Innocence Lost (painting of the day) / Izgubljena nevinost (slika dana)

Thinking about what I want to share today. Why not this  painting of mine? How long it has been since I shared some of my latest works? A day before yesterday? This one comes from that series (here). I suppose you have already seen it if you follow me on Instagram. I've been feeling rather inspired lately. I wonder if there is any connection between my recent thinking processes and my paintings, is there a collaboration between the two. Sometimes I find myself overthinking things and sometimes I realize that I'm actually using my head for constructive thoughts. It is hard to tell the difference between the two, isn't it? 

Thinking about mediums. This one is a mixed media. Can you tell? It is a mix of watercolours and markers. I'm still trying to master watercolours or at least decided what exactly do I want to do with them. For me this medium doesn't come naturally, but I'm persistent.  I've been painting a lot lately but it never seems to be enough. The more I paint, the more I feel like painting. It's like eating, I suppose. To more you eat, the more you work up your appetite. 

Razmišljam o tome što danas želim podijeliti. Zašto ne ovu sliku? Koliko je prošlo od kada sam podijelila svoje zadnje radove? Prekjučer? Ovaj dolazi iste serije (ovdje). Pretpostavljam da ste ga već imali priliku vidjeti ako me pratite na Instagramu. U zadnje vrijeme imam nadahnuća napretek. Pitam se ima li kakva poveznica između mojih nedavnih misaonih procesa i mojih slika, ima li kakva suradnja između to dvoje. Ponekad shvatim da previše razmišljam o stvarima, a ponekad shvatim kako zapravo koristim glavu za konstruktivne misli. Teško je vidjeti razliku između to dvoje, zar ne?

Razmišljam o medijima. Ovaj je mješavina medija. Je li to očito? Pomiješala sam vodene boje i markere. Još uvijek pokušavam ovladati akvarelom ili barem odlučiti što točno želim sa njim. Meni ovaj medij i ne dolazi prirodno, ali uporna sam. U zadnje vrijeme puno crtam, ali nikada mi nije dovoljno. Što više slikam, više mi se slika. To je možda  kao i jedenje, što više jedemo to nam se više otvara apetit.

Thinking about William Blake. It has been ages since I read his Songs Of Innocence and Songs Of Experience, but I recall them quite well. Some things just stay with us. Have you read them per chance? Have you seen his illustrations? I rather like Blake's illustrating style, I'm not sure if I have ever mentioned that before, but it has always seemed very unique to me. What do you think about Blake's illustrations? Anyway, I've been thinking about innocence a lot.  Sometimes we lose our innocence, sometimes we regain it. Perhaps innocence is more a state of mind than a lack of experience. Perhaps true innocence calls for some experience. Perhaps innocence can also be a vulnerability of sort.  Knowing that we can get hurt, but doing it anyway. Knowing that love hurts, but loving anyway.

Thinking about Paradise Lost. A timeless classic. Milton's greatest achievement. Blake did illustrations for that one. I don't think that his are the most famous ones, but they are critically acclaimed. Did you know that Milton supposedly went blind because of his extensive reading habits? But I must say they seem to payed off for he displays an amazing eloquence in his writings. Often in life, you have to give up on something to get something else. Ultimately, you're the only one who can tell was it worth it. Stephen King always says that if we can't find the time to read, we won't be able to find the time to write- or something of the sorts. My husband sometimes says that I will go blind reading. I doubt it. All I got to say on this subject, if I were to go blind for the sake of literature, it would have surely  been worth it. Have you perhaps read My Name is Red by Orhan Pamuk? In that novel, among the painters was considered the highest honour to go blind because of too much painting. Today people think that it is achievement to work as little as possible. Perhaps sometimes it is good to figure out alternatives to work, but in reality sometimes work can be a reward in itself. Have we forgotten about that? 

Razmišljam o Williamu Blaku. Dosta je prošlo vremena od kada sam čitala njegove Pjesme Nevinosti i Pjesme Iskustva, ali ih se dosta dobro sjećam. Neke stvari jednostavno ostaju s nama. Jeste li ih vi možda čitati? Jeste li vidjeli njegove ilustracije? Dosta mi se sviđa stil ilustracija Williama Blakea. Ne znam jesam li to ikad prije spomenula, ali njegove ilustracije su stvarno jedinstvene. Kakve se vama čine? U svakom slučaju, dosta sam razmišljala o nevinosti. Ponekad izgubimo svoju nevinost, ponekad je ponovno zadobijemo. Možda je nevinost više stanje uma nego manjak iskustva. Možda prava nevinost zahtjeva nekakvo iskustvo. Možda je nevinost i neka vrsta ranjivosti. Znati da nas mogu povrijediti, ali ipak se usuditi voljeti. Znati da ljubav boli, ali opet voljeti.

