Book review/ Ogled knjige (Suzana Mussiow, Kraljica Moraye)

Unfinished. Today I'm sharing with you two things: an unfinished watercolour and an unfinished story. This watercolour is a reproduction or at least that is what it was supposed to be but I never got around to finishing it. So, what we have here is a painting I'm not sure I will finish and a book whose sequel I won't read. The reason why I won't read the sequel is not because I dislike the novel, but simply because the sequel hasn't been written yet. Who knows will there be a sequel at all? 

Kraljica Moraye literally translated means Queen of Moraya. I suppose this novel could be described as a historical romance. It is set in the eighteen century. The protagonist is a young lady who travels to meet her future husband. She is a headstrong but kind person who was raised by a strict aunt. As one could assume (taking the genre into consideration), she doesn't arrive safety to her destination but gets kidnapped instead. What follows is an adventurous story featuring some known historical figures such as Marie Antoinette.

I had mixed feelings about this novel, but I don't regret reading it. I think all the flaws were due to the inexperience of the writer.  The plot was at times predictable. All in all, it was a odd mix of deep thoughts and superficial 'new age' phrases. This novel failed to really impress me but it wasn't so bad. If a sequel existed, I would probably give it a try. I don't like unfinished stories. Or unfinished paintings for that matter.

 Speaking of which, I should finish this watercolour I'm just waiting for inspiration to strike me. I think I'll change it up a little, no need for it to remain a reproduction ( I didn't remember to take a photo of the reproduction anyway).  I've been working on so many new paintings and illustrations lately. If you're following my Instagram, you might have seen some already. If you're not following me there, don't worry. Sooner or later, I'll post all of those paintings here as well. 

Nedovršeno. Danas sa vama dijelim dvije stvari: nedovršenu sliku i nedovršenu priču. Ovaj akvarel je reprodukcija ili je barem to ono što je treba biti, ali ga nikad nisam dovršila. Tako da ovdje imamo sliku za koju nisam sigurna da ću ju završiti i knjigu čiji nastavak neću pročitati. Razlog zašto neću pročitati nastavak nije jer mi se roman ne sviđa, jer jednostavno jer nastavak još nije bio napisan. Tko zna hoće li ga i biti?

Kraljica Moraye je roman koji bi se žanrovski mogao opisati kao povijesna romansa. Smješten je u osamnaesto stoljeće. Protagonist je mlada dama koja putuje upoznati svoga budućega muža. Ona je tvrdoglava, ali dobra osoba koju je odgojila stroga teta. Kao što se može i pretpostaviti (uzevši u obzir žanr) ona ne stiže sigurno na svoje odredište već je umjesto toga otimaju. Što slijedi je priča puna avantura u kojoj se pojavljuju neke poznate osobe kao Marija Antonetta.

Malo su mi osjećaji bili pomješani kada je ovaj roman u pitanju, ali mi nije žao što sam ga pročitala. Mislim da su sve mane tu zbog neiskustva spisateljice. Zaplet je bio na trenutke predvidljiv.  Sve u svemu, bila je to čudna mješavina dubokih misli i površnih new age fraza. Ovaj roman nije me se doista dojmio, ali nije bio ni posve loš. Da ima nastavak, vjerojatno bi ga pročitala. Ne volim nedovršene priče. Ni nedovršeno slike kada smo već kod toga. 

Trebala bi dovršiti i ovaj akvarel. Samo čekam nadahnuće. Možda ga malo i izmijenim, nema potrebe da ostane reprodukcija.  Zapravo nisam se ni sjetila na tečaju uslikati sliku čiju sam reprodukciju radila. Radila sam na puno slika i ilustracija u zadnje vrijeme. Pratite li me na Instagramu, možda ste već vidjeli neke. Ako me ne pratite tamo, ne brinite se. Prije ili kasnije, sve ću te slike objaviti i ovdje. 

#akvarel #bookworm


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  1. Thanks for the interesting post) Have a great week!

  2. Sempre interessanti le letture che ci proponi Ivana!
    Kisses, Paola.

  3. Interesting post my dear, thank you for sharing :-)

  4. Well, honest review, I like that. I hope you will finish your watercolor.
    Have a wonderful day, hugs!
    Dusana :-)

  5. The premise of the book sounds like it could've been quite promising and compelling if not for the predictability and the superficiality. It seems like you still managed to get some enjoyment from reading it even though it left you unimpressed. I don't really like leaving things unfinished either for the feeling of uncertainty that it gives me. I'm so glad to hear that your hand has completely healed and that you're back to painting whenever you like now. Being limited due to an injury can be such a helpless feeling but knowing you, your time was well spent :) Have an inspired new week my friend!

    1. I tried to spend my time well, but I'm certainly happy I can paint again.

  6. Thanks a lot :D

    This book sound super interesting as I love!!! Nive book review dear!

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  7. Shame that the book wasn't as great as you'd hope. The overall story does sound promising. Maybe if a sequel comes into the works the author may have developed and advanced their prose to create something more memorable.


  8. What a beautiful watercolour!
    Have a lovely day :)
    Rosanna x
    Rose's Rooftop

  9. Znam taj osećaj kad je nešto nedovršeno, ali mislim da nekim stvarima to prosto jeste sudbina. Da nisi rekla da je akvarel nedovršen, ne bih nikada to pomislila. Eto, ako ti je za utehu, možda nije baš u potpunosti nedovršen ;) Što se knjige tiče, iako je nisam čitala, znam tačno šta hoćeš da kažeš pa stoga ne verujem da bih joj dala šansu, mada nikad ne reci nikad :)

    1. zapravo imaš pravo, ima previše sjajnih knjiga da bi pratili nastavke onih što su neki prosjek, tako da i nije neka šteta što nastavak nije napisan. Ja sam nekad spremna dati šansu nastavku jer je prva knjiga uvijek najteža, a kasnije pisac stekne malo iskustva pa često nastavak bude razliku of filmova, gdje su nastavci rijetko vrijedni pažnje.:)

  10. I don't love an unfinished story either. But I would have loved to have a proper look at that watercolor, from what I can see it looks finished to me. Where is the unfinished part, Ivana? Why do you think it is unfinished? You might try to darken the shadow underneath the boat that helps to giving it a bit more depth. Remember how the washes goes from dark and then starting to fade slightly away.
    New update: Hallway Makeover WIP

    1. I have to finish the leaves, I'm not nearly done with shadows there, but I keep delaying it because it's a lot of work.

      I don't think the boat turned out well either, the arch is all unnatural but it's to late to change it now. However, I might add more layers and make the water and the area underneath the boat darker. Thanks for the tip.

    2. Remember that shadows are always cool, I would recommend a very diluted wash of payne's blue-gray (PB60, PBk6) as this is a very cool shade and perfect for shadows. You could use also use neutral tint (PBk6, PV19, PB15) as it's a compliment to every color although I personally don't think so as it too dark for my liking and too muddy with its three pigments, but it's up to you of course. As for the leaves, remember that form your viewpoint (the painting) the foliage gets more blurred the farther away the eyes travels, it means, the foliage becomes a variation of green shades, you don't see single leaves. You said you are not too happy with the boat, why not give it another try, start again and keep this one as a good exercise, Ivana. Hope that helps.

    3. I'm going to leave it for now, because I'm out of art supplies. Maybe next year (if I start art school again), I'll take some watercolour lessons and give it another go.

  11. Thanks for the inetersting review :) I'm waiting for your finished painting :))))))) Kisses - Margot


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