a DIY necklace and a dresslink dress (outfit post) / ogrlica koju sam napravila i haljina s dresslink stranice (odjevna objava)

When Dresslink offered me to pick something from their site, without much thinking I've decided to opt for a dress. It is Summer, the temperatures are high and I wanted something I can be comfortable in. While I was browsing their site, this dress caught my eye. You know how much I love prints. For a while now, I wanted to get something with a cherry print but I just didn't find anything right. This dress meet all my requirements. The cut of this dress feels vintage and I really like the mermaid bottom and the puffed up sleeves. The dress itself is very modest and lady like, so it's a great option to wear to work or somewhere formal. I've decided to style it with vintage looking shoes because that seemed right, but you'll have the opportunity to see it styled again, because I'm not the type to wear something only once. You might have noticed that I wear all my clothes often.

 I told you before that I don't have much experience with internet shopping. Previously, I only ordered books via internet. However, I found shopping at Dresslink to be quite easy. I looked at the measurement table and concluded that I'm an Asian L size ( European M) so I ordered this dress in that size. There were slight problems in communication, as their English is not perfect, but on overall I'm satisfied with the communication with their staff. I suppose an average consumer just has to make a few clicks, but when you are a blogger you need to exchange more emails. Some bloggers expressed a preference to being addressed by their name, but for me that is not really a factor. I just checked my email (in case anyone is interested) and saw that I was addressed only as Dear Blogger but as I said, I'm not complaining about it. Anyhow, not long after I ordered it, the dress arrived. It looked exactly as it did on the photo and it fit me perfectly. As soon as the order was placed, I received an email with the shipping number but I didn't feel the need to check where my package is at so I didn't actually use it so I can't tell you whether it works.

The material of the dress is listed on the site as  'cotton blend'. It does feel a bit rough on the skin. The label says material is 65% polyester and 35% cotton and it feels that way. For a dress that is priced under 10 dollars, what is one to expect? Certainly not silk. One advantage of this material is that you don't have to iron it. I did, but there were no wrinkles on it when the dress arrived. I think this dress is wonderful option for those on a budget or looking for a cheap dress. If you have unlimited budget, you probably won't browse this site anyway. My experience was good, I really can't complain. When I feel the urge to shop (that doesn't happen very often), I will revisit this site. I received a lot of compliments and I can say that on overall I'm happy with this dress. What do you think? Do you like this dress on me?

Napisati ću malo kraću verziju na hrvatskom, ali mislim da neću ništa izostaviti. Naručila sam ovu haljinu s Dresslinka i mogu reći da sam zadovoljna. Materijal je malo grub, mješavina poliestera (65%) i pamuka (35%), ali taj je podatak  i na stranici ( i na etiketi), a i za haljinu koja košta manje od deset dolara ne treba ni očekivati da je od svile. Komunikacija s osobljem ove stranice je bila u redu, njihov engleski nije na naprednoj razini, ali čim smo dogovorili narudžbu dobila sam broj pošiljke kojim se može pratiti gdje je paket, za koji doduše ne znam je li doista radi jer ga nisam provjeravala. Haljina je stigla relativno brzo i u odličnom stanju. Prednost ovog materijala je da se ne mora peglati, a nedostatak je kao što sam rekla što je malo grub na koži, ali ništa posebno. Većina odjeće koja se prodaje kod nas u dućanima nije sto posto pamuk i isto je iz Kine kao i ova haljina, uz razliku što je skuplja.  Kroj haljine mi se jako sviđa, mislim da je prikladna za svakve prigode jer nije vrlo otvorena, a opet je jako ženstvena. Kada bi se bude kupovalo nešto, svratiti ću do ove stranice jer mi se ne čini loša i kao što sam rekla, iskustvo mi je dosta pozitivno. Ja se trudim kupovati hrvatske proizvode kada god mogu, ali nije loše imati u vidu i ovu jeftiniju opciju. Dobila sam puno komplimenata i mogu reći da sam poprilično zadovoljna ovom haljinom. Što se vama čini, sviđa li vam se ova haljina na meni? 

dress/haljina: dresslink, shoes/cipele: Peko, necklace/ogrlica: my creation/ moja kreacija 

