My (fashion) illustrations and paintings have played a key part in my blogging last month. That is why I decided to decidate a special post to them. If you missed anything last month, now you can catch up. I also included quotes and links to the post, so (if you want to, you can put the pictures in the context.
Kada se radi o mome bavljenju blogom prošloga mjeseca, (modne) ilustracije i slike su igrale ključnu ulogu. Stoga sam im odlučila posvetiti posebnu objavu. Ako ste što propustili prošloga mjeseca, sada možete nadoknaditi. Uključila sam i poveznice na objave, a i citate iz objava, tako da možete ako želite povezati sliku s porukom.
"A new month always feel like a fresh start, doesn't it? There is something lovely about a day that is the first day of something. First of a new month, a new year, a new relationship, a new job, a new school or university year and so on. In many ways, we're always hungry for a fresh start- and why shouldn't we be? Isn't this possibility of making a fresh start the most precious thing about being a human being? "
" Ima nešto divno u dani koji je prvi nečega. Prvi dan u mjesecu, prvi dan nove godine, nove veze, novoga posla, novoga posla, nove školske ili sveučilišne godine itd. Na više načina, uvijek smo gladni svježega početka, A zašto ne bismo bili? Zar nije mogućnost kretanja ispočetka najvrijednija stvar u našoj ljudskoj prirodi? "
"A new week. A new month. Who knows what it means? Who knows what it will bring? I have no idea and sometimes that is not such a bad thing. I have tons of plans and desires. At times too much inspiration can be distracting. When I end up feeling a bit disoriented, I remind myself to take it one day at the time."
" Novi tjedan. Novi mjesec. Tko zna što to sve znači? Tko zna što će donijeti? Nemam pojma i ponekad to i nije loše stvar. Imam hrpu planova i želja, a ponekad previše inspiracije može odvući pažnju. Kada se osjećam dezorijentirana, podsjetim se uzeti dan za dan."
"Some people claim that the hat is the most noticeable fashion accessory one can wear. On one level this makes sense. We know that human communication is predominately visual. Moreover, reading facial expressions is something we all do. In other words, when we look at a person the first things what we will pay attention to is the face. Our faces find a fundamental role in communication. We can look at fashion as a form of communication too. I'm not sure would I call the hat the most noticeable fashion accessory, but I would agree that it is one of the most noticeable. I think that everything we wear in the vicinity of our face is something that will draw the eye. So, I would say that scarves, hair decorations, headbands, earrings and necklaces are just as noticeable as hats. When we talk to one another, we're usually looking one another in the face. Obviously, those items that are near our face are those that will get noticed the most. Having that in mind, hats can indeed be a very useful accessory. What do you think about wearing hats? Do you like wearing hats?"
"Neki tvrde da je šešir najuočljiviji modni detalj koji se može nositi. U jednu ruku, to ima smisla. Znamo da je ljudska komunikacija većinom temeljena na vizualnom. Zapravo svi mi čitamo izraze s lica. Drugim riječima, kada gledamo u neku osobu, prva stvar koju primijetimo je lice. Naša lica imaju bitnu ulogu u komunikaciji. Možemo gledati modu kao vid komunikacije. Nisam sigurna bi li šešir nazvala najviše primjetnim modnim dodatkom, ali je sigurno jedan od najviše primjetnih. Mislim da je sve što nosimo u blizini lica ono što će najprije privući oko. Tako da bi rekla da su šalovi, ukrasi i trake za kosu, naušnice i ogrlice, jednako primjetne kao i šeširi. Očito je da je sve ono što nam se nalazi oko lica zapravo ono što najviše dolazi do izražaja. Imajući to u vidu, šeširi stvarno mogu biti koristan modni dodatak. Što vi kažete? Volite li nositi šešire?"
"Sometimes the price for happy fingers is unhappy spine. Right now, after drawing for straight two hours my fingers are pretty content, but my spine is not thanking me. Anyhow, this is not one of the drawings I was working on today, but you'll get to see those soon enough. I draw this girl a few days ago. I quite like how she turned out."
"Nekad je cijena za sretne prste- nesretna leđa. Sada, nakon što sam puna dva sata crtala, moji prsti su jako zadovoljni, ali leđa mi ne zahvaljuju...mislim da je vrijeme da odem u šetnju. Uglavnom, ovo nije jedan od crteža na koji sam radila danas, ali vidjet ćete i te uskoro. Nacrtala sam ovu djevojku prije nekoliko dana. Sviđa mi se kako je ispala."
