The most beautiful bus stop in the world?...Najljepša autobusna stranica na svijetu?

Meaning only exists within a context. Words taken out of context lose their meaning, don't they? Is waiting for the bus something that fills you with anxiety? Well, most people would tend to agree that a bus stop as such can be a great source of irritation depending on how much time you spend on it. Imagine for a moment that you’re waiting a bus. You have been waiting for it for an half an hour. You’re getting angry. You are feeling frustrated. Perhaps you’re even swearing (not out loud I hope). Now, imagine you have been suddenly transported onto this bus stop. Yes, the one you see in this first photo. This amazingly beautiful bus stop that is located in city Starigrad’s port on Island Hvar, Croatia. How do you feel now? Do you feel better?  Ok, let’s also assume you know a way to get teleported here or something so you’re not terribly shocked at the change of destination but very relieved by it. You’re on another bus stop but now you don’t care will the bus be late or not, you don’t care because you’re on vacation and you want to take it all in and if you spend additional 30 minutes waiting for the bus, it’s all good because you have never seen this island and you’re starting to feel like it is one of those places that deserve its hype. How will you feel? Probably more relaxed because of the beauty surrounding you. Your eyes will wonder; your mind will instantly feel more at peace. For our senses have a certain effect on us. Now imagine someone else is sitting next to you. He seems very agitated and you for the life of you can’t understand what is wrong with this person. Can’t he see the beach behind, isn’t he mesmerized by the waves gently touching the shore? 'What is his problem?', you may wonder.  Well, maybe he is there looking for you, yes you the tourist in this story. Maybe the bus broke down or something and now he has to come to pick you up himself. He isn’t even sure what you look like ,  the travel agency gave him an invalid phone number and there are so many tourists everywhere, so yes he is quite stressed at the moment.

Značenje postoji samo unutar konteksta. Riječi izvađenje iz konteksta gube svoje značenje, zar ne? Je li čekanje autobusa nešto što vas ispunjava anksioznošću? Većina se ljudi zapravo slaže da autobusna stanica može biti izvor velike iritacije ovisno o tome koliko vremena provedete na njoj. Zamislite na trenutak da čekate autobus na autobusnoj postaji. Čekate ga već pola sata. Ljutite se i počinjete se osjećati frustrirano. Možda čak i psujete (ne na glas nadam se). Sada, zamislite da su vas odjednom prebaciti na ovu autobusnu postaju. Da, ovu koju vidite na mojoj prvoj fotografiji. Ovu nevjerojatno lijepu autobusnu postaju koja je smještena u Starigradskoj luci na otoku Hvaru u Hrvatskoj. Kako se osjećate? Osjećate li se bolje? Dobro, pretpostavimo i to da znate neki način teleportacije ili nešto slično, pa niste užasno šokirani naglom promjenom odredišta već osjećate olakšanje. Na drugoj ste autobusnoj stanici ,ali sada vas nije briga jer ste na odmoru pa to što autobus kasni pola sata nije neki problem, sve je u redu, jer želite sve dobro upiti,  nikad prije niste bili na ovom otoku i počinjete osjećati da je to jedno od onih mjesta koja zaslužuju razvikanost. Kako ćete se osjećati ? Sigurno opuštenije zbog ljepote  koja vas okružuje. Vaše će oči lutati, vaš će um odmah biti smireniji. Jer naša osjetila imaju određeni efekt na nas. Sada zamislite da netko drugi sjedi pored vas. Čini se jako uzrujan i vama nikako nije jasno što nije u redu s tom osobom. Zar ne vidi plažu iza? Zar nije očaran valovima koji nježno dodiruju obalu? "Koji je njegov problem?", možete se pitati.  Pa, možda je on tu jer traži vas, da vas koji ste turist u ovoj priči. Možda se autobus pokvario ili nešto tako i sada vas mora on pokupiti, a nije siguran kako izgledate, putnička agencija mu je dala nepostojeći broj, a sve je krcato turistima i sada je poprilično pod stresom.

