The Future of Fashion with Alexa Chung (documentary series review / recenzija dokumentarnoga serijala)

Recently I discovered a series of documentaries Future of Fashion, presented by Alexa Chung. I loved everything about it really. The production, the themes, the editing and  the concept- everything was brilliant. Naturally, I also loved the presenter. This is Alexa Chung at her most adorable. Nevertheless, she also knew when to be serious and professional, depending on the theme and the context of the episode. I really feel that she has put her best foot forward. As a presenter she was very top of the game but I also loved how she included her personal experiences in fashion. 

Nedavno sam otkrila dokumentarni serijal Budućnost mode kojega vodi Alexa Chung. Sve mi se u vezi ovoga serijala svidjelo. Produkcija, teme, montaža i sami koncept- sve je bilo savršeno. Naravno, jako mi se svidjela voditeljica. Alexa Chung je i inače jako simpatična, ali u ovom serijalu je stvarno preslatka. No, zna kada biti i ozbiljna i jako profesionalna, ovisno o temi i kontekstu neke epizode. Mislim da se doista potrudila. Kao voditeljica bila je sjajna, a svidjelo mi se i kako je uključila svoja osobna iskustva u modnom svijetu.

The documentary is very relavent. Whatever it discusses, it and goes straight to the point. This documentary tries to answer very specific questions and because of that, it is quite serious at times. However, there is also humour in it. The editing is amazing. I loved the music as well. It just all feels very positive and uplifting. I'm sure it could be an inspiring and motivating series even to those that aren't interested in fashion. If you're interested in fashion, well then it is perfect. There are many episodes and they focus on different themes and issues. 

Dokumentarac je jako relevantan. Što god da raspravlja, odmah prelazi na bitno. Nastoji odgovori na jako specifična pitanja i zbog toga je na trenutke dosta ozbiljan, ali u njemu ima i humora. Montaža je sjajna. Popratna glazba mi se jako svidjela. Sve mi se nekako čini pozitivno i motivirajuće i doista mislim da bi moglo motivirati i nekoga koga ne zanima moda. Ako vas zanima moda, onda je jednostavno savršen za vas. Ima puno epizoda i sve su usmjerene na različite teme i probleme. 

I heard some people argue that the series isn't exactly realistic because it was made by British Vogue, but I disagree with it. It is not about British Vogue at all. It tries to promote fashion (and British fashion) , but isn't that normal? To me it seems like a high quality documentary. What is wrong with explaining the dynamics of the fashion world? Why not interview University professors who teach Fashion Law or Fashion psychology? Those are the woman who are trying to make the fashion world more ethical and diverse. The fact is that the fashion is a billion dollar industry in UK. With the unemployment being as high as it is, what is wrong with encouraging people to find work in fashion? A lot of people want to work in fashion. This series explains how to go about it. Perhaps it inspires someone to start their own business or to find work in the fashion- that would be great!

Neki ljudi govore da ova serija nije posve realistična jer su je snimio Britanski Vogue, ali ja se ne slažem s tim, jer se uopće ne radi o tome. Naravno da pokušava na neki način promovirati modu, posevbno britansku modu, ali to je normalno, zar ne?  Meni se ovo čini kao kvalitetni dokumentarac. Zašto ne bi netko objasnio kako funkcionira modni svijet? Zašto ne napraviti intervju sa sveučilišnim profesoricama koja predaju modno pravo ili modnu psihologiju? To su žene koje pokušavaju učiniti modni svijet raznolikim i više etičkim. Istina je da je moda u UK jedna od najisplativijih industrija i jako je bitna za njihovo gospodarstvo, pa zašto ne bi potakli ljude da rade u toj industriji, pogotovo jer puno njih to želi, a ne zna kako. Puno ljudi želi raditi u modi i ako im ovo pomogne da nađu svoje mjesto i ako se smanji nezaposlenost, to je sjajno.