"Here is my fashion inspiration of the day. Once again, I'm sharing a pencil drawing. I'm not sure about the inspiration behind it, but I would love to have a gym outfit that would look something like this. I don't actually go to gym, but you know what I mean. Sportswear isn't synonym for sloppy anymore, no, no, no. Nowadays, sporty outfits can be as stylish as those dressed up ones. Yellow and black always makes me think of wasps. I don't like wasps, but I love this colour combination. Go figure! Another thing I love is red long as it is not on me (red hair is not a right look for me). How do you like this illustration? "
"Još jedna modna ilustracija nacrtana bojicama. Nisam sigurna koja je točno bila inspiracija za nju, ali sada kada je gledam mogu vam reći da bi mi baš dobro došao jedan ovakvi kompletić za teretanu (zapravo i ne idem u teretanu, ali znate na što mislim). Sportska odjeća više nije sinonim za zapušteno. Danas sportske kombinacije mogu biti jednako stilski usklađene kao i one dotjerane. Žuta i crna me uvijek podsjećaju na ose. Ne volim ih baš, ali volim ovu kombinaciju boja. Eto! Još jedna stvar koju volim je crvena kosa...dok nije na meni (baš mi i ne stoji crvena kosa). Kako vam se sviđa ova ilustracija?"
"They say that a smile is the best fashion accessory. Do you agree? Is smile really the best fashion accessory? If that is true, why runaway models don't smile? Maybe so they wouldn't distract the audience from the clothes? That's actually an interesting topic, but I won't get into that now. Tonight I will talk about my smiling philosophy. I try to find something to smile about every day. Not every day is going to be a good one, but we can always steal a smile or two for ourselves and those dear to us, can't we? Sometimes even a ghost of a smile is a success. If life is a bittersweet symphony, why not make use of its merry sounds? Perhaps we should take in all the sweetness we can from life. A smile is a form of sweetness, isn't it? It can even be a result of mixed emotions. Haven’t you ever seen a bittersweet smile or smiled one yourselves? I gave up about worrying about the duality of human emotions a long time ago."
" Kažu da je osmijeh najbolji modni detalj? Slažete li se? Je li osmijeh doista najbolji modni detalj? Ako jest, zašto se onda modeli na revijama nikad ne smiju? Možda da ne odvlače pozornost publike sa same odjeće? To je zanimljiva tema, ali neću o tome danas. Večeras govorim o svojoj filozofiji osmijeha. Trudim se svakoga dana pronaći neki razlog za osmijeh. Neće svaki dan biti dobar, ali uvijek možemo ukrasti osmijeh ili dva za sebe i najbliže, zar ne? Ponekad je i poluosmijeh uspjeh. Ako je život gorkoslatka simfornija, zašto ne bismo iskoristili njene radosne note? Možda trebamo uzeti svu slatkoću koju možemo iz života. Osmijeh je oblik slatkoće, zar ne?Može čak i biti rezultat pomiješanih osjećaja. Jeste li ikada vidjeli gorkoslatki osmijeh ili se sami tako nasmijali? Ja sam odustala od brige o dualnosti ljudskih emocija davno."
"Today I'm sharing another fashion illustration with you. Once again it is a pencil drawing. This one depicts a purple haired lady wearing an orange dress with an interesting purple detail. I'm not sure what the inspiration for this one was, but I've been wearing orange a bit more often lately. It seems like a perfect Autumn colour to me."
"Danas dijelim još jednu modnu ilustraciju s vama. Još jednom radi se o crtežu bojicama. Ovaj prikazuje damu ljubičaste kose koja nosi narančastu haljinu s zanimljivim ljubičastim detaljom. Nisam sigurna što je bilo nadahnuće, ali u zadnje vrijeme nosim dosta narančaste. Čini mi se kao idealna jesenja boja."
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Not all who wander are lost..... |
Autumn has arrived. It lingers in the air. All my blazers take, once again, a prominent place in my closet…there they are hanging on the closet hangers but mixed with my Summer clothes, for you never know, do you? There will be plenty of sunny days to come. Mostar might be famous for its rains, but it is even more famous for its sunshine. The coats will be in rotation soon enough though, but not just yet. The air is colder. Too sudden of a change for my linking. It cost me a headache but I got over it. Rainy day…and then one blissful day of sunshine. Just to let you know you never know what to expect, but I know that. Do I? Perhaps I do. It is not an easy lesson to take, grand me that. Anything might happen. Everything that might happen will happen, you know the Murphy law. But it doesn’t have to be all bad, as the movie Interstellar would imply.
