The time has finally arrived for you to find out where I'm living and working at the moment. I'm no longer in Umag, but I'm still in Istria region. I'm currently located on island Krk, Croatia. What a beautiful island it is! Every day I wake up surrounded by beautiful views. 

What can one say about the beauty of Kvarner Gulf? Sometimes the words fail us. My history with Kvarner goes way back.  I actually lived in Rijeka for a  period in my life. That was back when I was younger and worked as a flight attendant. My airline's offices were based there, so I often visited Rijeka  even when I moved back home. This was all a long time ago, but being in Istria again makes me recall it. Funny how life sometimes gives you opportunity to return and revisit a place special to you.

What can I say about island Krk? It's an absolutely beautiful island to start with. I hope I'll have the time to explore it in detail soon. So long I have been to busy to do that, but maybe in the following week.

I'm currently located in Malinska on island Krk. It is a gorgeous place to visit. 


You guys know I love to paint traditional fishing boats. 

Isn't tis house amazing? I was blown away by the flowers in this garden.


Krk (lokalno Bodulija), otok u Kvarnerskom otočju, po površini naš drugi otok (na prvom je mjestu Cres sa 405,7 km²); obuhvaća 405,22 km² sa 19 204 st. (2011) ili 47,4 st./km². Dug je 38 km, širok do 18 km. Pruža se gotovo usporedno s kopnom (dijeli ih Velebitski kanal i Mala vrata). Zapadno su i jugozapadno otoci Plavnik i Cres, a južno otoci Prvić, Sveti Grgur, Goli i Rab. Preko maloga priobalnog otočića Svetoga Marka u Malim vratima (600 m) spojen je s kopnom (most). Najviši vrh Obzova (568 m). Građen je od vapnenca, lapora i pješčenjaka. Krk se ubraja u naše razvedenije otoke (duljina obale 219,12 km, koeficijent razvedenosti 3,1). Veće uvale: Omišaljski zaljev, Malinska, Krčki zaljev, Puntarska draga, Bašćanska draga, Soline. Pripadaju mu priobalni otoci Prvić i Plavnik te otočići Sveti Marko, Zec, Galun i Košljun. Osim vrela i povremenih površinskih tokova (Ričina ili Vela rika) u istočnom su dijelu otoka i jezera: Omišaljsko jezero (Jezero) na sjeveru i Ponikve u središtu. Oko 30% površine otoka nalazi se pod šumom. Obradiva tla ima oko Dobrinja, u Vrbničkom polju i u Bašćanskoj dugodolini. Poljodjelstvo; stočarstvo; ribarstvo; lovišta divljači. Petrokemijska (Omišalj) i tekstilna (tvornica konopa u Baškoj) industrija; brodogradnja (Punat, Krk, Malinska, Klimno). Turizam (Baška, Malinska, Njivice, Krk); marina (Punat). Trajektne veze Valbiska–Merag (otok Cres), Valbiska–Lopar (otok Rab); zračna luka »Rijeka«; terminal Jadranskoga naftovoda (JANAF; Omišalj). Krk ima 68 naselja (dva bez stanovnika): Krk (3662 st.), Omišalj (1871 st.), Punat (1841 st.), Njivice (1109 st.), Baška (981 st.), Malinska (965 st.), Vrbnik (947 st.), Vrh (843 st.), Kornić (436 st.), Šilo (370 st.), Bogovići (314 st.), Jurandvor (301 st.), Polje (290 st.), Sveti Vid-Miholjice (257 st.), Draga Bašćanska (249 st.), Milčetići (241 st.), Kras (218 st.), Vantačići (216 st.), Gabonjin (199 st.), Pinezići (194 st.), Porat (193 st.), Brzac (172 st.), Radići (169 st.), Garica (160 st.), Nenadići (156 st.), Risika (154 st.), Skrbčići (152 st.), Sveti Anton (147 st.), Linardići (138 st.), Bajčići (129 st.), Batomalj (129 st.), Milovčići (122 st.), Klimno (121 st.), Čižići (116 st.), Stara Baška (112 st.), Dobrinj (111 st.), Zidarići (109 st.), Rasopasno (106 st.), Milohnići (86 st.), Oštrobradić (86 st.), Sužan (85 st.), Kremenići (75 st.), Poljica (73 st.), Sveti Ivan (67 st.), Gostinjac (66 st.), Žgombići (59 st.), Žgaljići (55 st.), Tribulje (52 st.), Hlapa (50 st.), Klanice (49 st.), Soline (47 st.), Muraj (45 st.), Sveti Ivan Dobrinjski (41 st.), Brusići (40 st.), Barušići (30 st.), Lakmartin (24 st.), Županje (23 st.), Sabljići (22 st.), Turčić (22 st.), Maršići (14 st.), Kampelje (9 st.), Ljutići (9 st.), Žestilac (8 st.), Rudine (5 st.), Strilčići (3 st.) te Dolovo (0 st.) i Sršići (Srsići; 0 st.). 

