In this post I shall review a novel Marina ili o biografiji (Marina or About Biography) by Croatian writer Irena Vrkljan.  Published in 1985, this lyrical novel is a poetical blend of biographical and autobiographic writing. This dual exploration of women's psyche and life is Vrljan's signature writing style. While writing about these two remarkably talented women with sad fates, Irena writes about her private sorrows as well. Irena examines the inner lives of Russian poetess Marina Tsvetaeva and Croatian actress Dora Novak. You could say that Irena seeks to write a biography of their souls, or at least catch a glimpse of it. 

Three times the charm. Unless I'm mistaken, this was my third reading of this poetic novel.   That doesn't mean there won't be a fourth reading, just that this third reading felt special. Didn't I say this was going to be a year of rereading for me? Rereading Marina or About Biography was an emotional experience for me. Irena's sentences really resonated with me on a deeper level this time. What is so special about this novel? What is it that makes me want to reread it again and again? To start with, it has something to do with how poetical and layered the writing is. Secondly, I'm drawn to painful  honesty of this book. Thirdly, I'm equally drawn to all the women artists it explores. Finally, it simply is an amazing novel. 

This novel was published the year I was born in but it feels timeless. Vrkljan died last year. I'm always shocked when a writer dies, even if I know that it is a fate that awaits us all. Perhaps as a literature lover I feel the writers might or should be immortal.  Perhaps only a literature lover can understand how much a loss of a writer can hurt.

U ovoj objavi pisat ću o romanu hrvatske spisateljice Irene Vrkljan Marina ili o biografiji. Objavljen 1985. godine., ovaj lirski roman poetičan je spoj biografskog i autobiografskog pisanja. Ovo dvojno istraživanje ženske psihe i života karakteristično je Irenin stil pisanja. Dok piše o ove dvije izuzetno talentirane žene tužne sudbine, Irena piše i o svojim privatnim tugama. Irena ispituje unutarnji život ruske pjesnikinje Marine Cvetaeve i hrvatske glumice Dore Novak. Moglo bi se reći da Irena nastoji napisati biografiju njihovih duša, ili je barem baciti pogled u nutrinu tih ženskih duša.

Treća sreća. Ako se ne varam, ovo je moje treće čitanje ovog poetskog romana. Što ne znači da je neću pročitati i četvrti put, ali ovo treće čitanje po nečemu ipak bijaše posebno. Ne rekoh li kako će ovo za mene biti godina ponovnog čitanja? Ponovno čitanje romana Marina ili o biografiji za mene je bilo emotivno iskustvo. Irenine rečenice su mi jako odjeknule u duhu. Što je tako posebno u ovom romanu? Što je to što me tjera da ga ponovno i iznova poželim čitati? Za početak, to ima neke veze s tim koliko je pisanje poetično i slojevito. Drugo, privlači me bolna iskrenost ove knjige. Treće, podjednako me privlače sve umjetnice koje spisateljica istražuje. Konačno, radi se doista izvarednom romanu. 

Ovaj roman je objavljen godine u kojoj sam rođena, ali se čini bezvremenskim. Vrkljan je preminula prošle godine. Uvijek sam šokirana kad pisac umre. Možda kao ljubitelj književnosti osjećam da bi  pisci mogli ili trebali biti besmrtni. Možda samo ljubitelj književnosti može shvatiti koliko gubitak pisca može povrijediti.

What do they have in common these three women: Marina, Dora and Irena? Marina Tsvetava killed herself. Dora died from consequences of severe depression, you could say she gave up on life in a slow suicide. Dora's mother killed herself why she was young. There's death in this novel but there's also life.  Irena asks the question- what did we do wrong? The lines between biography and autobiography get blurred. 

Što im je zajedničko, što dijele ove tri žene: Marina, Dora i Irena ? Marina Cvetava se ubila. Dora je umrla od posljedica teške depresije, moglo bi se reći da je odustala od života u polaganom samoubojstvu. Dorina majka se ubila dok je ona  bila mlada. U ovom romanu ima smrti, ali ima i života. Irena postavlja pitanje - što i gdje smo pogriješile? Granice između biografije i autobiografije postaju nejasne.


How does the novel open? The novel's opening reveals its intertextuality. The novel opens with quotation from Marina Tsvetaeva. Actually, it opens with one of her poems, followed by further quotes.

What kind of novel is Marina or About Biography? It's a lyrical novel that can be described as literary biography of two women and autobiography of the writer herself.
What is this novel about? It is mostly about intimate confessions and meditations. It could be said that this novel is all about exploring the inner life of its protagonist as well as about meditations about life and art in general. Moreover, the novel also serves as a biography of two other female artists.

Who is the protagonist of this novel? The narrator of the novel is also its protagonist, Croatian writer Irena Vrkljan. 

