Red For Spring: How To Style Flare Sleeves With a Mix Print Skirt?

top: old, skirt: modna kuća Edi, heels: peko, bag: old

Hello, how are you? I'm sharing a new outfit with you today. To great this new week, I'm wearing something new and something old (but nothing borrowed). The new item I'm wearing is this beautiful hand made birch tree hair clasp. I'm a big fan of hair clasps, but I've never owned a traditionally made one! I didn't know this until a year or so ago, but birch bark has been used in Russia to make accessories and household items for centuries. I love hand made items, and while you can find traditionally hand made wood items here, I haven't really seen anything similar before because this wood carving technique is unique to Russia. I got this birch tree hair accessory as a gift from a fellow blogger Natalia Lianlina. You can visit her wonderful blog In The Writer's Closet here. I'm not sure can you see the birch tree hair accessory in the photographs because I wore a side braid, but you'll have the chance to have a closer look soon enough.

Zdravo, kako ste? Danas sa vama dijelim novu odjevnu kombinaciju. Za početak novoga tjedna, nosim nešto novo i nešto staro. Nešto novo je ova prekrasna kopča za kosu od brezina drveta. Jako volim ukrase za kosu, ali nisam nikada imala neki tradicionalne izrade. Nisam to ni ja znala do unazad godinu ili dvije, ali brezino drvo se koristi u Rusiji za izradu raznih ukrasa i kućnih potrepština od davnina. Volim ručno rađene predmete i premda se ovdje mogu naći ručni radovi od drveta nisam vidjela ništa slično jer je ova tehnika rezbarenja jedinstvena za Rusiku. Ovo kopču za kosu dobila sam od blogerice Natalie Lianline. Možete posjetiti njen divan blog In The Writer's Closet here. Nisam sigurna možete li vidjeti ovu kopču za kosu od brezina driveta jer sam kosu uplela u pletenicu sa strane, ali imat ćete prilike vidjeti je skoro opet. 


Natalia's gifts: birch tree hair accessories, her books and painting supplies

Natalia is really too generous. She also sent me two of her books and a lot of painting supplies. Perfect presents for an art and a book lover. I read these two children's books of hers in a heartbeat and I loved them so much! I wrote a review for one of her books last year (you can read it here). I will do a more detailed review of these books soon. I'll keep you posted.

Natalia je stvaro jako velikodušna. Poslala mi je i dvije svoje knjige i pribor za slikanje. Savršen poklon za ljubitelja umjetnosti i knjiga. Pročitala sam ove njene dvije knjige u tren oka i jako su mi se svidjela. Napisala sam ogled za jednu od njenih knjiga prošle godine (možete ga pročitati ovdje). Napravim ću detaljan ogled ove dvije knjige uskoro. Čitat ćete ga na vrijeme.

Now, a few words about this spring outfit. Red has been trending this Spring. Do you like red? Red is one of my favourite colours. I've had this red top with flare sleeves for ages (worn previously here). I just can't get tired of it. Same goes for this skirt (worn previously here and here). This skirt mixes two of my favourite prints for spring: stripes and floral print. I mean, what is there not to love? Sometimes you find a clothing item that's absolutely you. Do you know what I mean? Speaking of which, if you ever find a mix print skirt, one way to style it is to pick a top in a matching colour (like I have done today).

Besides red, there is another trend I really like and that is mini bags. Do you have a mini bag? Do you plan to buy one? This little brown bag is possibly my favourite one. My bag collection isn't that big actually. I love all the bags I have, though. On overall, I think I'm more of a show lady. What about your bag collection? Are you a shoe or a bag lady? Or perhaps you have a weakness for both? Do tell.

Sada, par riječi o ovoj proljetnoj odjevnoj kombinaciji. Crvena se nosi ovoga proljeća. Volite li vi crvenu? Meni je crvena jedna od omiljenih boja. Imam ovaj crveni top s rukavima zvonastoga kroja već sto godina (nosila sam ga već ovdje) i nikako da mi dosadi. Isto vrijedi za ovu suknju (nosila sam je već ovdje i ovdje). Ova suknja ima dva uzorka koja su mi najdraža u proljeće: pruge i cvjetni uzorak. Kako bi ne bila draga? Ponekad naiđete na neki odjevni komad koji vam jednostavno posve odgovara. Znate li na što mislim? Usput pronađete li nekad suknju mješovitoga uzorka, možete je nositi tako da odaberete majicu u boji koja se slaže sa njom, kao što sam ja danas napravila.

