My 10 Tips to Help You Reduce Holiday Stress and Enjoy a Merry Christmas!

Christmas Eve is upon us and before you know it'll be Christmas morning. Even for the biggest Christmas enthusiasts, the holiday season can get stressful. It is such a shame to let stress steal the joy out of the season to be merry, isn't it? I have been thinking about this lately and I think I came up with some simple and easy ways to help reduce holiday related anxiety and stress. So, I decided to write down my tips for reducing holiday stress. I hope you'll find them helpful and useful. Do share your own holiday survival tips if you have any or your thoughts if you find this subject interesting. Do you enjoy the holiday season? How do you prepare for it? I wish you all merry and stress free holidays.

1. Be grateful for what you have.

Maybe your holidays aren't turning up the way you planned or hoped for.  With everyone expectations set so high, it is easy to succumb to holiday blues. Maybe you can't celebrate the holidays with your family. Maybe your family or friends live in another country and you're not able to meet in person. Maybe you need to work more than you had planned. Maybe nothing will be as you planned. Still, there are always things to be grateful for. Step one: take a moment to be grateful. Step two: share your gratitude with others, let them know what they mean to you. A heartfelt thank you is one of the most wonderful gifts we can give to one another. Everyone likes to be acknowledged. During the holidays, don't forget to acknowledge others but also yourself. Acknowledge everything worth acknowledging in your life. Be grateful. For example, I'm grateful I managed to find the time to draw one fashion illustration today.

2. Take little breaks.

Holidays can be wonderful, yet they are also often stressful. There are so many things that need to do get done, from shopping to choosing our outfits, from socializing to holiday texting everyone you know. It all takes time. Not to say anything of the decorating our homes and the preparing holiday meals and sweets. So, don't forget to take little breaks. Sometimes a fifteen minute break can really make a difference. Sit down and take a deep breath. Opt for a warm beverage if that helps or listen to a relaxing song. Take a longer shower. Do whatever you need to relax and rest a bit. You don't want to be all run down once the holiday start, right?

3. Try to get at least 7 hours of sleep.

We are all guilty of burning the midnight oil once in a while, but try not to make it a habit, especially not during the holiday season. If you skip sleep for nights on need, it will take its toll on you. Try to get a reasonable amount of sleep. If you have to stay up because of work or similar reasons, try to take a little nap the next day or go to sleep a bit earlier. You need your sleep. Simply said, sleep is essential. 

4. Don't overeat or drink.

Overeating is unhealthy for us, and so is indulging in one drink too many. Last thing you need during the holiday season is to make yourself feel bad by eating or drinking too much. You don't want a hangover to get into way of connecting with your loved ones, do you? The same goes for food. If you eat too much, you won't have that much energy left. Treating yourself to a bit extra is fine, but eating or drinking yourself sick is a big no- no. If possible, try to eat healthy and wholesome foods that will give you extra energy. 

5. Don't fall of the wagon.

A lot of people use the holidays as an excuse to give up on healthy habits or to return to bad habits (whatever those habits might be). Moreover, the accumulated stress makes it easier for people to return to bad habits. All of these things can contribute to social and holiday anxiety. So, think twice about the choices you make. While it's all right to indulge yourself a bit, you don't want to fall of the wagon during the holidays. Not just because getting back on wagon will be hard, but because you need your energy. Whatever healthy strategies and lifestyle decisions you have adapted to your life prior to holiday, try to keep on to them. Remind yourself how happier you will be if you don't allow toxic habits to return to you life. 

6. Don't compare yourself to others.

Comparison is the thief of joy, they say and who ever they might be, one thing is certain: they are certainly right. Don't compare yourself to others is sometimes easier said than done. We're often encouraged to compare. Moreover, privacy is something we often give up in these digital times. I'm not saying that you shouldn't check out other people's home digitally or show your own, but be honest to yourselves. Share only the things you feel comfortable sharing. Remember that we are all unique. What makes someone else happy might not make us happy.