Who are the women characters in this novel?The women this novel focuses on are all artists. There's a historical note to this novel, especially when the writer Irena writes about the Russian writer Marina. Vrkljan confessed to being obsessed with Tsvetaeva so she has certainly done her research. The novel is filled with details from Marina's biography. 

What is the plot of this novel like? This novel has no plot. It explores episodic events in lives of Dora, Marina and Irena, connecting them together. It is a lyrical novel. 

What kind of narration and narrative structure does this novel employ?
The narrative structure of this novel is far from linear. The narrative voice itself is subjected to change. At times, Irena talks about herself in third person, almost as she is writing a biography of her life along side that of Marina and Dora. However, Irena also addresses the reader directly asking- What did we do wrong? Moreover, sometimes Irena quotes Dora and Marina, leaving an impression that they are talking directly to us.


Kako  roman počinje? 

Početak romana otkriva njegovu intekstualnost. Roman započinje citatom Marine Cvetaeve. Zapravo započinje njezinom pjesmom, a zatim i citatom. 

Kakav je to roman Marina ili o biografiji? 

Riječ je o lirskom romanu koji se može opisati kao književna biografija dviju žena te  autobiografija same spisateljice.
O čemu govori ovaj roman? 

Uglavnom se radi o intimnim ispovijedima i meditacijama. Moglo bi se reći da se u ovom romanu bavi istraživanjem unutarnjeg života svoje protagonistice, ali i meditacijama o životu i umjetnosti općenito. Štoviše, roman služi i kao biografija dviju drugih umjetnica.

Tko je protagonist ovog romana? 

Naratorica romana je i njegova protagonistica, hrvatska spisateljica Irena Vrkljan.

Tko su ženski likovi u ovom romanu? 

Žene na koje se ovaj roman fokusira su sve umjetnice. U ovom romanu postoji povijesna nota, posebno kada spisateljica Irena piše o ruskoj spisateljici Marini Cvetaevoj. Vrkljan priznaje da je opsjednuta Cvetaevom i zasigurno je o njoj sve istražila. Roman je ispunjen detaljima iz Marinine biografije.

Kakva je radnja ovog romana? 

Ovaj roman nema radnju. Istražuje epizodne događaje u životima Dore, Marine i Irene, povezujući ih. To je lirski roman.

Kakvu vrstu naracije i narativnu strukturu koristi ovaj roman?

Narativna struktura ovog romana daleko je od linearne. Sam narativni glas je podvrgnut promjenama. Irena povremeno govori o sebi u trećem licu, gotovo dok ispisuje životnu biografiju uz Marinu i Doru. No, Irena se također izravno obraća čitatelju pitajući - Što smo pogriješili? Štoviše, ponekad Irena citira Doru i Marinu, ostavljajući dojam da razgovaraju izravno s nama.


The outfit above (featuring a BW leopard print dress worn with and without a skirt) was only created to pose with this lovely book. It seemed to me that such a magnificent novel deserves a dressier outfit. I paired my black and white dress with a waistcoat and blazer I borrowed from husband.  In the  second version of this styling (one that you can see in the two photographs above), I added a pencil skirt and lost the fancy matching blazer and waistcoat. Bellow you may see another  LBD styling (that you already saw in Maria Callas post) followed by a more rock chic styling, something that (with some more layering) I actually wore back in January.  Now, back to the subject of reviewing this book.


MY REVIEW FROM 2019 (not published on blog previously)

I have fallen in love with this book during my first reading. I am very glad to have a copy at home so I can indulge in this love whenever I want. Falling in love with a book is one of the best feelings, and it’s even better when that infatuation becomes love. I really liked Irena's writing style, her prose is unusually poetic, and at the same time very close. A few years later, I also fell in love with Marina. I discovered Marina Tsvetaeva a few years ago, many years after I read Irena's lyrical biography. Reading a book about Marina and her poems, something from her life story seemed familiar to me. Then I remembered this novel or is it better to call it a lyrical autobiography and biography? In this unique and touching book, Irena Vrkljan tells the story of her life and her memories, making connections with the life of the famous Russian poet and asking what it means to be an artist and writer. Two beautiful women, one beautiful book. For every recommendation.

Beautifully written, intelligent and touching, Marina Or About Biography is, simply said, a masterpiece. This book is a unique and marvelous blend of what could be said to be a lyrical novel, an autobiography/biography and philosophical study of life. In this book, Irena Vrkljan speaks about her own life and memories, while she meditates on the life of famous Russian poet Marina Tsvetaeva and questions what it means to be a woman writer and artist.