Dresslink dress

Dresslink dress

cheery dress

dress/haljina: dresslink, shoes/cipele: Peko, necklace/ogrlica: my creation/ moja kreacija 


  1. Super ti je slatka haljinica, pogotovo uz tu žutu torbu koju volim :))
    Ja sam odustala od suradnje s njima jer su me stalno nešto gnjavili s mailovima, a i engleski im je bio na vrtićkoj razini...nakon toga sam postala ful izbirljiva po pitanju suradnji (odbijam gotovo 90% onog što mi se nudi), ali se nadam da će tvoja suradnja proći u super tonu i da ćeš nastaviti dobivati još fora odjeće :)

    1. to sam zaboravila napomenuti, ova osoba koja se meni javila za ovu suradnji pristojno barata engleskim, ali tko god šalje one ostale emailove koje u zadnje vrijeme stalno dobivam (od iste kompanije i isto za suradnju) ne baš. Ja sa tim suradnjama i nemam previše iskustva, odbijala sam neke za posteljine i slično, čini mi se ok napraviti tu suradnji ponekad, a opet ne bi da mi se blog svodi na to.

    2. ma ja sam si nakon te suradnje baš rekla - ako ne dobijem pismeni mail, nema šanse da uđem u to, ali to samo zato jer su mi ovi popili krv na slamku :) ja sam odbila hrpu stvari i pristanem samo na ono što mi se baš svidi ili što i sama pratim, ali ne bi nikad ušla u nešto samo suradnje radi, a i ne bi voljela da mi blog postane jedna velika reklama :)

    3. Ja se slažen sa svime napisanome! Meni je bila isto ok pismena... solidna, ali da, stvarno ima i onih koji za 5 ili 10 dolara hoće od tebe da im napišeš esej, staviš baner, daš pola litre krvi... hello! Ne i ne!

      No, haljinica ti je odlična! Stvorena mi je za tebe i kroj ti predobro pristaje. Slatkoću uzorka nije ni potrebno spominjati! Odlična! :)
      Ono što je mene kod Dresslinka "oduševilo" da im roba ne smrdi... jednom sam naručila nešto s eBayja i toliko je smrdilo da nisam ni prati htjela!

  2. OMG, Ivana, this dress is so amazing! I love cherry print and vintage vibes... I have bought shirt with cherry too!

  3. Perfect dress Ivana, such a fresh and pretty dress for summer. Same here I don't often shop for clothes online, I hate it when I buy clothes online and they don't fit and they don't look the same as they looked on the model. I like shopping in stores, try on the clothes and see how it looks on me before buying it. Have a nice day! <3

  4. gorgeous dress!


  5. You look so pretty in this dress, loved the bag too <3


  6. amazing dress!!


  7. OMG, you look like a Spanish dancer, Ivana! You've kept me coming back for more & more of your posts, darling! xoxo

  8. Ciao Ivana, come stai? Hai fatto benissimo ad acquistare questo vestito perchè è davvero molto bello. Mi piace la stampa e ti sta benissimo!!! Baci,

    Eniwhere Fashion
    Eniwhere Fashion Facebook

  9. hi Ivana!
    you have such extraordinary beauty and style !!! For me you are model to imitate! Such a lovely post dear <3 Beautiful pictures and you look stunning !!!
    Hope you have a wonderful weekend :***


  10. Questo vestito è splendido e ti sta molto bene!!!

    5 unique ways to combine RED PANTS on
    lb-lc fashion and lifestyle blog

  11. Amazing! That dress looks so good on you.

    Xx, new post http://isntavxguearticle.blogspot.com

  12. The dress and the shoes go very well! I love the way you paired them! No way, I couldn't tell that the dress cost under $10 coz it does look like good material. How cool is it that you managed to have a shot with a helicopter in the background!

    My doc suspected I have Chron disease too coz my tummy problem is unexplainable. I'm very glad that I don't suffer from them that much anymore after I embarked on a more healthy lifestyle.

