Blue princess ( my fashion illustration of the day) / Plava princeza (moja modna ilustracija dana) 9.12.2016.
It is not a secret that blue is one of my favourite colours. In painting, I use it often. Today's painting is dominated by blue. The women depicted is not only wearing a blue dress, her hair is also blue. Is this a blue haired modern princess? Perhaps. They say that every girl wants to be a princess. Why not? In one sense, we can all achieve it. In a sense of inner nobility. They teach us to be modest, not to dream big lest we get disappointed. Do you know what I have to say to that? That to love others, we also need to be peace with ourselves. We don't have to be into ourselves, we don't need to think we're the best thing ever, but we need to be wary of feeding our insecurities. There is a big difference between self-critique and self-loathing. In other words, there is nothing wrong in dreaming. If we don't believe that we can be more than we are, how are we to become more?
Nije tajna da mi je plava jedna od najdražih boja. U slikarstvu, često je koristim. Naslikana žena ne samo da nosi plavu haljinu, već je i njena kosa plava. Je li ovo plavokosa moderna princeza? Možda. Kažu da svaka djevojka želi biti princeza. Zašto ne? U jednom smislu svi to možemo postići. U smislu unutrašnje plemenitosti. Uče nas da budemo skromni, da ne sanjarimo da se ne bi razočarali. Znate li što ja imam reći na to? To da za voljeti sebe same, moramo biti u miru sami sa sobom. Ne moramo biti uživljeni u sebi, ne moramo misliti da smo najbolja stvar koja je ikada dogodila, ali moramo biti oprezni da ne hranimo svoje nesigurnosti. Velika je razlika između samokritike i omalovažanja nas samih. Drugim riječima, u redu je sanjati. Ako ne vjerujemo da možemo biti više nego što jesmo, kako ćemo postati više?
Being a modern princess? Why not? Believing in ourselves is something that is more essential than we realize. It doesn't mean settling for less- it means acknowledging the potential in us. The potential for good, for kindness, for nobility of the soul. There is nothing wrong with that. Believing that we can be more than we are is another way of accepting the responsibility for our life. It is much better than spending time feeling sorry for ourselves, or even worse spending time putting ourselves down. Being insecure can become a way of shifting responsibility. Don't be insecure is the easiest things to say, I know. I realize it might not be easy to get rid of insecurity, especially when it takes roots. Moreover, insecurity it is something we all struggle with on one level or other. Feelings of insecurity are there with all of us. It is hard not to question ourselves and our actions. Indeed, it is something we can't avoid doing. However, there is a healthy way of doing this. We need to find ways to evaluate our actions that don't include feeding and encouraging our insecurities.
Biti moderna princeza? Zašto ne? Vjerovati u sebe je nešto što je važnije nego što shvaćamo. To ne znači zadovoljiti se sa manje- to znači prihvatiti potencijal u nama. Potencijal za dobrotu, ljubaznost i plemenitost duše. U tome nema ništa pogrješnoga. Vjerovati da možemo biti više nego što jesmo je još jedan način prihvaćanja odgovornosti za naš život. Puno je bolje nego provoditi vrijeme u samožaljenju ili još gore provoditi vrijeme u samomalovažavanju. Nesigurnost može biti način prebacivanja odgovornosti. Znam da je to nešto s čime se svi borimo. Lako je reći nemoj biti nesiguran, znam to. Nije je se lako rješiti nesigurnosti, pogotovo kada se ukorijeni u nama. Osjećaj nesigurnosti je prisutan u svima nama. Teško je ne preispitivati sebe i svoje akcije. Zapravo, to je nešto što se ne može izbjeći. No, postoji zdrav način da se to napravi. Moramo pronaći načine da vrednujemo svoje postupke koji ne uključuju hranjenje i poticanje naših nesigurnosti.
The danger of insecurity is so great, that it is not ought to be taken lightly. It can ruin our relationship with other people. I've seen people so insecure that there is nothing their friends or loved ones can do to help them. They can love them all they want, but insecure people just ask for more, because that emptiness inside of them can never be closed until they do it themselves. In those extreme cases, their insecurity becomes like quick sand. It just sucks everything inside. This goes as far in some case that it causes people to constantly underestimate their friends and loved ones. Because they believe themselves to be so worthless, they are sure that everyone who takes interest in them must either be bad or be in for the wrong reasons.
They can't believe that someone talented, successful, kind or just nice would like to be their friend, so they project their own feeling of worthlessness onto other people. This happens more often than we realize. Sometimes people take modesty to far, so far they underestimate themselves completely. How to help such people? I honestly don't know. Sometimes all we can do is hope they snap out of it. We always need to be careful not to project ourselves onto others, be it our dreams, our hopes or our fears. We can't make others happy by giving them what we ourselves want. We need to be responsible for our own life. Sometimes we need to be our own Prince Charming. Accept the responsibility for our own life.