Razmišljam o Izgubljenom raju. Bezvremenski klasik. Miltonovo najveće postignuće. Blake je i to za djelo pravio ilustracije. Mislim da njegove i nisu najpoznatije, ali su priznate od strane kritike. Jeste li znali da je Milton navodno oslijepio jer je toliko čitao? No, mislim da mu se to ipak isplatilo jer je u svom pisanju pokazao izrazitu rječitost. Često se u životu moraš nečega odreći kako bi dobio nešto drugo. Na kraju si ti jedini koji može reći je li to bilo vrijedno toga. Stephen King uvijek kaže da ako ne možemo naći vremena za čitanje, nećemo nikada moći naći vremena ni za pisanje, ili nešto u tom stilu. Moj muž ponekad kaže da ću oslijepiti koliko čitam. Nekako mi se to ne čini vjerojatno. Sve što mogu reći na tu temu da ako oslijepim radi književnosti, sigurno će to biti vrijedno toga.  Jeste li možda čitali Zovem se Crvena od Orhan Pamuka? U tom romanu, među slikarima se smatralo najvećom čašću oslijepiti zbog previše slikanja. Danas ljudi misle da je postignuće raditi što manje moguće. Možda je nekad i dobro smisliti neku alternativu radu, ali zapravo rad može biti nagrada sam po sebi. Jesmo li to zaboravili? 

#watercolour #painting

Thinking about this painting and why I called it Innocence Lost. Has it got anything to do with my love for Blake and Milton? Has it got anything to do with my fondness for British poetry? Has it anything to do with another subject I have been thinking about lately? However, I won't get into that one now. I've probably been doing too much thinking lately anyway. Just one more think then.... Thinking about what I look for in my paintings. Realizing that I want to be looked back. I want the painting to look back at me. That is what I try to do. Unconsciously, that is probably what I want. To breathe life into something. To create. To share. To communicate. Perhaps it is what we all want. One way or another.

Razmišljam o ovoj slici i zašto sam je nazvala Izgubljena nevinost. Ima li to kakve veze s mojom privrženošću Blakeu i Miltonu? Ima li kakve veze s mojih simpatijama prema britansko poetiji? Ima li veze s jednom drugom temom o kojoj sam dosta razmišljala u zadnje vrijeme. No, neću sada ulaziti u to...Samo još nešto....Razmišljam o tome što tražim u slikama. Shvaćam da je ono što želim uzvraćeni pogled. Želim da slike gledaju u mene. To je ono što pokušavam. Nesvjesno, to je vjerojatno ono što želim. Udahnuti život u nešto. Stvarati.  Dijeliti. Komunicirati. Možda je to ono što svi želimo. Na ovaj ili na onaj način.

#markers #watercolour #mixedmedia

#watercolour #painting #art


  1. This is really so beautiful love.

  2. Beautiful paint and interesting inspirations!

  3. Very pretty drawing! I like the add of flowers!

    Inside and Outside Blog
    P.S. would you like to follow each other?

  4. I'm already following you Katerina.

  5. Beautiful... Great colors, I love the way you drew her eyes. You have talent, carina!

    Madame X
    The Flower Duet

  6. Olá Ivana,

    Bem deliciado, gostei muito. :)

    Um beijo,

  7. Sei vefamente bravissima!
    Un bacio

  8. predivna slika :D

  9. Super post. Slike su predivne. :)

    Ako zelis mozes se uclaniti na moj blog, nova sam, uzvratit cu. :)

  10. L'aggiunta delle rose è spettacolare
    un bacio bella

  11. Very creative and original..I love your art!!

  12. Really very nice drawings! I like your style with the big eyes... Here,the changing of light and shadow is so beautiful on your picture. Have a wonderful day, Nessy

  13. You're in quite a contemplative mood. It's interesting to hear your train of thought. I believe that painting is quite a cerebral process that requires some measure of thought to execute so it makes sense that so much is running through your mind. This is a lovely piece and she does seem to be looking back at the viewer.