 So, it is not really about the bus stop. Even if it is the most beautiful bus stop in the world. It is about context. Before you were (magically) transported onto this spot from which you can enjoy such a stunning view, you were stressed too. Because you felt like waiting for a bus on the same old stop is a horrible loss of time. Just like this stressed like next to you feels now (in this story I prepared for you)... As you can see it is not really about location, even if location makes us feel like we’re in paradise, you must remember that it all stars with you. The location feels that way because of the way outside factors have a way or reminding our soul of what it is capable of. For to be moved by something you need to develop capacity to be moved. It is not easy because it requires making yourself vulnerable. You must give up being a cynic, you must give up scepticisms, you must believe that there is more to being human than just following the herd. It is easy to get frighten, but if you want to develop your capacity to feel, you develop the habit to think with your own head. You must learn to question your choices; you must be open about your lack of courage in embracing what life has to offer. For life is all about context. Paradise is often just a state of mind. Because it really wasn’t about the beauty, about the marvellous nature that surrounds you, it is not about Croatia (as pretty as our country may be) or anything like that. This feel of ease you may experienced is connected with great many things and factors, one of them being about taking a break from your life. That is what we all need sometimes. To take a break from it all. It doesn’t mean you dislike your life.  I mean if the bus is late and you’re going to be late for your job, it’s normal to be stressed. It can mean you care about your job or whatever you set to accomplish that day. Feeling stressed doesn’t make you a bad person. TRUST me on this, we all feel stressed at times. Even those of us that seem to always have it together (WE DON’T!). 

Tako da se zapravo uopće ne radi o autobusnoj stanici.. Čak i ako je to najljepša autobusna stranica na svijetu. Radi se o kontekstu. Prije nego što su vas čarobno prebacili na ovu stranicu s koje možete uživati u tako čarobnom pogledu i vi ste bili pod stresom. Kao i čovjek koji (u priči koju sam pripremila) sjedi do vas. Kao što vidite, uopće se ne radi o mjestu, čak i ako je mjesto takvo da se čini kao raj, morate se sjetiti da sve kreće od vas. Čini se takvim zbog načina na koji vanjski faktori imaju sposobnost da nas posjete na ono na što je naša duša sposobna. Jer da biste bili dirnuti, morate razvijati sposobnost za to, morate razvijati osjetljivost. Nije to lako jer sebe morate učiniti ranjivom i ranjivim. Morate prestati biti cinik, morate se odreći skepticizma, morate vjerovati da  biti ljudsko biće nudi više od praćenja krda. Lako se je prepasti, no želite li razviti svoju sposobnost za osjećanjem, morate razviti naviku mišljenja svojom glavom. Morate se naučiti propitivati svoje izbore; morate biti otvoreni o vašem manjku hrabrosti da iskoristite sve ono što život nudi. Jer u životu kontekst je jako bitan. Raj je često samo stanje svijesti. Naime, ovdje se zapravo nije  ni radilo o ljepoti, o ovoj prekrasnoj prirodi koja vas je okruživala, o Hrvatskoj (pa koliko lijepa bila ova naša zemlja) ili o bilo čemu sličnom. Onaj osjećaj olakšanja koji ste možda osjetili je povezan s puno faktora i čimbenika, jedan od njih je i uzimanje odmora od svega. Svima nam to treba nekad. Odmoriti se od svega. To  ne znači da ne volite svoj život. Mislim, ako autobus kasni i ako ćete vi zbog toga kasniti na posao, normalno je biti pod stresom. Niste loša osoba ako ste pod stresom. VJERUJTE mi, što se tiče toga, svi smo mi ponekad pod stresom. Čak i one/oni od nas za koje se čini da imamo sve pod kontrolom (NEMAMO!).

