White and blue / Bijela i plava

I love rereading books. Why? Perhaps because I know I will probably like them (once again). That certainty  (or high probability) makes them as precious as old friends. Furthermore, just like with old friends, we can always find something new and wonderful in them. If we keep our eyes open, we are bound to find something new to admire and love. What have I been rereading lately? I've been rereading Lord Jim by Joseph Conrad for the third time. That's what I've been doing with my free time lately. Once again, I found myself mesmerized by the descriptions of the sea. This writer is so good at capturing the spirit and the essence of the sea. Despite the fact that I was never a mariner, I can relate with his thoughts about the sea. Naturally, this novel is quite profound and not merely a collection of description but I won't get into that just now. Today I'm sharing photographs that I took on one ferry ride from Split to Starigrad. I don't know what it is about being on a ferry that makes me so happy. I always get this wonderful feeling of freedom. Especially so when it comes to one special ferry ride. Maybe it is in the familiarity of that route I took so often. One day last April I took that Split- Starigrad (island Hvar) twice in one day. On that particular day I spent as many hours on the ferry as I did on island Hvar (where I went to visit family) but it was worth it. It was a fine Sunday. It was a good month. Now May is here. We'll see what May brings. Fingers crossed. Happy Monday everyone! 

Volim ponovo čitati knjige možda zato jer znam da će mi se vjerojatno ponovo svidjeti. Ta izvjesnost ( ili visoka vjerojatnost) čini ih dragocjenim poput starih prijatelja. Kao i kod starih prijatelja, uvijek možemo pronaći nešto novo i divno u njima. Držimo li oči otvorenima, sigurno ćemo pronaći nešto novo čemu ćemo se diviti i što ćemo voljeti. Što ponovo čitam u zadnje vrijeme? Čitam roman Lord Jim Josepha Conrada po treći put, time se bavim zadnjih dana u svoje slobodno vrijeme. Još jednom, posve su me očarali ti opisi mora. Doista taj pisac zna uhvatiti duh i srž mora, opisati njegovu čaroliju. Iako nisam nikada bila moreplovac, mogu se povezati s tim njegovim opisima mora. Naravno roman nije samo o opisima, zapravo je jako dubok, ali neću sada o tome. Danas s vama dijelim fotografije koje sam uslikala na vožnji trajektom od Splita do Starigrada. Ne znam što me toliko veseli kod vožnje trajektom. Uvijek imam taj neki divan osjećaj slobode.  Pogotovo kada je u pitanju ta jedna posebna trajektna linija. Možda je to familijarnost te rute koju sam tako često prošla. Jednoga dana prošloga travnja išla sam iz Splita u Starigrad dvaput u danu. Toga dana provela sam otprilike isto sati u trajektu i na samom otoku Hvaru (gdje sam išla posjetiti rodbinu) ali vrijedilo je. Bila je to divna nedjelja. Bio je to dobar mjesec. Sada je svibanj ovdje. Vidjet ćemo što će nam svibanj donijeti. Nadajmo se najboljem. Ugodan ponedjeljak vam želim!

After two years of training he went to sea, and entering the regions so well known to his imagination, found them strangely barren of adventure. He made many voyages. He knew the magic monotony of existence between sky and water: he had to bear the criticism of men, the exactions of the sea, and the prosaic severity of the daily task that gives bread—but whose only reward is in the perfect love of the work. This reward eluded him. Yet he could not go back, because there is nothing more enticing, disenchanting, and enslaving than the life at sea.
                                                              Lord Jim, Joseph Conrad (Chapter 2)

