Outfit and painting of the day ( fairy tale) / Odjevna kombinacija i slika dana (bajka)
Fairy tales have always fascinated me.I supposed it could be told that both the 'fairy and the 'tale' in fairytale are equally interesting to me because these two aspects fascinate me a great deal. The
first aspect is the 'fairy' part and the second is the 'tale' part. Let's talk
about the 'fairy' aspect. By that I mean the mythological or the fantasy aspect
of fairy tales. Mythology is somewhat of a hobby of mine, I always loved researching
it, for it teaches us not only to understand different cultures and people, but
also how to make connections and see how all the nations and people have so
much in common. If you spend enough time reading fairy tales, you'll find
matching themes in all of them. There are myths that all cultures seem to
share, for example the myth about the creation of world. Another aspect of fairy
tales that I love has to do with storytelling. That would be the 'tale' in the
'fairy tale'. I always loved stories and I'm pretty sure that is one of things
that attracts me to fashion.
Bajke su me uvijek fascinirale. Pretpostavljam da je to zbog dva njihova aspekta, jedan je onaj koji se može nazvati "bajkovitim", a drugi je sama priča. Pričati ćemo malo o "bajkovitom" aspektu, a pod time mislim na mitološki i fantastični aspekt bajki. Mitologija mi je pomalo zanimacija. Uvijek sam je voljela istraživati, jer nas uči ne samo kako razumjeti druge ljude i kulture, nego i kako napraviti poveznice i vidjeti koliko svi narodi i ljudi imaju toga zajedničkog. Provedete li dovoljno vremena čitajući bajke, naći ćete teme koje se pojavljuju u svima njima. Postoje mitovi koje sve kulture dijele, na primjer mit o stvaranju svijeta. Drugi aspekt bajki koji volim ima veze s pričanjem priča, to bi bila sama priča koju bajka sadrži.Uvijek sam voljela priče i poprilično sa sigurna da je to ono što me privlači modi.
Yes, if there is such a thing as a fairy tale why there shouldn't be such a thing as a fashion tale? Don't tell me that fashion isn't about storytelling. When you're wearing an outfit, doesn't that outfit have its story and sometimes even a message? Aren't you making a statement of some kind with the clothes you wear? If you choose to wear whatever you grab at the moment and you attend a fashion event, won’t what you wear be seen as a statement even if you put no effort in it? Even avoiding to make a statement can be seen as making a statement? We talk with our clothes, there is no avoiding this fact. What we choose to wear may not reveal our personality completely, but it always carries a message of some sort. Fairy tale and fashion tale, those two terms may be closer than we realize. This painting I'm sharing with you today makes me think of fairy tales. However, it also makes me think of fashion history and the symbolism of colours. The fact I created this painting using old make up makes me think about other things as well, such as recycling and beauty industry. There are stories hidden in everywhere we do, there are always tales to be created and told.
Da, ako postoje bajke, zašto ne bi postojale i modne priče? Nemojte mi kazati da moda nije o pričanju. Kada nosite odjevnu kombinaciju, zar ona nema svoju priču, a ponekad i svoju poruku? Zar nije nekakav izričaj odjeća koju nosite? Ako odaberete nositi prvo što vam padne pod ruku i odete na neki modni događaj, zar se to neće tumačiti kao neka poruka pa čak i ako niste uložili nimalo truda u to? Mi govorimo s odjećom, to se ne može izbjeći. Ono što odaberemo nositi neće posve otkriti našu osobnost, ali uvijek nosi nekakvu poruku. Bajka i modna priča, te dvije sintagme mogu biti bliže u značenju nego što shvaćamo. Ova slika koju danas dijelim s vama me podsjeća na bajke. Međutim, kad je vidim sjetim se i modne povijesti i simbolizma boja. Činjenica da sam naslikala ovu sliku korišteći staru šminku navodi me da mislim i o drugim stvarima, kao što je recikliranje i industrija ljepota. Priče su skrivene svugdje i uvijek postoje priče za stvoriti i ispričati.
Sunny day. There are pleanty of those during the Summer and I'm not complaining.What to wear when the temperatures get high? Well, the best thing is to choose light clothing and sandals, right? Today I'm showing you one summer outfit. This vintage skirt is one of my favourites, I got it from my aunt and it came with a matching blouse. Sometimes I wear these two items together and sometimes apart. I think my attraction to vintage clothes has mainly to do with my love for stories. Behind every vintage piece of clothing I own there is a story. I could write a book about them some day. Clothes worn by various women on different ocassions, clothes handed over to me because these ladies knew I would wear it....and I do. Styling vinatage clothes is always fun. Another thing I enjoy a great deal is naturally reading. If you are interested in the reviews of books I'm holding in my hand, you can find them here and here.
