Purple/ Ljubičasta (fashion illustration/ modna ilustracija)

I think this is the longest I have ever gone without posting anything. Ever since I started my blog, I've been posting very frequently.  I had a lot of posts prepared ( I always do) but I don't like posting when I don't have the time and energy to visit other blogs (and this flu really got to me). I don't see the point in posting if I know I won't be able to answer the comments. I'm not saying that is the right way, but it is my way.  I've been thinking about blogging lately and I think that following other blogs might be enough for me. I have more than a hundred already written posts, but I'm not sure do I have the need the post them. Maybe it means that it is time to let go of this little place of my own. Perhaps retiring is not a bad idea. I'll figure it out. In the meantime, I'm sharing this fashion illustration with you. I illustrated an all purple outfit, very feminine and if I can add quite Spring appropriate. Medium is watercolour on paper (I did a sketch in pencil before applying watercolours). I didn't use a reference for this girl, I was inspired (as often) by more than one person. Landscape is typical for my illustrations, I think that my need to always have a hill in the background has to do with the cities I live in. As for the outfit, it is something I would love to wear myself. Another thing.... I have always loved purple.

Mislim da je ovo najdalje što nisam objavljivala od kada sam započela ovaj blog. Od samoga početka bloga objavljivala sam jako često. Imala sam jako puno (kao i uvijek) objava u pripremi, ali ne volim objavljivati kada nemam vremena i energije za posjetiti druge blogove ( ova gripa me baš umorila). Ne vidim smisla u objavljivanju ako znam da neću imati vremena odgovoriti na komentare. Ne kažem da to treba tako biti, ali to je moj način.  Razmišljala sam o svemu tomu i mislim da je možda praćenje drugih blogova za mene sasvim dovoljno. Imam više od stotinu već napisanih i pripremljenih objava, ali nisam sigurna da ih imam potrebu objaviti. Možda to znači da je vrijeme da ga pustim. Možda je vrijeme za mirovinu. Razmislit ću. Vrijeme će pokazati.  U međuvremenu, dijelim ovu modnu ilustraciju sa vama. Ilustrirala sam posve ljubičastu kombinaciju, jako ženstvenu i ako mogu dodati baš prikladnu za proljeće. Koristila sam olovku za skicu i vodene boje za popunjavanje ilustracije, a radila sam na papiru. Krajolik je tipičan za moje ilustracije, mislim da se moja potreba za brdom u pozadini može povezati s gradovima u kojima živim. Nisam koristila neku fotografiju ili slično kao referencu za djevojku, nadahnulo me (kao često) više osoba. Što se tiče same odjevne kombinacije, to je nešto što bi i sama voljela nositi. Još nešto...uvijek sam voljela ljubičastu.


  1. I loved the way you illustrated the outfit and heels along with the background details. =)



    1. thanks babe. I want a pair of heels just like this one!

  2. Dear, you're so talented!!! This illustration is gorgeous and so is her outfit! ;)
    As for the blogging thing, I think we'll all know eventually when it's time to retire, if you don't find the same passion for it as in the beginning maybe that's an alert. Or maybe you just need a break, not necessarily a retire. Whatever the case is, we, your readers, will understand. :)


    1. you're very sweet. I think I'll just take some time to think about it all, maybe I need to change something. When we don't feel passion for blogging anymore, than that is red alert indeed.

  3. Ljubičasta je baš lijepa, moćna boja.
    Što se tiče bloga, razumijem dio s potrebom da budeš tu i odgovaraš mada, po meni , ništa se neće desiti ako malo kasniš jer svi imamo živote pored bloga i nismo u mogućnosti sjediti i čekati da netkokomentira, pa da odmah pišemo odgovore. bila bi šteta da prestaneš pisati, mislim da ti je ovo divan kanal i medij (drugi blog znam da imađ, ali ne pratim) i bilo bi mi žao da se potpuno povučeš. jesi razmišljala uzeti jednostavno pauzu od bloga? malo ohaneš, pogledaš svijet oko sebe, vidiš treba li što mijenjati u blogu..lako ćeš prestati s blogom, samo nemoj prebrzo donijeti tu odluku ;) sretno s virusima, nadam se da ćemo s proljećem svi biti zdraviji