Jesen je stigla. Tu je u zraku. Svi moji blajzeri zauzimaju opet značajno mjesto u mome ormaru....tu su vise na vješalicama, ali pomiješani s ljetnom odjećom jer se nikad ne zna, zar ne? Biti će još sunčanih dana,jer ako je Mostar poznat po svojim kišama, poznat je i po sunčanim danima. Uskoro će se nositi kaputi, ali ne još. Zrak je hladniji. Previše nagla promjena za moj ukus. Koštala me glavobolje, ali nekako sam to preboljela. Kišni dani...i onda jedan divan sunčani dan. Čisto da ti da do znanja da nikad ne znaš što te čeka, ali ja to znam....Znam li? Možda i znam. Nije to laka životna lekcija, dozvolite mi to...Sve se može dogoditi. Sve što se može dogoditi će se dogoditi, kao što kaže Murphy-jev zakon, a to ne mora biti nužno nešto loše, kao što se pokazalo u filmu Interstellar.
Life as usual. Lots of coffee (possibly too much). Lots of drawing (not nearly enough to end up with something I really like). Illustration after illustration after illustration...Today I finally remember to take photographs of this one. A blue eyed girl. A girl with a camera. Are you a person with a camera? Are you the one everyone asks to take a photo with? Do you enjoy photography? if yes, in what way? Who is your favourite photographer? How do you take your photos? With a cam? A tablet? A cellphone/smartphone/iphone? Or in some other way? I love photography....and I really really miss my cam. Its lenses broke months ago. I never suspected that I will miss photography this much. At the moment, I'm using a yoga tablet, but it is not quite the same.
Inače, život kao i obično. Puno kave (možda previše). Puno crtanja ( ipak nedovoljno da budem s nečim doista zadovoljna.) Ilustracija za ilustracijom za ilustracijom....Danas sam se konačno sjetila uslikatu ovu. Plavoka djevojka. Djevojka s fotoaparatom. Jeste li vi osoba s fotoaparatom? Jeste li vi onaj kojega svi pitaju da ih slika? Uživate li u fotografiji i ukoliko jeste, na koji način? Tko je vaš najdraži fotograf? S čime fotografirate? S fotoparatom? Tabletom? Mobitelom/ Pametnim telefonom/ iphonom? Ili na neki drugi način? Ja volim fotografiju...i doista mi nedostaje moja kamera (leće su joj se pokvarile prije par mjeseci). Nisam nikada mislila da će mi toliko nestojati fotografija. Trenutno koristim yoga tablet za fotografije, ali nije to to.
Tonight, I've prepared two fashion drawings for you. Purple and green together? Why not? A maxi dress in Autumn? Why not? A purple maxi dress worn with a green coat because I love colours and I love the unexpected. It is always great to break the routine with a bit of colour. Blue and green together? Why not? That's another brilliant colour combination. Green wide trousers and a blue turtleneck. Wide trousers are a clothing item that always looks sophisticated to me. As soon as it gets cold(er), I start wearing turtlenecks. They are another item that always says 'classy' to me. Can you go wrong with wearing a black coat? I don't think so. Hence, the second illustration of the day is something I wouldn't mind wearing myself. Thank you for reading!
Večeras sam pripremila dva modna crteža za vas. Zelena i ljubičasta zajedno? Zašto ne? Duga haljina u jesen? Zašto ne? Duga ljubičasta haljina nošena s zelenim kaputom jer volim boje i volim neočekivano. Uvijek je dobro malo razbiti rutinu bojom. Zelena i plava zajedno? Zašto ne? To je još jedna sjajna kombinacija boja. Zelene hlače širokoga kroja i plava dplčevita. Široke hlače su odjevni komad koji mi se uvijek čini sofisticiranim. Čim malo zahladi, počnem nositi dolčevite, jer one su još jedan odjevni komad koji je za mene uvijek elegantan. Možemo li pogriješiti ako nosimo crni kaput? Mislim da ne. To moje mišljenje se odražava na drugoj ilustraciji koja je nešto što bih i sama rado nosila. Hvala na čitanju!
Truth be told, it being early in the morning, I didn’t feel much in mood for the painting, but I know that later on, I might not get the chance. It is not that I had a crazy busy day ahead, but life gets in the way of your creative hobbies unless you set time for them. I knew that later on there will be meals (lunch/dinner) to be prepared and desserts and all kind of food (I mean what is Sunday without all the extra fun? I need calories for a day to feel like a proper Sunday), and besides by the end of the day who knows will I have the energy. Moreover, I do believe in what Picasso said. Inspiration exists but it has to find you working. If we wait for inspiration, we’ll probably never get much work done.
