Hutovo blato revisited (a little place to call my own) / Ponovni posjet Hutovom blatu (moje mjesto pod suncem)

Today's post is, as you can probably guess, a continuation of the last one. The location is the same, we're still in this amazingly beautiful swamp and nature park Hutovo blato located near Capljina, Herzegovina. The outfit is pretty much the same, minus the red blazer. That's the advantage of layering. If it gets warm, you can always take a clothing item (or two) off and when you start feeling chilly, you can put it back on. Besides, layering is the best way to get our creative juices flowing. I really like how this dress looks layered under this off shoulder top. If you look carefully, you will see that this top has an inscription 'a little place to call my own', which refers to my blog. It seems appropriate wearing it at this place, where I feel so at home.

Današnja objava je kao što možete pogoditi nastavak prošle. Lokacija je ista, još uvijek smo u ovoj prekrasnoj močvari i parku prirode Hutovo blato, koje se nalazi blizu Čapljine u Hercegovini. Odjevna kombinacija je također slična, samo nedostaje crveni sako. To je prednost slojevitoga odijevanja. Postane vam vruće, skinete jedan odjevni komad (ili dva), a ako vam postane hladno nabacite opet taj odjevni komad. Osim toga, slojevito odijevanje je najbolji način da naši kreativni sokovi krenu. Sviđa mi se kako ova haljina izgleda nošena ispod ove majice golih ramena. Pogledate li pažljivo, vidjet ćete da ova majica ima natpis "a little place to call my own", koje se odnosi na moj blog.  Čini mi se prikladnim nositi je na ovom mjestu, koje osjećam kao svoje.

What makes some place special to us? Memories? If yes, what kind of memories?  When makes us motivated to revisit some place? Is it when we have visited that place only once? Or is it continuous visit that make it special? I know it all depends, but still I wonder. Why do we return to some places? To revive a certain experience? Sometimes people return to places of sadness, so that they can come to terms with something that happened. In that case, that experience is a kind of catharsis.  Sometimes people return to places that remind them of some failure just to remind themselves that past holds no power over them. Are good memories as potent as bad ones? What holds more power? Or does it depend on our current mood? 

The older I get, the more I doubt that we really control our memories. In a way, we all do for we all have a selective memory. We interpret events as we see fit and remember them accordingly to our present system of thought (or belief). That being said, sometimes memories have a mind of their own. They come and go, without us invoking them. Have you ever experiences this? Remembering something you wanted to forget in detail and not being able to remember something you want. Have you ever struggled to bring back some old passion or desire? Have you ever seen a ghost of past love? Memories are a curious subject, so let’s examine an association, a  distant cousin of the memory. Associations? Do they make us revisit places? We might be linking positive things with a certain places, even without the help of memories. What does it all really comes down to? Personal preferences? What makes us like anything? Is it a positive prejudice, belief, experience, a sum of personal opinions….Do these things determine whether or not we shall like something?

Što čini neko mjesto posebnim? Sjećanja? Ako da, kakva sjećanja? Kada smo najviše motivirani za ponovi posjet nekom mjestu? Je li to kada smo to mjesto posjetili samo jednom? Ili su ponovni posjeti ono što čine posjet posebnim? Znam da sve ovisi, ali se ipak pitam. Zašto se vraćamo na neka mjesta? Kako bi ponovno proživjeli neko iskustvo? Ponekad se ljudi vraćaju na mjesta tuge, kako bi se mogli pomiriti s onim što se dogodilo. U tom slučaju, to iskustvo je neka vrsta katarze. Ponekad se ljudi vraćaju na mjesta koja ih podsjećaju na neki poraz kako bi se podsjetili da prošlost nema moć nad njima. Jesu li dobre uspomene jednako snažne kao loše? Što ima veću moć? Ili to ovisi o našem trenutnom raspoloženju? 