  4. OMG Ivana, 100 post written, I feel lucky if I have two post ready! I usually do one at a time...
    I hope you feel better now, I have a flu jab every year, I do not want to catch it and cancel a trip or something...
    Once you have more energy you will be thinking differently, flu can leave you so lack of energy that you probably need a break, when I got the flu being student I fall to the floor unconscious for the fever, flu can be very bad.
    Your illustration is beautiful

    1. I'm feeling better. Thank you. You're probably right. Perhaps all I need is to post less often.

  5. Don't leave your blog, it's great! And your illustrations are so lovely :)

    xoxo Ivana ❤
    Melania | modeintechnicolor.blogspot.com

  6. Cool! I like this image a lot. Take care and get well!

  7. It is up to you if you would decide to retire or not. Blogosphere is a vast world.

    Aly In Wanderland | BLOGLOVIN | GFC

    xo, Alyssa

    1. yes, it is really up to us to decide whether it is for us or not.

  8. that is probably the most lovely woman I have seen you do, dear. Very gorgeous! Fully understand the whole retirement thing. Blogging is still fun for me but Instagram changes have made that a real pain and I get much less joy from it. So it is tough to get motivated. Thanks for the well wishes and I send some to you too to heal from your illness

    All Things Bright and Lovely

    1. I'm glad you like this illustration. I hope you're feeling better too.

  9. Draga Ivana!
    To je lijepa slika!
    Želim ti ugodan vikend!
    LG Carolin

  10. Wow...it pic super amazing...thx for sharing honey...:-)

  11. Grande Ivana, questo é davvero uno dei più belli!!!!
    Happy friday bellissima!
    xo Paola
    My Facebook

  12. Hello from Spain: great details. I like your illustrations and looks. Keep in touch

  13. Sjajna ilustracija :) Ljubičasta mi je jedna od najdražih boja :) :*

    NEW POST ON MY BLOG: http://vesnamar.blogspot.rs/2016/04/banggood-spring-wishlist.html

  14. I think that everyone has a blogging crisis sometimes. You make beautiful illustrations and 100 posts prepared is a good motivation to keep on blogging ;)

    xo, Daria

    1. good point, I should probably post those 100 post since I have them prepared and all:)

  15. Divna ti je ova ilustracija, možda mi je jedna od najdražih u zadnje vrijeme! :) Što se bloga tiče, znaš i sama koliko krizu sam ja prošla sa svojim, kako sam također nestala na neko vrijeme i bila gotovo uvjerena da ću ga ugasiti...ali onda sam se malo vratila unatrag, sjetila se zbog čega sam sa svime počela, što mi je najvažnije i shvatila da zapravo puno toga trebam promijeniti kako bi u potpunosti odražavao ono što sam ja sad, a ne što sam bila prije 4 godine i odjednom se stvar pokrenula sama od sebe :) Možda tako i tebi treba vremena da sjedneš i promisliš o nekim stvarima, trenutačnim interesima i onome što ti je najvažnije i onda će se odgovori pojaviti kad ih najmanje očekuješ :) Samo polako! :*

    1. znam, mislim da je i meni to trebalo, malo razmisliti zašto sam ga pokrenula i u kojem smjeru trebam nastaviti.

  16. thanks dear :D

    so amazing draws!!! keep it up with this amazing work!

    NEW BLOGGER TIPS POST | All About Promotion
    InstagramFacebook Oficial PageMiguel Gouveia / Blog Pieces Of Me :D

  17. Meni bi bilo mnogo žao da napustiš blog ali te ujedno razumem i jer sama ponekad dođem do zasićenja. U svakom slučaju pauza dobro dođe u svemu pa neka to bude makar jedna pozitivna stvar koje je proistekla iz dana kada ti je bilo loše. Prati ritam koji tebi odgovara. Sve ovo oduzima jako mnogo vremena, kao što znaš i sama, a svi mi imamo i stvarne živote koji su daleko važniji od ovih virtuelnih.
    Ilustracija je san snova! Zaista mi se čini da je svaka još bolja od prethodne. Divan je spoj boja, položaj tela, a i frizura i kombinacija su nešto što bih rado nosila ;)
    Želim ti lep vidend :)

    1. hvala ti, ponekad nam stvarno treba pauza...a što se ilustracija tiče, drago mi je što ti se dopada... trudim se da mi modne ilustracije ne izgledaju sve isto, već uvijek nastojim naslikati drukčiji položaj tijela. Skupljam nadahnuća posvuda pa se to sve nekako skupi u jednu ilustraciju.