– Naseljen već u neolitiku. U III. st. pr. Kr. pripadao je Liburnima, o čemu svjedoče mnogobrojne gradine. U rimsko doba na otoku (Curicta) postojala su dva značajna naselja: Krk (Curicum), municipij s duumvirima, opasan zidinama, i Fulfinij (Fulfinium) kraj Omišlja, za koji je Plinije Stariji tvrdio da je imao italsko običajno pravo (ius italicum), a među njegovim se ruševinama do danas očuvala u punoj visini ranokršćanska crkva. Godine 49. pr. Kr. kraj Krka se odigrala pomorska bitka u kojoj je Marko Oktavije pobijedio Marka Antonija. Nakon kraće ostrogotske vladavine, Krk se približno od 536. nalazio u sastavu Bizantskoga Carstva. Bio je uključen u Justinijanov jadranski limes, o čemu svjedoči utvrda Korintija kraj Baške. U kasnoj antici Krk se posljednji put spominje oko 585., kada se navodi da je krčki biskup bio sufragan akvilejskoga patrijarha. U VII. i VIII. st. i do 870-ih u sastavu bizantske arhontije Dalmacije, a potom bizantske teme Dalmacije. U to se doba postupno smanjivalo značenje luke grada Krka, a Fulfinij je u potpunosti odumro. Nije posve jasno kada je započelo naseljavanje Slavena, ali se prema sačuvanim toponimima može zaključiti da je romansko stanovništvo još dugo činilo većinu južno od crte Punta Pelova–Bašćanska draga. Mirom u Aachenu 812. potvrđeno je da je Krk bizantski posjed. Otok je bio podijeljen na općine, utemeljene u okolici grada Krka, odnosno utvrdâ Baške, Omišlja, Dobrinja i Vrbnika. Konstantin VII. Porfirogenet navodi da je Krk od kraja 860-ih godina plaćao danak hrvatskom vladaru. Mletački dužd Petar II. Orseolo zavladao je otokom oko 998., a Krčani su 1018. potvrdili svoju vjernost njegovu sinu Otonu. Hrvatski su vladari zavladali otokom vjerojatno u šezdesetim godinama XI. st. Otokom je svakako vladao Zvonimir, o čemu svjedoči Bašćanska ploča. U XI. st. Krk je postao značajno glagoljaško središte i središte otpora crkvenim reformama nametanima iz Rima. Ubrzo nakon Zvonimirove smrti došao je pod vlast Mlečana, koji su njime formalno vladali do 1358. Već u prvoj polovici XII. st. Mlečani su otok dali u zakup Dujmu, rodonačelniku Krčkih knezova, poslije prozvanih Frankapani, te 1163. njegovim sinovima. Za njihove je uprave titula kneza postala nasljednom, dok je Venecija izgubila nekadašnji utjecaj na otoku (osim u razdoblju 1244–60). Nakon Zadarskoga mira 1358. otok je došao pod suverenitet hrvatsko-ugarskih vladara, ali se prilike na otoku nisu bitno promijenile. Jačanje Krčkih knezova dovelo je do ograničavanja tradicionalnih prava otočnoga stanovništva, što je izazvalo nerede. Razmirice su se pokušale razriješiti 1388., kada su knezovi sazvali skupštinu svih otočana, na kojoj je sastavljen Vrbnički statut. Godine 1412. Sigismund Luksemburgovac potvrdio je knezu Nikoli IV. Frankapanu posjed otoka. Deset godina poslije Fridrik II. Celjski zauzeo je dio otoka u ime miraza svoje žene Elizabete Frankapan, što je dovelo do dvogodišnjega rata