Što sam starija, sve više dvojim da doista imamo kontrolu nad sjećanjima. Na neki način svi imamo selektivno sjećanje. Interpretiramo događaje kako želimo i sjećamo ih se pod utjecanjem sadašnjega sustava razmišljanja (ili vjere). Ipak, ponekad mišljenja imaju i neku svoju volju. Dolaze i dolaze, bez našega poziva. Jeste li ikada to iskusili? Sjećali se nečega što ste htjeli zaboraviti u detalje, a u isto vrijeme niste bili u mogućnosti sjetiti se nečega što ste željeli? Jeste li se ikada borili da vratite neki stari plamen ili želju? Jeste li ikada vidjeti duha prošle ljubavi? Sjećanja su neobična tema, pa pogledajmo malo asocijaciju, tu blisku rođakinju sjećanja. Asocijacije? Je li zbog njih ponovo posjećujemo neka mjesta? Jer uz njih vežemo pozitivne stvari koje možda i nemaju veze sa sjećanjima? Na što se sve na kraju svodi? Osobni izbori? Zbog čega nam se išta sviđa? Je li to pozitivna predrasuda, uvjerenje, iskustvo, suma osobnih mišljenja....Je li te stvari određuje hoće li nam se ili neće svidjeti nešto?

Whatever it might be that makes us love a certain place (and probably it is a sum of different factors), I know there always exists that X factor. It is like when we really like somebody. Often we cannot explain why we feel drawn to that person. There is still a bit of mystery left in this world and I quite like it that way. We don't have to always know everything and be able to explain everything. Secrets have a charm of their own. Relationship between people are always filled with paradoxes. We can live all our lives with one person, share everything with them and yet feel and be closer to some person we just met. I've seen it happen many times. Sometimes we just click with somebody and become friends in a matter of minutes. It doesn't happen often, but it's been known to happen. It may be because there is something deeper that links us to this person. We don't really know what it is. Or take this dress for example. I have worn it countless times and I will probably continue to wear it for a long time. What makes it so special? I don't know. The two of us just get along. It is the same way with places somehow. A connection of souls....and perhaps places have souls too. Did it ever happen to you that you felt connected with some place? In what way? Do you believe that places have souls of their own?

Što god bilo što nas navodi da volimo određeno mjesto ( a vjerojatno se radi o zbroju više faktora), znam da uvijek postoji i onaj faktor x. To je kao kada vam se netko jako sviđa. Često ne možemo osjetiti što nas točno privlači toj osobi. Ima još misterija u ovome svijetu i meni je drago što je tako. Ne moramo uvijek sve znati i sve moći objasniti. Tajne imaju svoju čar. Veze između ljudi su uvijek ispunjene paradoksima. Možemo cijeli život živjeti sa jednom osobom, sve dijeliti s njima i opet se osjećati bližima nekoj osobi koju smo tek upoznali. Veze između ljudi su uvijek pune paradoksa. Vidjela sam da se to događa puno puta. Nekad jednostavno se dogodi ta poveznica s nekom osobom i postanemo prijatelji za nekoliko minuta. Ne događa se često, ali događa se. Možda je to jer nas uz tu osobu veže nešto duboke. Ne znamo stvarno o čemu se radi. Ili uzmite ovu haljinu na primjer. Nosila sam je toliko puta i dalje ću je nositi. Što je čini tako posebnom? Jednostavno se nas dvije dobro slažemo. Tako je  nekako i sa mjestima. Poveznica duša...i možda i mjesta imaju duše. Je li se vama ikada dogodilo da se osjećate povezanima s nekim mjestom? Na koji način? Vjerujete li da mjesta imaju svoju dušu?

top/majica: old+DIY  painted/ stara + sama sam je oslikala
dress/haljina: old/stara
boots/ čizme: Peko
necklace/ogrlica: dresslink 


  1. I can see why you love this place so much and it looks like you had fun with these photos. I totally agree with what you said about selective memory. my husband always says I have that but honestly I think it's a natural tendency to filter out certain memories based on our feelings. And how we connect with certain things is just a mystery ;p

    1. thank you Rowena...I do agree that it is our natural tendency to filter our memories...and maybe we need to do it so our brain wouldn't be overwhelmed.

  2. Love your floral dress! ♥ This place looks wonderful and truly is calming. I bet you had a relaxing time there. Hope to hear from you soon!

