Split- Trogir (outfit post/ odjevna objava) + giveaway winner/ dobitnica darivanja

Hi there! The winner of the Jexshop giveway hosted on my blog is Isidora Matic. Congrats to you and please send an email to Jexshop so they can send you your package.

Today I'm showing you how I have styled a maxi dress send to me by dresslink. I have paired it with wedges, bag with fringes and a striped cap. I've kept the jewellery (jewelry if you prefer AE)  simple, opting for a simple necklace, bracelet and watch. What do you think?

As you know if you follow my blog, fashion is not the only thing I like to talk about. I always try to present interesting places to you, especially those I enjoy myself. Who knows, perhaps you'll even have the chance to learn something new. I will divide this post into two parts, one from Split city, the other from Trogir city.

Zdravo! Dobitnica darivanja Jexshopa je Isidora Matić. Čestiam ti i molim te pošalji poruku komapniji da ti mogu poslati paket.

 Danas sam pokazujem što sam nosila nedavno i što sam odabrala nositi uz ovu  dugu haljinu koju sam dobila od dresslinka. Uz nju sam obula sandale s punom petom, ponijela torbu s resama i stavila kapu s prugicama. Nakit  je dosta jednostavan, ogrlica, narukvica i sat. Što vi o tome mislite?

Kao što znate ako pratite moj blog, ovdje ne pričam samo o modi. Uvijek se trudim pokazati vam zanimljiva mjesta, pogotovo ona u kojima i sama uživam, tako da ćete danas (barem neki od vas) imati priliku naučiti nešto novo. Današnju objavu ću podijeliti u dva dijela, jedan iz Splita, drugi iz Trogira.

Split city

I often write about my hometown on my blog. In fact, since I've started this blog you had the chance of seeing hundreds of photographs of Split city. As I have repeated many times, it is an extremely photogenic city. However, I don't recall posting photographs of our train terminal. That is why I decided to schedule an outfit post here. O.k, I just made that up. Well, actually I didn't plan it, but as it was impossibly hot at the bus terminal, we decided to hide here while we were waiting for the bus that will take us to Trogir.

Često sam pisala o svome gradu na blogu. U stvari, mislim da sam podijelila na stotine fotografija u raznim objava od tada sam započela ovaj blog. Kao što sam često ponavljala, to je jako fotogeničan grad. Međutim, mislim da nisam objavila fotografije s naše željezničke stanice. Zato sam tu isplanirala snimanje. Dobro, nije baš tako bilo, zapravo to nisam planirala, ali kako je bilo užasno vruće na autobusnom kolodvoru, odlučili smo se sakriti ovdje dok smo čekali autobus za Trogir.

Bus and Train terminal are located right next to another in our city port. It can get quite hectic there, as hundreds of tourists try to locate their bus, train or ferry at the same time. Ferry rides are quite popular. Croatian coast has over thousands of islands and many of them are very popular with tourists. If you are visiting Split, I recommend to take advantage of the ferries and visit at least one island. Recently, hydroplane lines were introduced as well, just google it and you should be able to book your flight quite easily. Some of our islands have regular airports, but now there is a hydroplane option for those that don't. 

Autobusni i željeznički kolodvor u Splitu su smješteni odmah jedno pored drugog. Tamo može biti poprilično prometno, pogotovo dok stotine turista pokušavaju dokučiti put do svog autobusa, vlaka ili trajekta u isto vrijeme. Hrvatska obala ima preko tisuću otoka. Posjetite li Split, preporučavam da iskoristite trajekne linije i odete barem do jednog otoka. U zadnje vrijeme, uvedene su i zračne linije hidroavionima, za let se možete pribilježiti preko interneta. Neki od naših otoka, imaju i uobičajene zračne luke, ali eto sada postoji i ta opcija hidroaviona za one koji nemaju.

If you pay attention to the background, you can see the oldest cathedral in the world. The cathedral of Saint Dominions, dating to 7th century is considered the oldest Catholic cathedral remaining in use and its original structure since the time it was build. If you are visiting Split, it is a must place to see. Another attraction is the tower of Saint Dominions. If you climb it, you will be rewarded with a wonderful view of Split city centre (or center if you prefer AE). You can see me in front of the cathedral in this old post.

Obratite li pozornost na pozadinu, moći ćete vidjeti najstariju katedralu na svijetu. Katedrala svetog Dujma (poznata lokalno i kao katedrala sv. Duje) se smatra najstarijom katoličkom katedralom na svijetu koja se sačuvala svoju orginalnu strukturu i upotrebu od vremena izgradnje. Posjetite li Split, to je mjesto koje se mora posjetiti, a popnete li se na zvonik, imati ćete divan pogled na  centar grada. Možete me vidjeti ispred katedrale u ovoj staroj objavi.