Opasnost od nesigurnosti je toliko velika da je ne trebamo olako uzimati. Ona može uništiti naše veze s drugim ljudima. Vidjela sam ljude koji su toliko nesigurno da nema ništa što njihovi prijatelji ili voljeni mogu činiti da im pomognu. Mogu ih voljeti koliko god to žele, ali nesigurni ljudi uvijek traže više. zato što tu praznoću u njima samima ne može nitko zatvoriti- osim njih samih. U tim ekstremnim slučajevima, njihova nesigurnost postaje kao živi pjesak. Jednostavno sve usisa. To ide toliko daleko da ljude u nekim slučajevima navodi da stalno podcjenjuju voljene i prijatelje. Jer sami vjeruju da su toliko bezvrijedni, sigurnu su da stvatko tko je zainteresiran za njih mora ili biti loš ili to radi iz nekih krivih razloga.
Ne mogu vjerovati da netko talentiran, uspješan, ljubazan ili jednostavno dobar želi biti njihov prijatelj, tako da stalno prebacuju taj osjećaj bezvrijednosti na druge ljude. Ovo se događa češće nego što smo svijesni. Ponekad ljudi pretjeraju sa skromnošću, idu tako daleko da se posve podcjenjuju. Kako pomoći takvim ljudima? Iskreno ne znam. Ponekad je sve što možemo nadati se da će ih proći. Uvijek moramo biti oprezni da ne vršimo projekciju nas samih na druge, pa bilo to naših snova, nada ili strahova. Ne možemo druge učiniti sretnim dajući im ono što i sami želimo. Morati biti odgovorni za vlastiti život. Ponekad moramo sami sebi biti princ na bijelom konju. Prihvatiti odgovornost za svoj život.
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Medium: watercolour on cardboar Medij: vodene boje na kartonu |
What a lovely little painting! And such a beautiful shade of blue.
thank you Diana:)
DeleteThis is beautiful!
ReplyDeleteEnclothed Cognition
DeleteSuch a pretty painting! :) Loving the blues x
thank you sweetie<3<3
DeleteI've long been a fan of blue but the older I get, the more I am drawn to neutrals like grey, white. And on to the topic of insecurities, I think these days it's more than ever with the rise of social medias. All of us show only the best and 'staged' side of our life and many especially the younger ones feel left out or pressured on why their ice is not as perfect.
ReplyDeleteShireen | Reflection of Sanity
I think you're really on to something...I think I even read some studies that show how social media can make the young ones depressed.
DeleteBlue used to be my absolute favourite colour. It's been a long time since i've read Dorian Gray. The brocade ribbon is a gorgeous trimming detail.
<3 thank you. I love this ribbon, I used it to make a few necklaces.
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ReplyDeleteYou're such a great artist. Blue is such a calm, soothing color and really like this painting.
Thanks a lot :D
ReplyDeleteSo amazing as usual. I can't wait to see my draw :D
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I already posted your draw a few days ago:)
DeleteWoow divno! I meni je plava jedna od dražih boja tako da se slažem s tobom hehe...Odlično napravljeno,oduševljena sam :)
ReplyDeleteNadam se da ces kliknuti na linkove na kraju zadnjeg posta :)
DeleteWe must believe in ourselves. We are worthy. Nice post. Thank you. Have nice day.
ReplyDeletethank you.
Deletenice post
Izuzetno zanimljiv post, kao i fotografije.
DeleteWOW - big thoughts :) . You are right - how can we become 'more' not believing in ourselves. Being self-confident is nothing bad, ufortunately a lot of people think that it's better to criticize than to creat. Insecurity - yes, we all feel it in one way or another, but it's important to learn how to overcome failures which are inavitable and keep on living lives which we envisage :) . Have a great day - Margot :)
ReplyDeletethank you Margot. Yes, instead of living their lives a lot of people prefer to criticize others.
DeleteThis is so beautiful, dear Ivana!
ReplyDeletexxxx Nadine
Beautiful illustration, dear Ivana, really lovely, blue is a great color and blue clothes and hair are cool! I think you are so right, self-critique is different from self-loathing and people are constantly being underestimated, but sometimes I don't think it's because of themselves feeling worthless, but the contrary as well, when they feel they are so above the others. I say this, because I know someone people who underestimate others because of their own egos :) I try to tell them that every one is important, but they just don't want to acknowledge it, so... each at their own way :) Thankfully not mine! Hope you have a great Saturday and weekend, dear Ivana!
I know what you mean but I think that people who put others are often deep down very insecure, so they cover this insecurity by developing a big ego and treat other people badly.
DeleteLovely blue princess :)
ReplyDeleteI also love indigo shadows and gray, too. It reminds me sea... Beautiful drawning!
Deletehi Ivana once again very lovely. xx
DeleteI just say SO BEAUTIFUL <3
ReplyDeleteThis colour and your work, perfect !!!
I love it <3
Ah, nesigurnost. To je nešto sa čime se svi borimo, a nekad naročito one osobe za koje to ne bismo pretpostavili. Svakako da čovek treba biti skroman ali u zdravim granicama jer ipak moramo graditi samopouzdanje koje niko drugi ne može da nam stvori. Nije lako naći neki savršeni balans između skromnosti i druge krajnosti tipa "niko kao ja", ali kontrola sopstvenih misli i akcija je dobar put, iako nije uvek lak.
ReplyDeleteIlustracija i ceo "aranžman" stvarno oduzimaju dah. Obožavam plavu boju i prosto ne bih znala kojim rečima da opišem svu tu lepotu <3
This was a very beautiful read Dear. I am going to bookmark this. Very well-written.
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