What to Wear for Sightseeing: Outfit Proposal For Strolling Split city + Interesting Facts about Split City (part 1)

Dressing for sightseeing seems simple enough. You wear comfortable clothes, right? But what is the true purpose of sightseeing? Why taking vacation photographs you can brag with! I'm kidding, obviously, but while I firmly believe in the importance of living in the moment, we all know taking photographs is often a part of our daily lives. Photographs allow us to recreate moments and memories. Moreover, if you like fashion (or happen to be a travel/lifestyle/ fashion blogger or influencer) you'd also want your outfit to look cute. It's as much about you as the sights. What? We feel better when we're happy with what we wear. My outfit proposal of the way is comfy, but eye-catching. I wore an animal print top (that I've been wearing since my adolescent days), a vintage yellow skirt ( a part of a vintage suit I own) and sneakers. The result? An outfit I loved but felt comfortable wearing. And now let's talk a bit about the sights, shall we? 

What makes the historical centre of Split special is the fact that the 'old part of the city' is placed within preserved walls of a ancient palace. The walls are still standing and they are quite pretty to glance at and all if you're into that kind of thing and I know I am. A city build by a Roman emperor Diocetian, the only Roman emperor to ever willingly abdicate so that he could come and live the rest of his days here? Try to top that! What a way to retire, right? Split started its life as a summer palace to a Roman Emperor. Well, sort of. It was actually inhabited even before the ancient Romans set foot here and might be Greek in origin. Before the Greeks, there were other inhabitants and tribes.  Everything is ancient in these parts. Great thing about Europe is that you  can often not only see the past with your own eyes, you can touch and smell it as well. If that's not potentially educational, I don't know what is. 


The old historical city, the so called 'city centre' is hidden within these beautiful centuries old walls. One of the main attractions when it comes to these historical walls themselves are certainly the gates. In the old days, the four main gates were made of gold, iron, silver and copper. From the original four gates,three gates are still standing. The one I'm standing in front of is the norther gate, better known as  'silver gates'. Well, the silver part is gone but the gates still stand. The norther gate is more simple when it comes to its appearance, especially compared to the golden gate, but I think they are all quite amazing. I would say that all the gates are a must see sights, and you won't have problems locating them because they are quite grandiose in size. 

Here you can see the gates from another angle. They sure do look pretty. I wish I had gates like that, but then again it would make probably my home drafty. It's fabulous how those ancient architects seems to have thought of everything, though. There really is a lot to see within Diocletian palace. As you can see, this area can get quite busy, being one of the main city attractions and all, but I haven't had the time to come here early in the morning because it was midday when we arrived. That's what you should do if you want to avoid the crowds, come here early in the morning. My stay in Split was actually quite short, I only made a stop here before leaving to have my surgery in the capital and we all know how badly that ended.


The oldest cathedral in the world to have been continuously used and still preserved in its original form is certainly a must see for history lovers. Funny thing is that this cathedral was originally a mausoleum of Diocletian  but early Christians had other ideas. Sorry, emperor Diocletian, but we're going to need your resting place. The patron saint Domnius was one of the martyrs supposedly killed by Diocletian, so maybe that is why they called the cathedral that. Strictly speaking, the church is devoted to the Virgin Mary and the tower to saint Domnius, but people tend to call it 'saint Domnius'. The cathedral's tower  you can see in these images was build much later, but that doesn't make it any less worthy of a visit. If you visit Split city, climbing the tower is a must as it provide a magnificent panorama of the old historical city centre. The last time I climbed the tower I was with my husband. Now, I'm not afraid of the heights but I did mind the fact that the stairs were so crowded. Next time I climb the tower I intend to choose a less busy time.


The main square of Roman times is located immediately next to the cathedral that as I explained started its long life as a mausoleum of emperor Diolectian.  That makes perfect sense, if you think about it. The purpose of the square was to be the centre of social and religious life. This is where the emperor Diocletian would appear before his folk to be celebrated as the living son of Jupiter. Today there are actors who play the part of Diocletian and appear before the people in a symbolic act of celebrating the city's history. Moreover, because of its natural acoustics and the fact that is absolutely gorgeous, Peristyle often serves as a summer theater in the open. To see opera performed here is truly a magnificent experience as I'm sure you can imagine. If you'd like to do that, be sure to reserve tickets ahead of time, as they tend to sell out quickly. People of Split love their opera singers.

As you can see, there are typically quite a lot of tourists here hanging around here. So, you either relax or don't let it get in the way of your photo taking, or you come here early in the morning when there are less tourists. I love coming here any time. Shame I don't live here anymore! Until I solve my visa problems, I'm not going to able to visit often either. But rest assured! I have more posts about Split scheduled and many more stories to tell. Some places we carry in our hearths, and our proximity to them is of little importance. I'm fortunate to have been able to make the most of my time spent in Split. I was always aware that it was a  truly unique place, even when it wasn't as popular as it is today- and I used to walk everywhere! You can never know a town until you explore its every corner on food, I always say. Well, that would be all for today. Thank you for reading!

