
Showing posts from May, 2018

How To Vacation At Home? 11 Easy Ways To Relax At Home

I first heard about a home vacation years ago. I remember it so clearly,  I was watching TV and there was this interview with an elderly lady. This lady seemed so happy describing the joys of home vacation that the whole concept just got stuck in my head. Despite the fact I was only about ten years old at the time, I could see that taking a home vacation was a good idea. I don't remember why this particular lady was unable to go somewhere for vacation, perhaps she had to take care of a family member, perhaps it was something else, but she seemed so happy to have worked it out and I felt happy for her. I don't know whether she was the one to pioneer it, but I'm guessing not. This concept isn't anything new, and this is hardly surprisingly, as there are many reasons why a person might not be able to go on a vacation. Even if you have just came back from a vacation, you might want to make the experience and the memories linger. Even if you have a vacation planned, it does...

How to Choose a Dress For A Special Occasion With Aqilabuy

Personally, I find that dressing for a special occasion can be equally fun and stressful. Fun because special occasions are usually happy events, but it can be stressful because all of us want to look our best. Moreover, there are certain restrictions. For example, when it comes to wedding, you don't want to wear white or even a colour that may look white in the photographs. Some newly weds even restrict their guests in the choice of colour. In addition, when it comes to occasions that might be religious in nature, or may take place in a church or other holy spaces, you want to make sure that what you're wearing is appropriate for that event. So, we all want to look our best but we don't want to take the attention from the person who is celebrating that special something. It is kind of tricky isn't it? Right now, our social calendar is really busy. We have been attending christenings, first communion and confirmations every weekend. We've been to two weddings so fa...

Why Are People Calling Rihanna Fat? I Don't Understand It, Because She Is Not Fat!

Why are people calling Rihanna fat? You see, I'm a bit confused.  Rihanna went from being an extremely slim women to being a slim woman. She gained a little bit of weight, but she is still slim. Rihanna is a bit more curvy, but she is miles away from being fat. I'm not a fan of Rihanna or anything like that. I think she's pretty and has an interesting sense of style, but that's about it. Sometimes I like her outfits, sometimes I don't. I found her look for Met ball offensive. I don't have an opinion about her or about any other famous person, because I think the only way you can know a person is to actually know them. This is not a response from a fan, it is a response from someone who has common sense.  In fact, I'm nobody's fan, I'm not a teenager and I'm not under the influence of celebrity culture. I just had to comment on this because I feel like the way she has been treated by media is extremely unfair.  Why is it not o.k ...

New Fashion Illustration: A Modern Princess (Making Fashion Illustrations With Acrylic Paints)

Here is a fashion illustration of a red and gold gown. I painted this one without a reference, so it is a fashion design that I've came up with myself. I would love to own a dress like this one. I don't know where I would wear it, but I'd love to own it, because the design is just so glamorous. There is something about this kind of dresses that speaks to most women. Maybe it is all those princess stories we grow up with? I'm getting royal vibes from this dress. Maybe it has to do with colours as well. Crayon yellow, gold and red have both been trending lately. Interesting how this season both pastel and crayon shades are popular, right? Anyhow, I've always loved the combination of red and gold (or yellow). It is such a royal colour combination. I could say the same about blue and silver. Some colours just seem to go well together.  first layer of paint second layer of paint adding finishing touches The medium is acrylic paints on p...

Visiting Sućuraj (Suchuray), Island Hvar: What Do You Need To Know?

Today I'm going to talk a bit about Suchuray (spelled Sućuraj in Croatian), a small touristic city and port located on island Hvar. I'm going to provide you with a bit of information about this place as well as some travel tips. Suchuray is so close to the mainland (5 km), that a ferry ride from Drvenik typically takes less than half an hour. I once vowed that I will swim this distance some day, but as I've just found out that swimming might not be good for scoliosis, so I'll need to rethink that. Anyhow, there are less than 400 inhabitants living in this town. The placement of this town is fantastic,it has a coast line on both sides of the island. Basically, the city is facing both the mainland and the the sea (since Croatia's coastline is island abundant, you can always expect the 'sea view' to include islands). Moreover, there is an abundance of sand, peddle or rocky beaches to choose from. The sea is crystal clear, so that's always nice. You can a...

Making of an Acrylic Painting (Fashion Illustration Edition)

How are you? Are you ready for the weekend? Do you have any special plans? Today I'm sharing another fashion illustration painted with acrylic paints with you. The medium is acrylic paints on mixed art paper. This fashion illustration was actually inspired by one of my own outfits (you can see it here ). I've also decided to share with you the painting process.  As you will see if you scroll bellow, I've included a charcoal sketch and a 'work in process' photograph. I know that a lot of people are curious to see the painting process. I'm the same way. I enjoy seeing wip (work in process) photographs. I just find the whole process of a painting coming to life fascinating. This particular painting was a lot of fun to paint, perhaps because it is all about good vibes. I'm not sure how I would call this particular style. This painting was as much about the location as it was about the outfit itself. I wanted the painting to capture that spring feeling. I hope I...