    Jo's Jumbled Jardinière

  13. that dress is really beautiful my dear, you look lovely :D

  14. Ivana, you look so cute my dear the Necklace is beautiful and so is the print on that dress <3 :D

    Serene | I Am Serene L

  15. Right dress for the summer. Definitely suits you well and you look beautiful. :)


  16. Dear Ivana, yes, I like this dress on you and I'm not surprised that you got many compliments for it! I'm really impressed how wonderful it fits and I love also the super cute and eyecatching cherry pattern. I myself have never bought at this shop but I trust your recommendation! And I'm convinced you will wear this dress very often again and I think it is indeed an huge advantage that it is not necessary to iron it (so the dress would be also perfect for me as I don't love it to iron :)) Wish you a wonderful Sunday!
    xx from Bavaria/Germany, Rena

  17. That print is so nice, and the shape reminds me the D&G's dresses! You look so lovely in it!

    1. thank you, I love D&G Sicilia's inspired collections.

  18. You look brilliant in this- SUCH a fun dress and shape.
    This is a really good post review- you are honest about what wasn't so easy but were grateful for the item etc- that's really nice to hear! It looks very lady-like and as you say, vintage with the sandals. I am sure you will style it nicely in a different way again (and I love that about you, that you will wear things lots of times in different ways). I wore a new cherry dress on Tuesday too- I haven't posted it yet, I shouldn't have bought it but it was so nice!! xx

    1. thank you Kezzie...I was going for a vintage look because of the cut of the dress.....and I'm glad to hear you have a cherry dress too!

  19. Love the dress you picked. Floral look so great on you :)


  20. Yes, I absolutely love this dress on you! The fit is perfect and the pattern is beautiful - plus I like how you added the yellow bag to make it your own.

    1. I'm afraid that soon I will be known as a girl with a yellow bag...but this one is so light I can't stop wearing it.

  21. What a sweet and pretty dress and a great fit too! That back shot is fantastic!! And wow look a helicopter!! You look very lovely.

  22. I will try to make the most of it. I've had no vacation for years and this year I had the opportunity, I decided to come. I felt that I really needed:

    I hope when you make too much!!

    The dress is fabulous and the DIY is perfect as always.

    Today's post is special ... And dedicated to all you:D
    InstagramFacebook Oficial PageMiguel Gouveia / Blog Pieces Of Me :D

    1. I hope you will have a fantastic time on your vacation!!!!

  23. You look so classy. Love the dress and bag! Have a great day Ivana!

  24. Draga Ivana!
    Haljina je prekrasna. Izgledaš odlično.

  25. This is the cutest dress! Love the flippy detail at the bottom, and the print is gorgeous. I also love the photos with the helicopter in the background! What a photo bomb!!

  26. Oh yes, communication is what always puts me off when dealing with brands. I don't mind being addressed as a "blogger", but using your actual name helps to know this person actually reads and likes your blog and knows you personally, which is cool :D
    I love this dress though, it's a lovely retro shape and design, I love the cherries, you look like a doll! ^_^

  27. The dress looks Spanish too me and I like the print :)


  28. Haljina je prelepa, print mi se jako dopada. Bas je letnja. Ti takodje izgledas prelepo.

    Veliki pozdrav,

    Natasha -GLITTER CRIME

  29. You look gorgeous in that dress! And I share your love for cool prints.. even though most of my dresses actually don't have a print. I must get something really quickly! :)

    Also, really cool that you are getting the opportunities for these cooperations!
    YouTube | Blog: Geekette in High Heels | Instagram

  30. Ajme, baš je slatka i nekako vesela :) I kad imaš loš dan, samo ju izvučeš iz ormara, kladim se da i najtmurniju facu začas pretvori u osmijeh :)
    Sviđa mi se što izgleda identično kao na njihovoj stranici, a viđala sam svašta po tom pitanju..

    1. da, ne mogu garantirati za sve, ali ova haljina je identična kao na slici.

  31. This dress looks so pretty on you! The silhouette is very flattering to your figure and the cherry print is so fun and summery looking. Glad to hear you had a positive experience with this company!

    Rowena @ rolala loves

  32. Such a beautiful dress in good price! These pictures are so lovely!

  33. Ogrlica je bas zanimljiva, a ti mi se cinis bas draga i slatka! Pozz :)

  34. Lovely dress. The photo with the helicopter is amazing ! :)

  35. i like those pics with these fan a lot - it reminds me on a asian lady...;-)


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