Lijepo napisana, inteligentna i dirljiva, Marina ili o biografiji je, jednostavno rečeno, remek djelo. Ova knjiga je jedinstvena i čudesna mješavina onoga što bi se moglo reći kao lirskog romana, autobiografije/biografije i filozofske studije života. U ovoj knjizi Irena Vrkljan govori o vlastitom životu i sjećanjima, dok meditira o životu poznate ruske pjesnikinje Marine Cvetaeve i propituje što znači biti (žena) spisateljica i umjetnica. Preporučujem!

Zaljubila sam se u ovu knjigu na prvo čitanje i jako mi je drago što ju imam doma, tako da tu ljubav mogu potvrditi kada god poželim. Zaljubiti se u knjigu je jedan od najboljih osjećaja, a još je bolje kada ta zaljubljenost postane ljubav. Irenin stil pisanja jako mi se dopao, njezina proza neobično je poetična, a u isto vrijeme i veoma bliska. Nekoliko godina kasnije zaljubila sam se i u Marinu. Otkrila sam Marinu Cvetajevu prije nekoliko godine, dosta godina nakon što sam pročitala Ireninu lirsku biografiju. Čitajući knjigu o Marini i njezine pjesme, nešto mi se od njezine životne priče učinilo poznato. Zatim sam se sjetila ovog romana ili ga je bolje nazvati lirskom autobiografijom i biografijom? U ovoj jedinstvenoj i dirljivoj knjizi, Irena Vrkljan pripovijeda o svom životu i svojim uspomenama, nižući poveznice sa životom slavne ruske pjesnikinje i propitujući što znači biti umjetnica i spisateljica. Dvije prekrasne žene, jedna predivna knjiga. Za svaku preporuku.


In the latter part of the 20th century, Croatian literature included experimental autobiographies by Irena Vrkljan (Marina ili o biografiji [1985; Marina; or, About Biography]), playing with the boundaries between autobiography and biography; spirited stories and novels by Dubravka Ugrešić; essays and novels by feminist journalist and writer Slavenka Drakulić (The Balkan Express, 1993); genre novels by the popular Pavao Pavličić; prose by a prolific Croatian-Bosnian writer of the younger generation, Miljenko Jergović, and, at the turn of the 21st century, by Zoran Ferić, Ante Tomić, and Julijana Matanović.*


Vrkljan, Irena, hrvatska književnica i prevoditeljica (Beograd21. VIII. 1930 – Zagreb23. III. 2021). Studirala arheologiju i germanistiku na Filozofskom fakultetu u Zagrebu te režiju na Akademiji za film i televiziju u Berlinu. Bila je urednica televizijske emisije Portreti i susreti (1960–71), za koju je napisala sedamdesetak scenarija. Živjela je i radila u Berlinu kao profesionalna književnica i prevoditeljica, a 2014. vratila se u Zagreb. Dobitnica je Nagrade »Vladimir Nazor« za životno djelo 2005. Književno stvaralaštvo započela je u doba krugovaša poezijom nadrealističke tematike (Krik je samo tišina, 1954; Paralele, 1957; Stvari već daleke, 1962; Doba prijateljstva, 1963; Soba, taj strašni vrt, 1966), a u tom je razdoblju sa Z. Golobom prevodila djela njemačkih autora (E. M. Remarque, Wolfgang Ott, H. W. Richter, Karl Aloys Schenzinger i dr.). Nakon odlaska u inozemstvo i dalje je objavljivala poeziju, u kojoj se iščitavaju nostalgija za domovinom i osamljenost (U koži moje sestre, 1982). Početkom 1980-ih počela je objavljivati autobiografsku prozu. Roman Svila, škare (1984), kao kombinacija autobiografije i razvojnoga romana, retorikom i topikom bliskima ženskom pismu, donosi inventuru vlastite intime, stavljajući u prvi plan potragu ženskoga subjekta za vlastitim identitetom i opsesivnu težnju za samopotvrđivanjem. Roman Marina ili o biografiji (1987) bavi se vezama umjetnosti i života. Podastrvši biografije triju žena – Marine Cvetajeve, same pripovjedačice i njezine prijateljice Dore – tuđe je živote i iskustvo iskoristila u proklamiranju vlastitih, privatnih opsesija. U romanu Pred crvenim zidom (1994) usredotočuje se na ispitivanje kaotičnih učinaka na zbilju i sve aspekte humaniteta 1990-ih. Teme potrage za identitetom, prepoznavanja sebe u drugima, ženskoga nagona za oslobađanjem, sjećanja na mrtve prenose se i u romanima Berlinski rukopis (1988), Dora, ove jeseni (1991), Zelene čarape (2005) i Sestra, kao iza stakla (2006). Intimnu esejističku prozu sazdanu od temata ljubavi donijela je u knjizi Naše ljubavi, naše bolesti (2004). U Dnevniku zaboravljene mladosti (2007) progovorila je o kulturnoj živosti Zagreba 1950-ih i 1960-ih, a romanom Svila nestala, škare ostale (2008) gotovo je lirski uokvirila ključne trenutke svojega proznoga, autobiografskog izričaja. Formi epistolarnoga diskursa približila se u romanima Pisma mladoj ženi (2003) i Pismo u pismu (s Jasnom Horvat, 2008), a okušala se i u žanru kriminalističkoga romana (Posljednje putovanje u Beč, 2000; Smrt dolazi sa suncem, 2002). Knjiga Žene i ovaj suludi svijet (2010) zbirka je sedam priča o sedam različitih žena s različitih dijelova svijeta. Pjesnička zbirka Koračam kroz sobu (2014) spoj je autoričinih pjesama i eseja književnih kritičara i teoretičara koji su pratili njezin opus. Objavila je i roman Rastanak i potonuće (2012) te autobiografske zapise Protokol jednog rastanka (2015).*

