Greetings fellow Earthlings! In this post, I will review The Dispossessed, a novel by Ursula K. Le Guin. This Utopian science fiction novel is one of the most critically acclaimed and best known Le Guin's works. Published in 1974, this novel won the Hugo, Nebula and Logus Awards for best novel in 1975. The Dispossessed is a part of Le Guin's Hainish Cycle, but (like the other books in the Hanish Cycle) it can be read independently from other books. 

I've been looking forward to reading this novel for a long time. I was made aware of it years ago, but I didn't actively search for it. Sometimes I like to wait for books to come to me. So far in my life, books have often arrived just in right time for me to be able to fully appreciate them. This cemented a belief in me that as long as I frequent libraries and bookshops regularly, the right book for me will somehow find me. Sure, sometimes it works the other way around and I just look or ask for a book. However, there is something to be said about having faith in life's 'reading' timing. The day when I browsed Le Guin's bookshelf in the library and found this one was a happy one. It was in mid December last year (so about a month ago). If I remember correctly, I finished the novel in about two days' time. 

What can I say now that I have finally read The Dispossessed? To start with, I can acknowledge that is a novel of remarkable complexity. This book  is political in the sense that it examines social structures and organization but it is also philosophical because it goes beyond political to study humanity. The Dispossessed is  novel well worth the hype. Besides excelling in work building, this book features a charismatic scientist for its protagonist. It examines the following themes: revolution, anarchism, class, communism, capitalism, technology, society, education, individualism and love. Yes, love. The author didn't forget about that one eternal topic when she wrote this SF utopia. Scroll down to see and read more. 

Pozdrav Suzemljani! U ovoj objavi podijelit ću književni ogled za  Ljude bez ičega (The Dispossessed u originalu), roman Ursule K. Le Guin. Ovaj utopijski znanstvenofantastični roman jedno je od najcjenjenijih i najpoznatijih Ursulinih djela. Objavljen 1974. godine., ovaj roman nagrade Hugo, Nebula i Logus za najbolji roman 1975. Ljudi bez ičega je dio Le Guininog Hanish ciklusa, ali (kao i druge knjige iz ciklusa Hanish) može se čitati neovisno od drugih.

Već dugo se veselim čitanju ovog romana. Čula sam da njega prije dosta godina, ali nisam aktivno tragala za njim. Ponekad volim pričekati da mi knjige dođu. U životu su mi knjige često stizale nekako baš u pravo vrijeme kada sam ih mogla u potpunosti cijeniti. To je u meni učvrstilo uvjerenje da će me, sve dok redovito posjećujem knjižnice i knjižare, prava knjiga za mene nekako već pronaći. Naravno, ponekad proces ide obrnuto i jednostavno potražim ili zatražim knjigu koju želim. Međutim, ima nešto u povjerenju u odabir vremena 'čitanja' samog života ili sudbine. Dan kada sam provjerila policu Ursule K. Le Guin u knjižnici i pronašala ovu knjigu bio je sretan. Bilo je to sredinom prosinca prošle godine (dakle prije otprilike mjesec dana). Ako se dobro sjećam, roman sam završila za otprilike dva dana.

Što mogu reći sada kada sam konačno pročitala Ljude bez ičega? Za početak, mogu priznati da je to roman izuzetne složenosti. Ova je knjiga politička u smislu da istražuje društvene strukture i organizaciju, ali je i filozofska jer nadilazi političko te prelazi u filozofsko proučavanje čovječanstva. Ljudi bez ičega (The Dispossessed) je roman vrijedan hvale. Osim što odlično stvara i prikazuje jedan svijet, za svog protagonista ima karizmatičnog znanstvenika. Ispituje sljedeće teme: revolucija, anarhizam, klasa, komunizam, kapitalizam, tehnologija, društvo, obrazovanje, individualizam i ljubav. Da,ljubav. Na to autorica nije zaboravila kada je napisala ovu SF utopiju. Spistite se dolje da vidite i pročitate više.


