, Patnje mladog Werthera...sigurna sam da me se sada, kada nisam više adolescent, ne bi nimalo dojmio.

  13. Conosco quasi a memoria quel libro tanto misterioso, che ho letto e riletto tante volte. La tua immensa cultura mi colpisce sempre, così come i tuoi outfit, sempre più belli! Baci, Valeria - Coco et La vie en rose fashion blog

  14. Oooodlican post! Super ti stoji crna boja kose i kombinacija je izuzetno zanimljiva

    poljubac Adela Acanski

  15. Hello from Spain: beautiful novel. I like your shoes. Fabulous pictures .. we keep in touch

  16. Dear Ivana, I like your shoes and your skirt and your stylish outfit in general!
    And yes, I know what you mean! Although I have to admit I can't remember the first sentences of any book any book I re-read seems to be totally different than the first time I read it. I think this is why we are always in different live situations when we read a book ... you desribed this here very well. Thanks for that and also for the wonderful pictures.
    Have a happy weekend!
    xx from Bavaria/Germany, Rena

  17. Agree with you, Ivana! I always find something new while reading a book again. Sometimes I even change my point of view after reflecting the actual message. Rocking leather jacket, Ivana! Love the mix of masculine and feminine.


    1. so true:)
      thanks, I love the mix of masculine and feminine too.

  18. You look great, fantastic styling. You have pretty hairs :)
    I clicked


  19. This is a beautiful place. I admire your words and writings. Thanks for sharing your thoughts about the book you read. <3

    Have a great day! :)

    SHAIRA // www.missdream-girl.blogspot.com

  20. Fantastic style!! <3 i love your jacket!!

  21. Well that book is certainly on my re-read list now. Have not seen it since college but remember it really spoke to me personally. And life after that, very exactly, would make it a far different read today. Such a beautiful love note to a great work of fiction. And your skirt is so pretty too! Digging the black hair, you look like a wild thing :)

    All Things Bright and Lovely

    1. thank you dear, I'm glad I inspired a rereading:)

  22. Mi piacciono davvero molto le foto :)
    Un bacio

  23. I love the strong and very vivid description. I was able to form a mental image based on that. It must be a great read. Talking about movies, Titanic is one of those that would have me in tears in no time and I notice something new each time I watch it albeit in between sobs. Being a teacher I tend to want to tear myself away from books after work. I always say 'I read enough in the classroom' but I do miss reading novels and have decided to make time for them. I am currently reading 'Wisdom is a Woman' by Mieke Mosmuller and the joys of reading for fun is all coming back to me. Heart of Darkness I haven't read but it sounds like one I'd love to delve into soon. I will. My daughter read it and found it very interesting. Just like that opening statement, your style stands out. I love love love this look. The skirt and bag are simply stunning and you and your hubby make a great pair. This is a very beautiful post darling. I hope your weekend is lovely.

    1. thank you Idu...I'm the same way, I always notice something new when I watch a favourite movie and some of them always make me cry.


  24. Cool post dear!
    Loving your bag :)

  25. Wow, I think I need to read that book. To hear you philosophise so eloquently about it makes me think it must be a real classic. Yes, colonialism is a terrible thing and I've been really thinking a lot about how worrying it us that everything is so Londoncentric in England. Tis really damaging on many levels and all the points of homelessness you make included. I think we view homelessness with fear because it could be us and there are so many stereotypes in the media about how homeless people are druggies etc. There ARE those to are but a whole lot more who just had really awful experiences and opportunities in life.xx

    1. so true, being homeless is very hard and it can happen to everyone, we must not blame those people. What worries me is that the majority of world resources are still controlled by a tiny group of people.