između Nikole i Fridrika. Kada je Nikola preuzeo nadzor nad cijelim otokom (1424), ponudio ga je Mlečanima u zalog, ali nije uspio postići dogovor. Nakon njegove smrti 1432. svih osam loza Frankapana dogovorilo se da će zajednički upravljati Krkom i Senjom. Godine 1452. otokom je zavladao Nikolin sin Ivan VII. Frankapan, koji se čvršće vezao uz Veneciju, pa joj je oporučno ostavio otok u slučaju da umre bez muških potomaka. Godine 1461. pristao je uz Matiju Korvina, pošto su Mlečani zatražili zatvaranje krčkih solana. Na Krku je podignuo utvrde (kaštel u Omišlju) i naseljavao Vlahe oko Dubašnice i Omišlja (1465–68). U sukob s kraljem došao je zbog pokušaja osvajanja vinodolskih imanja svojega brata Martina IV. Frankapana, pa se hrvatsko-dalmatinski ban Blaž Podmanicki 1480. iskrcao s vojskom na Krku. Ivan se stavio pod zaštitu Venecije, pa je njezina vojska prisilila Podmanickoga na povlačenje i osvojila otok. Unatoč kasnijim pokušajima, Ivan nije uspijevao povratiti Krk, iako je formalno ostao njegovim gospodarom do smrti 1486., kada je otok postao vlasništvo Venecije. Sustav mletačke vlasti na otoku (1480–1797) bio je izgrađen po uzoru na onaj u ostalim gradovima mletačke Dalmacije u sastavu koje se nalazio Krk. Krčki su plemići zadržali vrlo ograničen stupanj autonomije, koji se očitovao u radu Velikog i Maloga vijeća. Venecija je ubrzo nakon preuzimanja otoka izdala Statut, koji je dopunjen reformacijama u XVI. st. Za mletačke uprave otok je gospodarski znatno oslabio pa je došlo do smanjenja broja stanovnika. Uzroci takvu stanju bili su mletačka gospodarska politika, sudjelovanje Krčana u protuosmanskim ratovima te pljačke kojima su bili izloženi od uskoka. Djelatnost glagoljaša (benediktinaca, franjevaca i svjetovnih svećenika), započeta već u ranome srednjem vijeku, nastavila se i u mletačkom razdoblju, osobito na području općina Omišalj, Dobrinj i Vrbnik. Nakon ukidanja Mletačke Republike 1797., Krk je nakratko postao austrijskim posjedom, da bi Požunskim mirom 1806. ušao u sastav Napoleonove Kraljevine Italije, a 1809. u sastav Ilirskih pokrajina. Francuska uprava nije ostavila znatna traga na otoku, a već 1813. Krk je zauzela austrijska vojska, pa je otok 1815. odlukom Bečkoga kongresa i formalno pripao Austriji. God. 1822. Krk je bio izdvojen iz sastava Dalmacije i pripojen Istri (zajedno s Cresom i Lošinjem), što je utjecalo na jačanje hrvatskog narodnog preporoda na otoku. Potkraj XIX. st., kada je peronospora uništila vinograde, došlo je do velikog iseljivanja stanovništva. Iseljivanje u prekomorske zemlje nastavilo se i nakon I. svjetskoga rata. Nakon sloma Austro-Ugarske Monarhije (1918), talijanska je vojska okupirala otok, na koji su se iskrcale i čete G. D’Annunzija, ali je Rapalskim ugovorom (1920) Krk pripao Kraljevini SHS. U travnju 1941. okupirala ga je talijanska vojska, a nakon kapitulacije Italije 1943. njemačke jedinice. Oslobođen je u travnju 1945.

