Book review of the day/ Ogled knjige dana ( Uršula Tolj: Uz kavu i čokoladu)

They say we shouldn't judge a book by its cover, but sometimes a cover can give us a pretty good idea about what kind of a book it might be. I picked this up from the library because I really liked the cover. Plus, I wanted to read something different. Lately I've been reading a lot of classics, so I was in a mood for something lighter. Chic-lit? Why not? I might give it a try once in a while. Turns out it is not my cup of tea after all, but I don't regret picking it up. It was a fun light read. A bit too light for my taste, but no hard feelings. It is not that I really disliked it, it just wasn't my kind of book.

Kažu da ne bismo trebali suditi knjigu po koricama, ali ponekad nam korice daju naslutiti kakva bi mogla biti knjiga. Ovu sam posudila iz knjižnice jer mi se svidjela naslovnica. Uz to, htjela sam pročitati nešto drugačije. U zadnje vrijeme čitam puno klasike, pa sam htjela probati nešto drugačije. Chic-lit? Zašto ne? Mogu i to povremeno probati.  Ispada da to ipak nije za mene, ali nije mi žao što sam posudila ovu knjigu. Bilo je to lagano i zabavno štivo. Previše lagano za moj ukus, ali nemam nekih zamjerki. Nije da mi se baš nije svidjela, jednostavno nije za mene. 

This is a cute little column book, but (IMO) not very interesting. I had a deja vu feeling while I was reading it. Basically it narrates conversations between friends and the narrator of the book, followed by refections of the narrator herself. What do women talk about when men aren't around? That is what you can find out in this book....or to be more precise, in this book you can found out what this author and her friends are talking about when men aren't around. I don't really talk about these things with my girlfriends. Anyway, their conversations are quite interesting at times. The reflections about these conversations not so much. Often what they talk about are 3 subjects: men, themselves and their relationships with men- no surprise there. This book is composed of Tolj's columns. Most of them felt somewhat repetitive, because it's basically 3 subjects over and over again, but there were a few of them that I really liked. 

Ovo je simpatična knjiga kolumbi, ali po meni i nije vrlo zanimljiva. U stvari prepričava razgovore između prijateljica, koje onda analizira sama autorica. O čemu žene pričaju kada nema muškaraca u blizini? To možete saznati u ovoj knjizi, ili bolje rečeno možete saznati o čemu priča ova spisateljica i njene prijateljice.  Ja o tome baš i ne pričam s prijateljicama. Uglavnom, njihovi razgovori su ponekad dosta zanimljivi. Promišljanja o tim razgovorima? Nekako nedorečena.  Većinom pričaju o muškarcima, sebi i svom odnosu s muškarcima- tu nema iznenađenja. Ovo je zapravo knjiga kolumni. Većina njih se pomalo ponavljala, ali poneke su mi se doista svidjele. 

This is a likeable light reading, perhaps best consumed with coffee and chocolate- as the title would suggest. Unless, you hate cholocate and coffee but then what kind of a woman are you? I love chocolade and coffee, and together they're a perfect match. I know it is cliche for a woman to love chocolade, but who cares? Back to this book, I'm assuming that most readers will be women, that's the targeted audience I would say. Typical chic-lit in many way, but of decent quality. In fact, I think most women would be able to recognize themselves in one of these columns...and I'm pretty sure this one would make you laugh at least once.

Dopadljivo lagano štivo, a preporučila bi ga konzumirati uz kavu i čokoladu- baš kao što naslov daje naslutiti. Osim ako ne volite kavu i čokoladu, ali onda kakva ste vi žena? Ja volim čokoladu i kavu, po mogućnosti zajedno jer su savršen spoj. Znam da je klišej da žena voli čokoladu, ali koga briga?  Natrag na temu...Pretpostavljam da će većina čitateljica biti žene, nekako je priča i sve ostalo usmjerena prema tomu. Chic-lit, ali kvaliteta nije loša. Mislim da će se svaka žena moći u ovoj knjizi pomalo prepoznati i sigurno barem jednom nasmijati. 

Truth be told, this book isn't very original, but I do think it's genuine and in that sense somewhat interesting. I'm not a big fan of this kind of columns in general because well- they rarely appeal to me. These columns weren't bad, I liked them more than some others that I have read. Still, they're simply not my cup of tea. In the end, reading this book took longer than I expected, but as I sad I don't regret it.  I suppose that the main reason why I didn't enjoy this book that much was because I had this feeling I heard about it all before. It is not that the author copied anyone, I don't think she did---It is just that these themes were explored many times and they don't resonate with me at the moment.

Iskreno, knjiga mi se ne čini jako originalnom, ali mislim da je iskrena i to je čini donekle zanimljivom. Općenito nisam neki ljubitelj kolumni jer jednostavno nisu za mene.  Ove kolumne nisu tako loše, draže su mi od nekih drugih koje sam čitala, ali opet nisam neki ljubitelj.  Na kraju je čitanje ove knjige potrajalo duže nego što sam očekivala, ali kao što sam rekla nisam požalila. Glavni razlog zašto me ova knjiga nije oduševila je bio taj što sam imala osjećaj da sam sve to već čula. Ne mislim da je autorica ikoga kopirala, sigurna sam da nije. Jednostavno se možda radi o tome da se o svim ovim temama već puno pisalo, a i nisu mi pretjerano zanimljive u ovom trenutku.

Let's connect!    

Povežimo se!


  1. Really so funny how they say don't judge a book etc. I agree with you that sometimes a cover might give pointers to what kind of book it might be. As an educator we rely heavily on "judging" books by their covers especially at my grade level. I admire you for being able to make time for reading.
    Everyday I say I will and I never do.
    I just took a moment to reflect on what I discuss with my friends in the absence of our hubbys. Not much that they're not welcome to be a part of. I love light reads when I can squeeze them in which is not very often but the repetition as you describe it would probably have bored me so much so I'd have glossed through and be done with it real quick.
    It is so cliche for women to love chocolate which explains why they are gifted that so much. Whats not to love though. I'm actually enjoying some, part of my daughter's Halloween haul as I read.
    Glad to read that all in all it was a good book that would actually elicit laughter in most.
    Have a lovely weekend Ivana.

    1. thank you...yes, a bit of laughter goes a long way and that is why I forgave this book for being so repetitive.

  2. Interesting review Ivana! Have a wonderful weekend! Kisses:))


  3. It´s just reading for fun, to read and to forget.)))

  4. Great review...thx for sharing! xx

  5. Sometimes good cover could sell the book!

  6. Simpaticno lagano stivo, bas zgodno uz kafu i cokoladu :-) Bas bi mi dobro dosla ova knjizica po ovom monotonom kisnom danu :-*

  7. "Ja o tome baš i ne pričam s prijateljicama." :) Ova me rečenica oduševila. Ja nisam baš od takvih knjiga...općenito nisam za chic-lit ali možda nisam pronašla pravu. Ako mi se već čita ljubić, izabrati ću neki povijesno-ljubavni, a ne New York, štikle i slično. Nije da nekoga omalovažavam ali tako nešto mene osobno ne može oduševiti. Rađe neki časopis ako želim odmoriti mozak. Ja sam više za knjige koje kad pročitaš, ne možeš doći k sebi pet dana...tako je to kod mene! :)


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