  26. cute look! http://www.alovelystyle.com/

  27. Izgledaš predivno! :) <3

    If you want please visit my blogs, it means so much to me:
    NEW POST ---> http://living-like-v.blogspot.ba/2016/01/studyorganization-tips.html
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  28. Very cool outfit Ivana! Love your loafers!;)

  29. That's great jacket and you look beautiful. :)


  30. AH very beautiful dear! That skirt is super cute :)

  31. Hello dear <3
    You look fantastic, lovely skirt, and amazing jacket <3
    I love your hair, you look lovely in this black colour :***
    Beautiful weather is on your photos, gorgeous :)

    lovely evening,
    kisses :**

  32. O da, odličan roman i apsolutno se slažem s njegovim, pa zatim i tvojim razmišljanjima. Vidim da dijelimo ljubav prema sličnim/istim književnim djelima, a ovakvih postova mi nikad dosta. :)
    A kakva je tek istina ovo o omiljenim knjigama i filmovima po svakom idućem gledanju, odnosno čitanju. Obožavam te trenutke kada mi se to dogodi, kada mi, kako ti kažeš, srce poskoči. <3
    Uf, kako mi dođe žao kada nakon ovakvog posta većina komentara ode na outfit.

    1. hvala ti:) baš zato što znam da ima onih koji misle isto (i čitaju što napišem) mi se da i pisati, da su svi komentari kao većina, možda i ne bi imala volje.

  33. I have reread most of my books, but I don't remember any opening lines. No wait that's a lie, I remember one. I read that book when I was eight years old. Rebecca by Daphne du Maurie. After all this time I still can recite it.....Last night I dreamt I went to Manderley again. It seemed to me I stood by the iron gate, leading to the drive and for a while I could not enter. Have you read any of du Maurie's books? You both look great. Happy weekend.

    1. I haven't read her...I must put her on my reading list.

  34. Bas mi se svidja tvoj look!!
    Love Emina

    Instagram: http://instagram.com/eminamasovic

  35. You are very pretty woman:) Great photos:)

  36. Nice look :))))

    The Cutielicious

  37. Joseph Conrad is a great writer. Love the paragraph...I can totally relate - the written word can be so powerful! Also a really cool look :) the leather jacket is perfect!!

    Christina ♥ https://caliope-couture.com

  38. Really cool look darling...hot jacket and bag..:)


  39. Dear I really love your outfit and I like your skirt so much !!!! Nice post !!!
    B4S Sheilasophy Blog

  40. Amazing post dear. I love the outfit, but it was such a great read!

    Adi xx

  41. Dear Ivana, you wrote true words about Conrads braveness when he tried to confront Europe with the consequences of colonization. The exploitation has not stopped to these days. But it's such a sad story, I got depressed when I read it years and years ago... I cann't imagine that I ever will feel the desire to read Heart of Darkness again... May be this is a fault, but I prefer stories that give me power, inspiration and HOPE - depressing novels take too much energy from me, and I need every bit of energy I can get ;O)

    Your outfit looks energetic, however - if only by the biker jacket - and I especially like the skirt! This subtly exotic style I really like!
    Also fine to get to know your photographer / husband! Best wishes to him!
    Hugs from here,

    1. yes, I know what you mean. Sometimes it is emotionally exhausting to read sad stories. I always try to balance sad novels with more uplifting ones.

  42. Your leather jacket is lovely and I really like your printed skirt.

    That book sounds so interesting too and I love the last bit you shared from it - it sums it up very well. There has been a lot of bad in the world due to 'conquering' or whatever you want to call it, battles over land because people are greedy really! It's sad to see it still goes on today, and people still live with the pain of past circumstances.

    Away From The Blue Blog

    #Struggles Book giveaway!

    1. thank you Mica...yes, sadly this is something that happens today as well.

