Spring is here...(ethno village Herceg) / Proljeće je tu...(etno selo Herceg)

Recently I've shared another outfit in which I was wearing this leather jacket and on that occasion (here), I told you a story about how I ended up with this vintage jacket (probably not the first time I talked about it on this blog either). Anyhow, having thought about this outfit that I'm sharing today, I realized that is a lot similar to two outfits I wore in the past (here and here). Very similar actually but I don't mind. The moral of the story? If something works, don't touch it. I happen to like the combination of this leather jacket with this skirt. So, I wear it repeatedly. I only change some items (shoes, bags and top) and I'm good to go. If a pair of jeans and a leather jacket can be someone's "to go" look, why mine couldn't be this skirt and jacket? 

Nedavno sam podijelila jednu drugu kombinaciju u kojoj sam nosila ovu kožnu jaknu i tada (poveznica na tu objavu) sam vam ispričala kako sam došla do ove vintage kožne jakne ( vjerojatno to i nije bio prvi put da o tome pričam na blogu). Uglavnom, nakon što sam razmislila o ovoj kombinaciji koju danas dijelim, shvatila sam da je dosta slična odjevnim kombinacijama koje sam već nosila (ovdje i ovdje). Zapravo jako slična, ali to mi ne smeta. Pouka priče? Ako nešto radi, ne diraj. Sviđa mi se kombinacija ove kožne jakne s ovom suknjom. Tako se ponavljam s nošenjem. Samo promijenjam neke stvari (cipele, torbe, majice) i spremna sam. Već je prošlo neko vrijeme od moga zadnjega posjeta ovome mjestu, zar ne? Ako par traperica i kožna jakna može nekome biti  osnovna kombinacija, zašto meni ne bila ova suknja i ova jakna?


Now, about the location. This ethno village Herceg  is very popular with both tourists and locals. Actually, it is not only an ethno village, it is also a rather large hotel and resort complex.  It is located in Medugorje, Bosnia and Herzegovina. Google it if you want to know more. Moreover, if you want to see more of this place, you can check out my old posts herehere and here. It has been a while since my last 'official' visit to this place, hasn't it? Well, this time we actually dined there. The lunch was actually pretty good but nothing spectacular (if I recall well). There are other restaurants in Medugorje that I prefer to this one, albeit I must add that I was pleasantly surprised when I dined here as a wedding guest, but that's another matter because there is a different restaurant for weddings ( I will explain how that works some other time). So, I did actually attend one wedding party in this place and it was lovely. Back to this visit. All in all, I enjoyed our visit this time. The weather was sunny and perfect. Spring is here, I thought to myself. Too bad that the pool isn't open yet. I yet have to try that one out. I have a long history with this place. It has been fun watching it grow, if you know what I mean. Every time I come, there is some new addition to it. For example, this time I checked out the progress one artist is making in the chapel. Fascinating stuff. She already painted most of it, but I could see her remaining sketches on the wall of the chapel. I can't wait to see it completed. 

Sada što se tiče lokacije. Ovo etno selo Herceg je jako popularno i kod turista i kod lokalaca.  Zapravo to i nije samo etno selo, već poveće hotelsko naselje sa raznim sadržajima. Nalazi se u Međugorju, u BIH. Možete ga potražiti na internetu ako želite znati više. Uz to, ako želite vidjeti više fotografija ovoga mjesta, možete pogledati moje stare objave ovdjeovdje ovdje. Dosta je prošlo od moga zadnjega službenoga posjeta ovome mjestu, zar ne? Ovaj put smo zapravo tamo i ručali. Hrana je bila poprilično dobra, iako ne i nešto posebno (koliko se sjećam). Ima drugih restorana u Međugorju koji su mi draži, iako moram dodati da sam bila ugodno iznenađena kada sam tamo jela na vjenčanju, ali to je drugo jer za vjenčanja postoji odvojeni salon i restoran. Tako da sam ovdje bila i gost u svatovima i bilo je divno. Natrag na ovaj posjet. Sve u svemu, bilo je jako lijepo. Proljeće je u zraku, pomislila sam. Šteta što bazen još nije otvoren. Moram ga jednom isprobati. Imam dugu povijest s ovim mjestom. Bilo je zabavno gledati ga kako raste, ako znate što mislim. Svaki put kad dođem, nešto novo se doda. Na primjer, ovaj put sam vidjela napredak koji je napravila jedna umjetnica u kapelici. Zanimljivo. Već je oslikala većinu, ali mogla sam vidjeti preostale skice na zidu kapelice. Jedva čekam da vidim kada bude gotovo. 




