Red hair, green blouse (akvarel dana) / Crvena kosa, zelena bluza (watercolour of the day)

A red-haired girl wearing a green blouse, that is my painting of the day. As you might have noticed, I'm really into the pantone colour of the year. The medium is watercolour on paper. Did you know that red hair naturally occurs only in about 1-2% human population? The same goes for green eyes. Those two colour codes are rare in human DNA, perhaps that is why they fascinate us so. How is your weekend going? You know, I've been thinking....These days I sometimes get this feeling that we are burdened with an endless pile of things that fall under the infamous 'must have' category. Films we need to see, books we need to read, events to attend, items we need to buy...and this list always keeps growing. At times it can be so distracting that we forget that what we truly need to do is live. To live in a moment for a bit. To be a good friend, sister,  brother, coworker, child, parent, neighbour, human being. We don't have to see all the films, read all the books, buy all the trendy items and attend all the events. We don't need to visit a prescribed amount of countries if there is something other going on in our life, nor do we need to plan every vacation according to some 'jet set' list. 

Crvenokosa koja nosi zelenu bluzu, to je moja slika dana.  Kao što ste možda primijetili, sviđa mi se pantonova boja godine. Medij su vodene boje na papiru.  Jeste li znali da se crvena kosa prirodno pojavljuje u samo 1-2% populacije? Isto vrijedi za zelene oči. Ove dvije boje nisu tako česte u našem ljudskom DNA, možda nas zato toliko fasciniraju. Kako vama vikend protječe? Znate, nešto sam razmišljala...Ovih dana imam osjećaj da smo opterećeni nepreglednom hrpom stvari koje spadaju pod onu zloglasnu "mora se" kategoriju. Filmovi koje moramo pogledati, knjige koje moramo pročitati, događaji kojima moramo prisustvovati...a ovaj popis stalno raste. Na trenutke nam to može odvuži pozornost u tolikoj količini da zaboravimo što doista znači živjeti. Živjeti u trenutku barem na trenutak. Biti dobar prijatelj, sestra, brat, kolega, dijete, roditelj, susjed, ljudsko biće. Ne moramo vidjeti sve filmove, pročitati sve knjige, kupiti sve trendi komade i posjetiti sva događanja.  Ne trebamo posjetiti određenu količinu zemalja ako se nešto drugo događa u našim životima, niti moramo planirati svaki odmor prema nekom jet set popisu.   

We need to make decisions that are right for us, decisions that are appropriate in that moment in time. To be able to do that, sometimes we need to lift this burden of 'must have' that is pressing upon us. The world is not going to end if you don't see the news, if you don't know the name of the stars, if you don't know the names of the top brands or the new collections. If you refuse to dedicate your time to something that doesn't interest you, it doesn't mean you're not up to date, it means you're managing your time properly. If you ask me, being up to date with everything that is going on is overrated, and being up to date with one's self is underrated.  Priorities. You don't have to be up to date with everything. You need to be up to date with your own life. With your own health and emotional status. We're constantly bombarded with tons of information and our brains just can't take it all in. Some say this is an intentional political strategy to keep us in the dark, and while that might be that true, it is besides the point because I'm not going to talk about conspiracy theories today. The point of this little chat is something more personal. 

Trebamo donijeti odluke koje su ispravne za nas, odluke koje su ispravne u tom određenom trenutku. Da bismo to mogli, ponekad moramo maknuti taj teret "moranja" koji nas pritiska. Svijet neće propasti ako ne pogledamo vijesti, ako ne znamo imena zvijezda, ako ne znamo imena glavnih brendova ili novih kolekcija. Ako odbijete posvetiti vrijeme nečemu što vas ne zanima, to ne znači da niste u toku, to znači da dobro gospodarite svojim vremenom. Pita li se mene, biti u toku sa svime je precijenjeno, a u isto vrijeme biti u toku sa samim sobom je podcijenjeno. Prioriteti. Ne morate biti u toku sa svime. Trebate biti u toku sa svojim životom. Sa svojim zdravljem i emotivnim stanjem. Stalno smo bombardirani s tonom informacija i naši mozgovi jednostavno ne mogu sve to upiti. Neki kažu da je to namjerna politička strategija kojoj je cilj da nas zadrži u mraku i dok bi to mogla biti istina, to nije poanta jer neću danas govoriti o teorijama zavjere. Poanta ovoga maloga razgovora je nešto osobnije.

We're the only ones that get to live this life of ours. Every moment that passes by is gone for good. This is not something we should be obsessing about. On the contrary, often it is good to take a little break and dedicate some time to ourselves. If we don't know ourselves how can we create the life that we want to live for ourselves? Being honest with ourselves makes life a lot less complicated.  There is no such thing as a must have film. There is only a film that is right for you, that will inspire you...or perhaps you're not into movies but into something else. Either way, it doesn't matter. Don't feel pressed to do something because other people do it. A lot of people did a lot of silly things over the years, that doesn't mean we should imitate them. Do your own thing. Even if it feels odd, even if it makes you feel out of place and clumsy. Go look for that special something.