What kind of novel is The Dispossessed?   It is an Utopian (at times Dystopian) philosophical science fiction novel with a developed plot, charismatic protagonist and detailed world building. Focusing on social and philosophical themes, The Dispossessed is written in a non-chronological way. 

What is the setting for this novel? The Dispossessed is set on two planets: Anarres and Urras, the twin inhabited worlds that are very different one from another. Urras is divided into different states, while Anarres isn't- existing as one planet one state, if state is a proper term for they (people of Annares) claim to have no government. Anarres was actually settled by revolutionaries who fled Urras planet in order to establish a sort of Marxist utopia on Anarres. Some Marxist/Communist/ Anarchist elements exist on Urras as well, but not in such a way as on Anarres. Urras planet is said to be home of different states, two of them being the biggest and most dominant forces: A-Io (capitalist) and Thu (totalitarian communism of sort). 

What are the differences between the two worlds  in The Dispossessed? Anarres is a moon, Urras a planet. Anarres is a world without a government, where the society functions as a large hippy commune of some sorts. Urras is a planet with multiple governments and states, two of them being the most dominant. These two states are also the ones most hostile one to another: A-io (brutal Capitalism) and Thu (totalitarian Marxism)We don't actually get to visit Thu with Shevek but it is what the novel implies multiple times- a totalitarian Marxist/Communist government is in charge in Thu. On the other hand, A-Io is a capitalist heaven of some kind. A-Io state is where Shevek spends most of his time while on Urras planet. Shevek soon learns that A-Io is far for heaven, the condition of life being quite brutal for the lower classes. On the other hand, Thu  state claims to be anti-capitalist but it is described as totalitarian so just as problematic as A-Io. As time passes, Shevek becomes disillusioned with Urras  planet (and this includes both of its superpowers). 

What kind of narration does this novel employs? The narration is not linear and some might find it slightly confusing. Personally, I found the non linear narration suitable for this novel. The novel is set on two worlds: one being a planet and other the moon.  The chapters alternate not only between these two worlds but between the present and the past.  The novel is constantly focused on its protagonist Shevek, though. This makes things less confusing, it is easier to navigate these time humps as Shevek remains always at focus.

Who is the narrator of the novel? The narrator is omniscient but follows primarily the protagonist Shevek.  The narrator often shares Shevek's personal thoughts and inner feelings. Moreover, the writer successfully employs dialogue to aid the narration and better portray the characters. In most cases, Shevek is the one who participates or initials these dialogues, so with each one we get to know him (and someone else) better. Moreover, the dialogues aid considerably in world building. Through descriptions and dialogues, Ursula K. Le Guin masterfully portrays the two very different society that exists on two planets. That being said, the protagonist remains at the center of this book. 

Who is the protagonist of The Dispossessed? The protagonist is Shevek, a scientist from a world that functions without a government. He is the key figure and the one who drives the plot forward. When Shevek leaves his home world, he experiences severe culture shock and that's only the start of his practical and moral struggles. Shevek is torn between loyalty to his own society and desire for scientific discovery that can only be achieved on (alien) Urras. Shevek is a man from the moon, a man from a culture that is completely alien to everyone on the planet he visits.When Shevek visits Urras, he stays in the capitalist country but the socialist one doesn't seem much different either. Both the ruthless capitalism and totalitarian socialism is something alien to Shevek. He strives to understand Urras, but eventually ends up disillusioned.  Shevek is the kind of protagonist who strives always to do the right thing. He is capable of being critical thinking but he has a warm hearth. The fact that Shevek is a family man humanizes him even more. As a reader, I found it easy to sympathize with him. 

Why is Shevek's point of view so important? While the narrator is omniscient, it's still through Shevek's experiences that we experience these two worlds (a planet and its moon). Shevek is not only the character that is examined most closely, he is in some ways our moral guide. Shevek is the only person from his ( revolutionary) planet that has even visited the other (capitalist) planet.  While Shevek is not the narrator of this novel, his point of view is very important. The examination of Shevek's most inner thoughts and feelings, make us not only sympathize with him, but experience these two societies/planets with him.


