Fashion illustration of the day /Modna ilustracija dana ( Bonjour Tristesse)

Selecting a title to accompany this illustration was easy. Bonjour Tristesse (meaning good morning sadness) is a well known novel written by French writer Fracoise Sagan. I've read this novel quite a long time ago, but it stayed with me. The novel caused quite a sensation when in was published, in part surely because of the fact that the author was only 18 at the time. I said that the novel stayed with me, but I can't say that I was head over heels with it. To tell you the truth, despite the fact that I enjoyed reading it, I didn't fall in love with this novel. It was interesting and full of haunting sadness, but it seemed clear to me that it wasn't a mature work of literature. A several years after I came across another novel by this author. That novel was Scars on the Soul and it was simply love at the first sight (or should I say at first reading). This second novel of hers that I read seemed to contained everything that the first novel lacked. I will recommend both of these novels to you because I do believe they both deserve to be read.  I'm kind of sorry that most people end up reading only the first. I'm often surprised by the quality of 'lesser know things', not just when it comes to literature.  Why do we people tend to assume something is better if others know about it? Do we forget that often the best things are hidden from plain sight? 

Odabiranje naslova za pratnju ove ilustracije bilo je lako. Bonjour Tristesse ( kod nas prevedeno kao Dobro jutro tugo) je poznati roman francuske spisateljice Francoise Sagan. Pročitala sam ovaj roman prije dosta vremena, ali mi je nekako ostao u pamćenju. Kada je objavljen izazvao je popriličnu senzaciju, djelomično sigurno i jer je spisateljica kada je objavljen imala samo osamnaest godina. Rekla sam da mi je ostao i sjećanju, ali ne mogu reći da me posve oduševio. Iskreno, nisam se u njega zaljubila, iako sam uživala u čitanju. Bio je zanimljiv i pun neke opsjedajuće tuge, ali mi se činilo jasnim da nije u pitanju neko zrelo književno djelo. Nekoliko godina kasnije naišla sam na drugi roman iste autorice. Taj je roman bio Modrice na duši i to je jednostavno bila ljubav na prvi pogled (ili prvo čitanje). Ovaj drugi roman koji sam pročitala je po meni sadržavao sve ono što je nedostajalo prvom. Oba ću vam preporučiti jer mislim da oba zaslužuju da ih pročitate. Nekako mi je žao što ljudi većinom pročitaju samo prvi. Često me iznenadi kvaliteta "manje poznatijih stvari", ne samo kada je u pitanju književnost. Zašto mi ljudi pretpostavljamo da je nešto bolje ako drugi znaju za to? Zaboravljamo li da su često najbolje stvari sakrivene od pogleda?

Back to my illustration, it has many elements that could be connected with french chic such as : a  beret, a minimalistic dress , a pair of pointy flates and a monochrome selection of colours. Blue is one of my favourite colours.  Pointed flats are very in this season and 'off the shoulder' trend seems to be here to stay. Parisian chic has been in for quite some time and I can totally understand why. It may not be what I wear on day to day basis, but it is a style I admire. So, the reason why I paired this illustration with these two book recommendations is simple, it reminds me of both of these novels.  I'm trying to post my illustrations more frequently because I want them to be an important part of my blog. I had a little blogging crisis this month and my mind was almost made up to give up, but I decided to keep doing this. Why? Well, because I want to. It was a good moment for me to question everything so I did. I came up with some conslusition of my own and one of them is that if I want to keep this blog alive and kicking, I must make it about things that interest me. That's the best motivation, doing something that you love. For example, posts with my illustrations always get the least views, but I'm keeping them here. Blogging isn't easy, it takes a lot of patience to keep it up. Taking some time to figure out why are you doing it and what is it that you want to achieve is  can be very helpful. There are no right and wrong answers, just ones that are right for you in a certain moment.

Vratimo se na ilustraciju, u njoj je puno elemenata koji se mogu povezati s francuskim šikom kao što su: beretka, minimalistička haljina, par ravnih cipela na špic i monokromatski izbor boja. Plava je jedna od mojih omiljenih boja. Špicoke bez pete su jako popularne ove sezone, a i trend golih ramena je još uvijek tu i izgleda da će tako i ostati. Pariški šik je u modi već neko vrijeme i mogu posve razumjeti zašto. To možda i nije ono to nosim svakodnevno, ali se divim tom stilu. Stoga je razlog zašto sam ovu ilustraciju spojila s ove dvije preporuke knjiga jednostavan, jednostavno me podsjeća na oba ova romana. Trudim se češće objavljivati svoje ilustracije jer želim da budu dio bloga. Ovaj mjesec imala sam malu blogersku krizu i skoro sam odlučila odustati od svega, ali ipak sam odlučila nastaviti. Zašto? Jednostavno jer to želim. Bio je dobar trenutak za malo preispitati sve, pa sam to i napravila. Došla sam do nekih svojih zaključaka i jedan od njih je da ako želim održati ovaj blog u dobroj formi, moram pisati o onime što me zanima. To je najbolja motivacija, činiti nešto što volite. Na primjer, objave s mojim ilustracijama uvijek imaju najmanje pregleda, ali opet ih zadržavam ovdje. Nije lako baviti se blogom, treba puno strpljenja da bi se održao. Uzeti malo vremena da razmislite zašto se time bavite i što je ono što želite postići može vam dosta pomoći. Nema tu pravih i krivih odgovora, samo onih koja su ispravna za vas u određenom trenutku.


