Spring Is Coming.....A Sweater With Statement Sleeves Worn Over a Turtleneck (Outfit Post & Reflection Time)

Today's post is a stark contrast with the last one, isn't it? These images were taken a few days ago when it was warm enough to dress like this. I should also note that I edited these photographs because of overexposure. Most of the times, I don't edit my outfit photographs but the sun was so strong that day, all the colours ended up being way off, so I had to reduce the brightness of these photographs. Today it is rainy, so I don't have to worry about overexposure. Moreover, if were to wear something like this outfit, I would have to add a jacket over it.

 Speaking of jackets, I realized why I don't wear this fabulous sweater that often. Recently, when I embarked on a fun activity of window-shopping my own closets I rediscovered this blue sweater with statement sleeves. If I remember well, it was a present from my sister-in-law. The thing with this knit sweater is that it can't fit into any of my coats or jackets. Believe me, I tried. The sleeves are just too big and voluminous to fit into anything. Statement/bat sleeves can sometimes be tricky! I might be able to wear this sweater with a poncho, but I don't want to hide it that way.  After some thinking, I decided that this blue sweater is actually perfect for transitional dressing. I can always layer a turtleneck or a shirt under it. 

#Spring Is Coming.....A #Sweater With Statement Sleeves Worn Over a Turtleneck (Outfit Post & Reflection Time)

Spring Is Coming.....A Sweater With Statement Sleeves Worn Over a Turtleneck (Outfit Post & Reflection Time)

What about the rest of my outfit? Boots and shorts are always a cute combo? What do you say- Yes or No? You know, I'm a big fan of wearing boots in early spring time. Boots are, in my opinion at least, a great transition item as well. Spring is possibly the only time when you can wear boots with bare legs. Here I paired my caramel boots with tights, because it is not that warm yet but  I really like the idea  of wearing  boots with socks in spring time. What do you think about wearing shorts and/or mini skirts with boots but without tights or leggings? Boots with bear legs- yes or no?

I love this pair of shorts. I prefer to wear shorts that are a bit longer, and I simply adore this cut. You can see me wear this pair of shorts here and here. I will show you another way to style this sweater soon enough. As for these caramel boots, I must have worn them at least 100 times. They are so comfortable and well made. Everything a pair of quality leather boots should be. Not that I'm advertising this brand or anything, I think doesn't even exists anymore. They closed most of their shops and it looks like they're going under. It makes me sad, but it is hard for local brands to compete with the big names. Do you like shopping local brands or do you prefer mainstream ones?

Spring Is Coming.....A Sweater With Statement Sleeves Worn Over a Turtleneck (Outfit Post & Reflection Time)

Spring Is Coming.....A Sweater With Statement Sleeves Worn Over a Turtleneck (Outfit Post & Reflection Time)

Spring is coming. You know it is when it is warm enough to hang out at the balcony and dump the coat. Are you planning your spring outfits yet? I know I am. What is your favourite trend this Spring? You know I think I like all of them, but I'm not going all gaga over any of them, if you know what I mean. I plan to take some time to study all the shows from fashion weeks and really think them over, because I think I might be able to see if there are any trends that I might have missed that way. I like to take my time to think over new trends. Do you have a favourite  trend for this Spring? Is there something you are crazy about? 

Spring Is Coming.....A Sweater With Statement Sleeves Worn Over a Turtleneck (Outfit Post & Reflection Time)
burgundy turtleneck: Terranova, blue sweater with statements sleeves: a gift (don't know the brand), pepita shorts: vintage (bought in a vintage shop that closed down), boots: Peko


Spring is coming. At times, the change of seasons can be both wonderful and exhausting. A change of seasons is exciting for obvious reasons. Every season has its charms. In addition, with the arrival of a new season there is always a feeling of novelty. If we feel stuck in a routine, an arrival of a new season can help us get out of a rot. We smile more, we are eager to finally see the sun on regular basis and  we look forward to ditching our jackets and coats. For fashion people, season change is often a time when we think about new trends to wear and well that's fun for obvious reasons.

Spring Is Coming.....A Sweater With Statement Sleeves Worn Over a Turtleneck (Outfit Post & Reflection Time)

 Spring Is Coming.....A #Sweater With #Statement #Sleeves Worn Over a #Turtleneck (#Outfit Post & Reflection Time)

Arrival of Spring is something to celebrated, that is how most of us feel. The start of spring time is considered to be a wonderful event for many reasons, both historical and present day ones. We get to see nature wake up from winter dream and that's always inspiring. Spring season is beloved by many, possibly because we all find ourselves more motivated in spring time. 

You can break it down to chemical and biological factors, but even without bringing science in, most of us have noticed how in Spring we seem to 'wake up'. Suddenly, we are filled with desires and plans. Attracted by the warmer temperatures, we are tempted to spend more times outdoors. Many start to plan their springtime getaways or mini vacations. Some say that adult spring break is now a thing. That's all wonderful, but we should be careful not to overwork ourselves. Every change can be stressful, even when it is a positive change. Not to say anything of the viruses and allergies that come alive with the new season as well. Like in any season, during Spring it is important to take care of our immune system, rest well and find time to relax.

