
Showing posts from July, 2013

Ulyana Sergeenko: Autumn/Winter 2013/2014

I just loved Ulyana Sergeenko's collection for autumn/winter 2013/2014. The women is a genious.  I would go so far as to say that no one is really quite her. In what sense? Well, in the sense that she manages to incorporate so many various elements into her style and still have a signature finished look to her collections. Obviously, she is deeply rooted in the Russian tradition and I really like how she can take something from folklore and make it fresh and just drop dead gorgeous. At the same time, she admits to beings inspired by the retro and vintage looks and says she buys most of her vintage clothes (30,40, 50, 60ties) in the States. I mean, US vintage style + Russian folklore?! How is that ever going to work? But it does. It really does and if for nothing else that is enough to make her endlessly fascinating. It is a brave thing to do something like that. Most people would probably have said it is impossible. I guess she proved them wrong. Lady with a very ...

Giorgio Armani : Autumn/ Winter 2013-14

"Daisy and Jordan lay upon an enormous couch, like silver idols weighing down their own white dresses against the singing breeze of the fans." - F. Scott Fitzgerald,  The Great Gatsby "It excited him, too, that many men had already loved Daisy--it increased her value in his eyes." - F. Scott Fitzgerald,  The Great Gatsby , Ch. 8 I have to admit that the first thing that came to my mind as I watched this collection was The Great Gatsby. The novel, that is, as I haven't seen the movie version yet (but supposedly it is a feast for the eyes.) Not that the clothes are modeled on  the 20ties (from what I can see). The cuts are different and designs, but somehow this show does remind me of the Jazz Age. There is something unmistakably glamour about it.

Psyco Testo Samuele Berslani: Gucci Autunno Inverno 2013-2014

Sono stato in cura per degli anni da un analista sordomuto che mi aiutava con dei cenni e molta buona volontà  a riprendrmi dai traumi che avevo avuto in un'altra vita. Gucci Autunno Inverno 2013-2014  Sono stato in cura per degli anni da un analista logorroico che mi privava dei commenti quando mi raccontava  la sua storia nei dettagli da paranoico senza prospettiva . C'è troppa pioggia e sto perdendo quota attraversando vuoti d'aria tra le nuvole. Se piango in acqua non si nota e in mezzo agli altri si consiglia di sorridere. A volte io ho paura di voi più che della solitudine . Sono stato solo per degli anni guadrdavo il mondo dagli specchi che ripetevano i miei sbagli tutte le mie fragilità poi di colpo qui d'avanti con i tuoi occhi  ho una via d'uscita.   c'è poca pioggia e sto aspettando un fuoco una scintilla che mi accenda nella cenere un'alba in questo buio cieco sulla tua pelle ritornare ancora a scrivere. A volte io ho ancora paura di chi...

Heaven on earth (Croatia) / Raj na zemlji (Hrvatska)

I won't even tell you where this place is....because frankly I want to keep it a secret. Unfortunately, I haven't been there myself but once and that was a few years ago. It is located somewhere in Croatia, I'll admit to that. The bay itself is kind of hard to reach, but perhaps it is best that this little place remains a relative secret. Hope you have a great Sunday! U ovoj raju zemljskom nažalost bijah samo jednom....a i to prije par godina. Jedna od onih teško dostupnih uvala, osim ako ne znate točno gdje skrenuti i nije vam problem sjeći krivinu dok dolaze auti iz drugog smjera, a skretanje nije nikako označeno...Nema veze, neko mjesto treba  i ostati tajnom ili barem relativno nepoznato. Uživajte u nedjelji. Pozdrav!

Jump, jump, jump! / Skači! Skači! Skači!

The  title of today's post obviously refers to the last photograph, where I'm struggling against gravity and well...jumping! No, my dire wolf isn't trying to eat me...we'just fooling around. Most of my outfit photographs are ,as you might have noticed, made when I'm walking the dog,  simply because it is a convenient time to take photos and because the photographer likes to document the growth of our not so little puppy...and  we do both at the same time... Consequently, what  you get is  sporty outfits, but hey, sporty can be fun as well. Nowadays, for me sporty means anything that I wear with sneakers. I always loved mixing styles...wearing sneakers with feminine dresses and heels with boyish outfits. There is always charm in the unexpected. Današnji naslov se očito odnosi na zadnju fotografiju gdje skakutam skupa sa svojom vučjom koja raste tako brzo da je u šali zovem strahovukom. U zadnje vrijeme sve su mi odjevne kombinacije sportske, to jest...

Zoran Aragović: let there be colour! / Zoran Aragović: neka budu boje!

* from fashion show sponzored by DM * dress that was designed for the winner of a contest organized by a fashion site *from collection " Strip& Stripe" *from collection " Strip& Stripe" *from collection " Strip& Stripe" Croatian designer Zoran Aragović was born in 1981, graduated fashion in Zagreb. He has had fashion shows in numerous European towns. His designs, at least how I see it,  are characterized by explosion of colours. He creates under the label " Bite my style". Hrvatski kreator, Zoran Aragović, rođen 1981, diplomirao modu u Zagrebu. Imao je modne revije u brojnim europskim gradovima. Njegove kreacije, barem koliko ja vidim, karakterizira eksplozija boja. Stvara pod etiketom " Bite my style." Currently, there is a giveaway organized by budi in. You can win one of his creations here: Možete osvojiti je...

Marni Resort 2014

* photos belonging to Marni This collection by Marni really captures my attention. I've picked a few favourites, but really all of the pieces are just amazing. I just love the choice of colours, that bold orange in particular, somehow it feels both elegant and fresh. The siluette of the clothes is beautiful...even that all black outfit simply stands out. It is that kimono inspired belt that makes a stand, I think, it is such a perfect accessory to these wonderful cuts. The appeal of this collection is pretty obvious. It is clean but interesting, classic but  with a new twist.

in the countryside / na selu (GORANCI)

Ja i muž ovaj vikend malo smo pobjegli od gradske vrućine u Gorance, malo selo pored Mostara, ali mislim da je naša mala vučka sa tim najviše bila oduševljena . Me and my husband went to this little village Goranci near Mostar last weekend. It was a nice chance to escape the city heat, but I think our german shepard puppy was the one that had the best time.