Mi smo ti koji trebaju živjeti ovaj naš život. Svaki trenutak koji prođe je zauvijek prošao. To nije nešto oko čega moramo biti opsesivni. Naprotiv, često je dobro napraviti malu pauzu i posvetiti malo vremena sebi. Ako ne poznajemo sebe, kako možemo stvoriti za sebe život koji želimo živjeti? Biti iskren sa sobom čini život puno manje kompliciranim. Ne postoji takva stvar kao film koji moramo vidjeti. Postoji samo film koji je ispravan za vas, koji će vas nadahnuti...ili možda niste toliko zainteresirani za filmove, već za nešto drugo. U svakom slučaju, nije važno. Nemojte osjećati pritasak da nešto napravite samo zato što to drugi ljudi rade. Puno ljudi čini smiješne stvari tijekom godina, to ne znači da ih trebamo imitirati. Pronađite svoje nešto. Čak  i ako se čini neobičnim, čak i ako imate osjećaj nelagode i smotanosti. Potražite to nešto posebno. 


  1. I couldn't agree more with your thoughts regarding the "must-have's", "must-do's", "must-see's" etc. We are totally and utterly consumed by HAVING to do stuff we probably don't even need to. And then we see others doing it and we feel like we're missing out. Vicious circle. But thankfully, it's possible to break free. Being in the moment is KEY <3
    Loved this post & your drawing. My hubby's sister and brother are both ginger. His dad is somewhat ginger. They are Irish so there's no surprise there lol. My man has raven black hair but our kids could easily be red-headed :) Will be interesting to see! :D
    Hope you're having a lovely weekend, Ivana!
    xox Nadia

    1. So, red hair runs in your husband's family? I suppose there is a fair chance of you having a ginger kid then:). Red hair runs in my family too.

  2. This is a lovely illustration! When I was younger sometimes I'd feel sad that I didn't have blue or green eyes and now I feel really silly thinking back to that XD xx

    1. :) we all went through those phases. I'm satisfied with the colour of my eyes (dark brown) but I find that men with green eyes are especially cute.

  3. Amazing!!! I like this illustration.xx

  4. Lovely illustration! I think is important to be unique! have a nice week
    Coco and Jeans by Marisa x My Instagram x My Bloglovin

  5. Slažem se sa svakom riječi, draga moja! Ja sam odavno rekla 'ne moram ja ništa' i koliko god mogu, vozim po svom. Tako sam prestala pratiti hrpu portala čije me vijesti uglavnom deprimiraju, filmove gledam manje no ikad jer naprosto više nemam toliko vremena, serije još manje, kupujem samo kad mi se kupuje i pijem kave samo s ljudima do kojih mi je iskreno stalo. Dani nam ionako prebrzo lete, nema ih smisla trošiti na neke nametnute standarde :) Želim ti sjajan tjedan, nadam se da je fino počeo! :)

  6. Nisam znala taj procenat za crvenokose, ali jesam za zelene oči jer ih i sama imam, mada kako je neka maslinasta nijansa u pitanju, mislim da nije nešto što dolazi do izražaja na prvi pogled. Ilustracija je čarobna, nekako moćna i prolećna i tako se lepo uklapa u sve što si rekla. U poptunosti se slažem sa tvojim zapažanjima. U poslednje vreme sve više razmišljam o svemu tome i kako nam sve to must have/see/do nema granica, a koliko je toga što zaista želimo. Nadam se da većina nas ipak ne ide u bioskop da gleda film koji ga ne interesuje, samo zato što su ga "svi" svideli. Zaista treba ostati i postati svoj. U redu je širiti interesovanja i možda izaći iz nekih svojih okvira jer nekada nas nešto prijatno iznenadi, ali uglavnom sva ta "moranja" i neiscrpan izvor informacija samo troši dragoceno vreme i energiju. Kad bi ljudi malo više razmiljali svojom glavom, a malo manje gledali šta to tamo neko radi... Jedan je život i treba ga živeti prema vlastitim standardima <3

  7. I feel you here, Ivana. I am overloaded with work these days, try to catch up with you lot as much as I can. I even don't find time for my own blog, hahaha. Loved the illustration, btw. Happy new week, girl.
    latest look: Stars'n'Stripes

  8. Agree, it's too much to take in. Do what is important to you.

  9. Setting priorities for one's life is definitely useful. And I agree there is no need to beat oneself up about not knowing some subjects...we should just be true to ourselves and enjoy what makes up our own individuality. And make the most of it!
    Christina ♥

  10. Baš je lepa crvenokosa! Zaista, ova boja kose je retka i možda baš i zato tako atraktivna i nestvarna.


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