Trogir city

Trogir is one of those utterly beautiful little coastal towns. It was formed in the 3rd century BC by Greek wanderers and during its long history Trogir has incorporated Roman, Venetian and Dalmatian architecture influences into its urban structure. We are talking about 2300 years of urban tradition! This incredible historical background can really be felt. When you enter it, you will feel like you have stepped back in time. The old part of the town is protected by the UNESCO World Heritage Site. 

Trogir je jedan on onih nevjerojatno lijepih obalnih gradova. Osnovali su ga u trećem stoljeću prije Krista grčki doseljenici i tijekom svoje duge povijesti uključio je starorimske, venecijanske i dalmatinske utjecaje u svoju urbanu strukturu. Mi, dakle, govorimo o 2300 godina urbane tradicije i ta se izvanredna povijesna pozadina stvarno može osjetiti. Kada uđete u njega, osjetiti ćete da ste zakoračili korak nazad u prošlost. Stari dio grada zaštićen od strane UNESCO.

The old part of Trogir city is actually positioned on a small island between the Dalmatian coast and island Čiovo. You may not even notice this as the city seems to be a part of the coast now. If you look closely, you can see the bridge leading to the old part of the town and me sitting next to it for that matter. 

Stari dio grada Trogira zapravo je smješten na malom otočiću između obale i otoka Čiova. Možda ovo nećete ni primijetiti jer se sada grad čini kao dio obale. Pogledate li pažljivo, vidjeti ćete most koji povezuje stari dio s obalom i mene kada pored njega sjedim kada smo već kod toga. 

While in Trogir, don't be surprised if you see a lot of airplanes descending. The airport Split is located only a five minutes drive from Trogir city. The airport is much closer to Trogir, than it is to Split city. Technically speaking, Split airport is actually a part of Kaštela city. Trogir city is actually followed by  Kaštela city, Solin city and then finally Split city. Kaštela and Solin used to be a part of Split city but now they have their own independent status. To a foreigner, both of these cities might look like suburbs of Split because there is really no space dividing Kaštela and Solin from Split. Furthermore, they just seem to merge one into another. Nevertheless, there are historical reasons why they are entitled to their own city status.

Dok ste u Trogiru, nemojte da vas iznenadi ako vidite zrakoplove kako slijeću. Splitska zračna luka je samo pet minuta vožnje od Trogira i zapravo je puno bliža Trogiru nego Splitu ( tehnički gledano  dio je grada Kaštela, barem je tako pisalo u mojoj radnoj knjižici).  Nakon Trogira dolaze Kaštela, zatim Solin i Split. Kaštela i Solin se mogu strancima činiti kao neka vrsta predgrađa Splita jer nema prostora koji dijeli Split od njih, jednostavno prelaze jedan u drugi, no postoje povijesni razlozi zašto Kaštela i Solin imaju pravo na svoj status grada.

It takes about half an hour for a bus from Split to reach Trogir. Now, that may depend on what road it takes and on traffic. We took a direct bus on our way there and it took us about half an hour. When we were heading back, we had to take a city bus and it took us almost an hour. It was a really hot day so going by bus was a bit tiring, but I forgot all of that when we arrived in Trogir.

Treba otprilike pola sada da autobus stigne iz Splita do Trogira, no to ovisi o tome kojom će cestom ići kao i o prometu. Kada smo išli tamo trebalo nam je pola sata direktnim autobusom, ali kada smo se vraćali gradskim autobusom, putovanje je trajalo gotovo cijeli sat. Bio je jako topao dan i putovanje autobusom je bilo naporno, ali na sve to sam zaboravila kada smo stigli u Trogir.

Construction of cathedral in Trogir started in the 13th century on the foundation of an early christian cathedral that was destroyed by Saracens in the 12th century. The Construction of the Cathedral of St. Lawrence lasted for four centuries and it managed to incorporate all those different historical styles perfectly. It is one of the most beautiful cathedrals that I have ever seen. I'm a bit lost for words and my readers know that almost never happens. 

Trogirska katedrala posvećena je svetom Lovri, ali je poznata i kao katedrala svetog Ivana jer je taj svetac zaštitnik grada. Katedrala je izgrađena na temeljima ranokršćanske katedrale koju su uništili Saraceni u dvanaestom stoljeću, a kako je njezina gradnja trajala četiri stoljeća, ona je i spomenik različitih povijesnih stilova gradnje, koji su se u njoj savršeno spojili. To je doista jedna od najljepših katedrala koje sam vidjela, ne znam što bi drugo tu dodala.