7. Simplify things.

It is not the end of the world if you prepare a simple meal for Christmas. Who says you have to compete with professional chefs? Instead of spending hours slaving in the kitchen, why not cook something you know your family and/or yourself will love? Do you really need the additional stress of trying to prepare an elaborate meal for the first time? Maybe you like that kind of pressure, but if you already have lots on your hands, remember that you can always simplify cooking (or ask for help or even order something in). I did spend hours slaving in the kitchen, but only because the traditional dishes I opted for demanded a lot of time. However, I prepared all of them in advance. For the last two days, I've prepared 'easy meals'. What is easy for one person, might not be easy for another. For example, I've been cooking fish since I was a little girl. It's what I know best. For some else, it might be pasta or whatever. Why not stick to what you know? Don't put additional pressure onto your self. The same applies to any other holiday activity. Stick to your cleaning routine if you have one. Think twice about the decor you want. Don't overwork yourself. Simplify what every you can. 

8. Be present in the moment.

Being present in the moment is a mantra we all hear being repeated, but what does it really means? Well, I think it means feeling present, experiencing the moment to the fullest- or in other words just relaxing in the here and now. Often we are too busy to just relax and enjoy the moment. Our minds keep racing. How to actually find time to be present in the moment? I think a good strategy is to find what we really want. For example, if you really want great photos, plan some time for them, because great photographs often take time and work. When you get that done, you can relax. Similarly, some people like to write down things or record their memories in some other way. Planning the things you want or that are really important for you and getting them done can paradoxically help you enjoy the moment. Being there in the moment doesn't mean you abandon all your planning and throw away your organization skills. The trick is to know when to stop and just relax. 

9. Don't take everything onto yourself.

Holidays are exhausting, perhaps especially so for us ladies. Typically, preparing the home for holidays is a task that women take onto themselves. However, some men also tend to overwork themselves during the holidays. Whether you are a man or a woman, you probably have tons to do during the holidays. All the preparations can be taxing on us. The holiday cleaning, cooking and all the work behind those perfect holiday photos. It's a lot of work. Don't take everything onto yourself. If you live alone, simplify your holiday chores. If you live with a family, split your holiday duties with them. It is never fair for one person to do everything. Share the duties according to people's preferences. Some people like cleaning up, while others enjoy holiday shopping. Working like a team during the holidays only makes sense, doesn't it? Admitting that you need help can actually help you connect with your family as friends. 

10. Don't t be afraid to do it your own way.

Only you know what can make you happy. So, don't be afraid to celebrate the holidays in the way that suits you best. Maybe you're religious, maybe not. Maybe you want to read the holy texts and enjoy a quiet evening, and maybe you want to dance the night away. Maybe you want both. It's your choice, yours alone. There are no rules on how your holidays have to look like. Always feel free to make your own rules.


  1. Perfetti i tuoi consigli!
    Ti auguro un Natale meraviglioso, cara Ivana!
    Kisses, Paola.


  2. Lovely post dear! Wish you all the best! xx

  3. All these tips are really sensible and wise and they will truly make a difference if we do them! Wishing you a wonderful, healthy Christmas Ivana.xx

  4. Great tips! We live in a high-pressure, high-stress society so we need to make room in our lives for rest. Merry christmas and happy holidays!

  5. These are all such wonderful tips. You're right that holidays can be stressful as well as fun, so it's important to take it easy. I'm especially guilty of over-complicating things and overeating this time of year.

    Thanks for all the wonderful reminders. I hope you enjoy your holidays.

    Kathrin | Polar Bear Style

    1. thank you dear. Yes, I'm often guilty of the same.

  6. Hope you have a lovely Christmas! :)

    Corinne x

  7. I agree with all the points that you shared. Merry Christmas dear!

  8. Draga Ivana, nadam se da ti je Božić miran i da ti je sve uspjelo što si planirala. Sve najbolje!
    Godinama već radim po svom, a kako moj posao ne poznaje ni petka ni svetka, uopće se ne zamaram s nekom posebnom pripremom. Stresa više ni nema. Koristim vrijeem koje imam za ljude koje volim, i za sebe, koju isto volim :)

    1. to je pravi pristup, koristiti vrijeme za ljude koje volimo i to je to.

  9. Having gratitude is the best way for every day. Some days it's certainly easier, but it really helps to make us realize the blessings we have!!
    Merry Christmas Ivana!!

  10. Thanks a lot :D

    great tips my friend :)

    InstagramFacebook Official PageMiguel Gouveia / Blog Pieces Of Me :D

  11. so cool post!!
    Thanks for sharing!!!

  12. Hope you had beautiful Christmas babe!

    x Lisa |

  13. Bautiful! You look so darling in your Xmas-outfit Ivana! Lovely Post!

    xxxxx Nadine

  14. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.


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