  1. Amazing illustration!

  2. I am so glad you chose to stay. Blogging is most def no walk in the park ( i wish someone told me ) but like you said when you make it about the things you love and things that interest you, the load seems a tad lighter. I have those conversations with myself every once in a while too. Then I stumble upon an outfit i like and the rest is history.

    I love the illustration and I love parisian chic. Don't we all, lol. Very on trend with the pointy shoes and off the shoulder dress. I haven't read any of her novels but the titles kinda draw me in. Good morning sadness works for this illustration. The irony of being sad even while looking so good was captured very well.
    You are so well rounded, finding time to read books, travel, illustrate, blog etc. Kudos Ivana!

    1. yes, I wish somebody told me as well. Blogging is hard but it is also very addicting:) It is hard to stop really:)

      I'm not as good with time management as it sometimes seems, I'm not as good as balancing everything but with time I hope I will get better.

  3. Hvala ti na preporukama, definitivno ću posuditi oba romana, baš me zanima kakav će dojam na mene ostaviti :) I apsolutno se slažem s tobom, ponekad uz razvikane romane postoje i oni gotovo nepoznati koji nas obore s nogu nakon prvih par stranica. Upravo zbog toga gotovo uvijek pokušam pročitati sve knjige autora koje volim, da ne bi propustila nešto odlično o čemu ne bruji čitav svijet :)

    Jako mi se sviđa ilustracija!

    1. baš tako obore nas s nogu nakon par stranica i uvijek ostanu dio nas, pa na kraju nije ni važno što nisu proglašeni nekakvih klasikom..... Ja sam se toliko isplakala uz jedan francuski roman koji je po meni nešto neviđeno u svjetskoj književnosti (žena ga je pisala o ljubavi svoga života, ali je poginula pa je on dovršio tu knjigu), a onda kada sam ga tražila po internetu vidjela sam da je totalno zanemaren (mislim da čak i nije preveden na engleski).

  4. Bravo za stav! Verujem da vecinu najvise zanimaju outfit postovi, ali smatram da su ilustracije nesto skroz originalno i tvoje i uvek se iznova odusevim njima.
    Beretka i spic cipelice, wow bas pravi french chic! Hvala ti na knjizevnim preporukama.

  5. Excellent illustration (as always)!Thank you very much :)

  6. Love this blue outfit! I love your illustrations - one should always keep doing what one is passionate about. Hope you're having a fabulous weekend!
    Christina ♥

  7. I don´t know the novel but after your explanation I think your illustration fits it quite well. I love parisian chic too. Also post whatever you like, it´s your blog and it is supposed to mirror what you like. So don´t care about the views. :) xoxo

  8. I am happy to see some tights being included in your lovely artwork. The swimwear one was quite stunning too. Of course I am glad you keep blogging, not just for the amazing experiences it so often gives me, but for the ones I know it gives you as well...though very different those experiences I think ;)

    All Things Bright and Lovely

    1. I'm glad you like the tights. I shouldn't be surprised that you noticed them:). I think blogging gives us similar experiences, those of connecting with others and having a space to express our own creativity.

  9. amazing post !

    please follow my blog : YOUNG BLOG

  10. Grazie per averci consigliato queste due letture, devo assolutamente andare a cercarle - sperando siano disponibili nelle librerie della mia città!
    E bellissima la tua illustrazione, mi piace molto il vestito della ragazza e la sua espressione!
    Un bacione :*

  11. so nice post, very well written. Thanks for sharing <3

  12. Loved the way you illustrated!! :)

  13. E' bene che tu faccia cose che ti ispirano e che liberino la tua creatività, hai ragione sul blogging, consuma tempo ed energie, ci vuole impegno e se non è attinente a qualcosa di importante per te si vede...keep up the good work Ivana =)

    Fashion and Cookies - fashion & beauty blog

  14. Drago mi je da si prevazišla krizu. Imala sam i ja svoju, ali sad mi je nekako odjednom sve lakše i jasnije. Ipak je i ovo nešto što sami "učimo" negde usputno i normalno je imati faze ushićenja kao i onih kad se pitamo čemu sve. Znaš, baš ono što ima najmanje pregleda je ono čega se treba i držati jer je u većini slučajeva nešto unikatno, nešto što možda neće privući mase, ali će privući onoga ko treba i ko to ceni. Mislim da je bitan i kvalitet publike, a ne samo njen broj. Možda je slično i sa književnim delima npr. Možda se po inerciji često okrećemo onim poznatim jer mislim da nam to nekako daje sigurnost da nećemo pogrešiti, a zapravo je često baš suprotno. U svakom slučaju, sve što možemo i od nas zavisi treba raditi od srca i kao produkt stvarne želje. I ovako je previše stvari koje se moraju...
    Ilustracija je zaista čarobna i iako se ukpala u naziv, odiše tugom ali u nekom pozitivnom smislu, makar iz mog ugla. Pariski šik je i meni jako drag i poseban i večna inspiracija :)

