Showing posts from August, 2014
Split city (outfit post)/ Split (odjevna kombinacija)
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Again I'm posting old photos, in this case beach photos from the last summer (this year my health was so-so which resulted in almost no beach days). Nevertheless, I do really like these photographs so I've decided this is as good time as any to share them. Obviously this is a beach outfit (as you can guess from neon orange bikini straps) but this vintage LBD has served me well many times. In fact it has been washed so many times it is kind of changing its colour from black to dark grey. Great thing about Split is that you don't have to leave the city in order to find a nice beach. All the ones in the city are really lovely and the sea is always so clean. Still, if you want absolute piece and quiet, choosing one of Croatian islands would be the right thing to do.However, if you like cities (and some people cannot do without them), remember that there are cities that have managed to find the balance between the natural and ...
That is the saddest thing ...Najtužnije je....
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" That is the saddest thing when you lose someone you love- that person keeps changing. And later you wonder. Is it the same person I lost? Maybe you lost more, maybe less, there are thousand things that come from imagination and you don't know which is which, which was true, which is false". Amy Tan, The Kitchen God's Wife " Kad izgubiš nekoga koga ljubiš, najtužnije je baš to što se ta osoba stalno mijenja. Kasnije se zato pitaš: je li to ista ona osoba koju sam izgubila? Možda si izgubila više, možda manje, deset je tisuća stvari koje ti naviru iz pamćenja ili mašte- a ti ne znaš što je što, što je istinito, a što lažno." Amy Tan, Žena boga kuhinje
Sea Child (outfit post) / Dijete mora (odjevna kombinacija)
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"What she remembered best of childhood was the sea excursions. Something about what being afloat spoke to her most basic self. Lift and fall of the waves, the sense of unbounded horizons with strange new places just beyond the curved limits of a watery world, that trilling edge of danger implicit in the very substance that supported her. All of it combined to assure her she was a Sea Child." Chapter House: Dune , Frank Herbert. Some people regard SF as a trivial form of literature. I take the opposite view. Not that I believe that all SF is brilliant, that would be silly. Nevertheless, most of my favourite novels belong either to SF or fantasy...and I'm not at all ashamed to admit it. Spending five years at a University studying literature hasn't changed my view. Studying reinforced my love of classics but did nothing to change my love for all kinds of works of literature. Some of my childhood favourites are still precisely that...
Al cuore non si comanda
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To have a heart is both a blessing and a curse. Sometimes it feels more like a blessing, sometimes more like a curse. You cannot command your heart, the proverb says. That much is true. It doesn't mean we should let the heart command us in everything we do. Like with everything in life, it's about finding balance. Plus, the heart can be a heartless little dictator! Let it rule your life and you might lose yourself while following its every caprice. Forsake it and risk loosing your humanity....Perhaps it is best to do its job while you do your own...and I guess hurting is in the job description of a heart...and I guess we just have to endure it. Imati srce je i kletva i blagoslov. Ponekad se čini više kao blagoslov, ponekad više kao kletva. Ne možeš srcu zapovijedati...tako kaže poslovica. Toliko je istina. No, to ne znači da srce nama treba zapovijedati. Kao i sa svime u životu, važno je pronaći ravnotežu. Uz to, srce zna biti mali bezdušni diktator! Dop...
two illustrations and statement necklaces/ dvije ilustracije i upečatljive velike ogrlice
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I don't usually make sketches for my necklaces. Nevertheless, they have become a part of my illustrations recently. Probably because I've made quite a few of them in last few months. Obično ne radim skice za svoje ogrlice, ali otkada ih češće pravim zadnjih mjeseci, počele su se pojavljivati i na mojim ilustracijama.
Illusion (outfit post) / Iluzija (odjevna kombinacija)
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tee: vintage, dress: vintage, sneakers: Azel majica i haljina : odjevno nasljedstvo/ patike: Azel * all photographs by me/ sve fotografije sam ja uslikala Rereading The Great Gatsby on my granny's terrace. Wind in my hair and the feeling that time has stopped still. Deceptive as I know this feeling is, I let it absorb me...I allow myself to get lost in this illusion of stillness. In reality, time I got to spend in Dalmatia this summer was unfortunately quite short. It wasn't typical vacation either as I had stuff to do. I did, however, take a lot of photos and many of them I'll share with you....Today those photos are of Gdinj, island Hvar. Which brings us back to beginning. Island Hvar. The outfit is very appropriate for the location (an almost abandoned old village) because practically everything I'm wearing is vintage and filled with nostalgia. Only the sneakers are a last year's purchase and they're practical...
My fashion illustrations (inspiration: cropped tops)/ Moje modne ilustracije (inspiracija: kratke majice)
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pen and water colours pencil and water colours pencil and water colours olovka i vodene boje kemijska i vodene boje Danas ću sa vama podijeliti tri ilustracije, a sve imaju nešto zajednično! Kratku majicu...Neki bi rekli da je kratko za ovo ljeto slatko! Radi li se doista o neophodnom komadu? Što vi kažete? Oggi voglio condividere con voi tre illustrazioni. Hanno tutti una cosa in comune! Un cropped top....Alucni dicono che è un must have per l'estate. Che ne dici? Today I'm sharing with you three illustrations. What they all have in common is a cropped top. Some say that a cropped top is a must have for the summer. What do you think?