    2. Moram da ti priznam da sam i sama bila u debeloj krizi ovih poslednjih dana ali rekla bih da sam bolje sada. Nadam se da si i ti <3 A što se ilustracija tiče, trud se primećuje i mislim da napreduješ velikom brzinom :)

    3. hvala ti puno, drago mi je što si bolje i ja sam. Izgleda da nas je dolazak proljeća malo zatekao:)

  18. I'm sorry to hear you've had the flu - I hope you're feeling much better now, hopefully this new month will treat you well! The colour purple has really grown on me lately and your illustration of this purple dress here has added to that fondness :)

    Gabrielle | A Glass Of Ice

  19. Prava damska chic ilustracija i to u ljubicastoj boji, savrseno!
    Razumem te draga u potpunosti sto se tice pauziranja na blogu. Kreativne blokade su često prisutne kod svih nas, kao i nedostatak vremena, stres ili prolecni umor i viroze. Nadam se samo da nećeš skroz odustati, jer iskreno uzivam u tvojim postovima. Odmori se i provedi lep vikend,

  20. Lovely painting. Hope you are feeling better!


  21. Nice post dear...
    love all details...
    lets follow each ether on GCp facebook instagram and google+?
    just start and let me know. i do the same..
    kisses from MM

  22. ciao Ivana, ripasso per augurarti buon venerdì
    <<< tr3ndygirl fashion blog >>>
    un bacione

  23. You are truly one of a kind! I think that's what makes you a caring and genuine person even when we're surrounded by fake people on the Web. I want to have time to visit and leave some love on every blog I visit, and it makes me feel bad when I don't. It's nice to know that you think about it this way though. I don't find it odd. I find it very reassuring that people like you still exist. Thank you! Whatever you want to do with your blog, that is up to you. This is your space, but I like reading about your travels!

    1. thank you very much dear Rachel, your comment means a lot to me.

  24. Oh, I was also wondering where have you been why you are away for so long. Thank God you are getting better now dear. Please take care of yourself. Amazing art as always! though I am not a big fan of purple, your art captures my soul! Have an amazing week dearest and stay strong and creative as always!!! <3

    love lots,


    1. thank you sweet Tin!
      I'm a big fan of purple too:)

  25. Predivna ilustracija! Nemoj odustati od blogovanja, tako dobro pišeš :)

    Vildana from Living Like V (my first outfit post's on my blog) & Stalia Is BAE

  26. I really like this one Ivana. Great illustration. Regarding blogging, I feel taking breaks are important, I seem to do it by the month, lol. Take a step back, get inspired, come back or whatever you do I'm sure you will be happy. That's what is important. :) /Madison
    Sassy Palate Ventures

    1. I do agree with you. It is important to find the right pace for ouselves.

  27. You're great at what you do, Ivana. This is great!
    I understand you on the blog. Do what is best for you, but you will be missed if you retire.
    Happy weekend.. :)


  28. I have been wondering where you were. I think you are incredibly good at visiting and supporting other blogs. Rest assured though, we come here because we value what you write so I would miss your insightful posts. Xx
    Your illustration is beautiful. I actually used to have a dress just like that. I wish I still had it as I'd send it to you.x

    1. thank you Kezzie. That is so sweet...and so funny you had the same dress.

  29. Dear Ivana, hope you feel better now! And personally I would be sad if you would retire with your blog - but I think this is a decision which only one can do for oneself. At least I had the honour and pleasure to know you personally through your blog what I really appreciate. I think sometimes things are "finished" and we don't need to do them anymore and it happened already often to me in my life.
    As usual I really love your illustration - now I want only to own such a dress in reality :)
    Hope you will recover completely soon!
    xx from Bavaria/Germany, Rena

    1. thank you sweet Rena. Yes, it is true that some things are 'finished' when we sense they are and then it is the right moment to move on.

  30. Oh no, Ivana, I know you're not feeling well but I hope everything is okay and you'll change your mind about retiring from the blogsphere. I don't understand what's in the air recently, there's been a few bloggers whom I follow who have mentioned about retiring too. But a part of me understands why...blogging is consuming, time, mentally and emotionally too. I hope you'll stay, you're one of my favourite. ;-(

    Shireen | Reflection of Sanity

    1. yes, it is very consuming, especially when one has been doing it for a long time.

  31. you're very talented!