Kakav je roman Ljudi bez ičega? To je utopijski (ponekad distopijski) filozofski znanstvenofantastični roman s razvijenom radnjom, karizmatičnim protagonistom i detaljnom građenjem te opisom fiktivnog svijeta. Fokusirajući se na društvene i filozofske teme, Ljudi bez ičega (The Dispossessed) je napisan nekronološki.

Gdje je smješten ovaj roman? Ljudi bez ičega (The Dispossessed) je smješten na dva planeta: Anarres i Urras, to su u neku ruku blizanci (planet i njegov mjesec), naseljeni svjetovi koji se međusobno jako razlikuju. Urras je podijeljen na različite države, dok Anarres postoji kao jedan planet jedna država, ako je država uopće prikladna riječ jer oni tvrde da nemaju vladu. Anarres su zapravo naselili revolucionari koji su pobjegli s planeta Urras kako bi uspostavili svojevrsnu marksističku utopiju na Anarresu. Neki marksistički/komunistički/anarhistički elementi postoje i na Urrasu, ali ne na takav način kao na Anarresu. Planet Urras je opisan kao dom više različitih država, a dvije od njih su najveće i najdominantnije sile: A-Io (kapitalistički ustroj u kojem postoje posjednici) i Thu (neka vrsta totalitarnog komunizma).

Koje su razlike između ta dva svijeta u romanu Ljudi bez ičega? Anarres je mjesec, Urras planet. Anarres je svijet bez vlade, gdje društvo funkcionira kao neka vrsta velike hipi komune. Urras je planet s više vlada i država, od kojih su dvije najdominantnije. Ove dvije države su ujedno i najneprijateljskije jedna prema drugoj: A-io (brutalni kapitalizam) i Thu (totalitarni marksizam). Ne dobijemo priliku posjetiti Thu sa Shevekom, ali to je ono što roman više puta implicira - totalitarnu marksističku/komunističku vlast. S druge strane, A-Io je neka vrsta kapitalističkog raja. Država A-Io je mjesto gdje Shevek provodi većinu svog vremena dok je na planetu Urras. Shevek uskoro saznaje da je A-Io daleko do raja, a uvjeti života prilično su brutalni za niže klase. S druge strane, Thu država tvrdi da je antikapitalistička, ali je opisana kao totalitarna pa jednako problematična kao i A-Io. Kako vrijeme prolazi, Shevek postaje razočaran planetom Urras(uključujući  obje njegove velesile).

Kakvu naraciju koristi ovaj roman? Pripovijedanje nije linearno i nekima bi to moglo biti malo zbunjujuće. Osobno sam mišljenja da je nelinearna naracija prikladna za ovaj roman. Radnja je smještena u dva svijeta: jedan je planet, a drugi mjesec. Poglavlja se izmjenjuju ne samo između ova dva svijeta već i između sadašnjosti i prošlosti. Ipak, roman je stalno usredotočen na svog glavnog junaka Sheveka. To čini stvari manje zbunjujućim jer je Shevek uvijek u fokusu.

Tko je pripovjedač romana? Pripovjedač je sveznajući, ali prati prvenstveno glavnog junaka Sheveka. Pripovjedač često dijeli Ševekove osobne misli i unutarnje osjećaje. Štoviše, Le Guin uspješno koristi dijalog kako bi potpogla pripovijedanju i bolje prikazala likove. U većini slučajeva, Shevek je taj koji sudjeluje ili inicijalira ove dijaloge, pa sa svakim dijalogom bolje upoznajemo njega te  još nekoga. Štoviše, dijalozi uvelike pomažu u izgradnji fiktivnog svijeta. Kroz opise i dijaloge, Ursula K. Le Guin maestralno prikazuje dva vrlo različita društva koja postoje na dva planeta. No, protagonist uvijek ostaje u središtu ove knjige.