Ich bin kein Mops!

When in Trogir, you will for sure take notice of the island Čiovo. The bridge connecting Trogir city with island Čiovo can be crossed in a few minutes on foot (it may take a lot longer if you're in a car and there is heavy traffic). So, when you're in Trogir you can just walk to island Čiovo.  While you do that, remember to enjoy that spectacular views. These last photographs were taken from the other side, that is, these are the views from island Čiovo.

 Kada ste u Trogiru, sigurno ćete primjetiti otok Čiovo. Jedan most vodi do Trogira, drugi do Čiova. Most koji povezuje Čiovo i Trogir može se preći za par minuta (ili manje ako brzo hodate), ali možda će vam trebati malo duže autom ako su velike gužve. Tako da, kada posjetite Trogir, ne zaboravite prošetati do Čiova.  Kad to napravite, ne zaboravite uživati u spektakularnom pogledu. Ove zadnje fotografije su uslikane s druge strane, dakle pogled na Trogir s Čiova.


  1. I love Croatia :) I was there few years ago and hope will be there again :) Nice pics :)

    MonyikaFashion >klik<

    1. thank you, I hope you visit us again soon:)

  2. Wow this dress looks stunning on you, great pick! The moon photos are gorgeous, I love how big it looks :)


    1. thank you. Moon always look bigger when it is rising , or so it seems to me.

  3. You live in a beautifull city :) and I adore your dress :)

  4. Super si složila čitav post, baš mi se sviđa kako si u istoj kombinaciji na par različitih mjesta :) I da ne zaboravim, odlično ti stoji haljina, baš je pun pogodak! Ja inače jako volim Trogir, a imam tako smiješne uspomene na splitski željeznički kolodvor da sam se nasmijala čim sam vidjela prvu fotku lokacije :)

  5. Replies
    1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  6. You look gorgeous in this maxi dress, Ivana, great choice!!!
    Love all your photos, Trogir is amazing, I would love to visit that place someday!


    1. thank you so much Simona! you're very kind!

  7. nice dress!
    xoxo Gi.

    new post

  8. You look fantastic in that dress,strong colors suits you! Beautiful pictures,have a lovely weekend :-)

  9. Ivana, you look amazing <3 Love the stripey dress <3 and I love the views too :D

    Serene | I Am Serene L

  10. Hello dear!

    I love all your post, while enjoying the beautiful outfits that public, I like to know the places that you describe, you live in a beautiful place.

  11. I like posts like these, because I feel like I am being a couch tourist! I think I did recently see that oldest cathedral in a video I was watching a few weeks ago. I was just really interested in learning about Constantine and early Christianity. Wow, those moon photos look really good too! I used to live really near the airport, so I know what that is like always seeing planes. I am away from that now. It's a lot more quiet! Lovely dress and hat you paired with it!

  12. OMG, what a dress!I have said already.... Love the red on you!

  13. wow, the dress looks good on you - really special!!
    and i love the location and ohhh, the moooon pictures ♥♥♥

  14. Amazing Maxi Dress! The Pics are fantastic :)


  15. The dress is so beautiful! And you look so glam in this outfit too :)

  16. First of all congrates to the winner.
    Secondly, that maxi dress is lovely. I love the two colour tones and the slouchy-ness. Very beautiful, Ivana.
    Thirdly, I like the idea that you always share histories with us. Educational!
    Great post! :)


  17. You are so right, the pictures show a very beautiful city, I am eager to visit Trogir/Split now, the museum would be one of the first places to go, as I love museums! It's so nice to know about other beautiful things, not only fashion! Though fashion is very nice and I loved the dress! I love maxi dresses! Congrats to the winner! Sorry I didn't visit the blog earlier, I take Saturdays for that and here I am now!

