Details from my home (reading) / Detalji iz moga doma (čitanje)

My home. The smell of old and new books joined into something that reminds me of libraries. Red roses. Lots of red roses and now and then a few pink ones. And always coffee and more coffee. Lots of reading. Linguistics is still a field that interest me, but literature is always my first love. I couldn't imagine life without literature. New interesting book read parallelly with classics. I never can get tired of classics. Rereading them never gets old. Not that I don't enjoy reading new things. 

Moj dom. Miris starih i novih knjiga spaja se u nešto što me podsjeća na knjižnice. Crvene ruže. Puno crvenih ruža i ponekad pomalo rozih. Uvijek kava i još kave. Puno čitanja. Jezikoslovlje me još zanima, ali književnost je moja prva ljubav. Ne mogu zamisliti život bez književnosti. Nove zanimljive knjige čitane zajedno s klasicima. Nikad mi ne mogu dosaditi klasici, čitanje njih je uvijek zanimljivo. Ne da ne uživam čitati i nove knjige. 

“He promised her that he would give her everything, everything she wanted, as men in love always do. And she trusted him despite herself, as women in love always do.” Philippa Gregory, The White Queen

“For he loved her and he understood that a woman cannot always live as a man. He understood that she cannot always think as he thought, walk as he walked, breathe the air that he took in. She would always be a different being from him, listening to a different music, hearing a different sound, familiar with a different element.” Philippa Gregory, The White Queen

Recently, I've read The White Queen. If you want my full review, you can check it out on my goodreads profile here but I will probably write an even longer review on my other blog soon. 

“He may make me feel like a fool, and like a woman who can do nothing, but what I can do I will. In my jewellery box is a dark locket of black tarnished silver and inside it locked in the darkness, I have his name: Richard Neville and that of George, Duke of Clarence, written in my blood on a piece of paper from the corner of my father's last letter. These are my enemies, I have cursed them. I will see them dead at my feet.” Philippa Gregory, The White Queen

At the moment I'm reading Kolarovi by Hrvoje Hitrec and this epic novel totally blew me away. I've almost finished reading this one and I'm loving every moment of it. I can't believe I didn't came across again it before because I do read a lot of Croatian literature. 

Another book I'm reading at the moment is Roman Tales by Alberto Moravia. I've been wanting to read more of Moravia, because I absolutely loved his The Woman of Rome. I'm really enjoying reading his short stories, he is an exceptiona writer. 

Nedavno sam pročitala Bijelu kraljicu, želite li moj puni ogled, možete ga vidjeti na goodreads profilu tu, ali ću vjerojatno napisati još duži na blogu uskoro.  Trenutno čitam Kolarove Hrvoja Hitreca i ovaj epski roman me oduševio. Ne mogu vjerovati da nisam prije na njega naišla jer doista čitam puno hrvatskih djela. Još jedna knjiga koju trenutno čitam su Rimske priče koje je napisao Alberto Moravia. Htjela sam pročitati još nešto od njega, jer mi doista svidjela njegova Rimljanka. Uživam u njegovim kratkim pričama, doista je sjajan pisac.


Have you also learned that secret from the river; that there is no such thing as time?" That the river is everywhere at the same time, at the source and at the mouth, at the waterfall, at the ferry, at the current, in the ocean and in the mountains, everywhere and that the present only exists for it, not the shadow of the past nor the shadow of the future.”  Hermann Hesse, Siddhartha

Siddhartha is a novel by German author Herman Hesse, originally published as a short novel in 1922. By the time Hesse died in 1962, he wasn't widely read, despite the fact that he was a recipient of the Nobel Prize for Literature. In USA, Siddhartha was published (and translated to English) in 1951.

It was in the sixties that this short novel became influential, probably due to the hippie movement and its focus on Eastern teachings and religions.

 If you know me, you know that I love to reread stuff. I actually listened to an audio-version of this book (in Italian) twice, and I plan to reread this novel again in the future. 

My real self wanders elsewhere, far away, wanders on and on invisibly and has nothing to do with my life.”

Nowadays, Siddhartha is a well-known novel for sure, a book both critically acclaimed and popular, but not without a reason, I would hasten to add. You know sometimes hyped works are really worth the hype. Fortunately for me as a reader, this novel met my expectations and I wasn’t left disappointed in any way. 

Stranger in a Strange Land by Robert A. Heinlein is a science fiction classic. Intentionally provocative with its ideas, this novel caused quite a stir back in its day. Published in 1961, this science fiction novel won the Hugo award the following year. However, it still ended up being banned from most school libraries due to its controversial writing. 