Tko je protagonist Ljudi bez ičega? Protagonist je Shevek, znanstvenik iz svijeta koji funkcionira bez vlade. On je ključna figura i taj koji tjera radnju naprijed. Kada Shevek napusti svoj rodni svijet, doživljava ogroman kulturni šok i to je samo početak njegovih praktičnih i moralnih borbi. Shevek je razapet između odanosti vlastitom društvu i želje za znanstvenim otkrićem koje se može postići samo na (drugom plantu) Urrasu. Shevek je čovjek s anarhističkog mjeseca, čovjek iz kulture koja je potpuno strana svima na planeti koju posjećuje. Kada Shevek posjeti Urras, boravi u kapitalističkoj zemlji, ali ni socijalistička se ne čini puno drugačijom. Nemilosrdni kapitalizam i totalitarni socijalizam Sheveku su jednako strani. Nastoji razumjeti  planet Urras, ali na kraju završi razočaran.

Zašto je Shevekova perspektiva toliko važna? Iako je pripovjedač sveznajući, ipak primarno kroz Shevekova iskustva doživljavamo ova dva svijeta (planet i njegov mjesec). Shevek nije samo lik koji se pomnije ispituje i prikazuje, on je na neki način naš moralni vodič. Shevek je jedina osoba sa svog (revolucionarnog) planeta koja je čak posjetila drugi (kapitalistički) planet. Iako Shevek nije pripovjedač ovog romana, njegovo je stajalište vrlo važno. Ispitivanje Shevekovih  najosobnijih misli i osjećaja tjera nas ne samo da suosjećamo s njim, već s njim iskusimo ova dva društva/svijeta/planete. Shevek je tip osobe koja se sposobna za kritičko promišljanje, ali ipak ima dobro srce. Osim toga, Shevek je i obiteljski čovjek. Ta obiteljska dimenzija čini ga humanijim. On je lik s kojim se lako poistovjetiti. 

What is the publication order of The Dispossessed ? It's the fifth published novel in the Hainish Cycle. However, the mentioning of an important communication device 'ansibile' that is referenced in other Hainish novels (and that makes collaboration between planets possible) places it first in the chronological order in the Hainish Cycle. Personally, I think you won't go wrong if you read the books in the publication order (and not chronological) order. In fact, you read them in any order that suits you. As I said before, the books in the Hainish Cycle are standalone books. 

What is the plot of this novel like? The plot is focused both on Shevak's invention of a remarkable device and his inter struggles concerning what to do with this device (resulting from fear that it might be used a weapon). There are also subplots happening on both worlds, but I won't reveal those to avoid spoilers. Besides this 'invention' plot, there is also a more personal plot that focuses on Shevek's family life. On his home world (moon), Shevek falls in love with Takver. Their love story is a key aspect of this novel as well.  All in all, I would say that the plot of this novel is well developed and interesting. However, the philosophical aspect of this novel is important as well as this complex novel is not driven only by its plot. 

What is the characterization like? Ursula K. Le Guin did a great job with creating memorable characters in this one. The psychological and moral portrayal of the book's protagonist Shevek is done exceptionally well.  Takver, the love of Shevek's life is portrayed with great care as well. Besides these two, Ursula managed to create a number of interesting and believable characters. As I mentioned before, the author often uses dialogue and monologue to better portray the characters in this novel. This enables us to get to know different characters through their own words. When Le Guin uses descriptions in portrayal of the characters, she is descriptive in an economical way. The portrayal of characters is something that happens naturally as the novel progresses.