    Love, Airish
    Gorgeous Glance

  3. Amazing photos:) You are so beautiful Hun:)

  4. Ohn really?! He is my fav. too :D

    You look super cool and comfy :D Love all photos!

    NEW INSPIRATION POST | Dress To Express: First Day Of Autumn.
    InstagramFacebook Oficial PageMiguel Gouveia / Blog Pieces Of Me :D

  5. Well this place is amazing!! I can see why you like going here. I would as well. You look smashing, I love this outfit a lot and it looks perfect on you!! I hope you have a gorgeous weekend doll xx

    1. thanks Kizzy! I hope you have a lovely weekend too.

  6. Wowo, la location del post di oggi è spettacolare!
    Fabrizia - Cosa Mi Metto???

  7. Quanto mi piacciono le tue foto e la fantasia dell'abito è bellissima!
    Kisses, Paola.


    My Facebook

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  8. Hey dear Ivana, hope everything is going right! You always show us different places that amaze me! Want to travel the world so I must better start to save money in my little pig :)

    This place remind me of a area in Mexico called Xochimilco (kinda difficult to write but try to google it) haha with the trees, the water and the boats! Love the outfit and the confidence you show, I know I always say the same but confidence is the most valuable accessory :D

    All the best, sweetie!

    1. thank you Pablo, I hope you get to visit this place some day.

  9. Fantastic post! Happy weekend.


  10. What a beautifully written post! Memories are wonderful, although I think that human minds are such a complicated thing that I wouldn't even begin to try and understand them. I often find that as time goes by I tend to kind of remember things in a better light, through rose-tinted glasses. I have a lot of warm memories associated with my time growing up in Poland although I know it wasn't always easy back then. :) I think sometimes nostalgia just takes over and influences how we remember things long-term. Really loving your beautiful photos, something so enchanting about them & I love your outfit, it's so feminine and effortless! Hope you're having a beautiful week so far, hun. :) <3


  11. Being with nature is the best thing to do :)

    Maybe you'd like to see my new post Color Zombie Loving the bracelet!


  12. OMG! what a beautiful beautiful photo story, Ivana. Again I love the romantic touch, just beautiful. Have a lovely Friday, girl.

  13. What a stunning place for a photoshoot, it reminds me of the Backwaters of Kerala! I love your vibrant skirt accompanied by the verdant landscape. xxx

    1. thank you dear. It is a lovely place to be at it and it is a bonus that it is a pretty good location for a photoshoot as well:)

  14. You look so pretty in this skirt and boots.
    Nina's Style Blog

  15. Ma che meraviglia è questo posto Ivana!!! Si vede che sei felice e a tuo agio nelle foto!
    Sei bellissima nelle foto tutta sorridente! :D
    Anche io penso che ognuno di noisi leghi ad un posto per motivi diversi, e certamente i bei ricordi hanno un ruolo fondamentale in questo, ma penso che che ci sia qualcosa in più, una specie di attrazione inspiegabile (altrimenti ci affezioneremmo a tutti i posti in cui ci siamo divertiti, no?): a me èsuccesso sia a Parigi che in Grecia, a differenza di tanti altri bei posti in cui sono stata, è stato amore a prima vista!
    Naturalmente adoro anche Roma, qui ho tanti posti "speciali", ma in questo caso non sparei se sono i ricordi a prevalere! :)

    1. grazie per il tuo, a volte e un amore a prima vista! Per me Roma e stato un amore a prima vista:) voglio tornare:)

  16. Nice words, I really agree with you on all that you said regarding memories. We tend to remember things differently base on the feelings we have in the present.
    Lovely pictures, I hope you are enjoying your time.
    Have a lovely weekend ahead :)
    Sauniya | Find Your Bliss ♡

  17. My husband always said that I have selective memory...and that I choose to remember what and how I want. LOL! I revisit places that I have fond memories of, they give me the best feelings.

    Shireen | Reflection of Sanity

    1. if it is of any consolation, I think we all have a selective memory:) is just how our brain works.

