
Showing posts from February, 2014

Nature park Blidinje (BIH)

My internet connection is really bad so I'll keep this one short, at least as far as the text goes. The photos were taken a few years ago and I have shared some of the photos from this trip before so I guess this is post no.2 about Blidinje. Internetska veza mi je loša pa će ovaj post biti kratak barem što se teksta tiče. Fotografije su od prije par godina i već sam podijelila neke fotografije sa ovog izleta pa se može reći da je ovo drugi post o Blidinju.

Sandra Haddad: wedding dresses/ vjenčanice Sandre Haddad

Don't you just love when someone steps out of the ordinary? Croatian designer Sandra Haddad stepped into a fairy world when she designed her wedding dresses...and aren't they just a dream? Zar nije divno kada netko izađe iz okvira? Hrvatska kreatorica Sandra Haddad zakoračila je u svijet vila kada je kreairala svoje vjenčanice...i zar nisu jednostavno bajne? +

This sort of freedom is not chaos nor anarchy/ Ova vrsta slobode nije ni kaos ni anarhija

'My desire was to give my audiences my own sense of something wild and unrestricted that ran like water in the mountains, or clouds changing shape in a gale, or the continually dissolving and transforming images of a dream. This sort of freedom is not chaos nor anarchy. On the contrary, it is a result of painstaking design, and in this work I have given more conscious attention to form and construction than I have in any work before. Freedom is not achieved simply by working freely.'  from Author Foreword to Camino Real                       It came to me as a surprise that people used to (and maybe still do) walk out of this play. Tennessee Williams has written many beautiful plays but I have to admit this one has a special meaning for me. Tastes are not to be debated, they say? But what is there to debate if not our tastes? By that I mean that there is nothing wrong in discussing what we like and what we don't...However, th...

Spring fashion illustrations/ Proljetne modne ilustracije

Romano : E tu, quell'Orietta? Jep : Chi è Orietta, mò? Romano : Come chi è! Quella che stava a casa tua l'altra sera. Elegante, raffinata. Una bella donna. Jep : Roma'... una bella donna alla mia età non è abbastanza. * *Le Grande Bellezza, 2013  As I have promised, here is a post with some of my spring fashion illustrations. Kao što sam obećala, post sa nekim od mojih proljetnih ilustracija. olovka, akrilne boje olovka, akrilne boje olovka, akrilne boje kemijska, bojice kemijska, bojice kemijska, bojice olovka, akrilne boje

Fashion illustrations/ modne ilustracije

Have you started to think about the spring? I certainly have despite the fact that this morning it was so cold that I though my brain will freeze or something, I regretted not wearing a hat. Soon you'll see some fashion illustrations inspired by the spring.  Jeste li počele razmišljati o proljeću? Tko nije? Ja sigurno jesam, iako je jutros bilo toliko hladno da sam požalila što nisam ponijela šešir (imala sam osjećaj da će mi mozak smrznuti), a uskoro ćete vidjeti i neke modne ilustracije nadahnute proljećem. water colour and pencil

Beauty review / Recenzija kozmetičkog proizvoda

Catrice eye brow set was a Christmas gift. I have been using it since I have got it (almost 3 months, long enough to form my opinion). I really like that it contains tweezers (functioning ones), a brush and a mirror. It's terribly practical to have all that in one product. Catrice set za obrve je bio božični poklon. Koristim ga otkako sam ga dobila (skoro tri  mjeseca, sasvim dovoljno za stjecanje mišljenja). Sviđa mi se što se unutar pakiranja nalazi i zrcalo, pinceta (začuđujuće dobro radi) te kist. Jako je praktično što je sve u jednom. flashlight / natural light (indoors) photo from the website,  Product info I've found it easy to use. Whether you go for a subtle or a dramatic look, you'll be satisfied,  both are quite easy to achieve. It doesn't stay on all day, the intensity does fade  a bit after about 5 hours. As you can see, there are two shades. I prefer the darker ones as my eyebrows are black, but the blonds I know have told them th...

This and that /Ovo i ono

I'm going to start this post with some photographs that I have taken today (on my way to the supermarket). These flowers really made my day. It was raining most of the day but seeing these flowers reminded me that the spring is almost here. I was thinking whether I should edit these photographs or not but didn't cared for how my signature looked on them, somehow it ruined it for me. I decided not to edit them. With editing it's like with make up. Less is often more and if you don't know what you're doing better keep it simple. Početi ću ovaj post sa nekoliko fotografija koje sam uslikala danas (opet šetajući do supermarketa). Behar me stvarno oraspoložio. Kiša je padala je veći dio dana, ali kada sam vidjela behar, odmah mi je bilo lakše. Znam da će skoro proljeće. Razmišljala sam o tome da obradim ove fotografije, ali sam odustala jer mi se nije sviđalo kako izgleda moj potpis nekako mi upropasti sve, a nisam ih nikako ni obrađivala. S obradom fotografija je k...

Photography post (Dalmatia)/ Fotografija ( Dalmacija)

Stobreč Loza jugo se sprema... jarboli brodovi Duće Duće (detalj)

Have you ever had your hear broken? (fashion illustration)

Have you ever had your heart broken? I think most of us have had that experience...Not just romantic girly girls (like the one on this illustrations) but practically everyone...and  you can get your heart broken in a number of ways, not just by your love interest but by life itself. Perhaps we are all more connected by pain then by happiness. No matter what our personal style might be, we have all made mistakes. Perhaps there is a parallel that can be drawn there. No matter how different we might look, dress and act, the things we aspire to, the things we want are quite  often the same....including that little silly little thing called love. We have all been disappointed. We have all been heart broken. Sometimes we get our heart broken because we mistake one thing from another. Sometimes we do something that we shouldn't have done. Sometimes others wrong us, sometimes we wrong others. From that common experience, we grow and  go on...some with more success...