Sunčani dan. Ima dosta takvih dana tijekom ljeta i ja se ne žalim. Što nositi kada temperature narastu? Najbolje je odabrati laganu odjeću i sandale, zar ne? Danas s vama dijelim ljetnu odjevnu kombinaciju. Ova vintage suknja jedna je od mojih najdražih, dobila sam je od tete, a došla je u kompletu s bluzom. Nekada nosim ova dva komada odjeće skupa, a nekada odvojeno. Mislim da me vintage odjeći najviše privlači ljubav prema pričama. Iza svakoga vintage komada odjeće koji imam krije se priča. Mogla bi napisati knjigu o njima jednoga dana. Odjeća koju su nosile razne žene za drugačije prigode, odjeća koja mi je dana jer su te dame znale da ću je ja nositi....i nosim je. Uvijek je zabavno nositi vintage odjeću. Još jedna stvar u kojoj uživam je naravno čitanje. Zanimaju li vas književni ogledi knjiga koje imam ovdje u ruci, možete ih naći ovdje i ovdje.
How I wore this skirt last year here Kako sam nosila ovu suknju prošle godine ovdje |
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tee/majica: old skirt/suknja: vintage wedges:old bag: old books: from library |
hi Ivana once again very lovely. wish you a lovely day xx
ReplyDeletethank you dear
DeleteLovely illustration! She looks like a Princess from a fairytale indeed.
ReplyDeleteLooking so adorable, I'm in love with the pattern and the colors together!
Wish you a nice day Ivana))
thank you dear:)
Deletelovely look
DeleteWow! You look beautiful <33 lovely photos dear :)
Like me on FACEBOOK
DeleteYou looks so beautiful!
ReplyDeleteHave a great week!
xoxo Jacqueline
thank you darling!
ReplyDeleteJa sam bez riječi! Ovo je tako predivan post, doista jako lijepo! Svaka čast!
Vildana from Living Like V & Stalia Is BAE
DeleteI am totally with you, Ivana, fashion always tells a story. When we dress we are creating a story, sometimes even a myth. Anyway, love the illustration and I love your OOTD. Have a lovely Sunday, hun.
thank you Lenya:)
DeleteI like this picture a lot! It gives a feelig, a nice feeling, of sth kind, light, sweet and happy.=))
ReplyDeleteAnd you are always our sunny fairy, Ivana.))
thank you dear:)
DeleteWow beautiful painting and look, honey
DeleteSo amazing painting and great outfit, relaxing for summer.
ReplyDeleteP.S Would you like to follow each other?
Blog: www.glaringwaves.blogspot.ba
Facebook: www.facebook.com/glaringwaves
Deleteyour skirt is so pretty! :D
Winn | ♥
winscribbles.blogspot.com | Instagram
DeleteDear Ivana, I know we share the love for fairy tales and you are so right - the story telling belongs to the amazing things of them. And yes, I think your explanations why you love outfits is really true - you are definitely a great storyteller and I love the story behind the wonderful skirt you are wearing today. Also the complete combination with the blouse you wore last year looks really good. Thanks for sharing your thoughts, as I always like to read what you think. Hopefully you had a wonderful weekend!
ReplyDeletexx from Bavaria/Germany, Rena
DeleteI've always been fascinated by fairy tales as well. It's interesting how you relate it to fashion tales and yes when you think about it, each outfit we wear can tell a story especially when you break it down to the components and how/whey they were chosen. These vintage pieces you got from your aunt are really chic and it's fantastic who they can be styled together or with other pieces and look so fresh either way.
ReplyDeleteyes, there is always a story to be told:)
DeleteLovely drawing! The skirt is beautiful! I love fairy tales, Cinderella was always my favorite
I love Cinderella too!
DeleteGreat painting you look beautiful as always.
ReplyDeletethank you:)
DeleteGreat painting! I love the one you put in IG yesterday btw
ReplyDeleteThe skirt is so versatile, looks good both ways ❤️
Have a wonderful day sweetie
thank you<3
DeleteChe colori meravigliosi hai usato Ivana. Ho adorato l'intensità delle foto.
ReplyDeleteQuanto mi è piaciuto l'outfit.
Un bacione
Maggie Dallospedale Fashion diary - Fashion blog
I like your conception of a "fashion tale". You are right, our clothes do tell some sort of story about us, about our personality, even about our mood at the moment. Beautiful vintage skirt you're wearing here and lovely sandals!
ReplyDeleteI ja sam oduvek volela priče, bajke i mitologiju. Sećam se da sam čak tražila imena za lutke u nekoj enciklopediji o mitologiji :) Svaka priča, slika, pa i modna kombinacija ima pregršt slojeva, a često vidimo u njima različite stvari. Možda je najepše od svega to što svako na osnovu svog viđenja stvara neku svoju priču u glavi. Odeća jeste važan detalj neverbalne komunikacije, hteli mi to ili ne, pa zašto je i ne iskoristiti onda na pravi način? Ta suknja je san snova i savršeno se prilagođava kako originalnoj vintage verziji, tako i ovoj modernoj. Mnogo volim ove tvoje postove koji me teraju na razmišljanje i gde u isto vreme pokupim toliko različitih stvari koje se opet negde prožimaju i sklapaju u jednu idealnu celinu <3
ReplyDeleteSuch a sweet and pretty dress for you, dear, and some vivid, lovely colors in your work!
ReplyDeleteAll Things Bright and Lovely
another great painting pic from you. i like those different red colours in this paiting.
ReplyDeleteand these garden pics are also great. i love this one, were you lying/siting on the ground and i can see your beautiful heels. you have on this such a cute smile...;-)
thank you