What themes does this novel explore? This Utopian novel explores multiple themes. Its protagonist Shevek loves his home world and its Utopian society but he also longs for greater individualism and this is manifested by his pursuit of science. Therefore, it can be said this novel explores the themes of collectivism and individualism. The relationship between the individual and the society is a topic that is brought up repeatedly through this novel. There's also the Utopian/Dystopian aspect of this novel. Shevek has been brought up in a government-less society. Originally, Urras is described as a perfect Utopia, but as the novel develops, we as readers learn there are some problems there as well. The perfect Utopia doesn't exist. Nevertheless, the moon hippy society is still presented as superior to all societies that exist on planet Urras (and that resemble those on planet Earth quite strongly). This is where the novel gets philosophical and political. I have already mentioned that this novel explores social themes such as revolution, anarchism, class, communism, capitalism, society and education. Literally all of these themes come up at some point. Indeed, this is the kind of novel that challenges its reader to think.  Besides the philosophical and social themes, there is also the always inspiring theme of love. While it is not at the focus of the book, the love that exists between Shevek and Takver is very important for the development of the novel. It is made clear that the book's protagonist draws the necessary inner strength from his stable and loving relationship with Takver. 

Are there any moral dilemmas for the protagonist of The Dispossessed? Yes, there are. Throughout the novel, Shevek is put under great pressure. Moreover, the moral dilemmas are not reserved just for him. Many characters find themselves in a moral dilemma. Having to choose between the loyalty to their society and their inner moral compass creates anxiety for a number of characters. Moreover in some instances, characters have to risk their own lives for a cause they believe to be greater than themselves.  

What is the ending of The Dispossessed like? The ending is well written. Some might argue that Ursula Le Guin's employed 'deux et machina' too often, having her Hainish novels end with innervation of  highly evolved humanoids- Hainish. However, that's hardly valid criticism considering the philosophy behind the Hainish novels. The novels were written with the Hainish society being the driving force between the events so their intervention is to be expected.  Moreover, the plot is not just about the invention of communication device, it is about Shevek's inner and moral struggles as well.


Kakav je redoslijed objavljivanja romana Ljudi bez ičega? To je peti objavljeni roman u ciklusu Hainish. Međutim, spominjanje važnog komunikacijskog uređaja 'ansibile' koji se spominje u drugim Hainskim romanima (i koji omogućuje suradnju među planetima) stavlja ga na prvo mjesto u kronološkom slijedu u Hainskom ciklusu. Osobno mislim da nećete pogriješiti ako knjige čitate redoslijedom objavljivanja (a ne kronološkim). Zapravo, možete ih čitati kojim god redosljedom i kako želite. Kao što sam već rekla, knjige u Hainish ciklusu su samostalne knjige.

Kakva je radnja ovog romana? Radnja je usredotočena kako na Shevakov izum izvanredne naprave, tako i na njegove unutarnje borbe oko toga što učiniti s tom napravom (koja proizlazi iz straha da bi to moglo biti oružje). Postoje i podzapleti koji se događaju na oba svijeta, ali ih neću otkrivati ​​kako bih izbjegla otkriti previše (tj. izbjegla takozvane spojlere). Osim ove 'izumiteljske' radnje, postoji i osobnija radnja koja se fokusira na Shevekov obiteljski život. Na svom rodnom svijetu (mjesec), Shevek se zaljubljuje u Takver. Njihova ljubavna priča također je ključni aspekt ovog romana. Sve u svemu, rekla bih da je radnja ovog romana dobro razvijena i zanimljiva. No, filozofski aspekt ovog romana je također ažan, jer ovaj složeni roman nije vođen samo svojom radnjom.

Kakva je karakterizacija? Ursula K. Le Guin napravila je sjajan posao u stvaranju nezaboravnih likova u ovom romanu. Psihološki i moralni prikaz glavnog junaka knjige Sheveka izniman je. Takver, ljubav Shevekova života (Takver) također je prikazana s velikom pažnjom. Osim njih dvoje, Ursula je uspjela stvoriti niz zanimljivih i uvjerljivih likova. Kao što sam već spomenula, autorica često koristi dijalog i monolog kako bi što bolje prikazala likove u ovom romanu. To nam omogućuje da upoznamo različite likove  kroz njihove vlastite riječi. Kada Le Guin koristi opise u prikazu likova, ona je deskriptivna na ekonomičan način. Prikaz i karakterizacija likova je nešto što se događa prirodno kako roman napreduje.