 ethno village Herceg



Proljeće je tu




leather jacket/kožna jakna: vintage
turtleneck/dolčevita: ?
skirt/suknja: modna kuća Edi
shoes/cipele: Peko


  1. Very nice outfit!


  2. Love the leather jacket and the skirt! Those are definitely statement pieces. You look gorgeous. :)


  3. you look wonderful ivana! :)

    xoxo, rae

  4. That skirt is such a work of art, so pretty! You look gorgeous, dear :)

    All Things Bright and Lovely

  5. Wonderful photos!!! You look gorgeous in this styling, I love your skirt :-)

  6. Thanks a lot :D

    super nice place dear :D And you look great :D

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  7. You look great! nice pictures and cool post!

  8. Even if you had shown this outfit before, I didn't see it. I love your skirt, and you are right it goes sooo well withe the jacket. I am the same, sometimes I want to change something in the outfit I usually wear, but then I go back to the original idea, because it looks best. The place look beautiful, these light colours !!!! With our weather nothing is so white - it must be a lovely place. Have a great Sunday - Hugs - Margot :)

    1. thanks, the outfits I showed were not exactly the same as this one, but pretty similar.

  9. perfect combination, very stylish really

  10. Meni nimalo ne smeta 'ponavljanje' kombinacija, ja to stalno radim i zapravo uživam u onim sitnim izmjenama kad na nešto obučem samo drugačije tenisice ili šal, takve stvari su mi puno kreativnije i izazovnije nego kad bi stalno kupovala novu odjeću i onda svaki dan bila u nečem drugom. To me stvarno nimalo ne privlači :) A tebi ova kombinacija tako savršeno stoji, jako mi se sviđa kako se savršeno slažu suknja i jakna, baš sjajno izgledaš!

    1. i ja baš uživam u tim sitnim izmjenama, a mislim da smo i pričali o tome kakav je gušt stvarati priče oko nekih odjevnih komada, a to možemo samo ako ih imamo duže vrijeme, a ne ako stalno kupujemo nove stvari tako da se posve razumijemo.

  11. I can relate to having a leather jacket you love to reach for again and again - it's such a versatile piece to have in your wardrobe, especially during transitional seasons! Speaking of which, it really does look as though Spring has sprung there - how beautiful, I hope you're enjoying the sunshine!! :)


    1. yes, leather jacket are perfect during transitional time.

      Spring has indeed arrived here!

  12. Great styling! I love this leather jacket! It's perfect for March.

  13. I can't wait for spring! Although it's very short in doha :)

  14. nice outfit! and gorgeous skirt dear ^^


  15. I love the photos!!happy Sunday!

  16. Lovely photos!)

    Would you like to follow each other?)

  17. Bellissima!! Mi piace moltissimo il tuo Look !

  18. Hi! fantastic post and a very interesting blog.
    Follow for follow ?

  19. I love the jacket, skirt design and your shoes Ivana. You look pretty :D

  20. Prelepa kombinacija! Ne mogu se odluciti da li mi se vise svidja crna bajkerka ili originalna suknjica. Nosila bih je sa velikim zadovoljstvom.

  21. Mislim da mi nikada neće dosaditi takve kombinacije tipa kožna jakna i suknja/haljina. Nekako su i kao stvorene za proleće i temperature kad nije ni hladno, ni previše toplo, a i uvek je lepo videti ženstvene komade odeće u kombinaciji sa nečim što to nije. Tvoja kombinacija je pun pogodak. Ceo ambijent deluje divno i prosto poziva na posetu. Ja bih se rado tamo stvorila :)

  22. "Spring is here..." - the same in my region. last week and the week before, we what really warm weather (around 20°). i like your style today again. nice clothings you choosed. i think i saw your leather jacket before, but i love this thing. i wished i could see this in combo to a leggings...

    but your vintage skirt ist also a good choice! and i LOVE again this landscape - so natural finish.

    nice post and cool pics from you!!!


    1. sorry:
      "the same in my region. last week and the week before, we what really warm weather (around 20°)." - it must be: "HAD" instead of "WHAT"...


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