  14. You sure have been feeling very inspired lately. Girl you are on fire with all those amazing illustrations you push out on insta. I like this piece a lot. Maybe cos of the roses that add a 3D like effect. They almost look like part of the painting. I even tried to pick a rose. Silly me! That got you laughing huh? Amazing effect for sure. I can't tell the difference with a mixed media but I am in love with this work.
    I haven't seen any of Blake's work but I truly believe in innocence as a state of mind. The most experienced of us can be blank slates in some aspects of life. I guess that makes it relative too.
    Milton losing his sight from reading is quite interesting. I guess when you lose the use of one part, others step up and fill the gap.
    While hard work pays off, short cuts have become the norm in todays world. You though, not! I'm sure you put a lot of work into these illustrations. I see how long it takes my daughter. She does oil and canvas. Works so hard on her pieces and when she paints, it's a release for her. Your mindset may have had a thing or two to do with the title of this illustration. Great creation. Your illustrations speak volumes. Have a great week ahead Ivana!

  15. Thanks a lot :D

    So detailled dear :D Love your draws

    NEW BRANDING POST | EVENT: Ecco Shoes Oppening Day .
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  16. Very beautiful lovely. Happy new week to you xx

  17. Love it! So nice!

  18. Oh wow hun, this painting is so beautiful! So feminine and delicate, and I like how you implemented mixed media. :) I have always found it a little difficult to work with mixed media, I'm not sure why. I always prefer to just stick to one type of media. Speaking of which, I have been getting back into cross-stitching lately! I truly am an old lady at heart, haha. I have always enjoyed knitting, though, something about it is very relaxing! To me, making art has always been all about creating something special. There is just something incredibly satisfying about a finished piece of art!

    Also, thank you for the lovely comment on my blog! I am doing very well thank you, how are you? We are definitely feeling the spring more and more here, which makes me ever so happy! Spring is actually my favourite season, I love watching the world come back to life after winter. Are you feeling the spring yet in Croatia? :) <3 xoxo


    1. thank you sweetie. When it comes to mixed media, my feelings are mixed...sometimes it seems easier, sometimes more difficult than using just one media.

    2. I'm fine too:). Happy to hear that Spring is you fav season and that you're enjoying it.

  19. Ova slika mi je baš nekako posebno emotivna, jako mi se sviđa. Drago mi je čuti da ti ne manjka inspiracije i mislim da je stvarno istina da što konstantnije nešto radimo, to nam se sve više i više radi - pogotovo kad su u pitanju stvari u kojima zaista uživamo. Meni je Pamuk jedan od najdražih pisaca, a Zovem se crvena je nevjerojatno djelo, sjećam se da sam danima bila pod dojmom te priče, divna je i nevjerojatna.

    1. hvala, slažem se, konstanta je baš bitna, valjda nam ona poveže neke moždane vijuge ili nešto tako.

    2. meni je Zovem se crvena sa svakim čitanjem sve bolje. Obožavam te knjige koje mogu uvijek čitati iznova i nešto novo naučiti iz njih.

  20. Interesting post! The drawing is too pretty! Have a great week, dear! xoxo

  21. Gorgeous Illustration Ivana and I love the added flowers.

  22. Bravissima complimenti!😍 E le rose sono i miei fiori preferiti!💕

  23. Divna ilustracija u neznim ruzicastim tonovima! I ja sam primetila da si veoma nadahnuta u zadnje vreme, a sto i da ne. Bas si inspiracija svima nama.

  24. Mislim da u tome i uspevaš. Ne znam kakav je tvoj lični osećaj, ali iz mog ugla gledanja, svaka od tih devojaka sa tvojih ilustracija mi deluje da se "obraća" baš meni. Možda je i to neko ogledalo. Verovatno svaka od nas u njima vidi nešto drugo, kao i u stvarnim osobama. Sviđa mi se i tvoje tumačenje nevinosti. S jedne strane je nešto pozitivno, sa druge negativno, a možda je u današnje vreme i hrabrost sačuvati ili steći nevinost i ne dozvoliti svetu da je poljulja. Možda je i ludost, ko zna. Pamuk je genije i sve njegovo što sam pročitala je ostvailo veliki utisak na mene...

  25. Interesting post, Ivana. The watercolor medium is the hardest one to master. To get the control of watercolor is very difficult and it takes a lot of practice, Ivana. You need to figure out the right amount of water to use, the right amount of paint to use and most important you need to know exactly the moment when to hit the paper. I am sure you know all about it, so the only thing I can say is, practice, practice, practice.
    New update: Walking The Dog


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