Nevertheless, while it is normal to be affected by daily struggles, we shouldn’t let these struggles take over in a sense they make us believe that is all there is to life…a desperate struggle. For it is not. Life is, for better or worse, infinitely complexed. Feeling stressed and annoyed while waiting for a bus is human. But what if life is like waiting for a bus at a bus stop? What if every moment is really precious?What if we are not supposed to wait for the bus with agitation?  Not that it is a great tradegy if you there lose your cool, it can happen to anyone and it is is bound to happen so.... However, I have just demonstrated  (with my little story )how our feelings can drastically change with a change of perspective. For example, why should waiting on our old same old bus stop  be a synonym for something boring? What if we're taking it all wrong? What if boring is a state of mind? What if what we are really supposed to do is fall in love with a bus stop, that is, with life (for bus stop can be used as ametaphor for life and it is used by those who believe that death is just another stop)? It is all about context…and you know what? Sometimes we can put things in the right context. We don’t just have to passively wait for things to be put in the context. We can be happy at the same old bus stop waiting for the same old bus that is always late.  It really isn’t about the bus, or the bus being late or the bus stop being at the same old place we've grown tired of or about anything of the sort. It is about us. It is about power that lies within is if we dare to grab it. Power to put things into context. The most beautiful bus stop in the world isn't located on island Hvar. It is within you. It can be anywhere.

Svejedno, dok je normalno da nas pogađaju dnevne borbe, ne bismo smjeli dopustit da te borbe preuzmu u smislu da nas uvjere da je to sve što postoji u životu---očajna borba. Jer doista nije ako. Život je, pa bilo to dobro ili ne, beskrajno kompleksan.Osjećati se pod stresom ili uzrujanim dok čekamo autobus je ljudski. No, što ako je život poput čekanja autobusa na autobusnoj postaji? Što ako je svaki trenutak stvarno dragocjen? Što ako zapravo ne bismo trebali čekati autobus nervozni? Ne da je kraj svijeta ako izgubimo živce, to se svakome može dogoditi i mora se dogoditi kad tad ...Ipak upravo sam vam (sa svojom malom pričom) pokazala kako se naši osjećaji mogu drastično promijeniti s promjenom perspektive. Na primjer, zašto bi čekanje  autobusa na stanici moralo biti sinonim za dosadu? Što ako sve krivo shvaćamo? Što ako je dosadno samo stanje svijesti? Što ako se zapravo trebamo zaljubiti u autobusnu postaju, u sam život (jer autobusna stanica se može koristiti kao metafora za život i koriste je oni koji vjeruju da je smrt samo nova postaja)? Na kraju je sve pitanje konteksta...i znate li što? Ponekad možemo staviti stvari u pravi kontekst i mi sami te ne moramo pasivno čekati da se stvari same poslože. Možemo biti sretni na staroj autobusnoj postaji čekajući autobus koji stalno kasni. Ne radi se zapravo o autobusu, ili autobusu koji kasni ili autobusnoj stanici koja je na istom mjestu i koja nam je dosadila ili o bilo čemu se sličnom. Radi se zapravo o nama. O moći koja leži u nama usudimo li je se uhvatiti. Moći da stavimo stvari u kontekst. Najljepša autobusna stanica na svijetu nije smještena na otoku Hvaru. Ona je unutar nas. Ona može biti bilo gdje.


  1. I agree.......!!! Great post!!!Greetings!:)))


  2. La natura è fantastica, questi angoli che ci regali aprono il cuore grazie infinite delle tue foto fantastiche
    To me new post URBAN STYLE

  3. Slažem se!
    Krasno mjesto za stanicu btw. :)

  4. I agree!! It's so beautiful :D

  5. questo posto emana tranquillità

  6. What a beautifully tranquil post. I completely agree with what you've said Ivana, wanting and needing to 'take a break' doesn't mean you dislike your life, it simply means it's time to get back in touch with nature - or in this case ocean! - and allow yourself to just 'be'. You're right about this bus stop being in the most beautiful location, I can imagine many people must enjoy sitting there, thinking, while they wait :)

    1. thank you. Yes, taking a break is useful in more ways than can provide us with a new perspective on life and if we are in the right state of mind, taking a break can make us appreciate our life more.