Osim crvene, ima još jedan proljetni trend koji mi se sviđa, a to su male torbice. Imate li malu torbicu? Planirate li ju kupiti? Ova mala smeđa torbica mi je možda i najdraža. Moja kolekcija torba i nije toliko velika. No, volim sve torbice koje imam. Svejedno, recimo da sam više ljubitelj cipela. A vi?  Kakva je vaša kolekcija torbica? Volite li više cipele ili torbice? Ili je možda vaša slabost oboje? Slobodno recite. 

#red #flaresleeves #readyforspring
top: old, skirt: modna kuća Edi, heels: peko, bag: old

Have a lovely day! Thank you for reading!


  1. Your outfit looks beautiful and very fashionable! I love the bright red colour and flare sleeves of your top complemented by the bright blue frames of your sunnies. I also love the print and border at the hem of your skirt and the contrast with your black hosiery. I was unfamiliar with the birch bark hair clasps, but They appear to hold your hair well - very useful in the sometimes very windy days in Spring. Your outfit looks very pretty, and you look fabulous wearing it!

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  2. Love.

  3. I love red lipsticks but wearing red clothes is a little iffy for me. I find it hard to mix and match with red but I adore your outfit here, Ivana.

    Shireen⎜Reflection of Sanity

  4. Love the sexy red top, babe! xoxo

  5. Wow!!! You look beautiful dear <33 Lovely style :)

  6. Meni su male torbe lijepe na drugima :) Imam ih par i to nosim baš u rijetkim prilikama, kad ne nosim sto stvari, koje inače nosim.
    Super ti je ova kombinacija i crveno ti baš dobro stoji.

  7. look super amazing...thx for sharing honey...:-)

  8. Welcome Spring! Really like the way you're receiving this new season with the best attitude and an incredible outfit that is full of color and interesting textures. I like these seasons (autumn and spring) because we're able to pull off interesting combinations that are almost impossible to create when we are cold or when it is too hot outside! And congrats for sharing the work of some bloggers and creators around the blogosphere, it is always good to spot new talent around :D

    Have a great day ahead Ivana!

    1. thank you Pablo, she is definitely very talented.

  9. Those hair accessories are way adorable Ivana! You just look so pretty and lovely, I'm in love with the flared sleeve top! xo

  10. Your red top is just amazing!

  11. Cool look! I love the pants.

  12. Sei bellissima e il rosso ti dona sempre molto!
    Kisses, Paola.


  13. Amo la tua borsa!!!! Sei bellissima 😍

  14. Molto carino e primaverile il tuo look, Ivana!
    Il rosso ti sta davvero benissimo sai? Sei molto bella! :)

  15. Thanks for the interesting post! Have a nice day)

  16. Wow, you look fantastic! I love the Pics and your gorgeous Outfit. :)


  17. You look gorgeous in red!! The blouse is beautiful, and I just love the pairing with this skirt - I can definitely see folklore motifs in this outfit! A birch bark accessory is perfect for this beautiful ensemble! I am glad you enjoy my presents - that's what they are for, have fun and enjoy, dearest friend! Lots of love!

  18. I actually didn't know that red was trending for Spring. I don't wear it much but it's a color that makes me happy since red symbolizes happiness or good luck in the Chinese culture. This outfit is so feminine and chic!

  19. I really like how you styled this printed skirt, dear, choosing this beautiful flare sleeves blouse was great decision :) What's more, I love your new layout of blog :)

  20. So pretty look!
    Have a nice end of the week!
    Gil Zetbase

  21. Amazing post, dear! A big hello ( merhaba ) from İstanbul !
    Hugs ♥
    Dilek .

  22. this is for me a vintage style - nicely done Ivana. these little bag is a real beauty - so cute...!!!


  23. Dear you are so stylish and your blog always worth to read. my respect

  24. That's a beautiful top! Love the skirt you paired it with. I'm a big fan of red. It's always so striking.


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