Iskreno, tako rano ujutro, baš i nisam bila raspoložena za slikanje, ali sam znala da kasnije možda i neću imati prilike. Nije da sam imala neki ludo zauzet dan, ali ako ne odvojimo vrijeme za kreativne hobije, život se uvijek nekako umiješa u sve. Znala sam da će kasnije trebati spremati ručak i večeru i deserte i svašta nešto (mislim što je nedjelja bez svega toga? Trebaju mi kalorije da bi mi nedjelja bila prava), a osim toga tko zna hoću li imati energije kad dan dođe kraju. Uz to, vjerujem u ono što je Picasso rekao, nadahnuće postoji, ali mora vas pronaći dok radite. Čekamo li nadahnuće, nećemo puno toga obaviti.
Inspired by Tijana
There was only one
Inspired by feature last month, so I'm publishing it in this post with the rest of my paintings. I hope I manage to do a few
Inspired by posts this month. It depends on my leisure time, so we'll have to wait and see. Thank you for reading!
Prošli mjesec bila je samo jedna objava u rubrici Nadahnuta s, tako da je objavljujem u ovoj objavi, zajedno s drugim svojim slikama. Nadam se da ću uspjeti napraviti još nekoliko Nadahnuta s objava ovoga mjeseca. Ovisi o mome slobodnom vremenu, ostaje nam vidjeti kako će se stvari razvijati.
this post is so lovely and the pics are so mesmerizing...xx
ReplyDeletethank you!
DeleteIt´s a great idea to put all the pics of the month together! I enjoyed looking at them a lot, thanx!
DeleteOdlicne ilustracije, kao i uvek :)
very creative love all of them :)
DeleteBas lepo i kreativno.
ReplyDeleteMarch and May
I love those illustrations:)
DeleteCute :)
ReplyDeleteWhat you think about follow each other? Follow me, let me know and I follow you ^__^
DeleteThis is great! Thank you so much for sharing.
ReplyDelete** Join Love, Beauty Bloggers on facebook. A place for beauty and fashion bloggers from all over the world to promote their latest posts!
DeleteSo beautiful
ReplyDelete<3 | X ALY | Aly In Wanderland | New Post
DeleteYou hat a very creative month, Ivana. Beautiful post as well.
ReplyDeleteHope you are feeling better today, girl.
yes, I had a very creative month.
DeleteHey Ivana, how you doing?! Hope you're feeling better now. Well I can see that because there is a lot of energy in this post which is AMAZING! Love the idea of doing a recap month by month, sometimes I miss some content but you know I am a fan of your work, the ideas that come out of your head... You definitely have talent and you know how to spot the right amount of inspiration in the daily details of life ;) Congrats on that! Love every single piece, so I can't go for a single one to tag as my favorite :D
yes, I'm feeling better, thank you.
Deletebellissimi disegni Ivana
ReplyDeletebuon mercoledì, un abbraccio
<<< tr3ndygirl fashion & beauty blogger >>>
DeleteI really think that you're illustrations are getting better and better :)
DeleteCerto che ne hai di immaginazione per riuscire a creare tante illustrazioni Ivana!
ReplyDeleteCome sai quello che amo di più dei tuoi disegni sono i colori, trovo che tu riesca a creare delle combinazioni davvero belle ed originali senza scivolare nello stravagante!
Ciò non toglie che apprezzo moltissimo anche il tratto ed il disegno, sei molto brava e si vede che li fai con il cuore! :)
<3 grazie tesoro
DeleteI agree with you, dear Ivana, that the price of happy fingers is a bad spine :) And that a smile is the best accessory, but yes, models go to shows all like they had been punched, so angry :) I loved your illustrations, as usual! I also have some that I do, with motivational words. One day I may share. The same as you brilliantly did here, for people to be motivated! I don't drink coffee, but if we ever meet - and I would love it - I may have a cup with you! Hope you have a very nice day, Ivana!
I drink tea too:) we can try that:)
DeleteThey really are fab! I do like them. That new outfit with the green trousers and blue turtleneck is wonderful! I would TOTALLY wear that!!! Brilliant as ever Ivana!x
ReplyDeletethank you
DeleteLove this! :)
ReplyDeleteSaw your blog and thought if you would like to follow each other? Follow me and I'll follow back asap. Let me know what you think. I'd love to hear something from you! :)
Though i don't understand your post, i am so amaze with your drawings you have the talent. They are so pretty and fab.^^
Piękne prace.Podziwiam są piekne.Pozdrawiam serdecznie.
ReplyDeleteLe tue illustrazioni sono una più bella dell'altra Ivana!
ReplyDeleteShopping Girls
Svaka ponaosob je fantastična i tako drugačija, a ovako sve zajendo još više dolaze do izražaja. Još jednom ti hvala što si uvrstila i moju sliku :) Sviđa mi se i kako si stavila i po segment teksta iz svake objave. Jesu one same po sebi izražajne, ali uz opis dobijaju ono nešto posebno :) Jako lepo <3