Alexa Chung on Positive Body Image and Diversity

How to become a fashion designer? 

How to get a Job at Vogue?

How to break into fashion industry?

Feminism in Fashion

Alexa: Fashion blogs and building your platform

How to run a fashion bussiness

How to set up an agency and fashion law

 I found all of the episodes to be very informative. They're professionally filmed and well developed. I really think that this series provides a unique view into the world of fashion. It is something that needed to be done. To conclude, I do recommend watching at least one of the episodes. If you have time, watch them all. Great production and meaninful content! We need more documentaries like this one. That would be all. I selected a few episodes that I liked the most. You can find them all here  (link to British Vogue youtube page). You can watch them separetely or you can watch the full documentary.

Mogu reći da su me se sve epizode ostavile dojam informiranosti, profesionalnosti,  te su dobro smišljene i snimljene. Stvarno mislim da ova serija dokumentaraca pruža jedinstven pogled u modni svijet. Trebalo je nešto ovakvo snimiti. Da zaključim, preporučavam da pogledate barem jednu epizodu, a imate li vremena, pogledate ih sve. Odlična produkcija i kvalitetan sadržaj. Treba nam više takvih dokumentaraca. To je sve za danas. Izabrala sam par episoda koje su mi najviše svidjele. Možete ih sve pronaći ovdje (poveznica na youtube profil od britanskoga Vogua). Možete ih gledati posebno ili cijeli dokumentarac zajedno.


  1. Hvala ti na preporuci! Ovo me baš interesuje. Alexa je sjajna i rado ću pogledati sve epizode. Baš sam i tražila nešto novo i inspirativno, a drago mi je što se neko pozabavio tom temom i na taj način. Što kažeš, mnogo ljudi bi nešto uradilo u tom svetu, a ne zna kako. Ja nisam neko živi za modu, ali kao laik i neko kome se taj svet generalno dopada, volim kada se ta tema produbi. Nažalost, moda je još uvek puna nekih predrasuda o površnosti i slično, pa su nam i potrebni takvi dokumentarci. Već danas ću pogledati neku epizodu :)

    1. meni je cijeli serijal bio neko osvježenje...konačno da se netko i ovim temama pozabavio na kvalitetan način.

  2. Great review sweetheart...thx for sharing!

  3. Wow, that would take quite some time to watch them all, nevesrtheless thx for sharing, Ivana. Happy Friday.

    1. actually all of them together would take less time to watch than an average movie. The episodes are only 12 minutes long.

  4. Ciao Ivana non conoscevo questa nuova serie dedicata alla moda questo è il bello dei blog conoscere cose nuove che altrimenti non avremmo mai trovato
    Un bacio

  5. It seems to be very interesting! Overall, the British documentary, is well known as a superby done. Fashion is a part of our life, along with food culture and I always treat these problems very seriously! Have to watch it later ( I'm in a hurry right now) :D

  6. I think Alexa Chung's skills as a presenter sometimes get lost because she is so known for being a fashion icon. I've heard of this series but I have not watched it yet. I will definitely have to check it out now with your recommendation. The topics seem quite informative and interesting.

  7. I had never heard of this series before :) I'm curious, so I'm saving them to watch later tonight!

  8. Super review! Have a lovely weekend! Kisses:)


  9. Great review <3


  10. Sviđa mi se preporuka, pogledat ću ove filmiće koje si linkala.
    volim dokumentarce o modi, ima tu puno toga o čemu se da istraživati.

  11. That is so cool, I have to watch all the videos! I once met Alexa Chung in person and she is really sweet. Feel free to stop by my blog, xo ;-)

  12. Hvala na preporuci Ivanice! Alexu obozavam i jedva cekam da odgledam dokumentarce :-)

  13. Gledala sam prvu epizodu i svidjela mi se. Volim Alexu i pristup koji je dan. Jako profesionalno i realno. Nisam pogledala sve, ali bi svakako trebala!


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