Koje teme istražuje ovaj roman? Ovaj utopijski roman istražuje više tema. Njegov protagonist Shevek voli svoj rodni svijet i njegovo utopijsko društvo, ali također žudi za većim individualizmom, a to se očituje njegovim težnjom za znanošću. Stoga se može reći da ovaj roman istražuje teme kolektivizma i individualizma. Odnos pojedinca i društva tema je koja se kroz ovaj roman stalno proteže. Tu je i utopijski/distopijski aspekt ovog romana. Shevek je odgajan u društvu bez vlade. Izvorno, Urras je opisan kao savršena utopija, ali kako se roman razvija, mi kao čitatelji saznajemo da i tu postoje neki problemi. Savršena utopija ne postoji. Ipak, društvo mjesečevih hipija i dalje se predstavlja kao superiorno u odnosu na sva društva koja postoje na planeti Urras (i koja dosta nalikuju onima na planeti Zemlji). Ovdje roman postaje filozofski i politički. Već sam spomenuo da ovaj roman istražuje društvene teme kao što su revolucija, anarhizam, klasa, komunizam, kapitalizam, društvo i obrazovanje. Doslovno sve ove teme se pojavljuju u nekom trenutku. Doista, ovo je vrsta romana koja izaziva svog čitatelja na razmišljanje. Osim filozofskih i društvenih tema, tu je i uvijek inspirativna tema ljubavi. Iako nije u fokusu knjige, ljubav koja postoji između Sheveka i Takvera vrlo je važna za razvoj romana. Jasno je naznačeno kako glavni junak knjige potrebnu unutarnju snagu crpi iz svog stabilne ljubavi s Takver.

Postoje li moralne dileme za protagonista Ljudi bez ičega? Da, postoje. U cijelom romanu Shevek je pod velikim pritiskom. Štoviše, moralne dileme nisu rezervirane samo za njega. Mnogi se likovi nalaze u moralnoj dilemi. Kada moraju birati između odanosti svom društvu i svoga unutarnjeg moralnog kompasa, to stvara tjeskobu kod brojnih likova. Štoviše, u nekim slučajevima, likovi moraju riskirati vlastite živote zbog cilja za koji vjeruju da je veći od njih samih.

Kakav je kraj romana Ljudi bez ičega? Kraj je dobro napisan. Neki bi mogli tvrditi da je Ursula Le Guin prečesto koristila 'deux et machina' her dosista njezini hainiški romani često završavaju inervacijom visoko evoluiranih humanoida - Hainisha. Međutim, to nije valjana kritika s obzirom na filozofiju koja stoji iza hainskih romana. Oni su pisani s pretpostavkom upletenosti Hainish društva te nije ništa čudno što se često pojavljuju na kaju romana. Štoviše, radnja i zaplet romana nije sveden samo na izumu komunikacijskog uređaja, već se u romanu radi i o Shevekovoj unutarnjoj i moralnoj borbi.






P.S. This 'shopped in my closet' outfit is almost the same as this one (minus the cardi & blazer) and plus my white tunics (worn other way around). We had some sunny and warm days at the start of January.

HR U dijelu teksta na engleskom iznad pronaći ćete poveznice na druge oglede koje sam napisala za romane i novele Ursule K. Le Guin. 

 Thank you for reading and visiting. Have a nice day! Hvala na posjeti i čitanju. Ugodan dan vam želim.


  1. I remember you reviewing other books by this author before. This sounds like a good one since it explores compelling themes and follows well drawn characters who are also memorable. I like when books are thought provoking while you are reading and still give you something to ponder afterwards as well.

    1. The Dispossessed definitely gives the reader food for the thought.

  2. Hehe that sounds a great book to read, and you are nicely dressed, great look

  3. Me encanta esa autora. No he leído ese libro, pero me lo llevo anotado. Te mando un beso

  4. Nikad nisam čula za ovu spisateljicu, niti za ovu knjigu, ali svakako ću je uvrstiti u listu do sad skupljenih preporuka za čitanje. <3

    1. Hvala, meni je njen najbolji roman Lijeva ruka tame, taj bi prvi prepročula, a ima i sjajno troknjižje o dječaku čarobnjaku.

