How to paint with textile paints? (+outfit post)...... Kako slikati tekstilnim bojama? (+ odjevna kombinacija)
Hi there! In this post I will talk about painting with textile paints, something that I do quite often on this blog (that is also the reason why there are so many links in this post, I wanted to link up this post to other relevant posts about this topic). If you're not interested in this topic but rather you just want to look at the outfit, feel free to skip the text this time.
Zdravo! U ovoj objaviti ću pisat o slikanju s tekstilnim bojama, a to je nešto što dosta često radim na ovom blogu ( to je također i razlog zašto ima tako puno poveznica u ovoj objavi, željela sam je povezati s drugim relevantnim objavama o ovoj temi, sve se nalaze u engleskome dijelu teksta jer mislim da nema potrebe za prijevodom riječi "here"). Ako vas tema ne zanima i želite vidjeti samo odjevnu kombinaciju, slobodno ovaj put preskočite sami tekst.
How to paint with textile (fabric) paints? Well, as I have explained many times, the process is fairly simple. There isn't any difference when it comes to using textile and regular paints. In fact, painting with textile paints is quite similiar to using acyrlic paints (which some people use to paint on clothes). There are basically two ways to paint on clothes (or bags and etc.), depending on whether you want to paint a design/pattern/whatever by yourself or whether you want to copy a design (if you don't enjoy painting or if you don't think you're good at it). So, if you don't know how to paint, you can still do it by using the second method (copying some design). There are different kinds of fabric paints available on the market, I tried quite a few and as far as I can tell, they don't differ much in quality. So, if you want to give this DIY (i.e. painting on clothes) a try, buy some textile paints and get started. The only thing you should be careful about is placing something under the textile you're painting on, just to make sure that the paint doesn't end up everywhere.
Kako slikati s tekstilnim bojama? Kao što sam puno puta objasnila, sam postupak je jako jednostavan. Nema razlike kada su tekstilne ili obične boje u pitanju. Zapravo slikanje s tekstilnim bojama je dosta nalik na korištenje akrilnih boja (koje neki ljudi i koriste za slikanje na odjeće). Postoje zapravo dva osnovna načina za slikanje na odjeći (ili torbama i slično), zavisno o tome želite li sami naslikati to nešto (to može biti uzorak, slika itd) ili želite kopirati nešto. Postoje različite vrste tekstilnih boja na tržištu, dosta sam ih isprobala i mogu vam reći da nema neke značajne razlike u kvaliteti. Tako da želite li isprobati ovaj napravi sam projekt, kupite tekstilne boje i krenite u nove radne pobjede. Samo trebate biti pažljivi i sjetiti se staviti nešto ispod tekstila na kojem slikate, čisto da ta boja ne završi svugdje.
* If you're looking for inspiration, feel free to check out my previous posts here, here, here, here and here. ( Poveznice koje vidite vode do starijih objava na ovu temu, ako vas zanima i tražite li nadahnuće slobodno ih pogledajte).
As far as this outfits goes, there are two items that have been painted on with textile paints and these would be this white turtleneck and this pair of jeans. You can't really see this turtleneck that well in this post, but you'll have the chance to do soon as I have another post with it prepared (or you can see this old post). While I'm quite happy with the design of this angel, I'm not that crazy about how it looks on me. You see, I forgot to take into the account the shape of my body, so this angel looks a bit distorted on me. Bein curvy has both its advantages and disadvantages. If you are curvy like myself, keep that in mind when you're creating an image that you would like to wear. This particular outfit is something that I wore last March. I'm posting it now because Spring doesn't arrive everywhere at the same time. Some of my readers still need to dress warmly so here is a little bit of fashion inspiration for them. The location where these photographs were taken is Mostarsko blato near Mostar ( Bosnia and Herzegovina). Isn't this view gorgeous?
Što se tiče same odjevne kombinacije, ovdje su dva odjevna komada na kojima sam slikala, a oni su dolčevita i traperice. Ne možete baš dobro vidjeti dolčevitu u ovoj objavi, ali moći ćete uskoro jer imam još jednu odjevnu kombinaciju sa njom pripremljenu ( ili ako želite pogledajte ovu objavu). Dosta sam zadovoljna kako mi je ispao anđeo, ali nisam baš luda za tim kako mi stoji. Naime, zaboravila sam uzeti u obzir oblik svoga tijela, tako da je anđeo na meni pomalo izobličen. Imati obline ima i prednosti i nedostataka. Tako da imate li obline, imajte to na pameti kada stvarate neki sliku koju biste voljeli nositi. Ovu odjevnu kombinaciju nosila sam prošloga mjeseca. Objavljujem je sada zašto što proljeće ne stiže svugdje u isto vrijeme. Neki od mojih čitatelja se još uvijek moraju toplo odijevati, stoga evo malo modne inspiracije za njih. Lokacija gdje su ove fotografije uslikane je Mostarsko blato pored Mostara (BIH). Zar nije ovaj pogled prekrasan?
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Previously posted about here / Već sam pisala o tome ovdje |
turtleneck/dolčevita: old +DIY jacket/jakna: ski pro jeans: old+ DIY shoes: dr.martens |
Hello from Spain: great tips about painting textiles. Great jeans.Nice pics. Keep in touch
DeleteNice pics!!!
ReplyDeletethank you
DeleteWow! you look so pretty <33 Amazing jacket :)
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Buy my clothes!Sale!