  32. Poslušaj filozofiju koju si ti meni jednom napisala...kad ti se piše pišeš, kada ne odmaraš. I tako i je...10-ak dana ništa, a onda u četiri dana tri posta, i ja zadovoljna...i tako to radim za svoj gušt, a ne lovim brojke ili posao preko njega. A kada je tako, imam svu slobodu svijeta. Uzmi pauzu kolika ti treba, ali nema potrebe da gasiš, prije ili kasnije će ti biti žao. :*
    Ilustracija je divna, nekako melankolična, ali ne i depresivna. <3

    1. da, možda je tako najbolje. Na kraju krajeva, zašto bi morali robovati nekom rasporedu kada za to nema potrebe.

  33. Lovely Post! Thanks for sharing! I just updated my blog, you should check it out! xx

  34. Beautiful purple dress! It's a pity that you're thinking about retiring...I really like your blog and great outfits! But I agree that sometimes one has to make changes and do what feels best :) Have a great weekend!
    Christina ♥ https://caliope-couture.com

  35. Hello lovely lady. Your illustrations are fabulous as always. You have true talent for transferring emotion in your art. As for the blogging, my advice would be to simply follow your heart. Take a break if you need to do so. I did right after starting LiWBF. I am on a writing break as well. Taking a break from the rigors of indie publishing has definitely helped me to refocus and recharge. Yet one thing I can promise you is that no matter how much time you need to figure things out, your readers and friends will understand. We'll still be here waiting when you return. You're a great person and it shows in your posts. The blogosphere needs lights like yours to shine. However, whichever way you decide to go, you have my support.

    Hugs to you!

    1. yes, that a break is really important sometimes.

  36. Che bello questo vestito! Sei davvero brava Ivana. Con il traduttore faccio fatica a capire il testo, spero che comunque vada tutto bene. Un bacio e grazie per la tua visita,

    Eniwhere Fashion
    Eniwhere Fashion Facebook

  37. Nice illustration! You have a talented hand <3

  38. Świetny rysunek wow :D Super post :)
    Pozdrawiam :)

  39. Bellissimo questo disegno, mi piace sia il vestito che l'espressione che hai dato alla ragazza! ^-^
    Un bacione e buona domenica! :*

  40. I really liked this illustration on your Instagram. Great work!

    Lu | www.balgarka.co.uk

  41. Dearest Ivana,
    I like your fashion drawing again very much - a wonderful dress! As for your thoughts, I can well understand your intentions. But I hope you decide NOT to quit blogging!!! Of course we all look forward to your visits, but also accept phases without visits. It is not always time and energy for, and every blogger knows this phases...
    Have a relaxing and healthy Sunday, my dear!
    Hugs, Traude

    1. thank you very much dear....you're always so sweet. Yes, we can't always spare the energy for blogging...and there is nothing wrong is simply taking a break.

  42. beautiful color

  43. Ivana I really would miss your blog, your posts, your smile, your positive energy. But whatever you do it will be the right thing for you, and that's the only thing that should matter to you. You do what's best and right for you, girl. Wishing you a happy and beautiful Sunday, honey.

    1. your comment means a lot to me:) and it is another reason to smile:)

  44. Oh I would really miss your blog if you retire, but I know it's a lot of work, not just posting, but keeping up with all the comments. Even my husband says I'm on the computer all the time and I should take a break. But I'm still behind on commenting. I hope you stay though because I really enjoy your posts. Your illustrations are so beautiful and your writing is amazing!

  45. Amazing illustration dear <3

  46. Sei bravissima Ivana, adoro questa tua illustrazione ! Baci

    Fashion and Cookies - fashion and beauty blog

  47. Good to know that you're feeling better, Ivana :) What about the thing which you wrote about your blog,I think that when something bad is happening in our lifes, we're all thinking about retiring/letting go. But sometimes all what we really need is little break and finding new inspirations. I hope that you won't retire, because I really like your blog, my creative friend:)
    PS: Your illustration is terrific, you're really talented :)


    1. so true. When things are going well for me, I have so much energy for the blog, but when things don't work out as planned, I feel like blog takes too much of my time.

