How to make a fashion illustration? / Kako napraviti modnu ilustraciju?

I'm not sure how qualified I'm to write about the process of making a fashion illustration, but I had a request for this type of post and I'm going to fulfill it. I'm an amateur when it comes to this kind of illustrations. This blog is the only place where I had ever shared my fashion illustrations (if you don't count random people who had glanced at my notebooks.) Clearly, I'm not an expert and for me fashion illustration is merely a hobby. 

Nisam sigurna koliko sam stručna pisati ovakav post, ali imala sam upit za ovakvim postom i ispuniti ću ga.  Amater sam što se tiče ovog tipa ilustracija. Ovaj blog je jedino mjesto na kojem sam ikad objavila/podijelila svoje modne ilustracije (ako ne računamo nasumične ljude koji su pogledali u neku od mojih bilježnica). Očito, nisam stručnjak i za mene je modna ilustracija samo hobi.

Now, there are probably only two reasons why anyone would want to make a fashion illustration. The first one is to to put on a paper something she/he wants to design/ make/sew  himself/herself and the second one is the aesthetic one. It is of no importance whether you are in the first or the second category. Why is it not important? Because no matter whether you're drawing a dress you're actually planning to sew or not, the manner in which you're going to draw that dress it is entirely your own business.  How you're going to represent a certain fabric is primarily a matter of your imagination. Not that practice won't make you better. I'm just trying to point out that anyone can make a fashion illustration if they want to. If you want to attend a course on this subject, by all means do. I'm sure there is a lot to learn in such a course. However, if you haven't, don't let that stop you from making a fashion illustration.

Sada, postoje samo dva razloga zašto bi itko želio napraviti modnu ilustraciju. Prvi je staviti na papir nešto što on/ona sam misli dizajnirati/ušiti/napraviti, a drugi je onaj estetski. Nimalo nije važno spadate li u prvu ilu drugu kategoriju.   Zašto nije važno? Zato jer nije bitno jer crtate haljinu koju stvarno mislite ušiti ili ne, svejedno način na koji tu haljinu želite nacrtati je vaša stvar.  Kako ćete predstaviti određeni materijal je stvar vaše mašte. Ne da vas vježbanje neće učiniti boljim. Samo pokušavam istaknuti da svatko može napraviti modnu ilustraciju ukoliko to želi. Ako želite upisati tečaj na ovu temu, svakako to učinite. Sigurna sam da se na takvom nekom tečaju ima puno toga za naučiti. Ipak, ako niste nikad upisali takav tečaj, nemojte da vas to spriječi u crtanju modnih ilustaracija.

 Great thing about fashion illustrations is that you do them for yourself. You may use whatever technique and method you like to draw/paint it. You may do whatever you want to with the fashion illustration you have made (frame it and put it one the wall, keep it in an inspiration notebook and so on.) Basically, it is all about what you want.  You emphasize what you want to emphasize.  You use an old piece of paper that has been printed on only one side and a new one, you use old receipts and cartoon, you draw and paint on whatever you want using anything you want. Someday you might even want to move on a canvas. 

Kod modnih ilustracija je odlično što ih pravite za sebe. Možete koristiti bilo koju tehniku ili metodu crtanja/slikanja i možete napraviti što god želite sa modnom ilustracijom jednom kad je završite (staviti je uokvirenu na zid, zaljepiti je u neku svaštaru i tako dalje.) Sve se svodi na to što vi želite. Naglasite što želite naglasiti, koristite stari papir koji je isprintan samo sa jedne strane i onaj novi, koristite stare račune i karton...crtajte i slikajte na čemu god želite kojim god priborom želite. Jednog dana možda poželite upotrijebiti čak i slikarsko platno. 

You can do it anyway you want as long as you have some fun on the way. Me? I like to experiment. Sometimes I like to make a series of illustration using one technique and then I make a dozen that don't look at all like one another. Maybe someday I'll make them all in some style that I'm yet to develop. Who knows? But in the meantime, they serve their purpose. They're about fashion, they're on paper. Sometimes I like them, sometimes I don't, but I'm always glad I've made them.