DeleteYou look so happy and cheerful in these photos, how lovely! I really don't experiment much when it comes to artwork, though I get a lot of enjoyment out of watching others do well in that area! It's a lot of fun seeing your art on Instagram :)
ReplyDeleteGabrielle | A Glass Of Ice
thank you so much:)! I was feeling quite happy...with this view who could blame me for feeling all cheerful.
DeleteI do love posting my art on instagram, that's my account there is pretty much all about my painting.
Ohhh, I just had a look at some of your previous posts where you painted on clothes - that is so amazing and very inspiring (especially loved the trousers with the little floral pattern)! The angel turned out absolutely beautiful, and whilst you say that you don't like how it looks on you, I think it looks really lovely! :) When I studied Art in college we did do some textile painting, but I was never very good at it... Pencil sketches have always been more my thing, but I still love art and really enjoy reading about it on your blog. :) <3 Hoping to see more posts like this, hun! x
Thank you Kay:)
DeleteHi dear!! Great post!! I follow you with GFC (n. 595), follow me back, please? Have a great weekend!!
I followed you back.
DeleteThis is such a cute outfit! I love your jacket with those jeans.
ReplyDeletexo Azu
thank you dear Azu.
DeleteI love your painted clothes! It still feels strange to paint on clothes when you are taught NEVER to get paint on your clothes. I'm glad you are breaking that rule. The angel is beautiful but I never thought about the curves changing the display, hm. Hahaha. And the addition to the jeans makes them so much better and unique. I just bought new fabric paints too - I'll see how it goes. You've inspired me.
ReplyDeletethank you dear Melanie:) . Yes, curves can be tricky:)
DeleteWow your pinted clothes look amazing <3 Love your outfit! You look so gorgeous.
ReplyDeleteAly In Wanderland | | Alyssa X
*painted <3 <3
ReplyDeletethank you Alyssa
DeleteDear Ivana, yes, the view you show here is breathtaking - I love also your outfit! Thanks for this post, I know already since a very long time you are talented in many many ways and includig textile paints. Therefore I fear - even when I follow what you wrote down here - my paitings on textile will never ever look as good as your painting :)
ReplyDeleteHave a wonderful weekend!
xx from Bavaria/Germany, Rena
thank you Rena.
DeleteSuper cute and comfy look. I really love the jeans. xx
ReplyDeleteHi, dear Ivana! I now had to re-schedule my agenda, reading your blog on Saturdays! I can well do that on Monday, but as Monday is a busy day, I prefer to be on my day "off" and relaxed, inspired to read your lovely post! I looooved the angel, but well, if you say it look distorted, OK, I believe (on you, I mean, for being curvy). But the design is amazing! As well as the jeans! I love painted items, especially knowing that you painted them! You look lovely and I loved your checked jacket! Hope you enjoy your weekend!
thank you dear Dee:)
DeleteWow totally Amazing post, just <3 it, will try to do it at home :)
DeleteGreat look:) Beautiful images!
thanks Monika.
DeleteI honestly don't know how to make a good design on my clothese but I'm trying my best just to come up with a nice work. You did great! :)
SHAIRA // New Post- Lighthouse
thank you dear Shaira
DeleteLovely Post! Thanks for sharing! xx Check out my new post: KLENSPOP: ELLEN PANDA PM 12 BLUE EYE CONTACTS REVIEW!
Use code 'R9LAF9SP' for 10% off
thanks sweet:)
DeleteI was completely clueless when it came to knowing how to paint clothing. So, even though you gave us a free pass to skip past it, I read and learned from the text. And the, of course, enjoyed the lovely pictures. Great job on the angel and looking so sexy and wow in those jeans, dear!
ReplyDeleteAll Things Bright and Lovely
thank you Shamu:)
Deletea very nice place !!! I love the pictures !!! thanks for your visits !!! happy day !!!
ReplyDeletethank you Carolina:)
Deletethanks Diana
ReplyDeleteI always love how you incorporate your paintings in your outfits dear!!! that blue angel painting looks gorgeous!!! I love everything that you have painted in your clothes! very artistic and unique!!!
ReplyDeletelove lots,
I'm glad you like it:).
ReplyDeleteBas sam danas razmisljala o tome da se odvazim nesto napisati (prije nego naslikati iako-nikada se ne zna, kao mala sam jako voljela crtati)... kupila sam bijelu i crnu musku majicu u Plodinama za 7kn i sad bi ja malo sarala po njima... sad jos samo da kupim te boje... ja bi zlatnu i srebrnu... nadam se da cu ih naci :)
ReplyDeleteodlično, jedva čekam da vidim kako će ispasti. Ja sam u Splitu bez problema nalazila sve boje u hobby dućanima, cijena je ako se dobro sjećam od dvadeset do trideset kuna po boci, ovisno je li metalik ili obična.
DeleteYou know I'm a fan of how you personalize your clothes with your artwork so it was very cool of you to share a bit about the process with us. I'm not sure I have the skills to ever attempt it myself but it's good to know what you use.
ReplyDeleteyou'll never know if you don't try:)
DeleteIt looks very good and it's nice to know how you do it too!!!!! I don't really do much with fabric- I am always a bit scared of it!!x
ReplyDeletethanks Kezzie. I think you would be good with fabric, you've done a lot more difficult DIY projects on your blog (from what I've seen) so I'm pretty sure you would rock this.
DeleteI need to try this! I love the jeans in this outfit and the heart jacket in your other post! I definitely want to try this. You could sell your designs. They are all so beautiful!