Krk. Hrvatska enciklopedija, mrežno izdanje. Leksikografski zavod Miroslav Krleža, 2021. Pristupljeno 21. 7. 2022. <>


Krk (pronounced [kr̩̂k]ItalianVegliaIstro RomanianKrkVegliot DalmatianViklaLatinCurictaGreekΚύρικον Kyrikon) is a Croatian island in the northern Adriatic Sea, located near Rijeka in the Bay of Kvarner and part of Primorje-Gorski Kotar county. Krk is tied with Cres for the largest Adriatic island, depending on the methodology used to measure the coastline.[2] Krk is the most populous island in the Adriatic Sea, with multiple towns and villages that contain a total of 19,383 (2011) inhabitants.
Reign of Croatian Counts and Kings
There are no extant documents showing when Krk became part of the Croatian state. It is known that from around 875 the Byzantine town paid the Croatian rulers 110 gold pieces a year to be able peacefully to keep their hold there. While the Croatian state was being established, Krk found itself on the Venetians' route to the Mediterranean. The Venetians conquered the town for the first time in 1001, and from then Krk's history was closely linked with the history of the Republic of Venice for seven centuries. During the reign of Peter Krešimir IV the Croatian rulers regained their power, but the Venetians took Krk for the second time in 1118.[4]
Reign of the Krk Counts (from 1430 on - the Frankopan family)
When the Venetians conquered Krk for the second time in 1118, the local noble family, the unknown Dujams,[5] received Krk as part of a pact with Venice, and they became Counts. When Dujam died in 1163, Venice allowed his sons to make their position hereditary, after a payment of 350 Byzantine gold pieces as tax. In a short time the Krk Counts became so powerful, that at one time from 1244 to 1260, Venice rescinded their authority. This failed to impede their rise, however. They increased economic exploitation, but they also endeavoured to strengthen old traditions and rights with various statutes (the Vinodol Code 1288 and the Vrbnik Statute, 1388). Dujam's youngest son, who died in 1209, succeeded in extending his authority to the mainland, began to serve the Croatian-Hungarian King and received the district of Modruš. Due to his economic strength and social standing, his opponents fought each other for his favour. The Counts became so strong that no power could threaten them (until the Turks). Members of his family were leaders in SplitTrogir and Senj, and from 1392 one of them (Ivan V), became a Croatian-Dalmatian Ban. In 1430 they took the surname Frankopan (Frangipane), claiming to have Roman origins. That year they adopted a coat of arms showing two lions breaking a piece of bread (Latin: frangere panem, break bread). From 1449, the descendants of Nikola IV founded eight branches of his family, and together with the Zrinski Counts were the ruling feudal family in the whole of Croatia right up to 1671.[4] The Frankopans produced seven Croatian Bans, and many of them were patrons of Croatian artists.
Ivan VII Frankopan in particular was the only prince of the semi-independent Principality of Krk.[citation needed] He also promoted the settlement of Morlachs and Vlachs (originally Romanians who later split into Istro-Romanians) in the island (specifically in the areas of Dubašnica and Poljica and between the castles of Dobrinj and Omišalj) to have a bigger manpower. Thus, these Istro-Romanians would form a community in Krk that would influence the local Croatian dialect and leave several toponyms on the island. The Istro-Romanians of Krk disappeared in 1875 after the death of the last speaker of the local Istro-Romanian dialect, which some Croatian scholars named "Krko-Romanian". Nowadays, this ethnic group only inhabits Istria.[6]

Venetian Rule (1480–1797)
The island of Krk was a final Adriatic island to become part of the Venetian Empire. Due to its location, proximity to the Uskoks of Senj, it served as a lookout point, as well as first line of defence against the Uskoks. From that time on, the ruler was a Venetian noble, but the Small and the Large Councils both held a certain autonomy. The doge controlled the clergy but public documents were written in a Glagolitic script, which was widespread here more than anywhere else. At the beginning of 16th century the inhabitants of inland Croatia began to settle in on Krk, as a result of their flight from the Ottoman Turk invasions. Nonetheless, Krk still saw a decline, just like all the other Venetian lands. In year 1527 the town was recorded to have 10,461 inhabitants, while in 1527[clarification needed] it had 8,000.[4]
Austrian Rule
Austrian rule over the island came after the fall of Venice in 1797 and was briefly (1806–1813) interrupted by the existence of Napoleon's Illyrian Provinces. In 1822 the Austrians separated the island from Dalmatia and linked it to Istria, therefore bringing the islands of Krk, Cres and Lošinj under direct rule from Vienna. This switch contributed to the appearance of Croatian National Revival, so along with nearby coastal town Kastav, the town of Krk played a major role in spreading of Croatian education and culture in the area.[4]
20th century
The Italian Occupation (1918–1920) was brief, and Krk was handed over to Croatia, then in Yugoslavia.   The post-war development of Krk was led by tourism. The building of an airport and then a bridge over to the mainland ensures the future of the development of tourism on this island. In Omišalj there has also been industrial development.
The bridge is at the north end of Krk island and uses the small island of Otoćić Sveti Marko (St. Mark's Islet) as a mid-support.
The frequency of Haplogroup I, rare elsewhere in Croatia and most of Europe, is high among the population
What is Kvarner Gulf? 
The Kvarner Gulf (Croatian: Kvarnerski zaljev, Italian: Golfo del Quarnaro or Carnaro, Latin: Sinus Flanaticus or Liburnicus sinus), sometimes also Kvarner Bay, is a bay in the northern Adriatic Sea, located between the Istrian peninsula and the northern Croatian Littoral mainland. The bay is a part of Croatia's internal waters.
The largest islands within the Kvarner are CresKrkPagRab and Lošinj. A portion of the Kvarner Bay, located between Cres, Krk, Rab and Pag is also called Kvarnerić (literally "little Kvarner") or ItalianGolfo del Quarnerolo or Carnerolo, and the portion east of Krk and Rab is called Senj Channel.
The bay is notable for its depth (more than 100 meters), which allows for the city of Rijeka at its northernmost point to have a sea port that can accommodate Capesize ships.[1]
The bay is also home to many beaches and tourist locations because of its beautiful waters and warm climate.