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That is why it is important to take pleasure in little moments, like stopping to enjoy a cup of coffee or tea in peace. No need to panic. Once that the Spring arrives, it will last as much as it always does. Don't forget to live in a moment. Don't forget to take the time to relax. You don't have to do it all at once. You can break down Spring cleaning and make it suit your schedule. You are allowed to take your time and plan. See what strategies work best for you. You don't have to clean your entire house and arrange your wardrobe during one weekend. I've been spending so much time cleaning lately that I didn't even started organizing my wardrobe. All I did was to look at my clothes. You know what? That's fine too. This year I won't try to do it all at once. I will try to clean my closets one day at a time. Besides, Spring is not officially here anyway. I still have time, right? 

Spring Is Coming.....A Sweater With Statement Sleeves Worn Over a Turtleneck (Outfit Post & Reflection Time)

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Many people start exercising more in spring time. Nothing wrong with that, but it is important to be informed and remember that our health should come first. There is so much good information out there, but it is equally important to listen to our bodies. We need to learn what works best for our bodies. Ages ago, I wrote an article (here) about my working out philosophy. If I were to write a similar article today, I would probably edit and organize it better, but my opinion hasn't changed. The ideal situation is when working out comes as a stress relief to us. If our fitness routine is stressing us out, it might be a time for a change. Finding the time to find a form of physical activity that suits us is a time well spend.  

Taking advantage of the good weather, a lot of people choose to work out outside. While fresh air, always does us good, I would urge people to pay attention to sun exposure. Sun can be really tricky during the Spring, so remember to protect your skin. If you are planning to spend a lot of time in direct sunlight, consider wearing a hat. Basketball caps, for example,  are both practical for working out and a good  styling choice with sportswear. I'm a big fan of hats in any season, but I've noticed that in spring time they seem to help with that feeling of tiredness that often comes after spending a lot of time outdoors. Do you wear hats or caps in Spring? How do you feel about the arrival of Spring?

#Spring Is Coming.. (Outfit Post & Reflection Time)

That would be all for today. I still have a few more winter outfits to share, but I felt that today's outfit was a nice change. True, it is something I wore to sit down for a coffee with my significant other on our balcony, but I think it still counts as a 'real outfit'. Are you looking forward to Spring? If yes, what are you looking forward the most? Have you planned or prepared any outfits yet?


  1. Great sweater this colour is perfect for you:) You look beautiful Dear:) amazing outfit:*

  2. I have few sweater with bell sleeves and yes it's so hard to fit them under coats!! xx

  3. The outfit looks so comfy. I love the sleeves.

  4. I'm totally with you! It's the little moments that count, you look so cosy!

    Love from London,


  5. Speriamo che la primavera arrivi presto anche in italia, ma sembra che torni Burian! Bellissima questa maglia io adoro il blu elettrico!

  6. Che voglia di primavera, bellissimi i rami fioriti e mi strapiace il tuo maglione!
    Kisses, Paola.


  7. great look! love your boots.

    kisses dear

  8. You look lovely dear...and lovely location

  9. Io adoro la primavera, è la mia stagione preferita!!! E, anche se so che molte persone si sentono stanche in questo periodo, a me riemie di energia e di volgia di fare! Rivoluzionerei tutto in questo periodo, dall'arredamento al modo di truccarmi e acconciarmi i capelli!^^
    Quanto allo sport, io lo faccio all'aria aperta tutto l'anno (vado a correre tutte le mattine) e metto cappellino da baseball e protezione solare anche in pieno inverno!
    Per finire: a me piace molto il tuo maglione e credo che abbia molte possibilità d'impiego, anche con un gilet di pelliccia o sotto una salopette per esempio, no? :)

  10. love the bright blue

  11. Sei splendida cara Ivana
    Ti saluto caramente 💞

  12. La primavera è una stagione meravigliola e di rinascita, peccato che duri così poco a Roma. Arriva subito l'estate.

  13. Looks really interesting) thanks a lot for sharing!

  14. How stunning is that sweater. This look is definitely great for this transitional period. The comfy boots must the icing on the cake. I cant believe the company is not in existence anymore. Always a good idea to support local brands.

    I don't know what i like more , the color or the style. The images look great. I edit my pictures too or I' challenged with low lighting or something else. There's always something huh.

    While I'm excited for spring I honestly will miss winter because our summers get too hot. Changing the clocks yesterday left my system confused and I couldn't go to sleep. Must have been psychological haha.

    Good idea to make time for fun always. I bet your tea party was very fun Ivana. You look absolutely stunning!!!


  15. Love your sweater Ivana, you look gorgeous and the colour suits you :)

    Serene xoxo


  16. nice to see an spring outfit on you. but i thing you wearing winter boots - are they right for spring?



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