    1. I appreciate your sweet words, no matter on what day they arrive;)

  18. You are definitely a multi-faceted person, Ivana, and so is your blog, a reflection of you! I loved the photos, thank you for sharing the beautiful Croatia with us all! But I must admit, my eyes kept looking at you in this magnificent outfit! Wow, wow, wow! This is for sure my favorite of the moment - you look stunning! Perfect head to toe, very elegant and yet artistic and sexy all at the same time (sensual, I'd say). And the hat is a cherry on the top. Have a great weekend! xxx

    1. Thank you dear Natalia. Your words always warm my heart.

  19. Ciao Ivana! Mi piace il tuo stile versatile. Indossi con tanto charme questo morbido maxi dress e mi piacciono molto le tue espadrilles con la zeppa. Poi, come dice May, unisci la moda alla cultura suscitando interesse verso la storia del tuo Paese. Sei speciale!! Baci,
    Coco et La vie en rose fashion blog - Valeria Arizzi

  20. Dear Ivana, thank you so much for this beautiful and very interesting post about Split and Trogir! I see we really should have visited Trogir, too. But fortunately we saw at least beautiful Split and the still so impressing Cathedral. You look wonderful and very stylish in your red maxi dress. I know you love red and I must say I understand it as this colour fits you so well. And I see and read it is still very hot in Croatia ... therefore I can imagine it feels comfortable such a maxi dress on such days.
    Wish you a very happy weekend!
    xx from Bavaria/Germany, Rena

    1. Danke liebe Rena! Yes, Trogir is wonderful. You will get the chance to see it if you visit Croatia once again. Who knows?:)

  21. Super cool post! Love the photos and your dress :) xx
    Instagram: @littleprettymess

  22. Love this perfect maxi, the pattern and length and fluid shape are perfect! The hat is adorable and the background is fabulous. The cathedral is such a stunning focal point , and that moon -- wow!
    thanks for sharing!
    xx, Elle

  23. what a beautiful city! it's so warm and there is sea! i wish i could visit it one day!
    you look lovely!

    please visit my site and check my outfit!
    better than yesterday

  24. beautiful pictures!!

  25. I like know about others countries. Your city is very beautiful and lovely. I loved your photos.


  26. Glad you liked the music, I'm very happy with that! Brazilian rock is very good :)
    I loved the photos on railroad tracks. Beautiful pics and beautiful place!


  27. You look fantastic and seems like the city is really pretty!


  28. Both cities are so lovely and your dress is very pretty. Would enjoy a hydroplane ride so much.

    All Things Bright and Lovely

    1. Oh I am on the one-word "thanks" list now. Still I am one step above the no reply list so I will be more careful with my comments.

    2. ha ha...you know your comments are always appreciated, I just prefer to visit the blog of the person that left it rather than writing a long reply here...I don't want the people to feel like I'm black mailing them to visit my blog again:)

  29. Very interesting and history packed city you live in. Looking great!

  30. This dress is in not my style but it looks really great on you! Great picutres and that with mops is the best! Ich bin kein Mops!! hahaha great ;D
    You come frome Slovakien or Czech Republic? Because I understand a lot's of what you write under english text :D

    Versjada ♡KILK♡

    1. Ou! I'm so sorry! xd Beacuse when I see "normal" alfabet i think this is Czech or Slovakian xd Sooo Sorry! :D

  31. E baš sam se izguštala u ovo nedjeljno jutro čitajući ovo i gledajući tvoje fotografije. I ja sam jedna od onih koja ima puni hard fotografija povijesnih građevina, detalja na njima, raznih skrivenih kutaka...uglavnom više prirode nego društva. ;)


  32. Oh, I always wanted to visit Split!! :)
    You look so summery and great - love this outfit!

    Would you like to follow each other via GFC, Bloglovin and other social networks? I'd be super happy! Just let me know and I'll follow back for sure! :)

    XX, Sara.


  33. oh my gosh! you live in such a beautiful place!! breathing history and yet being full of life! thank you so much for your "tour" - one day we have to visit this fab corner of the world in person for sure!!!
    and do i love your dress!!!! xxxxxx

  34. Oh Wowo! This is beautiful! I love this photos, and your dress! You are amazing :)


  35. moje ime je Isidora ne Izabela ;)
    Hvala jos jednom na darivanju, bas sam se obradovala sto sam dobila tu haljinu, odma sam im poslala mail ;)
    Post ti je divan,kao i uvek, slike su fenomenalne lepo ti stoji haljina!

    1. oprosti, nekad ni sama ne znam što tipkam:)

  36. WOW! So many georgous pictures, dear Ivana! First of all, you look adorable in your red and black Maxidress! I love your necklace and your funny cap too.
    As you already know, I like Split very much and love Trogir too. Was there two years ago. It is really beautiful.

    xoxo Nadine


  37. I love so much this dress...great pics

  38. The place looks amazing.
    I love the old cathedral

    And how you styled that maxi dress is so cute with the hat.
    Such great travel post

    The Bandwagon Chic | Instagram | Bloglovin | Snapchat: bandwagonchic

  39. Cute dress! I love your location, Trogir looks lovely :) xx

  40. Prelepo a haljina je odlicna!


  41. you look so adorable <333333
    lovely colors on you :)
    your doggie is so cure <3
    very beautiful place and this moon <3 so romantic!!
    totally love this post!
    have a great day pretty :*******

    1. thank you. The dog is not mine, it belongs to some German tourists.