    1. u stvari je kvalitet publike zapravo i jedini bitan jer ono što me najviše veseli su zanimljivi komentari i diskusije koji pojedini postovi je ono što me i raduje kod bloga podijelit nešto s nekime, zato ću se ubuduće i truditi da taj sadržaj bude što kvalitetniji. U pravu si da ima i previše stvari koje se moraju, baš zato nam blog ne bi trebao biti izvor stresa već nešto što radimo iz gušta (mada i stvari iz gušta često trebaju i vremena i truda opet se osjeti kada se nešto radi iz ljubavi).

  15. Believe me, I love and am waiting for your illustration post.
    It has nothing to do with the view rates, you know!!!

    Keep blogging your great works!!

  16. I love Fracoise Sagan, but have never read this novel((
    I love the illustration, it looks so awesome! Thanks for sharing with us yor lovely drawings, Ivana))
    Have a nice day dear))

    1. you are so sweet.
      Sagan was a very interesting woman, wasn't she?

  17. I can certainly see the Parisian influence on her outfit - and I really, really love how you often make your illustrated eyes look sad, it's so moving and a personal touch of yours! I'm sorry to hear yo were considering giving up blogging, though very pleased to know you changed your mind :) I suppose sometimes we have to sit down and think hard about how much something means to us, and whether we want to continue it - as you've done! :) I hope you're having a wonderful weekend Ivana...

    1. yes, sometimes we need just to sit down and just think about everything.
      thank you so much for your kind words!!!!!

  18. Nice drawing!
    I agree on your observations.

  19. I am glad you chose to stay, Ivana. I totally agree with your last sentence, so so true. I know, blogging isn't a walk in the park, it's hard work, it's a daily struggle. But it is okay. Now it is fine but there were times when certain things were upsetting me until I realized that I blog for me, that I love blogging, no matter what. If you love what you do, Ivana you should do it, it's good for you.
    Lovely illustration as usual, Ivana. Love the Parisian chic look. And I love the thought behind the work. Great job, well done. So keep them coming. Happy Sunday, Ivana.

  20. Love your illustrations

    New post:

  21. You have definitely managed to capture a french chic spirit in the outfit as well as the flourishes you added in the illustration. And the title seems very fitting from your description. I think most of us who've been blogging for awhile tend to hit a crossroads where we must decided where we want to continue or not. As your blogging friend I'm glad you're still at it of course and since this is your blog, you should post what is dear and interests you and you make it interesting as well. I try to blog abut topics that are meaningful to me or else I'd be real bored.

  22. Dear Ivana, "Bonjour Tristesse" is one of the very few books I didn't read but listened it via audio book. Maybe therefore it is still very well in my memories and I remember also the special mood of this book very well.
    The illustration of today is indeed a French inspired look and as usual I like it! You are definitely very taltented, dear Ivana!
    xx from Bavaria/Germany, Rena

  23. nice inspiration for a new look?
    Can you paint me?))))

    1. sure I can, I already did once in the past:)

  24. Francuska je večita inspiracija, jer prva asocijacija je jezik (nisam ljubitelj istig, iskreno), zatim Pariz, svetlost...
    Nisam bila u Francuskoj, ali imam želju da je posetim, jer je i meni inspirativna.
    Što se tiče romana, više se ne sećam radnje. Ponekad nije dobro čitati mnogo, a sve češće hvatam sebe kako se ne sećam pisca, dela ili radnje.
    Plavo je boja koju volim,pa mi uz nju i ove suze izgledaju kao suze radosnice.
    Inače, skoro sam čitala roman "Devojka sa bisernom minđušom" i dopao mi se, ali što bih ja rekla, retroaktivno, jer tek kod rečenice "Umro je slikar Vermer" stigle su me emocije. Planiram da posetim Delft, mesto radnje. To mi je zanimljivo jer imam utisak da sam deo događaja, a moja mašta ide dotle da mogu da osetim sva dešavanja, atmopsferu, ljude, čujem glasove... Ovo poslednje će razumeti kreativci, pa vas sve pozivam da me branite od onih koji misle da kad neko čuje glasove koji ne postoje, treba dijagnozu stručnjaka.

    1. ja ću te svakako braniti jer mislim da je to posve normalno, mene često jako dirnu knjige, praktički mi promijene vid na sve, a osim toga nisu mi jasni ljudi koje ništa ne dira, nikakav vid umjetnosti ili postignuća...ti po meni nisu normalni.

  25. But I love your fashion illustrations! They are so beautiful! I find that my 'What is it?' cloud ones have the least views and comments but I love doing them and for the few people that do join in, they seem to love them! My faith posts are similar but I cannot not share them, that would be awful!
    Your blog is wonderful and I really am glad to know you through your blog!x

  26. P.S. thank you for what you said about my outfit posts- that means a lot from you-I regard you as a great fashion blogger!x

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