A marvellous stillness pervaded the world, and the stars, together with the serenity of their rays, seemed to shed upon the earth the assurance of everlasting security. The young moon recurved, and shining low in the west, was like a slender shaving thrown up from a bar of gold, and the Arabian Sea, smooth and cool to the eye like a sheet of ice, extended its perfect level to the perfect circle of a dark horizon. The propeller turned without a check, as though its beat had been part of the scheme of a safe universe; and on each side of the Patna two deep folds of water, permanent and sombre on the unwrinkled shimmer, enclosed within their straight and diverging ridges a few white swirls of foam bursting in a low hiss, a few wavelets, a few ripples, a few undulations that, left behind, agitated the surface of the sea for an instant after the passage of the ship, subsided splashing gently, calmed down at last into the circular stillness of water and sky with the black speck of the moving hull remaining everlastingly in its centre.
                                                                                           Lord Jim, Joseph Conrad (Chapter 3)

Parallel rulers with a pair of dividers reposed on it; the ship's position at last noon was marked with a small black cross, and the straight pencil-line drawn firmly as far as Perim figured the course of the ship—the path of souls towards the holy place, the promise of salvation, the reward of eternal life—while the pencil with its sharp end touching the Somali coast lay round and still like a naked ship's spar floating in the pool of a sheltered dock. 'How steady she goes,' thought Jim with wonder, with something like gratitude for this high peace of sea and sky. ( Chapter 3)

 At such times his thoughts would be full of valorous deeds: he loved these dreams and the success of his imaginary achievements. They were the best parts of life, its secret truth, its hidden reality. They had a gorgeous virility, the charm of vagueness, they passed before him with an heroic tread; they carried his soul away with them and made it drunk with the divine philtre of an unbounded confidence in itself. There was nothing he could not face.   Lord Jim, Joseph Conrad ( Chapter 3)


  1. E znaš da je već dugo govorim kako se moram ponovno malo vratiti na Conrada, ali od svih dosad nepročitanih knjiga koje me zanimaju nikako da mi on dođe na red.

    1. znam, kada nas već čeka toliko nepročitanih knjiga nekad se nije lako ni vratiti nekog knjizi, ali kao što smo se složile i ponovno čitanje ima svojih koristi.

  2. A good read indeed, Ivana. I love the sea! Btw, there's a typo on the first line.....

    1. thanks dear...I actually found more than one typo when I checked the text. I need to start proofreading my texts!

  3. A different post very Well written Ivana
    Happy week!

  4. Vožnje trajektom <3 Uvijek je to kombinacija uzbuđenja i nervoze.
    Jednom sam išla tim trajektom i tako je jako puhalo da se trajekt planirao vratiti nazad u Split, a na trajektu je sve bučalo i sva vrata su se tresla i nisam čula vlastite misli. Naučiš kako more ima svoju volju, i kako nismo svemoćni..

    1. imala sam ja par burnih iskustava vožnje s trajektom, velikih valova i tako to, ali nikad se nismo vratili u luku, ti si onda baš prošla pravu kalvariju. Zeznuto je kad trajekt isplovi, a dogodi se neka oluja pa se jedva i vrati...jedan je trajekt tako putovao šest sati od Visa do Splita, slučajno sam ga vidjela kako prolazi kraj moje uvale na Hvari, dobro se kapetan snašao pa je plovio uz otoke jer izgleda da je oluja bila prevelika čak i da se vrati na Vis tako da su se putnici napatili ali sve je imalo sretan kraj.

  5. I love books too!! They make me a "new" and better person every time I hide myself in a book. Loved reading this post. Even I'm excited about May:) let's wish for good things coming our way:)


    1. yes, let's wish for good things dear Epsita!

  6. Kakav savršen spoj teksta i fotografija :) Volim tako naizgled nebitne detalje koji kad se uslikaju, dobijaju neku posebnu moć i lepotu. More je uvek tako čarobno i sve što ima veze sa njim ne može da bude zamorno ili monotono. Raj za oči i za dušu <3

    1. hvala draga, doista neki detalj nas može tako ponijeti u neki trenutak da je to čudo, općenito u nekim iznimnim trenucima ( pa bili oni iznimno smirujući ili uznemirujući) nekako posebno primjećujemo detalje, tako sam se sada i ja nešto zagledala u ove bijele linije....pa sam to i objavila, malo sam se zaželjela i drukčijega tipa objave.