  43. Thanks my dear :D

    Love all outfit :D

    I want your leather jacket and your bag +.+

    NEW DECOR POST | Bedroom Changes #1
    InstagramFacebook Oficial PageMiguel Gouveia / Blog Pieces Of Me :D

  44. Absolutely amazing pics! You look so nice dear))


  45. It's amazing how books, films and art in general can affect us on such an emotional level, isn't it? I've never heard of the Heart of Darkness before, but it seems like a true masterpiece with a very powerful message. I'll definitely be adding it to my list of things to read, so thank you for introducing us to it! x


  46. you look awesome honey! i'm so in love with your shoes *-*

    xx, laura :*

  47. Divno si ovo napisala... docarala si na pravi nacin koliko neki roman ili bilo koje umjetnicko djelo moze ostaviti duboki trag na nas i pogoditi nas bas u nutrinu... Fascinantno mi je kako neki romani djeluju na mene u razlicitim etapama moga zivota... zato neke bas vokum citati uvijek iznova i iznova.
    Kombinacija je jako lijepa... prava damska :)

    1. hvala Ivana:) da, istina je u različitim etapama našeg života roman može na nas drukčije djelovati...i ja ih zato iznova čitam.

  48. I don't remember opening paragraphs to books, though I remember particularly quotes and poems - they give me that same feeling! :) I hope you've had a great weekend!

    Gabrielle | A Glass Of Ice

  49. What an extraordinary post, dear Ivana! I love Joseph Conrad for a long time and heart of darkness is such a great novel. And, unfortunatly, it is very up-to-date ...

    Your outfit and your pictures are so beautiful. I love this look with the cool leather jacket and bag and of course your very pretty skirt! And the shoes are a perfect match.

    xxxx Nadine


  50. I used to be such a big reader when I was younger and would love to get back into reading more often! thanks for sharing and you look pretty! x


  51. Great casual look! I love the skirt!


  52. You have amazing bag !!! *.*

    Look awsome ;)

    Kisses from Munich
    Joanna ;)

  53. Ciekawy print ma ta spódnica.

  54. I always tell my friends I've a pea-size brain. I love reading, but will forget the story after a while. Guess my memory storage has limited ram. Hahaha!

    1. well, at least you can be suprised when you read the story again:)

  55. Thanks a lot, my dear friend :D

    As I said, I really want this jacket. In love :D

    NEW INSTAPLEASUR POST | January On insta
    InstagramFacebook Oficial PageMiguel Gouveia / Blog Pieces Of Me :D

  56. Nice post! Love ur skirt

  57. Only few books from my favorite list I reread, as well in movies case, but I don't remember these days the opening paragraph to spell all by myself, I do more the images, outfit details.
    This outfit is one of my favorites, the make-up pull out all of your natural beauty! Great combo, relaxed, comfy, stylish and chic as well.

  58. I really like your outfit - especially boots and jacket :)
    Have a nice day!

  59. Love it! I had fun reading this.

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  60. Look e imagens maravilhosas amei, super escrita e deixo meu like.
    Vídeo novo:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=apP6eHn5PlI

  61. Hi beauty! I love your hair, nice outfit too

  62. That's such a beautiful outfit :) It looks great

  63. I'm so jealous of your clear blue skies! This is a really lovely outfit and your skirt is so cute! :) xx

  64. You have it all, dear Ivana, clever, beautiful and such a good writer.
    Much love.

  65. Certainly love the mood you've created with your outfit & backdrop, Ivana. I don't know how you've managed to post & write so often. I'm loving every bit of it! xoxo

  66. Certainly love the mood you've created with your outfit & backdrop, Ivana. I don't know how you've managed to post & write so often. I'm loving every bit of it! xoxo

  67. Certainly love the mood you've created with your outfit & backdrop, Ivana. I don't know how you've managed to post & write so often. I'm loving every bit of it! xoxo

  68. Prelepa ti je torba! Cela odevna kombinacija je super!!!

  69. i not still feeling very well, but i have ended my blogger-break and i´m back with a new post - hope you like it.

    but back to you: these are the next cool pics from you and such an fantastic cityside. your outfit is for me a mixture of vintage (skirt) and rocker lady (leather jacket).

    i dont know why, but this is my fav pic: http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-7eYuU3UOijw/VqqRK-1iRvI/AAAAAAAAeDI/-WUFFpPqUeQ/s640/DSCN8688.JPG
    i like your face look and this pic handbag.


    1. thank you sweetie, I'm sorry to hear you're still not feeling well...and fingers crossed you'll feel better soon!


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