My fashion illustration of the day(faux fur jacket& bell bottom pants) / Moja modna ilustracija dana (jakna od umjetnoga krzna i hlače na zvono)

 EN Why, why is rather cold today! One of the reasons why I love wearing flare jeans (besides the obvious one and that is that I like how they look) is this feeling I get of my legs being enclosed in a warm aired balloon. That's makes me think of that expression 'loon pants'. I'm not the only one who though of balloons in connection with this style because supposedly,  that is how loon pants got their name (short from balloon pants). Loon pants are, as far as I know, a style of flare pants with a wider flare at the bottom. I'm not sure is this expression used anymore, perhaps it is a bit dated. Bell bottoms is another popular name for flares and I believe it is actually the original one. First references to bell bottoms were made by someone describing sailor's uniforms, albeit those first 'bell bottoms' were not as flared as those we know and love today. I believe they were simply wide trousers- probably not skin tight in the upper part and loose at the end but loose and wide all the way. Some would say that bell bottom is a synonym for flares, while other argue that bell bottom are slightly different.  I think most people imagine a wider flare when they say bell bottoms, as opposed to flares that usually make people think of the seventies and in those era the flare was slightly more modest than in hippy era.  Still, most people use these two words as synonyms and I'm not exception. Boot cut is another style  of flare pants but in this case the flare is definitely slimmer. Anyway, I happen to like all the different flare types and styles (including the extreme flare I illustrated today) but back to the subject of dressing against the cold. 

HR Danas je poprilično hladno! Jedan od razloga zašto volim nositi traperice na zvono (osim onoga očitoga, a to je da mi se sviđa kako izgledaju) je taj osjećaj koji dobijem, nešto kao da su mi noge u toplom balanu. To me sada posjetilo na jedan engleski izraz  koji se možda više i ne koristi, izraz "loon pants" što je zapravo skraćeno za "balloon pants" to jest hlače balon tako da izgleda da nisam jedina kojoj su baloni na pameti. U hrvatskom jeziku koristi se i izraz  trapez hlače ili traperice, pa često ih zovu i trapezice. U engleskom se koristi izraz flares (ili flare pants), a postoji još jedan kojega smo mi u našem jeziku usvojili u obliku "hlača na zvono", ponekad poznatih i kao "zvone" i "zvonarice". Ta asocijacija na zvono je temelj najstarije reference na ovaj tip hlača, pa se tako taj izraz prvi put koristio (koliko znam) za opis uniformi mornara, mada to nisu bile hlače na zvono kakve mi danas poznajemo i volimo, to jest onaj kraj koji je uski do koljena, a širi se od koljena. U početku su to vjerojatno bile jednostavno komodnije i šire hlače koje su bile takve cijelom dužinom. U engleskom se nazivi "bell bottom" i "flares" nekad rabe kao sinonimi, a neki ljudi tvrde da među njima ima male razlike pa se tako prvi naziv više veže za šezdesete i hlače s veoma širokim zvonom, a drugi za sedamdesete kada je ta širina bila malo skromnija.  U svakom slučaju, meni se svi ti različiti tipovi i stilovi ovoga vrsta hlača jako dragi, uključujući i one veoma široke na dnu kao ove na ilustraciji koju sam danas pripremila. No, vratimo se na temu odijevanja za hladnoću.

modna ilustracija

 EN It is almost like the flare creates a sort of isolation against the cold. Even more so when you pair your flares jeans (or pants) with warm boots. I'm not really sure about the science behind my hypothesis, but it is the feeling I get when I wear flare in winter. There is a catch, though- the flares need to be of normal length or slightly longer. If they're cropped flare pants, forget about it. I mean you'll still be warm if you wear appropriate shoes (i.e. warm boots) but you won't be as warm as you with long flares. Speaking of that, do you know what I really like? This trend of really big flares. I've started to see them around. I'm not sure will I try to find a pair for myself, I don't do much shopping these days, but it is nice to see them around. A bit of change is always good. What else have we been seeing around? We have been seeing a lot of fur lately, haven't we? Not just in editorials but in the streets.  Fur and faux fur has been trendy for a while now, but this winter the trend seems to have exploded. I'm noticing a definite increase in faux fur jackets and coats worn on every day basis. If you ask me, it's great, because fur is fantastic for keeping warm. Most people will opt for faux fur, not just because of moral principles but because most people can't afford to buy a real fur coat. Fortunately, today there is an excellent selection of faux fur. Technology does have its benefits. Who knows where the future is going to take us in terms of material and textile development? Here is to a bright future for all of us! Have a fantastic new month!