  5. I don't know this book. I do love your outfit too :-D

  6. I didn't know this book, but it seems to be very interesting and cool!
    Great photos and review! :)

  7. I didn't know this book- I know it is part of the series and that's it so thank you for your review despite the fact that I am not a fan of SF books in this one I can find something that I really like in books - I like books about society, systems , anarchy etc.

    Have a lovely weekend dear Ivana

    1. Dystopian literature is also considered a part of science fiction. I think those kind of books are something you might enjoy. I'm planning to make a list of best dystopian novels.

  8. Definitely sounds like going to a whole new world or two. Brilliant review to capture the storylines of this book. Thanks so much for your study of this book too. It does help explain the facts of this science fiction. Love the white tunic with the black as well and the pop of yellow, too. Happy Weekend!

  9. Definitely a great winter read! (here in the states when it's too cold out and the snow isn't pretty anymore) It does sound complicated. I'm glad you are here to guide me through it. Love the outfit. Beautiful sunnies too! Thanks so much!

  10. Ma lo sai che anche io la penso come te? A frequentare librerie e negozi di libri (sia fisici che online), anche molto casualmente, prima o poi i libri che fanno per te arrivano da soli!^^
    Magari è solo suggestione ma con me ha funzionato diverse volte questo metodo!
    Comunque non avevo mai sentito parlare di questo libro ma ora mi piacerebbe recuperarlo: di solito non amo le storie troppo incentrate sulla politica (sono più fan del versante filosofico), ma da come l'hai descritto, questo romanzo apre parecchi temi veramente interessanti che mi piacerebbe esaminare!
    Carinissimo quell'abitino bianco, secondo me darebbe il meglio indossato da solo in estate, ma mi piace molto come sei riuscita a renderlo adatto anche alla stagione più fredda!
    Sei sempre bella ed originale nei tuoi look!

  11. Thank you for another in-depth book review, Ivana. I'm currently not in the right frame of mind for reading this kind of novel, unfortunately, even if it does sound interesting.
    I love it when books cross my path unintentionally. That's why I love buying in second-hand shops.
    Love the mustard polo neck worn under the white tunic, and what a great idea to wear it backwards! xxx

    1. Wearing items backwards is my new style trick.

  12. I don't know the author and its book, Ivana. Thanks for your description about the book!

  13. Hi
    This book that I had never heard of seems to be quite interesting and a scientific laboratory for the different forms of organization of society, I admit that I was very interested!

  14. Sigh, for sunny days. Love the outfit.

    I read this book in 2016 and gave it 2/5 - I did not enjoy the past/present jumping around and found it really hard to keep everything straight. It didn't encourage me to read any more of LeGuin's work!

  15. I would just have to say that you read the most interesting books Ivana. It goes to show how diverse your world is, and I love that.

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  17. Draga Ivana hvala puno za preporuku ove knjige. Tema individualca u odnosu na društvo je nešto što me zanima i volim pročitatai novele ili romane s tom tematikom. Često nastojim povući paralele s utopijskim svijetom i današnjim u kojem živimo jer vjerujem da svi mi promišljamo i tražimo naše mjesto u današnjem svijetu i društvu.

  18. Thanks for sharing such a great book! Looking forward for the next post.
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  19. Loving the mustard polo neck and the crisp cotton polo neck.
    The book sounds very complex and absorbing, I'm glad you enjoyed it. xxx

  20. That book seems so great! I have never read Le Guin's books, but I started to read the book soon! I would like to know those social and philosophical themes. Last November, I finished reading DUNE part one at last. It took me about six months. I read SF novels very slowly. I can't a lot of books, but your reviews guide me:) Thank you, Ivana<3


    1. Dune is not an easy book to read because it is very complex. It is a kind of book that takes time. I'm happy you enjoy my recommendations.

  21. Uvek nadjem fantasticne preporuke kod tebe :*

  22. Thankyou for sharing this.
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