  18. Gorgeous! You look lovely dear and lovely location! xx

  19. Hi lovely! I think your outfit is Fall perfection! That skirt is so cute and so are you in these photos. :) I also enjoyed reading your reflexions on memories, it was quite interesting. I'm still in my 20's yet I find myself remembering different things quite often. I wouldn't say i live in the past but I'm certainly guilty of looking back sometimes.

  20. Thanks my dear :D You're amazing :D

    NEW REVIEW POST | Facial Cleansing Tonic For Normal and Mixed Skins.
    InstagramFacebook Oficial PageMiguel Gouveia / Blog Pieces Of Me :D

  21. Nedavno sam i ja posjetila Hutovo blato, moram priznati da sam na neki način emotivno vezana za to mjesto, što zbog vožnje čamcem, što zbog različitih životinjskih vrsta koje žive u tom nacionalnom parku, odličan post, originalna tema, svaka čast. ♥

    1. vožnja je baš nešto posebno,zar ne? Tako se najbolje vidi park, a nije ni nešto skupa. Ja sam bila jednom, ali sigurno ću opet nekad.

  22. Our memory dont tell us always right.

  23. Itekako imaju dusu! Primetila sam da sam na nekim mestima, sto bi rekli, kao svoj na svome. Definitivno, kao i sa ljudima, ima neke hemije i sa mestima koja posecujemo iznova i iznova jer nam bude samo pozitivna osecanja.
    Svidja mi se haljinica i u ovakvoj slojevitoj varijanti. Divna ti i prekrasna priroda!

    1. drago mi je da se slažemo...hvala ti na svim komentarima:)

  24. You look fantastic in this outfit! Layering in an autumnal way is my beloved style, although here is impossible to wear like this at the moment, because is rainy and chilly. We in Poland call it " na cebulkę" ( like an onion) - you can change it following the weather. I do love to wear summer skirts along with warm, autumnal tights:-)

  25. What a place !!! I can imagine the warmth of the sun, and bird singing an all the soothing murmur of nature. Memories - can we control them? - I think we can somehow 'delite' the bad ones. And in a way we can direct what we want to remember - it's like positive thinking - we can learn how to do it. You look like a little Mermaid - beautiful. Cheers - Margot :)

  26. Hutovo blato is such incredible place!!! Very happy and romantic images. Love them so much!
    Ivana, I think, the gray color fits you perfect! You look very elegant. Love how you have styled this outfit. You look so classy, dear)
    Have a wonderful week ahead, dear!

  27. A serene and lovely setting and some amazing shots of you in those tights! So exciting to be so close as to see the pattern on them and that back shot is super sexy!! Wowow :)

    All Things Bright and Lovely

  28. Ja svakako verujem da mesta imaju dušu i da na nekima jednostavno osećamo posebno dobro, kao što se i sa nekim osobama prepoznamo u sekundi i stvore se neke neobjašnjive veze. Isto mislim da i ne moramo da nađemo vezu i smisao u baš svemu. Sećanja, emocije, uspomene, bile one slektivne ili ne, mislim da su samo igra našeg mozga koji ima običaj da stvara neke svoje putanje i traži nove veze, mada zavisi sve i od raspoloženja i trenutka. U stanju sam da u jednom danu osetim toliko paradoksalnih stvari, pa je nekad bolje i ne ulaziti previše u analize.
    Rekla sam ti već više puta koliko je čarobno to mesto, a ove fotografije su mi posebno lepe. Sve deluje tako idilično i rajski, ma da ti stane pamet od lepote <3

  29. What a beautiful setting for photographs. I love shots that include nature, thank you for your comment in my blog.

  30. Wonderful photos. Your outfit is very cute, I love your skirt :)

  31. Georgeous pictures and a lovely look! This skirt is so cute. You look amazing, dear!


  32. another great "place to call my own" post from you. i like such nature posts a lot. i like to walk in nature on my own a lot too. unfortunately i dont have the chance to walk in "5 minutes" to the sea (like you), but i have some really cool parks in my near.

    you wearing a nice outfit for a walk like this. and i see you have great weather on your side - this is good!



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