HR Čini mi se da ta širina pri dnu kod ovoga tipa hlača stvara nekakvu izolaciju protiv hlačno, to više kada uskladite svoje trapezice s toplim čizmama. Nisam sigurna je li moja hipoteza znastveno dokazana, ali to je osjećaj koji dobijem kada nosim ovaj kroj hlača. No, ima tu kvaka, zvonaste hlače moraju biti normalne dužine ili/i malo duže. Ako se radi o kraćim hlačama ovoga kroja, onda zaboravite to. Mislim još uvijek će vam biti toplo ako obučete prikladnu obuću (to jest tople čizme) ali vam neće biti toliko toplo kao s dužima. Kada smo već kod te teme, znate što mi se jao sviđa? Trend jako širokih nogavica kod ovoga tipa hlača. Počela sam ga viđati. Nisam sigurna hoću li potražiti par za sebe, baš mi se nešto ne da u kupovinu ovih dana, ali lijepo ih je vidjeti okolo. Malo promjene uvijek dobro dođe, zar ne? Što još viđamo okolo? Puno krzna, zar ne? Ne samo u editorijalima već i na ulicama. Krzno, umjetno ili pravo, popularno je već dugo, ali ove zime mi se čini da je trend nekako eksplodirao. Primijetila sam da se puno više nose krznene jaknice i kaputi u svakodnevnici. Ako mene pitate, to je odlično jer je krzno savršeno za očuvanje topline tijela. Većina ljudi će izabrati umjetno krzno, ne samo zbog moralnih razloga već i stoga što si većina i ne može priuštiti pravi krzneni kaput. Srećom danas imamo odličan izbor umjetnoga krzna. Tehnologija ima svojih prednosti. Tko zna gdje će nas sve budućnost odvesti po pitanju razvoja materijala i tekstila? U to ime za ljepšu budućnost svih nas! Želim vam fantastičan mjesec!


modna ilustracija


P.S. How do you like my fashion illustration of the day? I've been practicing illustrating fur a lot lately. I'm enjoying it a lot. I have another Inspired by post coming up in which I illustrated a fur jacket, but all in due time. How do you like this illustrated outfit? Would you wear it? 

P.S. Kako vam se sviđa moja modna ilustracija? Dosta sam vježbala ilustriranje krzna u zadnje vrijeme. Baš uživam u tome. Imam još jednu objavu u Nadahnuta s rubrici  u kojoj sam ilustrirala krznenu jaknicu, ali sve u svoje vrijeme. Što vam se čini od ove kombinacije? Biste li je nosili?

fashion illustration

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  1. I like flare pants/jeans too. And your fashion illustration is amazing.
    Nina's Style Blog

  2. very nice illustration..i like this look..

  3. Great illustration!

  4. I gave up my flares for slimmer silhouettes some years ago but after seeing this stylish illustration and reading your thoughts on them, I think I'm changing my mind :)

  5. I love the flares! Great look!

  6. I love the flares, very nice post honey <3

  7. Adore the combination of camel color with blue jeans because it could create a modern version of American cowboy girl style :)



  8. Great post ❤
    Follow-follow on GFC?

  9. Oh, I loved your illustration, dear Ivana! I like flare jeans - or bell bottom jeans - or then loon pants :) But as I am short, and chubby - I feel they don't look so good on me, so I tend to wear a discrete pair of flare jeans. And you are so right, they are comfortable and I love wearing them with boots - I feel so comfortable and it is so practical. I loved the way you drew the fur coat and yes, these days there is a big amount of fake fur and it's good! Cheaper and cruelty free :) Hope you have a great day, Ivana, many hugs!!

  10. Thanks for your good wishes, dear Ivana, the same for you! Yes, I definitely would wear the outfit you illustrated! You should be really proud on this illustration as I like both the outfit and how it turned out. I see you practiced a lot in the last time.
    And I know we both love flares. In fact I think I love flares even more in winter and thanks to you I know now why - because before I read your post I didn't think about it. It was further interesting to read about the different names for flares :) Thanks for sharing!
    xx from Bavaria/Germany, Rena

  11. The illustration is fashionable and cool!
    By the way, I have the same jeans)))

  12. Tako ti je savršeno ispala ova krznena jaknica, naprosto sam oduševljena! Ovo mi je definitivno jedna od tvojih najdražih ilustracija dosad! :)

    1. hvala ti puno, malo sam vježbala crtanje krzna i sada puno lakše ide.

  13. I agree with you that most people when they hear bell bottoms think about the bigger flared options like your fashion illustration, which is totally fab by the way!

  14. amazing!

    NEW BLOG ! please follow me : YOUNG BLOG

  15. Flared torusers - history, music, freedom. Great drawings - kisses - Margot :)

  16. Ahhh, can't believe you drew that - it's so good!


  17. Bellissimo come sempre!!

  18. wow...that was a great design...