  7. Ne znaš koliko me je dirnuo ovaj tekst. Ušla sam sa mišlju da ću zaista videti najlepšu stanicu na svetu (nisam pogrešila) ali sam pokupila toliko toga. Tvoja priča je dostojna nekog dobrog pisca. Toliko različitih uglova, prožimanja iz naizgled dosadne, obične situacije. Priznajem, i sama se nerviram kad autobus kasni, da ne govorim da je moja autobuska stanica daleko dosadnija od tog ambijenta. Ali eto, već vidim da će se to stanje svesti promeniti jer si mi prosto otvorila oči. Deluje da tekst shvatam bukvalno, ali nije tako. Potpuno se slažem sa tobom i kako sve zavisi od konteksta tj. od nas samih. Mozak se takođe trenira i mi možemo da prevaziđemo situacije na koje smo navikli da reagujevo uvek isto. Baš sam juče čitala neki članak koji kaže da je najveća prepreka koju mi kao ljudi posedujemo, to što smo godinama kupili stvari koje su formirale "naočare" kroz koje gledamo na život. Svako iskustvo nas priprema za neko slično iskustvo u budućnosti pa se tim davno formiranim obrascem ulpićemo u stalno iste stvari. A to može da se promeni, onda kad postaneš svestan da je sve u tvojoj glavi i da zavisi od pogleda. Tvoji poslednji redovi govore baš sve <3 <3

    1. da, mozak se si dobro rekla, doista se možemo naučiti bolje misliti, kvalitetnije razmiš malo samodiscipline i iskrenosti moguće je naučiti manje se živcirati, manje se sažalijevati i imati više razumijevanja za druge...jer doista svakome je nekad teško.

      Također bitno je i razumijeti da smo svi mi ljudi pa nije ni kraj svijeta ako se iživciramo, bitno je samo da ne dopustimo da nas neke sitnice posve okupiraju. Ja sam prije uvijek mislila da je kraj svijeta ako izgubim živce, a sada shvaćam da nitko nije stalno miran pa kakav dojam ostavljao...i ja ostavljam dojam posve flegmatične i smirene osobe (barem mi svi to kažu, da sam hodajući ljudski andol i smirenje za živce) pa to ne znači da u sebi nekad ne psujem i ne nerviram se:).

  8. Lugar maravilhoso amei, show de imagens

  9. Woow, location of this bus stop is really amazing, such a beautiful place! To be honest I would not care if bus is late when I can see such a view :-)

  10. Beautiful post, Ivana and beautifully written. What a spectacular yet calming spot it is. Sitting there waiting would be a pleasure. Happy Thursday, hun.

  11. Such a gorgeous view!!! <3

    Serene | I Am Serene L

  12. Such a gorgeous view!!! <3

    Serene | I Am Serene L

  13. You do have a good point there, Ivana dear. Life is full of struggles, but there are more beautiful things. Now yes, that's the most beautiful bus stop and I wouldn't mind if the bus is late. Maybe unless I'm going to work. Ha!! Who wouldn't want to take a stroll near the seaside. Love it!
    Great post! :)

  14. Predivne fotografije, tekst još ljepši! :)

    Vildana from Living Like V & Stalia Is BAE

  15. You must be having a good creative flow currently, Ivana as your writing is beautiful and thought provoking. I could spend all day at that bus stop looking at the water.

    Shireen | Reflection of Sanity

    1. thank you Shireen! Yes, the water is so clear it is hard to believe it is sea water, sometimes I stare at it and wonder how it is possible but there is a scientifice explanation I came across recently, something to do with currents in Adriatic sea and this being the place where they do the best job:).

  16. LOVE PICS !!!

  17. Divno si ovo rekla, mislim da mi je ovo jedan od tvojih najdražih postova dosad. Za početak, na onoj prvoj razini, ovo je definitivno jedna od najljepših stanica na svijetu, i tako opuštajuća. Ja sam inače osoba kojoj živci skoče u sekundi, doslovno sam ko tempirana bomba većinu vremena nažalost i sitnice me izbace iz takta, ali učim se nekakvom smirivanju, ne nerviranju na stvari na koje ne mogu utjecati, pronalasku ljepote u sitnicama i onda naprosto svijet promatram kroz taj svoj maleni balončić i uživam. Najlakše je nervirati se i biti stalno pod stresom, ali pronaći svoj maleni svijet unutar ovog svijeta i uživati u njemu je nešto najsavršenije ikad :)

    1. slažem se i sve više primjećujem da kada ne ratujem sama s sobom i kada riješim bitne stvari na nekim drugim razinama, onda sam puno smirenija i manje me te neke svakodnevne glupe situacije izbace iz takta.