The author had worked on this novel for a decade. Heinlein claimed he hadn't been in a hurry to finish it as he knew the public wouldn't have been ready anyhow. Heinlein said he published it in 1960s because  he felt the times were changing- and it certainly seems he was right. Despite the controversy (that was expected) and possibly partly because of it, this novel has become a cult classic. Stranger in a Strange Land has had a profound influence on our modern culture, influencing many works of art. It even inspired a pagan church that still exists to this day. Not that this was ever Heinlein's intention. 


It used to be somewhat of a controversial book. Originally published in Italy almost a hundred years ago (in 1928), it had to wait for decades to be published in England. In fact, it wasn't until the 1960s, that the uncensured version of this novel wasn't published in English. When it was finally published as it was, it was put on a trial for obscenity in England! A trial it lost. Not surprisingly, if it is true that the prosecutor opening statement was: 'Is this a book you would want your wife or your servants to read?' Did somebody really think it was a good question to ask in the sixties? 

If you read it as a modern reader, you'll probably wonder what all the fuss was about. However, back in the day, this book caused quite a stir. A lot of fuss over nothing, really! It's a shame because it took away the attention from the novel itself. It really is a great novel in many ways. Perhaps you could say that it's a book that got famous for all the wrong reasons.  Lady Chatterley's Lover is not even a particularly erotic writing. Indeed, I cannot wonder whether the class question was the real controversy. You see the lady in the title has an affair with someone from the lower class. That could have been the real controversy, and not the few pages that talk about lovemaking! 


Vesna Parun remains one of my favourite Croatian poetesses. Her poetry is truly one of a kind. When I came across this poem in a book (that I borrowed from the library last Summer and still haven't returned because I just couldn't stop reading her poetry), I knew that I had to translate and post it.

Do you enjoy reading? If yes, what do you like to read? Do you prefer books or magazines? Where do you keep your books or magazines? What is your favourite reading place? Do you prefer to read at home? Do you have a reading routine? What do you prefer to drink when you're reading? Coffee, water, juice, tea or a glass of wine? I prefer coffee, but I have a feeling you already knew that.

Volite li vi čitati? Ako da, što volite čitati? Volite li više knjige ili časopise? Gdje držite vaše knjige ili časopise? Koje je vaše omiljeno mjesto za čitanje? Volite li čitati kući? Imate li neku rutinu koje se držite kod čitanja? Što volite piti kad čitate? Kavu, sok, vodu, čaj ili čašu vina? Ja izabirem kavu, ali mislim da ste to već nekako i znali.


  1. Obožavam ruže, uvijek svemu daju neku posebnu atmosferu, baš ti je lijep kutak! :) Ja obožavam čitanje, najviše knjige iako sam pretplaćena na par stranih časopisa koje pobožno pratim već godinama. Nemam neku čvrstu rutinu, čitam kad ulovim vremena i to uglavnom bude prije spavanja (tako mi je nekako najdraže) i uvijek u krevetu :)

    1. hvala...nemam ni ja neku rutinu, a često čitam u krevetu prije spavanja, to me nekako najbolje opusti.

  2. I read a lot when I commute! I love everything that has romance in it!!

    1. I tried reading while commuting and it works for me as well but I can't read in buses and cars because I get car sick.

    2. I tried reading while commuting and it works for me as well but I can't read in buses and cars because I get car sick.

  3. I haven't read these titles, Ivana. I usually go for stuff like romance by Nicholas Sparks or those mystery-detective novels by Dan Brown ^_^

    1. I haven't read Dan Brown yet, but I plan to:)

  4. wow. gorgeous details! =) awesome!


  5. Great post! Happy weekend! Kiss :))


  6. It was very interesting to know some details from your home. It's very cute dear. Thanks for sharing))

  7. Lovely impressions. I really enjoy reading and still buy books as I just love seeing them around. I have a huge bookshelf in our living-room...I think books make a room feel so different. I'm a tea drinker ;)
    Have a lovely weekend!
    Christina ♥

    1. thank you. I have one two bookshelves but they are not enough, I need to buy new ones.

  8. This post is really inspiring! Love, love, love the pictures! Roses are definitely one of my favorite scents for sure. Have a great weekend! xx

    María Ale |

  9. I love how you've described your home Ivana - there's no scent so comforting as the smell of old books, right? Knowing your love for reading, I can imagine how comfortable you must be in your personal library! haha :) To answer the question, although I like reading books, I prefer writing them more. I read quite a few magazine subscriptions now though for blog inspiration, as well as a calming outlet :)

    1. yes, there isn't a more comforting smell:)

  10. Lovely post dear! Have a great weekend! xx

  11. Lovely post dear!

  12. I always enjoy your book-related posts, dear, your passion for books is so infectious and admirable, so thank you so much for sharing it with us! Your photos in this post are exceptionally gorgeous, also, I love how you used the red roses with the books, it makes for a beautiful composition! x x As you know, I'm not much of a reader myself... I used to read a lot when I was younger, and then, well I don't even know what happened! I still enjoy reading blogs, articles etc. online, but it doesn't quite compare to the experience of actually holding a book in your hand and reading it the 'old-fashioned way'. :) <3 x x I know a lot of people use a Kindle these days, but if I was ever to get back into reading properly, I'd deffo go for the paperback version whenever possible - something about them is just so special! <3


    1. yes, old-fashioned way is the best, nothing compares to actually holding a book in our hands.

