
Showing posts from January 23, 2013

DIY leggings + 2 outfits post/ detalj na tajicama (gegama/helankama) i dvije odjevne kombinacije post

 What follows is a low cost DIY. I realized that all of my leggings are black and hence boring (unlike my stockings but about my obsession with colourful stockings some other time).  I decided I'll take a pair of leggings and make them fun. Easy said (and in this case), easy done.  I just added some colourful buttons on them and that's it. Slijedi jedan vrlo povoljan način ( za većinu nas i besplatan) za ukrašavanje gega ( tajica ili helanki kako tko već kaže), jednostavno ušijte dugmad (botune kako bi ja rekla) na njih. Eto lako reći, a u ovom slučaju i lako uraditi. Sigurna sam kako imate sve što trebate kući.    I've been kind of busy so I  haven't planed to take an outfit photo  but I ran into a friend in a store (Peko Slovenian shoe brand), so she took a photo of me with my nephew.  I think you can see the DIY leggings pretty well, it's not an outfit post kind of photo but it's the best I can do. She said ...