  18. Nice pics and place!

  19. I love your amazing pictures :)

  20. Predivno si to napisala ! Nešto što mi je stvarno trebalo u ovom momentu je ovaj post ! da me smiri in zaustavi malo :) hvala ti*

  21. Looks so amazing!!!


  22. I really like meaning of your post, dear, firstly I thought that you shared with us with terrific photos of bus stop (I wish I could find similar ones here, in Poland, ha!:P), BUT later I understood what you wanted to say by this post. Peace is state of mind, can't agree with that statement more -live is about the context and it's only depends on us how we interpret it! Your posts are always left me thinking about what you wrote and the same is in this time. It's well written, dear Ivana! :)

    1. thank you so much my dear. I'm happy that you regard my post as well written, that's such a lovely compliment.

  23. I'd be pretty happy if I got to behold such stunning views from my local bust stop. I don't think I'd even mind waiting a long time for the bus. There is something so calming about pretty views of nature.

  24. Dear Ivana, yes, you share here again very wise thoughts! I think it is always up to us who we feel in a situation - equal if we wait at a terrible bus stop or the most beautiful bus stop you show here. I recognise this behaviour each day in my surrounding as different people jugde behaviours and situations in a very different way: some are angry about something, some don't care and some even enjoy it :) Thanks for the thoughts and the beautiful pictures!
    xx from Bavaria/Germany, Rena

  25. It´s amazing! Your story, pics, place, colours... Every detail of this post is charming.)))

  26. Totally in love with the clear blue sea & the views, Ivana! You always show us the most fabulous scenery! xoxo

  27. Bellissimo posto!

  28. What a great place, I love pictures of the sea!
    Have a lovely weekend :)
    Rosanna x
    Rose's Rooftop

  29. Love this post. Thank for sharing & Happy Weekend! xx


  30. Hi again, Ivana! Now commenting this post!

    I found a lot of inspiration for this weekend full of work with this posts, your words are going beyond and I really loved that you connected the images with the meanings, and today these words fits me like a glove 'cause lately with school I've feel kinda stressed, but now you let me see that there is nothing wrong with taking a breath, eh! So thanks for the motivation, dear!

    You're full of creativity as I've told you before!

    Hope you have a great weekend
    Fungi Express blog

    1. yes, there is nothing wrong with taking some time to relax a can help us focus on what is really important and if we're lucky we can even end up realizing that we're more powerful than we believe we are.

  31. Che splendido posto!!!
    Happy Friday Ivana!
    Kisses, Paola.


    My Facebook

  32. This is a truly beautiful piece of writing, Ivana! I love the story and the message behind it. You are right, sometimes it's easy to just let everyday life get the best of us. It can be difficult to focus on the good - myself, for one, get frustrated very easily (too easily) and often over petty things. It's a major character flaw and something I need to work on. Is boredom just a state of mind? Perhaps, but like you said it's only human to get frustrated in certain situations. Like waiting at a bus stop... Last week I had to take a bus from work, I ended up waiting at the bus stop for fourty minutes in heavy rain (there was no shelter). So in that situation, even the most positive thoughts couldn't help, haha! That bus stop sure looks gorgeous, though... I'd love to sit there even if I wasn't actually waiting for a bus! Your country is so beautiful, Ivana, and thank you for sharing your story with us. :) <3 Also, I noticed that you opened a shop on Etsy - that's so awesome and I'm so happy for you! So glad you decided to share your beautiful artwork with the world. :) <3 Kisses! x x


    1. I need to work on not worrying about petty things too. I totally agree that it is human to get frustrated, but we should't let those feelings of frustration take over us.

      fourty minutes in heavy rain!!! That must have been a terrible experience. I hope you will enjoy pleanty of sunshine this weekend to make up for it.

      Yes, I've finally opened my etsy shop, I figured it was worth a shot.

  33. Love this photos :)

  34. Un posto magnifico, da visitare!

    1. grazie Alessia....e davvero un posto bellissimo!

  35. Ti auguro buon weekend
    Nel mio ultimo post puoi conoscermi meglio
    To me new post

  36. Decisamente quella è la più bella fermata del bus che abbia mai visto!
    Certo come hai detto il paradiso è più uno stato mentale che fisico, ma la Croazia è talmetne bella che aiuta molto! :D

  37. If a bus stop was at this juncture, I would not mind at all. Such marvellous views overall, and I agree in that in life you certainly need a break --- for me, that means staying in touch with reality and not being consumed by the digital world. xx
    Style Favourites

    1. I think it sometimes happens to me that I get consumed by the digital world, that is why I decided to spend less time online.