  13. Enjoyed reading your post. Kolarovi by Hrvoje Hitrec sounds interesting I will try to read it :)


    1. I'm not sure has it been translated yet, but I would surely recommend it.

  14. Your house sounds like a great place to relax, as for reading books my interest are mostly in genre of romance and young adult

    Capturing Life Memoirs |

  15. Your rose cannon is so cute, very nice stuff. I mostly read magazines currently but am trying to force myself back into books.

    All Things Bright and Lovely

    1. thanks...magazines can be a great choice for reading too.

  16. It's lovely to see little corners of your home! Beautiful roses and books, mirrors and vases, coffee and crochet pieces. Very homey.

    I read non-fiction mostly these days. I realized that I said many times that I don't read much, but it isn't completely true - I just don't read much fiction, but I do read a fair amount of books related to my interests which flow from one to another freely. I typically start a few books at a time and switch from one to another depending on my mood. Maya Angelou is one of them now.

    1. thank you dear...I enjoyed Maya Angelou, I hope you will too. She has got a very candid and clear narrative voice.

    2. Maya writes with her naked heart. She is as powerful as a prose writer as she is a poet. I find her poems very song-like or often vivid declamation, and her prose is very cinematic. Which is interesting knowing that her background was in dance and music - both acoustic and visual fields.

    3. her autobiographical books would make for a wonderful film! It could also be very educational if they did the movie right.

  17. Wow this is so beautiful photos dear <3
    I love your new look of blog !!!

    Kisses <3

  18. Beautiful photos dear! How I miss your blog so much :( I always adore photos of books and flowers. Sorry I wasnt able to check out your blog. I'm a bit busy with work right now and I'm also starting another job. Please have a good time always dear and I will catch up with you soon!

    love lots,

  19. Thank you for the pics, they are so cozy! As if I smelt the atmosphere of your home, took a cup of coffee with you... Books, of course, books!

  20. Kutak ti je savršen! <3 Knjige, kafa, ruže... ma, šta može da se poredi sa time? :) Sad jedva čekam da završim obaveze i da čitam :) Najviše volim da čitam na kauču u dnevnoj sobi, ponekad na plaži, dok putujem itd. ali npr. nisam od onih ljudi koji čitaju u metrou, autobusu jer mi bude muka. Knjige držim po policama u dnevnoj sobi mada mi je kolekcija skromna s obzirom na to da kad smo se uselili ovde u stan nismo imali gotovo ništa, pa uživam u tome da gradim kolekciju malo po malo. Čitam zaista sve što mi dođe pod ruku, oduvek je bilo tako :) Rimljanku sam čitala jako davno, i ako pamtim dobro, bila je omiljena knjiga moje nane :)

  21. Trenutno sam u fazi da nikako ne stignem citati... i to mi je nesto sto mi jako tesko pada jer moja mama kaze da sam ocoravila jer sam cijelo djetinjstvo provela s knjigom... Sjecam se mojih teen dana i odmora s roditeljima... i ja koja nosi po 11 ili 12 knjiga i iako je na moru ne izlazi vec ne moze pustiti knjigu... Bas sam bila ekstrem!
    Zbog klinaca i kronicnog umora, nisam u stanju ni casopis procitati i kako sam rekla, bas mi to fali. Ali dobro, biti ce vremena za nadoknadu...
    Volim citati u krevetu i piti caj... gust na najjace!

  22. Vidi se da uzivas u divnom, toplom i ususkanom domu. Sve mi se svidja i vaza i ruze i ukrasna flasa i milje na stolu, ma sve je bombonica :-)
    Citam i knjige i magazine. Knjige su mi nekako milije i kad god imam vremena draze mi je da uzmem knjigu u ruke nego magazin, a magazini su tu za svakodnevno prelistavanje i inspiraciju. Uvek ispijam kaficu uz citanje i volim da citam u dnevnoj sobi na omiljenoj fotelji. Knjige odlazem u stakleni deo ormara, a sa magazinima uvek imam problem. Svuda su, a zao mi ih je baciti, mada kada se bas, bas nakupe moram smanjiti njihov broj i zadrzati samo omiljene.



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