  19. Oh wow, the bell bottom illustration reminds me of the 60s! xoxo

  20. great!
    NEW BLOG ! please follow me : YOUNG BLOG

    1. perhaps I would if your link wasn't a link to some online store and not a blog at all.

  21. Oh wow! That's one bell bottom jeans for sure, Ivana. Reminds me of a young Cher, the jeans not the girl, tho. Beautiful illustration as always. You've done a marvelous job on that fur jacket.
    New update: Click : : Click : : Clicketty Click

  22. I love this one, the outfit is so cute!! You're getting better and better :)

  23. I completely agree, flared jeans are so much fun to wear, they're stylish, flattering and at times beautifully dramatic - like those you've illustrated! Your drawings have genuinely made me want to try bigger and wider flares Ivana haha :) have a wonderful weekend..

    1. than you dear...right now I'm into these dramatic ones, but in reality I wear a more modest flare.

  24. hi Ivana, once again very lovely. Have a great weekend! xx

  25. Il flared jeans ed il faux fur sono un mix che amo molto. Tu devi essere una ragazza davvero creativa Ivana! Un bacio e grazie per la tua visita,

    Eniwhere Fashion
    Eniwhere Fashion Facebook

  26. I think that flare jeans were a pretty huge thing especially back in the day! I used to have a pair myself when I was in my early teens - I really loved that style! I still do, however, not on me - for some reason, I just don't enjoy wearing jeans at all anymore! I just don't think I look good in them at all - I've switched jeans to leggings a few years ago and haven't looked back since! Having said that, I feel a little nostalgic when I think about flare jeans and look at your beautiful fashion illustration. :) It takes me back! I hope you're well, hun, and sorry for being a little MIA lately. Just about to catch up with the rest of your lovely posts. :) <3 xoxo


    1. they were in when I was a teenager too, so I remember them well:)

  27. ;D

    Essa ilustração ficou bem legal!

    Ótima sexta!

    Beijo! ^^

  28. Oh wow, these flares are extreme and I adore them. Guilty - I like to think of bell bottoms as having bigger flares than regular flares too. Flares to me could mean the regular slight flare while bb have a lot more drama to them. What a coincidence though. I was just thinking of wearing bb and not quite an hour ago, I was digging for one in my closet. Great minds! I have a ton of flare jeans that I'm holding onto in hopes that they still make the cut when fashion spotlight shines on their styles again. I also do love cropped flares a lot. i just find them tricky to pull off. I own a black pair that I love love, but don't style it nearly enough for all the $ I paid for it.
    Isn't fur/faux fur beautiful? Totally upgrades a look. This is practice at illustrating fur though? Wow, I say you perfected it already. LOVE THIS illustration. So trendy, so beautiful! Kudos yet again Ivana!

  29. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  30. Ciao Ivana! Mi piace moltissimo l'illustrazione e l'outfit rappresentato! Baci, Valeria - Coco et La vie en rose FASHION & BEAUTY

  31. I love the different terms that have been used throughout the years! I've heard of all. Each is just a slight variation.

  32. The texture of the fur coat is superb in your painting!
    I have a real fur coat (very very vintage) and a fake one (which I've had for about 16 years)- the concern about faux fur is the fact that it has an impact environmentally- the fibres or the coat would take 1000 years to degrade. Anna at wrote about it fairly recently, I can't remember the details but I am a little anxious about buying faux fur now!xx

    1. I know what you mean. I have the same doubt about faux and real leather- both have their up and down sides for our coincidence.

  33. Kao prvo moram da pohvalim odeljak o različitim nazivima i poreklu takvih pantalona. Tip sam osobe koji skoro neprestano i nesvesno analizira reči i toliko me to nekad intrigira da završim nebrojeno puta istražujući njihova porekla i značenja. Na srpskom se zovu zvnoncare, a na španskom su pantalones de campana (takođe zvono) :) Bilo bi zanimljivo videti kako se zovu na drugim jezicima. Možda postoji neki drugačiji opis :)
    Mnogo mi se sviđaju takve nogavice koje su još šire od onih klasičnih modela. Ko zna, možda nađem nešto što mi odgovara.
    Takođe sam ljubitelj veštačkog krza i danas se pravi tako verno da često ne može ni da se zaključi da nije pravo. Mislim da daje notu glamura, greje nas, čini svaku kombinaciju nekako atraktivnijom. Još jedan razlog da uživamo u zimi ;)
    I ova ilustracija je fenomenalna! <3

    1. u talijanskom imaju zanimljiv naziv "a zampa d' elefante" u tj. obliku slonove surle:)

      slažem se- to je još jedan razlog da uživamo u zimi....ove godine sam napravila puno ilustracija s krzom tomu u čast.


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