  48. I had the same thoughts as you lately and I took a break. I hope you won't retire because your blog is nice!
    Great illustration, keep up the good work! xx


  49. Svi smo dosli do zasicenja i znam kako ti je! Mislim da je najveca kolicina nekih opterecenja proizasla iz moje glave! Ajme... necu moci objaviti nista tjedan dana, necu moci ici na druge blogove, sta ce cure misliti... nemoj se opterecivati time! Istina, vecina ljudi ti odgovara tak kada ti napises njima nesto ali ima ljudi koji ce te uvijek pratiti i voljeti bez obzira jer ti objavis ili ne, komentiras ili ne, odgovoris ili ne... nemoj nikada dopustiti da ti blog postane opterecenje... kada sam ja sebi to sve lijepo poslozila u glavi, postala sam puno manje opterecena i sretnija! Nitko od nas ne zivi od bloga i on nam ne smije biti tlaka vec gust. Uzmi si malo vremena i daj si oduska. A mi cemo te uvijek cekati i nadam se, docekati! :****

    1. i meni većina opterećenja dolazi iz glave, uvijek sam nešto nezadovoljna samom sobom...ma tipično žensko.

      Slažem se s tobom, najbitnije je da nam blog ne postane opterećenje. Treba nam biti rasterećenje, a ne opterećenje. Kada to tako postavim u glavi, odmah mi je lakše.

  50. I hope the flu has gone doll and you feel much better, am back to my blog as well. Having the flu can be horrible!! I wish you a wonderful new week :) xx

  51. Znam kako ti je. Ja sam na pocetku ove godine odlucila da stavljam samo one postove koji mi se potpuno svidjaju i u koje dajem sve od sebe. Manje sam prisutna ali imam bar vremena da odgovorim ljudima/komentarišem a i ovako sam sama vise zadovoljna sa blogom. Odluka je naravno sasvim tvoja, kako god da odlucis. Mozda treba proci malo vremena da vidis kako stoje stvari. Bilo kako, od mene imas potpunu podrsku u svakom primeru :) Ja verujem da ce sve proci dobro i da pratioci stoje uz tebe :D xx Maja

    1. hvala ti draga. Možda to trebam i ja napraviti. Najbitnije je da smo mi same zadovoljne, ostalo je sve sporedno.

  52. I have seen your work get better and better every single day and i couldn't more proud. Happy to know you are getting better. Do get all the rest you want. Blogging is a fun way to stay connected with friends and share your passion but if you need a much needed break, go for it then come back more inspired and 10 times stronger. I know i can always find you on social media :). Take care of yourself sweetheart!


    1. thanks Busola:) you're right. A break can help us come back stronger.

  53. Very nice! I would honestly miss you and your posts if you stopped blogging but you should do whatever feels right for you.

    1. thank you Rowena. You're always very kind.

  54. A lovely drawing Ivana!! I love purple too. Perhaps less frequent posting rather than stopping, or take a break. You have sooooo many commentators that it makes it very time consuming to answer everyone.



    1. less frequent posting is probably a good idea.

  55. I know you used to post much and when I haven't seen your posts for a while I thought that it's feedback that failed to deliver them to me (sometimes it happens). Now I see that it wasn't. Your energy and productivity with blogging has always amazed me...Maybe you just got tired of all this. Perhaps you just need a break...

    1. thank you Olga, I think you're right, I just got a bit tired of it all.

  56. And beautiful illustration by the way...

  57. I will miss you terribly if you go!!!! You are so full of ideas and talents, please consider continuing blogging, even if you need to change a pace in your posting/commenting. I know that everything gets old at some point. Just take a brake and see how it goes. Much love to you! You are wonderful. Take it easy! I mean it. :)

    1. You're so sweet. Thank you so much for your kind words.

  58. Lovely as always....I know how such decisions are so hard, but you are such a talented girl..do not quit Dear. Hope you feel better soon and get back on track all fresh and ROCK!


    New Post: http://www.thepositivewindow.com/2016/04/whats-in-spring.html

  59. I've been going through similar thoughts. It's a lot of work to follow so many blogs, comment, reply to comments, no wonder you feel a bit burned out? Hope you figure it out. I love your blog!

  60. Dear Ivana, I sincerely hope, that you do´nt retire and that you will run your geourgeous blog a long time. But I can understand so well. The last weeks I had a similar problem ... to much work, no thoughts for blogging. I think, sometimes we just need a break ...

    I love you sweet fashion illustration and of course her very feminine outfit ;-)

    xxx Nadine


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All your comments mean a lot to me, even the criticism. Naravno da mi puno znači što ste uzeli vrijeme da nešto napišete, pa makar to bila i kritika. Per me le vostre parole sono sempre preziose anche quando si tratta di critiche.

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