Haplogroup I is a human mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) haplogroup. It is believed to have originated about 21,000 years ago, during the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM) period in West Asia ((Olivieri 2013); Terreros 2011Fernandes 2012). The haplogroup is unusual in that it is now widely distributed geographically, but is common in only a few small areas of East Africa, West Asia and Europe. It is especially common among the El Molo and Rendille peoples of Kenya, various regions of Iran, the Lemko people of Slovakia, Poland and Ukraine, the island of Krk in Croatia, the department of Finistère in France and some parts of Scotland and Ireland.


  1. Thanks for the history. Awesome that you are there. Lovely boats and gardens. Happy Summer💗🌸💗

  2. Thanks for your sharing:) have a lovely summer...

  3. Wonderful photos looks amazing :-D

  4. Croatia is amazing place on the world! Thank you for sharing information about that beautiful island :)

  5. Gosh, what a gorgeous area to be living for the time!! Such blessings,

  6. Me enamorado del lugar y de las flores. Te mando un beso.

  7. Me enamore del lugar y de las flores. Te mando un beso.

  8. Me enamore del lugar y de las flores. Te mando un beso.

  9. What a beautiful place, Ivana! You are so lucky to temporarily live and work there. I do hope you'll have time to explore soon! xxx

  10. What a stunning place - cool, calm and colourful, a bit like you! xxx

  11. Wow wonderful place and amazing photos

  12. Krk je stvarno predivan otok. Jako mi se sviđa cvijeće i plaže, voljela bih ga jedan dan posjetiti. Hvala za preporuku.

  13. Oh, gosh, it is incredibly beautiful there! I didn't know you'd been a flight attendant - such an interesting career! I hope you are doing well, Ivana. *hug*

  14. Thank you Ivana... Yout rewiew ia amazing as always :) Croatia is beautiful country, you really know how to show for us :)))

  15. What a beautiful place! Lovely pictures.

  16. It is so beautiful there and that garden does look amazing - imagine living right by the water there, so special! I'm glad you are enjoying your time on the island :)

    Hope you are having a lovely week :)

    Away From The Blue

  17. Ostrvo je prelijepo. Definitivno bih voljela posjetiti ovo mjesto. Fotke su takođe vrh. Odličan post.

  18. Hey Ivana, I hope you're enjoying your stay in this part of Croatia!

    I knew this Island Krk zone because a Spanish friend went there a few years ago. I am glad to read that your time there is being well lived. I think the proximity to the sea is really good to inspire you for upcoming artworks. My favorite part were the zones with plants and flowers *_* They all look super colorful and full of life!

    Btw, really interesting to know that the Venetians had to do with the developing of this area! Thanks for all those historial facts!


  19. Hello Ivana, wow, Krk looks so incredibly beautiful! You are very lucky to be living and working there. You are right, the house is a stunner, as is the garden. I just love those colourful plants nestled in the rock crevices. Would it be ok to share a picture on my blog - I'd link back to you of course ? I've spotted a purple spiky plant (Tradescanthia 'Purple Sahdes') that I have and it is wonderful to see it in its element. Lulu xXx

    1. Yes, Lulu. Thank you. Naturally, I wouldn't mind if you shared the photograph. Have a lovely day.

  20. the place looks magical! Look at those boats! major love. Also your dress looks very pretty as well! a treat to the eye


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