  7. Savršene fotografije, pokazuju da ipak sve na svijetu može imati neki smisao ako se gleda na pravi način xoxo


  8. I agree with you dear! rereading books is such a wonderful experience! I love riding ferries too but somehow it makes me sad when I can see garbage in the sea :(

    love lots,


  9. sai che non ho mai letto questo libro? Ma da come lo descrivi (e visto che lo hai anche riletto più volete) deve esser davvero interessante!
    Bellissime le foto, perfette per affiancare i passi del libro! :)

  10. Lovely post dear! Have a great week! xx

  11. sembra interessante questo libro, voglio leggerlo

  12. I loved your post, dear Ivana, and this route from Split seems to be so beautiful! I am not a mariner either, but I can relate to the author's descriptions of the sea, like you. I need to be near the sea, as often as possible! It's great that you like reading, I told you before, rather than some bloggers that only think of skirts and shoes. I know some. You have a cultural life and I love that, and you are right, re-reading a book make us find new things... or maybe we are in another moment of life that allows us to interpret the idea in another way... any way is good! Hope you have a lovely week!

  13. Beautiful post, Ivana. Reading is food for the soul, but you know that. Those beautiful pics kept the atmoshere very well, tho. Wishing you a happy day, girl.

  14. I read at least three times Heart of Darkness by Joseph Conrad, so I know what you mean :-) my smart friend :-) Baci, Valeria - Coco et La vie en rose NEW POST and LINK UP

    1. I love Heart of Darkness too, I've read it many times myself:)

  15. I do often re-read my comic books. I like those certain moments you know are coming and still have a hint of the feelings they first provided you. Some very lovely photography. Artsy and such :) Kisses

    All Things Bright and Lovely

    1. yes, it is good to remember those first feelings and impressions.

  16. Interesting photographs! I have not read anything by this author, so it was nice to get some idea about his style through those paragraphs you included in the post. Wonderful!

  17. Great! The blue Sky looks amazing :)


  18. I love the photography. Beautiful pictures <3

    SHAIRA // New Post

  19. Hi, Ivana!

    I love how you put the text with the photos, because at the end words and image can have a very strong relation to discover new meanings! Talking about 'rereadings' books is one of my favorite activities (and 'rewatch films too) because you can always learn something new and detect new details that you didn't perceive in the first time :)

    Now is cool (and it's due to your capacity to draw) that you can relate the words to the colors in the images and the sensation of the waves. The pictures are really interesting, looking forward to read more similar posts.

    PS: Thanks for your lovely comment on my last post about the things I've learned as an illustrator. My greatest advice is "keep in practice" and you will define the style you've been looking for, now you have the tools but remember that practice makes perfect and i'm sure you will spot that thing. Even tho you have an amazing talent, use it well ;)

    Fungi Express blog

    1. Thank you very much Pablo. It is true that words and image can be used to render something a new meaning. I totally agree about the value of seeing new details when we reread books or rewatch films!

      I'm preparing more similar posts. Lately I've been feeling inspired to write a bit more:)

      'Keep practing' is always a great advice! No pain, no gain- as they say. I really enjoyed reading your thoughts on illustrating.

  20. Very creative pictures dear Ivana :)


  21. Bellissime immagini un bacione

  22. Tekst i fotografija, predivan i presnažan spoj! Uživala sam!:*

    1. hvala draga:) tvoj komentar mi puno znači:)

  23. Prosto si me ocarala sjajnim spojem teksta i neobicnih fotki!

  24. I have to read that book! Those are my kind of quotes!!!! It's funny that you have reminded me that when I went to Croatia, I took 'The Three Musketeers' to read and my strongest memory linked to Jadrolinja journeys is reading the Three Musketeers on all the journeys. I remember on the way to Sipan, I had JUST finished reading it and was shedding a little tear over the fate of Constance and my husband cruelly took a photo of me (he'd been snapping me unbeknown as I read) and he has this picture of me looking REALLY cross at him with tear-stained face!!!


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