  42. what a pretty dress! Really amazing look! :)
    Have a good day!

  43. Great pics! And that dress is really beautiful ^^

  44. Lovely pictures!

  45. Looking great in that ravishing red outfit my dear!!! Great shots as always! Congratulations to the winner! <3

    love lots,


  46. You look great! And it is very amazing blog!

    1. thank you dear Patricia. I'm glad you like my blog<3

  47. Love you dress, dear<333
    Very beautiful pictures<333


  48. Beautiful pictures! Love the dress :)

    I would love for us to connect on social media?!

    xx Arwa


    1. sure, what social media to you have in mind. I don't have twitter, facebook, twitter or instagram...so I can connectly only via blogging.

  49. Love the maxi dress & those nighttime photos--gorgeous. Thank you for sharing with us all about where you live & travel--great blog ♥

    Xoxo, Shelly


  50. Love the maxi dress & those nighttime photos--gorgeous. Thank you for sharing with us all about where you live & travel--great blog ♥

    Xoxo, Shelly


  51. Thank you Ivana for this amazing post - its a trip to your city and your life ❤ Pictures are wonderful and Trogir is gorgeous!! I want to see everything in Croatia, I think its the most beautiful place on the earth ❤ You look so lovely in this maxi dress - like a model dear :****

    kisses :****
    have a great week!


  52. Ivana quest'abito è divino e tu bellissima
    buona domenica
    un abbraccio
    tr3ndygirl fashion blog

  53. Bom dia
    Amei este post e me encantei em conhecer o seu blog. Ele é cheio de estilo, ótimas dicas e tem uma aparencia espetacular! Fiquei muito feliz em te conhecer.

  54. very beautiful and interesting way !

  55. Congrats to the winner!
    Ivana, you look so classy! This dress looks great on you, both the color and shape.


  56. I was in Trogir last year, so beautiful place <3
    Great photos!
    Congratulations to the winner :D


  57. You're so lucky that you live only 1.5 hour way of Trogir, it looks like amazing city, I really like that it has such a rich culture and history :) I hope that I could visit Croatia someday, because your country is so beautiful! And I really like your dress from dresslink, it has great colors, which emphasize that you're tanned :) Hope you had amazing weekend, dear :)


  58. Beautiful photos. The cityscapes are breathtaking and the history is mind-boggling for someone from Canada.
    You look smashing in red!

  59. Croatia sound like a lovely place, awesome pictures, and I'd love to visit the oldest church its very intriguing. Love your maxi red dress, you look gorgeous in it <3

    Capturing Life Memoirs | http://aimeebustillo.blogspot.com

  60. Very beautiful, loving the pics! :)


  61. Zaista divne fotografije grada, pogotovo nocu! Bas ti lepo stoji crvena narocito uz taj preplanuli ten ;)

  62. This comment has been removed by the author.

  63. This comment has been removed by the author.

  64. One of the wonderful things about blogging is being able to connect with other bloggers and learn more about where they live so I've always enjoyed your posts about Split. The architecture in Trogir really looks impressive and that cathedral is stunning. When you mentioned that it's so close to the airport it reminded me of our borough of Queens in NYC where there are two airports and sometimes the planes fly so low you'd swear they could almost touch the buildings there. I'd hate to live around there as I'd imagine the noise must not be fun. Your dress is so pretty btw!

    Rowena @ rolala loves

  65. wow! what a fun adventure! I like your red dress!

  66. This seems to be a really beautiful place!
    Sending much love!

  67. Wow! Great post about a great place :) !!!

    Xo, Tara


  68. Ovo je post za uživanje :) Stvarno si dočarala ambijent i naičila sam toliko toga. Npr. nisam znala da je ona katedrala najstarija a pošto sam opterećena avionima, rado bih sela i u hidroavion :) Nekako ima nešto na slikama što me podseća na Španiju, slično je a opet drugačije. I da ne zaboravim, ta haljina je divna i kao stvorena za tebe! ;)

  69. A wonderful travelogue. Split has been on my destination wish list for years and its just fire up my enthusiasm to visit. Love your outfit! xxx

  70. Thank you for sharing these photos, for the tour, is a wonderful destination, full of history and can be romantic in the same time. As your dress, red, full of passion!

  71. wow, what a wide dress - nice red colored. i love urban shots like this and these train/rail pics are also my fav´s.


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