*Vrkljan, Irena. Hrvatska enciklopedija, mrežno izdanje. Leksikografski zavod Miroslav Krleža, 2021. Pristupljeno 3. 2. 2022. <>.

Thank you for  visiting. Hvala na posjeti. 


  1. Oh, the coolest outfits in this post. And cool braids too! hmmm.. are you sure its fiction? Such an interesting book. It does sound as if it's out there. And your 3rd reading? Oh must be good. Thanks so much for the review. I so enjoyed it! Sad, but still..what a writer! Such a generational thing too. I'm so glad you posted this. Thanks so much!

  2. So intriguing! You have some very cool photos of yourself too. You might need to in cooperate this outfit in to some of your drawings. I like the way you are sitting there on the couch. It does sound like a great novel. A worth ready, indeed. Such a sad life though. A slow suicide? And her mother killed herself too.

    Also, thank you so much for your comments. All the best to your creativity! Thanks so much!

    1. Thank you. Yes, all of the women discussed in this book (as well as author herself) had very sad lives but the point is that they live forever in their art. Art is timeless. Art allows us to escape from the sorrows of life.

  3. Parece un libro muy interesante. Te mando un beso,

  4. Ivana, you are such a smart, well-read, intelligent and sensitive soul. I always find out something new and very useful on your blog. And as for your pictures - what to say? Simple - fantastic as always. Unrepeatable!

  5. Dear Ivana! Thank your very much for the interesting book review! And thanks for the great fashion inspirations. The BW leopard print dress is very sexy and I love the idea of combining it with a blazer from your husband. As well as complementing it with a pencil skirt. It looks very classy. As always very very pretty!
    Have a lovely sunday!
    xxxxx Nadine

    1. Much appreciated Nadine. I think you would really enjoy this book. I think there's a German translation you could read. This author lived and worked in Germany and collaborated with some German screenwriters on some projects.

  6. This novel must be really good if you've read it a third time and might even read it a fourth! I have to confess this author is unknown to me, as are the two women she's writing about, but the novel sounds interesting and intriguing, so thank you for the introduction, Ivana!
    As for your outfit(s), I'm loving the leopard print dress worn with the skirt, which creates an elegant and classy silhouette. xxx

    1. Thank you. It is a wonderful novel.
      I need to do a special post about this leopard dress one of these days.

  7. It seems really good. Thanks for sharing.

    Love: Mariann Yip

  8. Hello Ivana, first of all thanks for taking the time to do these meaningful and detailed reviews!

    I have to be honest and admit that this is the first time I hear about "Marina or About Biography" but that's the cool stuff about reading, that there is always something new to discover and to wonder yourself.

    The book sounds very intriguing and I think the idea of exploring the death of these characters through different lenses could be interesting, but shocking in different levels since there are natural causes but also a suicide. I'll take this into consideration and add it to my good reads, wondering if there's a version in Spanish but if not I could search for a version in english.

    And the whole editorial part of the post (outfit, photos, styling, edit, etc) is just fantastic since all is around the color combination to black-white-red.

    Hey Fungi

    1. I think you would enjoy this book. There's an English translation that I know of but I'm not so sure about the Spanish translation. I hope you'll be able to find it.

  9. You're looking fierce (as the kids say) in your outfits!
    I love books that you can read over and over again - my repeats are Shantarram, The Beach, God of Small Things & White Tiger, I never get tired of them and often pull them off the shelf and read a random chapter inbetween novels! xxx

    1. I haven't read the White Tiger. I looked it up online, it sounds like a fascinating read. I enjoyed The Beach too.

  10. The book looks promising. You look amazing, your style is evolving in line with the trends, great job :-)

  11. Because of this world madness, I havent't time to read now, but I miss books so much! I don't know this author - I have to check if it's available in my language.


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