  38. So pretty, gorgeous pictures! I'm loving your blog too, let me know if you would like to follow each other! x

  39. It is so dangerous to be a believer in the potential magic of every place and person you meet, but I would not have it any other way. I love being open, even though most of those I meet are walled off, satisfied with everything as-is and yet complaining all the time. Seeing the layers and levels of life gives it meaning, a reason to be alive. Very thoughtful essay!

    All Things Bright and Lovely

    1. yes, people do love to complain forgetting that the energy they use for complaining would be better spent someplace else.

  40. If it didn't look this amazing, it would not be your post. You have a knack for finding the most breathtaking locations. That was my impression just looking at the pictures.

    I have thoroughly enjoyed reading these scenarios. Context plays a huge role in it all. From scenarios like the ones you've very aptly described that go way deeper than just a bus stop to even spoken words. Every so often we all need that break from the norm and our 'context'. And be the person that gets lost in the magic of it all. Living. Great metaphor, it's truly all in the mind.

    Why should waiting at the bus stop be synonymous with boring? It all lies in the definitions of what we feel is the norm or should I say 'wired' to think is the norm. What if we were wired differently? To see it as enjoyable? Then our perception of it changes. We truly hold the power.
    Great read Ivana!

    1. what an amazing comment! I really enjoyed reading it. Yes, context plays a huge role....often it is all about perception.

  41. A vedere il colore di quell'acqua mi viene voglia di tuffarmici! *-*
    Che posto incantevole cara! ^-^
    Un bacione e buon week end :*

  42. From out bus stop, you can hear a lion roar at the Zoo :-) But you know, it's all about the attitude. There're basically 3 scenarios of when I might be losing it while waiting for a bus: 1. I'm really cold; 2. I carry a really heavy bag with groceries and it's cold; 3. I'm late for something. But, I think about everyday being precious, you never know when it's your last one, so it's better to be happy if it really is your last. And, wow, you did a magnificent job writing so much in 2 languages, I take my imaginary hat off :-) in respect!

    1. that's so cool! I think I would love to hear the lion roar while I'm waiting for a bus. What a cute mix of urban and wild it must be. :)

      I would totally lose my nerve in those scenarios too!

      Writing in two languages is very time consuming, but I would feel weird if I didn't do it, since I translate texts for a living :).

  43. Loving the photos!
    Dora <3

  44. Oh darling thank you so much for this inspiring post!

  45. Wow! This was such a deep post. I like it.

  46. amazing photos

    new post

  47. I am so sorry to hear you got hit by that darn stomach flu. Poor you. Hope you are already feeling better, sweetie. Here's hope for a speedy recovery. Just be careful, Ivana.

    1. thank you dear! I'm feeling better already.

  48. Wow, looks so amazing!


  49. Really, It was soo beautiful!
    Love from {a lifestyle, fashion, beauty, and food blog}

  50. Really, beautifully written, Ivana.
    The definition of looking at life from different perspectives is what makes our life interesting or boring....Everything lies within us..truly said.
    Loved this post.

  51. Wow, I love your amazing pictures :)

  52. Predivan i jako inspirativan tekst! Procitala sam ga sa velikim uzivanjem. Jako mi se dopadaju postovi poput ovog, jer citajuci ih uvek me podstaknu na razmisljanje.

  53. What a wonderful philosophical post! I love your thoughts on it! And that is an amazing busstop!

  54. Ja se naiskrenije nadam da ti pišeš. Ukoliko ne pišeš, ja te lijepo molim da počneš pisati. Zašto? Jer imaš sposobnost i snagu doprijeti do ljudi plus-beskrajno si talentirana... i ne samo za ilustriranje i slikanje.
    Kopirati ću si dio teksta. Da pročitam kada zaboravim. A često mi zaboravljamo... Šira slika i kontekst... uvijek... ne smijemo zaboraviti. Dižem kapu. Ponovno, molim te, piši. :)


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