A Pretty Girl In a Ruffled Grey dress by IvanaKada
Bag: (from my redubble shop) available here

top: old. skirt: vintage, sneakers: no name, bag: from my red bubble shop here



  1. I totally agree with you - when you decide to sighseeing it's better to choose not only good-looking outfit, but comfortable one as well - I really like how you matched your sneakers with the rest of your look, Ivana and congrats on your bag - it looks unique :)


  2. Your cropped tee is so fun! Perfect with that skirt and such a nice outfit for sightseeing! :)

    Hope you are having a lovely week :) I have a blogger event today I'm looking forward to! :)

    Away From The Blue Blog

  3. Sembra una città davvero interessante da visitare! Bello e comodo il tuo look!
    Kisses, Paola.


  4. Wow this is such an amazing and casual Look, perfect for traveling.
    And how amazing is this place? It's so magical and I love these kind of old-town cities and architecture. Amazing.

    take a look at my BLOG and my INSTAGRAM

  5. Wonderful tips.
    And I really like your
    casual and comfy look.
    Just perfect for some sightseeing and
    a little fun adventure.


  6. thank you so much, my dear :D

    you look amazing :D loved it!

    InstagramFacebook Official PageMiguel Gouveia / Blog Pieces Of Me :D

  7. Nice and Perfect looking outfit..

  8. Very pretty and comfortable look. i like your tiger print Top. you look lovely.hope you enjoyed your sightseeing.
    My Blog | Instagram | Bloglovin

  9. Wow you are so dynamic in the outfit! Thanks for sharing great tips!

    Kelly | https://lizado.com/

  10. I loved learning more about Diocletian's palace and all the gates plus the Cathedral- I didn't go in the cathedral in Split- we went to Sibenik to see it, shame I missed it.
    You are right about sightseeing- enjoy it in real life, not through a gloating camera! And about the outfit- I think it is important to have your shoulders covered up but loose arm holes- nothing worse than burnt shoulders or restricted arms/pits!

    1. the one in the Sibenik is very pretty as well.

  11. Amazing pictures! I visited Split two years ago and really liked it!
    Have a lovely weekend :)
    Rosanna x

    1. I'm glad you did. Thank you for your comment.

  12. what a lovely outfit! that place looks really amazing. I'd love to go there! x
    have a wonderful day!

  13. Giuro che vengo a trovarti, questa città è meravigliosa, con tantissima storia dietro!
    Bello il tuo look, comodo e glam!
    Don't Call Me Fashion Blogger

  14. Ivana my life motto is to keep my outfits as comfortable as it gets but still make it look cool and cute hehe! So I totally agree with you here 110%! And thank you for saying this even though the sights are important, so is the sight of our outfit and looking good doesn't hurt anyone, right?
    And talking about your outfit, I envy you that you still fit into outfits from your adolescent days!! I might fit in mine from waist but never from chest area and that makes me sad cos' I had really cute outfits in my teens!! But yes I really liked your outfit, especially that vintage skirt, looks so cool on you!
    Wishing you have an amazing weekend!
    Ankita | Real Girl Talks

  15. You can't go wrong with a causal and comfy outfit for sightseeing. How cool that you still have clothing from your adolescent days. I'm not sure I'd still fit into my clothes from back then LOL If ever get to come to Split, I totally need you to be my personal tour guide :)

    1. thank you so much. I was an early developer, I grew quite quickly and I reached my full height at 11 years old, so that is why I can still wear most of my old clothes.

  16. Great post! I love the photos ♥


  17. Ti auguro una buona serata splendore!
    Kisses, Paola.


  18. Volevo chiederti un consiglio: è facile raggiungere l'isola di Korcula da Dubrovnik?
    Ti sarei grata se mi rispondessi su FB, Messanger.

  19. Such a great look for a sightseeing trip :)
    Have a great Weekend!
    xx Katha

  20. Baš mi se sviđa kombinacija, i izgleda udobno za hodanje i razgledavanje. Lijepo ti stoje svijetle boje kad si tamnokosa :)
    I kapu lajkam:)

  21. Ein wunderschönes Outfit und die Tasche ist der absolute Burner! Alles Liebe, Nessy von www.salutarystyle.com

  22. Oh wow, what a gorgeous place to visit so filled with history and so much beauty. I have never had the opportunity to visit Europe but would love to some day. I am so intrigued by how ancient some of these places are. So fascinating. And your outfit is adorable and so perfect for a day of sightseeing!


  23. Ooh wow Ivana, you mixed many topics in this post and it was so creative that now I want to see more posts like this, where you talk about travels and fashion at the same time. Actually I think is good to plan our outfits for a vacation or a weekend escapade in advance, in order to feel comfortable but to look great in the picture right? By the way, all the places you showed us here are full of history and of details, I would like to have a time machine and know how people used to live many years ago, there are a lot to see and do in this continent!

    Hey Fungi Blog

  24. Me encanta como te queda una falda tubo con esas zapatillas !! look y outfit guay . Un saludo desde corbatasygemelos.es


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