Finally, here are some fashion illustrations that I have made yesterday.

Možete zapravo raditi što želite ako se usput i zabavljate. Ja? Ja volim eksperimentirati. Nekad napravim cijelu seriju ilustracija koristeći jednu tehniku, a ona ih napravim desetak koje uopće ne sliče jedna na drugu. Možda ih jednog dana budem pravila u nekakvom stilu koji ću tek razviti. U međuvremenu, one služe svrsi. O modi su, na napiru su. Nekad mi se sviđaju, nekad ne, ali mi je uvijek drago što sam ih napravila. 

E sada, da ne bi bilo sve teorija, evo rezultata mojih jučerašnjih kreativnih aktivnosti.

pencil/ kemijska

different paper sizes/ različite veličine papira

watercolours and pencil / vodene boje i kemijska

two outfits that I would like to wear (boots on the illustrations are inspired by dr.martens)/ Dvije kombinacije koje bih voljela nositi, čizme na ilustarciji nadahnute martensicama

once the colouring is done...kad je bojanje gotovo

arty fashion illustration / malo više umjetnička modna ilustracija

What is more perfect then a women wearing a beautiful maxi dress? / Ima li što savršenije od žene u divnoj dugoj haljini?

pencil and acrylic paints/ kemijska i akrilne boje

this illustration I have made with acrylic paints before but now I have outlined it with pencil

ovu ilustraciju sam prvobitno nacrtala akrilnim bojama, ali jučer sam je naglasila kemijskom


  1. Hey. Thanks for visiting
    Cool sketches
    Regards !

  2. Very impressive! You post makes so much sense. Very nice if you.

  3. Great work !
    I always love your illustrations :)

  4. i love all your draws dear Ivana!many kisses!

  5. ohh wow cool! thanks for sharing ^^ I like making fashion illustration too when I was younger :)

    visit my blog ^^

    My online store ^^

  6. Sviđa mi se jako zelena duga haljina! :)
    I ja sam crtkala kao mlađa ali ta je faza prohujala s vihorom kod mene!:)

  7. Dear Ivana, thanks for sharing this post! But I fear I haven´t any talent for drawing - if at all than kind of modern art, with wild drawings :) When I try to draw a person it looks like as if a small kid has made this drawing ... in the opposite to you, because I´m always so impressed how great are your drawings! I like all of them and here are my favourites the lilac dress with the yellow coat and the green maxi dress.

    Please continue to draw - and although you wrote everyone do this for her/his own, I´m thankful that you share your drawings with us.

    xx from Bavaria/Germany, Rena

    1. thank you (as always) for your thoughtful comment:)

  8. Najviše mi se sviđaju kombinacije s akrilnim bojama, baš su super! :)

  9. Eres una artista! Preciosas y coloridas creaciones!! Enhorabuena

  10. It's just kind of art, so to my mind everyone of us have own vision of things. I have already understood that you like to experiment, and it's really awesome! All your sketches look so original and peculiar, you definitely have your own style of drawing. Thank you for sharing that, great tips and impressive work of you)
    Have a fabulous time, Ivana! Wishing you lots of inspiration)

  11. super si sročila ovaj članak i rekla najbitnije, sve je na mašti i sve je na nama samima. jako mi se sviđaju ove sa akrilnim bojama, iako nzm koje bi izdvojila kao omiljene, sve imaju ono nešto. supeer :)) moje ilustracije su tek u početnim koracima uvježbavanja..btw. da te pitam, koliko ti treba da nacrtaš jednu kombinaciju? :)

    1. ovisi o veličini formata, nekoliko minuta recimo, obično mi ilustracije budu dosta brzo gotove. Mislila sam čak pokušati snimiti sam proces crtanja, ali ne znam koliko će mi to uspijeti.

  12. Divni su ti crtezi. Zaista si talentovana Ivana! Ja samo znam, kad sam isla na kurs modnog dizajna, gde smo ucili (na moju zalost) i crtanje da se mora voditi racuna o proporciji celog tela, kao i simetriji izmedju glave i tela. Nije mi to islo, jok.


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